Morning Runs - Will I Die?



  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I run 3-8 miles just about every weekday right after I wake up. Once I got used to morning runs, I was hooked. I don't think I could go back to the afternoon/evening unless I really had to.

    I eat after I run and I usually have a pretty big breakfast. As a result, I don't have extra hunger for the rest of the day. If I wake up really hungry, I might have something light before the run (like a bit of bread or some dried fruit), but this would be pretty rare. I am not more tired at work, I feel like I have even more energy now.

  • Penthesilea514
    Penthesilea514 Posts: 1,189 Member
    edited April 2017
    I wake up at 5:15AM every morning to workout- it took some getting used to but I feel so much better during the day afterwards. BUT I need to make sure I get enough sleep AND don't give in to the snooze- it does throw me off for a few days whenever I do that.

    You won't die :smile: One day, you might even like it. Or you could discover you need to rearrange priorities to fit in exercise in other ways (lunch time, immediately after work, etc).
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    I think consistency is key if you are going to keep doing it, especially if you are not really a morning person. Don't let yourself snooze or skip mornings - I swear it made getting up the next morning worse!

    Set out your running clothes the night before. I've also been known to sleep in mine :smile:

    I don't eat prior, just a few sips of coffee.

    You sleep in your run stuff?


    I sleep in my workout shirt a lot of nights. I don't think it's that unusual.

    Then get up and wear it to work out?

    Sure why not? When I would get up at 5am I'd roll out of bed, brush my teeth, put my contacts in, and jump on the treadmill. When it's chilly in the morning not having to change was a big plus.

    I just couldn't be in dirty clothes, you've had them on in bed like 8 hours.

    Saying that I run outside. I certainly wouldn't go out in sweaty bed clothes. Each to their own I guess.

    I don't get people shopping in pjs either.

    My bed isn't dirty and I don't wake up sweaty. I see no difference between doing this and putting a t-shirt on in the morning after I shower, doing some grocery shopping or whatever around the house, and then wearing the same shirt on a run later that afternoon.

    ETA: I end up taking the shirt off to put a bra on anyway.

    I wasn't suggesting anyone's bedding was dirty, apologies if it came across like that.

    I just really am surprised that people would wear the clothes they wear in bed to go outside. The human body sweats 0.3 litres of sweat in 8 hours.
    It takes me less than 5 minutes from the alarm going off to wee, weigh, work out gear on and teeth brushed.

    I couldn't do it, I'd feel scruffy.
  • msdemeanor70
    msdemeanor70 Posts: 66 Member
    Not a morning person. If I have plans after work, I force myself to run at 0430. I am a bit sluggish to start and my times are slower, but I do it. I don't sleep in my running clothes, but they are on the dresser nearby. I dress immediately then have a cup of coffee to get things moving - physically and mentally. :wink: I stick to the sidewalks in known areas when I run in the dark and I wear reflective gear. Just FYI - this gear sometimes attracts bats. I don't know why, maybe it's just me, but I have had more than one dive bomb my shiny belt over the years. I feel much better when it's over. Of course I want food when I'm done and since I haven't eaten breakfast, it works out pretty well in that respect. All that said, if you hate it, you won't do it for the long term. Maybe you can find a way to do morning once or twice a week and afternoon once or twice?
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    I think consistency is key if you are going to keep doing it, especially if you are not really a morning person. Don't let yourself snooze or skip mornings - I swear it made getting up the next morning worse!

    Set out your running clothes the night before. I've also been known to sleep in mine :smile:

    I don't eat prior, just a few sips of coffee.

    You sleep in your run stuff?


    I sleep in my workout shirt a lot of nights. I don't think it's that unusual.

    Then get up and wear it to work out?

    Sure why not? When I would get up at 5am I'd roll out of bed, brush my teeth, put my contacts in, and jump on the treadmill. When it's chilly in the morning not having to change was a big plus.

    I just couldn't be in dirty clothes, you've had them on in bed like 8 hours.

    Saying that I run outside. I certainly wouldn't go out in sweaty bed clothes. Each to their own I guess.

    I don't get people shopping in pjs either.

    My bed isn't dirty and I don't wake up sweaty. I see no difference between doing this and putting a t-shirt on in the morning after I shower, doing some grocery shopping or whatever around the house, and then wearing the same shirt on a run later that afternoon.

    ETA: I end up taking the shirt off to put a bra on anyway.

    I wasn't suggesting anyone's bedding was dirty, apologies if it came across like that.

    I just really am surprised that people would wear the clothes they wear in bed to go outside. The human body sweats 0.3 litres of sweat in 8 hours.
    It takes me less than 5 minutes from the alarm going off to wee, weigh, work out gear on and teeth brushed.

    I couldn't do it, I'd feel scruffy.

    Lol, no problem :) I am sure that I look scruffy but I don't really mind that when exercising.
  • WakkoW
    WakkoW Posts: 567 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    I think consistency is key if you are going to keep doing it, especially if you are not really a morning person. Don't let yourself snooze or skip mornings - I swear it made getting up the next morning worse!

    Set out your running clothes the night before. I've also been known to sleep in mine :smile:

    I don't eat prior, just a few sips of coffee.

    You sleep in your run stuff?


    I sleep in my workout shirt a lot of nights. I don't think it's that unusual.

    Then get up and wear it to work out?

    Sure why not? When I would get up at 5am I'd roll out of bed, brush my teeth, put my contacts in, and jump on the treadmill. When it's chilly in the morning not having to change was a big plus.

    I just couldn't be in dirty clothes, you've had them on in bed like 8 hours.

    Saying that I run outside. I certainly wouldn't go out in sweaty bed clothes. Each to their own I guess.

    I don't get people shopping in pjs either.

    My bed isn't dirty and I don't wake up sweaty. I see no difference between doing this and putting a t-shirt on in the morning after I shower, doing some grocery shopping or whatever around the house, and then wearing the same shirt on a run later that afternoon.

    ETA: I end up taking the shirt off to put a bra on anyway.

    I wasn't suggesting anyone's bedding was dirty, apologies if it came across like that.

    I just really am surprised that people would wear the clothes they wear in bed to go outside. The human body sweats 0.3 litres of sweat in 8 hours.
    It takes me less than 5 minutes from the alarm going off to wee, weigh, work out gear on and teeth brushed.

    I couldn't do it, I'd feel scruffy.

    I sort of get that. It's why I don't use a wash cloth more than once and use a different towel everyday to dry off. And I never use the same workout clothes more than once. But no, I don't wake up feeling particularly dirty, but I might after a good run.
  • JeepHair77
    JeepHair77 Posts: 1,291 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    I think consistency is key if you are going to keep doing it, especially if you are not really a morning person. Don't let yourself snooze or skip mornings - I swear it made getting up the next morning worse!

    Set out your running clothes the night before. I've also been known to sleep in mine :smile:

    I don't eat prior, just a few sips of coffee.

    You sleep in your run stuff?


    I sleep in my workout shirt a lot of nights. I don't think it's that unusual.

    Then get up and wear it to work out?

    Sure why not? When I would get up at 5am I'd roll out of bed, brush my teeth, put my contacts in, and jump on the treadmill. When it's chilly in the morning not having to change was a big plus.

    I just couldn't be in dirty clothes, you've had them on in bed like 8 hours.

    Saying that I run outside. I certainly wouldn't go out in sweaty bed clothes. Each to their own I guess.

    I don't get people shopping in pjs either.

    My bed isn't dirty and I don't wake up sweaty. I see no difference between doing this and putting a t-shirt on in the morning after I shower, doing some grocery shopping or whatever around the house, and then wearing the same shirt on a run later that afternoon.

    ETA: I end up taking the shirt off to put a bra on anyway.

    I wasn't suggesting anyone's bedding was dirty, apologies if it came across like that.

    I just really am surprised that people would wear the clothes they wear in bed to go outside. The human body sweats 0.3 litres of sweat in 8 hours.
    It takes me less than 5 minutes from the alarm going off to wee, weigh, work out gear on and teeth brushed.

    I couldn't do it, I'd feel scruffy.

    To each their own. I wouldn't wake up in my pajamas and go out to the mall. But will I wear wrinkled, sweaty clothes to go out and.... sweat in them some more? Sure.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    I often run fasted and then morning feast after.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I have a full glass of water when I wake up and run on empty. I eat breakfast right after however.

    Aftercare is so important if you are going to do this. If you are cold and wet, get warm and dry. If you are starving afterwards, eat.

    I always feel better after a run.
  • mommarnurse
    mommarnurse Posts: 515 Member
    xLyric wrote: »
    I completed C25K a few months ago and then Things happened and I stopped running. I want to start again, but I also hate the sun and can't breathe in the gym, both of which are problems in the summer. The obvious solution is to quit being a baby and run at 6am. I work 8-5. I'm not a morning person, but I'm also not willing to sacrifice my evenings, so this is what I've decided to do (it's a novel idea, I know).

    Obviously I'm not going to die, but does anyone have tips/whatever for running at the crack of dawn? Do you eat before or after? Are you dead at work afterwards or do you find it wakes you up more? Are you hungrier at work? Any other advice is welcome as well.

    Running a few miles in the evenings is hardly sacrificing them. If it's truly important to you, you'll find a way to fit it in.
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    I only run in the mornings, (not so early though,i go out at 8) and i always do it fasted.No food, no water (a small sip of water with my thyroid medication).I haven't died yet :wink: On mondays i run for 15k which takes me about 1h45' without the need to eat or drink anything. I eat after i come home and take my shower, so it can be 11 o'clock in the morning before i sit down to have breakfast.I have a big breakfast,and then i'm good for a few hours for sure. So i don't get really hungry or anything like than.My shorter runs are even easier. Energy wise i feel fine. I don't have to go to work on my running days though.
    Just try it and see what works for you.By trial and error is the way to do it.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I mostly run first thing, get up and dress before I’ve realised what’s happening, drink a small glass of water, pee and go. I can be twenty minutes away before my brain kicks in and figures out I’m outside, moving, and the only way back is to run. By that time I’m awake enjoying the world. I drink a small protein shake or glass of chocolate milk when I get back, and don’t properly eat until a few hours later. I’m still alive….

    On weekends I sometimes run in the afternoon, but wait a couple of hours after eating (normally eating something like a full English breakfast if I think I can get away with it!!). I have learnt my lesson about getting warm as soon as you get back though – I used to stay in my running gear and mooch around having lunch, now I run a hot bath or similar.

    I was never a morning person either, but figured there's so many things I wanted to do in the evening socially (and kept making excuses), that I could spare half an hour in the morning for a run
  • scorpio516
    scorpio516 Posts: 955 Member
    I used to. Now I've got to be on the train at 6, out the door by 5:45, so not enough time.

    I can't run after eating, ever. I often run at lunchtime and eat after. Otherwise right when I get home, before making dinner
  • joemac1988
    joemac1988 Posts: 1,021 Member
    xLyric wrote: »
    I completed C25K a few months ago and then Things happened and I stopped running. I want to start again, but I also hate the sun and can't breathe in the gym, both of which are problems in the summer. The obvious solution is to quit being a baby and run at 6am. I work 8-5. I'm not a morning person, but I'm also not willing to sacrifice my evenings, so this is what I've decided to do (it's a novel idea, I know).

    Obviously I'm not going to die, but does anyone have tips/whatever for running at the crack of dawn? Do you eat before or after? Are you dead at work afterwards or do you find it wakes you up more? Are you hungrier at work? Any other advice is welcome as well.

    You'll actually find you have more endurance. This is because your body temperature is lowest when you first wake.
    1. If your goal is to lose fat, don't eat. If it's to increase endurance, etc eat some carbs like a banana.
    2. You'll be more alert through the day but ready to go to sleep in the evening!
    3. You will likely be hungrier due to your metabolism getting a jump start first thing. Eat fiber to keep satisfied.

    I've been going to the gym at 4:30AM for over a year and won't switch back to evenings. I very rarely miss a workout because it's the first thing I do rather than get to the end of the day and it was stressful/long/things came up/not in the mood/etc so I'm just going to take it easy tonight.
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    You may actually die. I try to avoid running ... it makes the cops suspicious ...
  • genpopadopolous
    genpopadopolous Posts: 411 Member
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    I think consistency is key if you are going to keep doing it, especially if you are not really a morning person. Don't let yourself snooze or skip mornings - I swear it made getting up the next morning worse!

    Set out your running clothes the night before. I've also been known to sleep in mine :smile:

    I don't eat prior, just a few sips of coffee.

    You sleep in your run stuff?


    I sleep in my workout shirt a lot of nights. I don't think it's that unusual.

    Then get up and wear it to work out?

    Sure why not? When I would get up at 5am I'd roll out of bed, brush my teeth, put my contacts in, and jump on the treadmill. When it's chilly in the morning not having to change was a big plus.

    I just couldn't be in dirty clothes, you've had them on in bed like 8 hours.

    Saying that I run outside. I certainly wouldn't go out in sweaty bed clothes. Each to their own I guess.

    I don't get people shopping in pjs either.

    What do you do in your sleep that has you so drenched that you can't go...sweat in running clothes?

    I run in the morning, fasted. If I workout on a full stomach I feel gross.

  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,012 Member
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    I think consistency is key if you are going to keep doing it, especially if you are not really a morning person. Don't let yourself snooze or skip mornings - I swear it made getting up the next morning worse!

    Set out your running clothes the night before. I've also been known to sleep in mine :smile:

    I don't eat prior, just a few sips of coffee.

    You sleep in your run stuff?


    I sleep in my workout shirt a lot of nights. I don't think it's that unusual.

    Then get up and wear it to work out?

    Sure why not? When I would get up at 5am I'd roll out of bed, brush my teeth, put my contacts in, and jump on the treadmill. When it's chilly in the morning not having to change was a big plus.

    I just couldn't be in dirty clothes, you've had them on in bed like 8 hours.

    Saying that I run outside. I certainly wouldn't go out in sweaty bed clothes. Each to their own I guess.

    I don't get people shopping in pjs either.

    What do you do in your sleep that has you so drenched that you can't go...sweat in running clothes?

    I run in the morning, fasted. If I workout on a full stomach I feel gross.

    Since I hit perimenopause I sweat every night and some nights I feel like I'm drenched in sweat. Best not to sleep in anything.

    I don't run in the mornings. I do usually run early on Sundays (like 10 or 11 am). And I run in the afternoon after work. I usually have tons of energy after my runs. I will be a little tired right after it, but I always feel really energized on Sundays and in the evenings after I run. I would expect to have plenty of energy for your day.
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    Walked at 6 this morning which resulted in a massive headache until about 11, but otherwise it went pretty well. It did show me that I should probably give it a week or two before I start trying to run again--an hour walk tired me out more than it really needed to, haha. I think I'm also not getting as much water as I thought I was, so fixing that should help as well.

    Of course it's going to pour tomorrow, but I think getting into the habit will be good for me. Thanks for the help, all. :smile:
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    The only way I can run early in the morning is to get everything ready the night before and when my alarm goes off, get my *kitten* out the door as soon as possible. No food, no coffee, no checking my email. Just get your *kitten* out. The longer it takes you to get out there, the easier it is to find excuses to go back to bed.
  • crowleyed72
    crowleyed72 Posts: 247 Member

    I just couldn't be in dirty clothes, you've had them on in bed like 8 hours.

    Saying that I run outside. I certainly wouldn't go out in sweaty bed clothes. Each to their own I guess.

    I don't get people shopping in pjs either.[/quote]

    Lol not being mean but you'd never survive the military there are days you go in the same uniform while on deployments or even in the field. Awww sweet memories