How do I stay focused on myself and motivated when I think my husband is cheating on me?

I was doing great with my dieting and fitness routine but over the past few months my husband has been going to the gym and working out, I was super excited that he was getting into it with me...BUT now a culmination of things together make it seem like he's cheating on me, so we've been fighting a's destroying me and I feel like I'm slipping back into to bad eating habits and being tired all of the time . Has anybody else had to deal with these issues affecting their workouts and diet?


  • musclesandmusic866
    musclesandmusic866 Posts: 1,396 Member
    The gym is a place for me where the rest of the world doesn't exist. No problems matter when I am in the gym. But not everyone can have that attitude.

    This! Make it your happy place.
  • quebot
    quebot Posts: 99 Member
    Sorry to hear what you are going through. I can imagine it must be hard. My advice is to keep focusing on YOU. This is for you. Your intuitions may be right but they could be wrong. Please use this as motivation to be where you want to be. Not for your marriage but again for YOU. Don't give up, keep moving day at a time, one meal at a time, one exercise at a will get there in TIME. Best wishes to you and please feel free to add me if you need motivation and support!

    This is great advice worth repeating daily.
  • lilchefmelissa
    lilchefmelissa Posts: 21 Member
    Sorry you are going through this. Its a terrible feeling to have. Make yourself the best you can be, regaurdless of the situation. It will be a better feeling for YOU no matter what the outcome is. Put your frustration out on the treadmill not into food. ❤ hang in there
  • Sofondapeters
    Sofondapeters Posts: 3 Member
    That sucks. JUST had something similar happen, and it's absolutely the worst. Drove myself crazy obsessing over what I thought he was doing, and was, and ignored my health. His leaving is what motivates me in my weight loss. I started for me, and when I get depressed and reach for the wrong foods or don't want to exercise, I think about how I want to shove it in his face that he was stupid enough to want someone else. I am amazing, fat or thin, but when I see him once I look great and feel strong both emotionally and physically, it will be worth every chip I didn't eat.
    I hope you don't go through what I did. But I try to remember I'm worth this, and anyone who doesn't see that I'm a gold medal now doesn't deserve me when I'm hot. Hang in there, YOU are what's important, no matter how hard it is to feel that way sometimes.
  • TilKingdomCome
    TilKingdomCome Posts: 89 Member
    Yes a lot. It was a stressful incident (a death) that led me down the track of getting things under control.

    I've done really well the past 3 years until the last few months where again another death has me slipping again. So I'm employing the same tactics I did the first time...

    I exercise (run or walk) to relieve stress and clear my head.

    My biggest problem is over eating so in the past I have also used other people who tried to make me feel bad or did nasty things to me as a motivator to 'show them what I'm made of' or 'prove them wrong'. It built my confidence tremendously.

    Good luck to you and your marriage troubles, I hope you're able to find a way to work through it and take care of yourself in the process.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    edited April 2017
    Can you find a therapist to help you (not the both of you -- just you)?
    Otherwise, focus on your needs. Keep doing things that will help you now and in the future <3
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Can you not exercise together?

    Me and my husband work out together. Running, cycling, hiking.
  • seximama2017
    seximama2017 Posts: 54 Member
    I found out My girlfriend of 7 years was having an affair with her ex.. I left that hoe and when I'm having troubles and not wanting to continue my workout I repeatedly say "f**k (her name)" and it helps me work out harder hahaha. I use her as motivation and have gone from working out never to working out 5 days a week to release my pent up anger. It helps a lot I find.
    Ditto! I would take all that frustration and make him desire what he lost (if you find he was cheating). But, I speak for myself bc, well, I'm a b***h! There is a book called "why men live bit**hes. You should pick it up. I swear it was written about my life
  • Rob_in_MI
    Rob_in_MI Posts: 393 Member
    Been there, done that. It sucks. Don't let it turn you into one of those pitiful, sorrowful people that you'll regret being down the road. Use it as fuel to take even better care of yourself. Whether it's happening or not, you cannot control what others do.
  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    All i have to say is if i thought my husband was cheating on me that would make me want to workout more just to show him...but like others have said don't let him have this kind of control over your way or another you need to find out and make peace with yourself..all this stress isn't good for you