People who pick a fight for no reason.

Sivadee00 Posts: 428 Member
edited April 2017 in Chit-Chat
Today I was at the fabric store, talking on the phone, and noticed this woman walking around me. She stopped to listen in on my discussion. I walked away and soon ended my phone call. Then I hear that nosy woman talking loudly to a store employee complaining about me and how she didn't like my attitude? I was never loud, angry, or rude. Then she continued to follow me even up to the register to pay. I looked and she was scowling. Very creepy!

Did you have a similar experience with some stranger in public?

Has anyone ever tried to start a fight with you because of your size (big or small) or because you have muscles or look strong?

Give us your thoughts! ☺


  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    First one that comes to my mind is when I was in grade 5 or 6 a tiny little girl a couple of years younger than me came up to me and hit me in the face. She said "I don't like the look on your face" then turned around and walked away. I was shocked, completely dumbfounded.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited April 2017
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,505 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    sounds like a *kitten* nutjob

    Hey... what's that supposed to mean?

    I've been called a *kitten* nut job too; so you got a problem with me, tough guy?

    Do ya??

    lets fight *kitten*


    .... just don't hit me in the face; I'm far too vain and pretty for that, okay?

    Thank you in advance for understanding.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,505 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    sounds like a *kitten* nutjob

    Hey... what's that supposed to mean?

    I've been called a *kitten* nut job too; so you got a problem with me, tough guy?

    Do ya??

    lets fight *kitten*


    .... just don't hit me in the face; I'm far too vain and pretty for that, okay?

    Thank you in advance for understanding.

    don't be a *kitten*

    Well, it's a lil late for that, now isn't it?
  • Sivadee00
    Sivadee00 Posts: 428 Member
    Gomez1972 wrote: »
    Not yet, but I do get stares. I'm 488lbs, and go swimming, movies, restaurants etc. I don;t let them get to me. I do have to say that when children stare and point, or ask their parents questions about my size, it is a little odd. It is understandable, but with adults, it's not.

    Thank you for sharing this. Children can learn terrible behavior from their parents. I think the adults figure that, the people they judge, will just feel embarrassed and not say anything. It's horrible and very wrong.
  • crabtasticshrimp
    crabtasticshrimp Posts: 21 Member
    Bluwaves1 wrote: »
    I work as a RN with criminally insane people and usually it is because "the voices told me to punch someone". But usually the voices always pick some one smaller than they are....

    I have the same job and find as a small (5'1) female, I'm usually the safest!
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    Nosy biddy needs a life of her own so she can stop creeping on strangers.
  • SomebodyWakeUpHIcks
    SomebodyWakeUpHIcks Posts: 3,836 Member
    My husband and I were at dinner one night and we couldn't decide what to order. The table next to us (an obvious lesbian couple) was receiving their food. So we looked to see what they had ordered. The plates looked amazing so we stared a while to figure out what they had ordered. We ordered our dinner and we're enjoying our meals when the table next to us finished. As they were leaving the restaurant, the more insecure of the two came up to our table and said "why don't you take a picture, it will last longer". I was shocked! Mostly because she had all dinner to think of something to say and that's the best she could do. But also because we were only admiring their plates and don't care what they eat after dinner. Naturally, I caused a huge scene and embarrassed her more than she could do herself. Got them removed from the restaurant and got the dinner comped and laughed hysterically all the way home. If you can't handle being out in public, don't go out in public. But also don't *kitten* with me and my food.


    She started it

    Was she hot?
  • pinklife1117
    pinklife1117 Posts: 79 Member
    Usually those people are unhappy in their life and manifest that people are starring at them or whatever the scenario is. I just chose to not fight every battle! Usually it is not worth it! #LOA
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    not really in that little brother has had staff at a store (walmart) follow him when he picked up movies to buy....they have had the means of calling him a thief just because other people have stolen from them....that makes me mad that they assume some people as thief's and not others....i've been screamed at in front of a busy store for picking up a lighter and i don't even was uncalled for...they could of at least put a sign up stating there policy as far as picking a fight in a store never...out on the happened weekly but that i just pretend i didn't hear them..i'm not a fighter..i hate fighting to tell you the truth