Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • junebug_13
    junebug_13 Posts: 2 Member
    First time posting on here! I am trying to "start" again but this time I want to mean it. I am 26 years old and have spent all of my 20's so far fat. I gained over 70 lbs with my daughter and have not lost it. I have put on more since then as well as having a son. I am so ashamed and unhappy with myself. I want to change. I need to change. It's obvious to me I have a food addiction and I need to look at food like fuel but it's so hard someday's. How do you handle the cravings? What are some of your favorite delicious healthy meals?
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,423 Member
    gemwolf, so nice to have your own desk, I'm sure you'll come up with a good schedule, just don't munch on trail mix all day, like I did before mfp, thinking it's healthy lol.jdelaroy, I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle, my prayers for your family. Welcome junebug, I too gained 70lbs with my first & never lost it all. We're glad you're here. I will say that as long as you keep at it, you'll succeed. Don't expect to change in a short period of time, just keep trying & moving forward. The only time we fail is when we give up & stop trying. Changing habits was a big deal in my life within the last 2 years, I'm not even talking about diet, buy in my thinking pattern & it took months of effort to get into a different thinking pattern, It was harder than changing what /how I eat but now a days, a lot of days it's become a new habit & i don't have to battle it every day. On a personal note, I'm very sore & tired. I'm sure it's from the Zumba, I've only gone 2 times & I don't think I should stop since it's not pain, just sore, even my butt is sore from shaking it, lol
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,348 Member
    @bluepoppies777 So glad to see you're back with the memes! Love the veterinarian husband says that's just food catcher. but still funny. Sorry about the funk and the crazy Easter trip.

    @Rachel0778 Glad you're feeling better! Being sick sucks, especially after truly trying times and crazy travel. I'm always amazed at how active & energetic you are.

    Glad to see everyone back! Welcome to all new people (@graphics1125, @iamrosiegxx, @hustle_4_muscle_kc, mbam89, @junebug13,@Tweaking_Time), hope you stick around. I've really enjoyed this group.

    I'm jealous of everyone who gets time off for Easter...I don't so much celebrate it (I'm religiously complicated) but time off is time off. I have no opportunity for time off until June and then it is complicated. But I don't compromise on June...anniversary=vacation. We've only missed on year and that was the year I started working for my current employer...started the day before our 3rd. My hubs didn't want to do anything meal-wise for the 'rents on Easter, which was a bit of a surprise. His mom used to do a big Easter dinner every year. I kind of think delivering 3 meals a week to them is wearing him out (I'm usually with him, but he bears the brunt. That sounds bad. They're very nice people, just...wearing) and it has only been 3 weeks.

    Lots of crazy at work, but that's the nature of the beast. March/April -July is always insane and I've got an extra research project which requires me to talk to vendors a lot. I hate talking to vendors. Just tell me about your product. I don't want to hear about your thoughts on ROI and a sales pitch. Tell me (show me) how it functions in the real world. Reports are nice...but functionality driving them is far more important. One of them spent 25 minutes expounding on how wonderful their reports were (but I'd already gotten 30 minutes of that in a previous conversation) when I would have much preferred hearing about functionality. Why!?! And it isn't like state gov can afford their product. Crazy expensive. GRRR. Enough on that.

    Rehab on the foot is going well. It still aches a lot but everyone, including my physical therapist, says my limp in improving a lot. In fact, I'm apparently more limpy on the right side (not broken) than the left. I think everything is trying to get used to the new reality and my joint condition did not like the past four months. Did a mile and a half walking today and four miles on the stationary bike. Got nothing productive done. We were supposed to do some house stuff, but his mom wanted help with something, just a couple hours...four hours later...well. I could have done something while I waited on him to get back...but I didn't. Nothing productive after the gym except dinner making. Well, he did some dishes. I did some napping. Tomorrow!!
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,348 Member
    junebug_13 wrote: »
    First time posting on here! I am trying to "start" again but this time I want to mean it. I am 26 years old and have spent all of my 20's so far fat. I gained over 70 lbs with my daughter and have not lost it. I have put on more since then as well as having a son. I am so ashamed and unhappy with myself. I want to change. I need to change. It's obvious to me I have a food addiction and I need to look at food like fuel but it's so hard someday's. How do you handle the cravings? What are some of your favorite delicious healthy meals?

    It was late when I posted before and I forgot I wanted to say something...I say this any time anyone says they are addicted to food...We all are, in the worst way. If we stop eating food...we die. Don't do that. Just change your relationship with it. It isn't 'just' is one of the core pieces of culture. Amy culture. Look at all the cultural traditions that involve food. Even religious traditions (was at a Catholic funeral a couple days, wafer, after-service meal, which I didn't go to). If all it is is fuel, we miss out on our culture and traditions and the things that hold families and communities together--think about big family events. I bet they all involve food. Food is literally life. Respect food, respect yourself. The most important piece is figuring out how that looks for you.

    So, the folks who have been on here a while have heard all about the weight loss program I was on for 10 weeks recently. I really hated was inconsistent and gave irresponsible advice. One of the things they said that I both liked and hated was this: Eat what you love. Why I like it: well, we all like to eat things that are delicious. Why I hated it: they followed it up with a whole lot of unlesses...unless it is yogurt that doesn't have 2x more protein than sugar (which is hard because yogurt has so much lactose)...unless it is wine...unless it is juice...unless it has sugar in it...etc. But I also disliked it because, as adults there are some things we may not love but we need to my case oatmeal. I don't love it. I don't hate it (usually...some days...). But I have high cholesterol and oatmeal is good for I eat oatmeal even though it is not something I love or crave. And some people really don't love the veg (I LOVE veggies), but veg are really good for you. Maybe it is me, but I don't think not eating veg is a viable option (not if you want to be healthy).

    But the point of the tangent...balance things you really love with foods you don't hate but are good for you. Ultimately, weight loss is less about what you eat and more about how much. People have lost weight on the twinkie diet (gross), eating nothing but McDonald's (so gross), eating Subway twice a day (snooze) and a variety of other insane diets...the reason: they managed portions and limited calorie. You can bet the McDonald's guy didn't eat Super Sized Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese meals every day with regular Coke. If you crave chocolate, eat some (just not a pound of it!). If you crave potato chips, eat some (just not the bag, like my husband likes to do). The stupid weight loss program claimed you couldn't lose weight if you drank wine. I probably had 8-10 glasses of wine while (not) doing the program...and I lost 15 lbs. You'll find we like wine and cheese and stuff like that in this forum.

    Use a food scale to figure out what a portion really looks like. Some people get really hard-core on food scale...I'm more relaxed...I don't weigh everything, I don't obsess about one extra gram. But weighing helps keep what you're eating in perspective. Log everything. Use the meal and recipe feature to build your own bank of what you eat/like. Sometimes the database entries are weird and crazy...find the ones that seem to match (or add some of your own). You'll have to decide how much of certain things you will eat (not can eat...will eat). Keep w/in your calories. Move (You have two kids, this part shouldn't be hard). Try teaming up with others near you who want to lose...and add friends here. Ask your husband/boyfriend/partner/etc to support you (not necessarily to join, but to be trying to lose weight before, mine was always pushing stuff I didn't think I should eat, like Taco John's, at me and now he asks where my calories are and if I think I can fit things in, I don't feel like cooking, where are your calories? Can you afford Taco John's, Chinese, ice cream, etc?) and encourage you. Maybe go for family walks.

    I like to cook...and the way I cook hasn't changed a lot, just how much I eat of what I cook. I'm better about portioning into single meals rather than having a huge, two serving bowl. So, things I like to cook. I love cooking Ethiopian (rapture!), Thai (not as often...I'd rather buy it out as my hubs and I don't agree on what's awesome), Indian, Mexican (sometimes--hubs really likes taco salad, which isn't really Mexican), Italian (and fake Italian) etc, but we also cook bog standard American, like Salisbury steak with mashed potatoes...which I make with pre-made turkey burgers and always include a green veg, or just plain chicken and rice with veg. We have taco salad every other Sunday. On the alternate Sundays, we typically have homemade pizza. I like to make a homemade crust but it takes a lot of time, so we've been defaulting to Mama Mary's pre-made thin crust (the only thin crust I don't hate, so far) which isn't horrible calorie wise unless you eat half of it--but they also make smaller ones, where half is about right. What kind of food do you like?

    Okay...enough! Went on longer than I intended. Good luck!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @melaniedscott - glad the rehab is going well. You are doing so well with the exercise - even if you did nothing else that day, you got some serious work in there so you were productive, don't be too hard on yourself!

    @Evamutt - good going on the zumba! It is something that I would love to try but I'm so very uncoordinated that I've never had the nerve to do so. Perhaps I should get a dvd and do so from the privacy of my house - see just how badly it goes!!

    @gemwolf110 - great to have your own desk. But I hear you about the exercise - I'm now making a conscious effort to get the exercise - walks at lunchtime, go to talk to someone rather than sending an e-mail otherwise I'd sit at my desk all day and barely move! The only saving grace is that when I'm in the office I have 10 minutes each way between office and station which helps on the step count but it really is hard.

    @junebug_13 - welcome! Nothing really to add - the others have all given really good advice. Stick with it and try and make small changes and it will come together for you. I have a 2 year old son and I'm still trying to shift the last pounds that I put on carrying him - and I've recently come to the conclusion that I have to take it one step at a time. Previously, I was trying to lose weight, shift inches, decrease body fat, exercise more - etc, etc - and I don't have the time. So now the aim is simple - get to my goal weight then decide what my next focus is. Ok - so my statement about nothing to add wasn't really true! Good luck and come back here often.

    @Tweaking_Time - what a great set of achievements!

    Rachel - hope you had a good weekend and were able to keep your mindful eating focus!

    Jen - so sorry to hear about your uncle. Hope the dinner and baseball was fun and that things are improving for you.

    Lovely weekend here but back to work today - boo hiss! And I have a cough which is driving me nuts! So fell off the wagon yesterday - didn't log anything so I don't know where I ended up. It won't be too bad as I didn't overeat but after two weeks of loss, my weight was back up again this weekend which is disappointing. So back on it today - I realise that I need to be far stricter with myself when I'm at home, far too easy to snack on the left over Easter egg or pick up a dessert when we have gone to the shops to buy milk!! Hope you all have good Mondays :)
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Welcome @Tweaking_Time keep up the great work!

    @janetay01 I'm with you, I have a much harder time at home than I do out an about. The cupboards call my name!

    @melaniedscott I'm glad to hear the foot rehab is going well. No matter how much one loves their parents (or inlaws) 3 times a week is A LOT! I bet you're on countdown for that fabulous vacation in June

    @gemwolf110 Glad the new job is going well! We'll be here once you get into the swing of things. I'm the same way, I use any excuse to move away from my desk for awhile to get those extra steps in

    @Evamutt After all that activity no wonder you're sore! Just think of how awesome your *kitten* will look after all that shaking lol

    @junebug_13 Welcome! I agree completely with @melaniedscott's advice. Find food and movement that you enjoy, track everything, and make goals that are reasonable. If you're feeling deprived, overly hungry, or overly sore chances are you may be doing too much too fast. Whatever changes you make should be ones you're willing to do for the rest of your life (since I assume you want to keep the weight off forever!)

    The weekend was so wonderful, but it went by way too fast! Friday we got together with friends and I ended up eating some unexpected pizza after dinner...woops!

    Saturday I decided to get my *kitten* together. My SO and I set up our challenge board. We are going to do 10 weeks of healthy habits. If I win, I get a shopping spree for new workout clothes! He already blew it yesterday with ice cream so I'm +1 on the board so far! We chose habits since I'm less concerned with the actual number on the scale, but what I am putting into my body.

    The weekend was so gorgeous I ended up walking the dog so much I didn't get any intense workouts in so I woke up early to hit it hard this morning. I've got my activities for the rest of the week scheduled so I'm ready to rock it!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 Did you survive the weekend? I love that you didn’t let your workout get derailed. A little pizza isn’t bad. I love your healthy habit challenge. I would love a shopping spree.

    @tweaking_time. It is amazing what happens when we try new things. Good job on attempting something new.

    @junebug_13 Welcome, you can do this. Handling cravings: Stay busy, suck on some low calorie mints, brush your teeth, drink water, lots of water, have pre-packed healthy snack alternatives.

    @gemwolf110 Thank you for checking in. Glad you got to start your new shift, and it flies by. Hopefully, you will get settled soon, and we will be able to see more of you.

    @evamutt sore butt and body sounds like a good work out to me. I hope you keep it up. Especially if you like it.

    @melaniedscott I can see how delivering 3 meals a week can be wearing on anyone. Glad your rehab is going well.

    @janetay01 I loved your advice to junebug about not trying to do everything at once. I think a lot of people are so excited, and want to see immediate changes they try everything all at once and get burned out and quit. I think a lot of people went crazy with the Easter holiday. Luckily we have time to recover.

    Thank you everyone for the kind words, and well wishes. It meant a lot to me. I had a rough weekend, but I am so proud of myself for not emotionally eating this weekend. (Saturday I slept most of the day.) Better than eating the day away though. Friday, did a baseball game, Lots of fun, and I managed to stay within calories. Saturday, slept all day so didn’t do a lot of eating. Went and saw a play my niece was in orchestra for. Sunday did some deep cleaning around the house, roller skating, and shoe shopping for the kids. The Bf kept me busy all day Sunday, so no chance to mope around. Today, I actually feel pretty good.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,423 Member
    I got so surprised & delighted Sunday morning. Me & hubby usually walk all our dogs together on Sunday(6), I walk the higher energy ones so I do a little jogging. I can do almost half block at a time, then I have to stop & catch my breath, walk a few blocks & do it again. this Sunday, I jogged a whole long block without much of a problem, walked one block & did it again. I even went out this morning for a little jog. Maybe the Zumba is helping? janetay, I'm so uncoordinated & have no rhythm but I do like Zumba & do the best I can. I don't worry too much about what ppl think any more,like I did when I was younger, we're basically all the same as far as feeling embarrassed or caring what ppl think of us, they're thinking the same. We went over one of our sons for lunch yesterday. They made beans & beef cooked in liquid. It has a mexican name but can't remember. The only bad thing I ate was some tortilla chips with it. They eat healthy. They both work out and are into health. This is my youngest son. By the end of high school, he weighed close to 350lbs. He lost all his weight & kept it off. He ate alot of fried rice he made & played raquetball. He's 32 now, loves to eat but doesn't gain weight. He doesn't eat any junk food tho, he like to cook & BBQ. He makes an awsome chocolate cake with buttercream frosting from scratch, but didn't yesterday. All my 3 sons are good cooks. My dtr is an ok cook lol
  • kasey39
    kasey39 Posts: 39 Member
    I went off the grid for a couple weeks...I'm Orthodox so we had a lot of church during Holy Week, and I felt my focus should be there, then the next week I found I was just plain tired. Looks like I already gained 4.5 lbs back. Yikes! Took me 2 months to take 7 off! We'll try and get back on track now, though I'm still very tired. They ran my blood work and decided to bump my thyroid medication up to the next dose (they had me on the lowest possible to start), so I'm hoping for an improvement soon! I took my mountain bike to the shop to get a "physical" the end of this summer I want to be ON IT and going somewhere, rather than just bending the frame...;)
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @Evamutt Great job on the run, it gets easier. In December I couldn't even run for 30 seconds. Yesterday I jogged/run for 27 minutes.

    @kasey39 Stay strong you can do this. I bet some of that gain is water weight. Did you know women gain weight twice a month just from hormones? During shark week, and 2 weeks later. Stupid hormones. Knowing this helps me stay strong when I see my weight fluctuate.

    I had a kick *kitten* day yesterday! I made all my goals I set out, stayed under calories and even got to bed early. Amazing how excited we get about silly things. Oh, and I did 6 minutes holding a glute bridge. My stomach muscles sure feel it today. For some reason this is making me smile.

    Hope everyone has a fantastic day.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy That is a great accomplishment, you should be smiling! I hope today goes just as well for you!

    @kasey39 Welcome back! Just like @jdelaroy said, I bet some of that gain is water weight that will go quickly away

    @Evamutt Way to go on jogging the whole block a few times around, that's a huge NSV!! Your son is an inspiration to us all, what an amazing loss

    I'm now on Day 3 of my challenge with my SO and feeling good! I cooked a big batch of beans and quinoa with roasted veggies last night and will cook up some salmon and sautéed kale later in the week. I'm really enjoying the extra motivation that this has brought (I want those workout clothes!) Plus I hopped on the scale this morning and it wasn't pretty, but then I realized TOM is starting so a lot of it is probably that. We'll see when I do my weigh in next week.

    Work is busy this week, and I got elected into a union exec position so I'm really excited! Plus tonight I finally get to go back to derby after 2 weeks of being away. I really missed it. I hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    Rachel - great idea to do the habits goal, I like that! I'm going to think about that for myself. I just did a bit of a shopping spree for myself last week. I'm in one of those funks where I hate all my work clothes! So I restocked up on some cute spring stuff. I would like a shopping spree for new work out stuff though, that would be awesome! I have a feeling you are going to win! LOL

    Not much to report. Still low on will power. Had a good chat with myself last night about being more positive, instead of the running mental negativity (I'm never going to lose this weight, I'm feeling fat etc), so every time I think a negative thought, I'm going to try to catch myself and tell myself something positive! I hope it works!

    Everyone at work is feeling super blah - it's still rainy and overcast here. Yesterday after work I did manage to take the dog out for a nice walk, the rain had stopped. Here's hoping that it will get nicer out - still raining in the mornings so I haven't even biked to work once!

    I also decided I'm going to put my gym membership on hold for June/July/August. You can do up to 3 months a year. I feel like I'm bored and I'm hoping that I can get my exercise biking and hiking instead! That will liven me up and help with the positivity because I love being outside!

    Sounds like everyone is doing great, you guys are all my motivation! You're basically the reason I haven't given up and just let myself go! (Although it was close the other day, I thought what the hell, might as well throw in the towel and just be fat!!) LOL!!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
  • lallybc
    lallybc Posts: 24 Member
    Wow - what a long thread this is! Is it too late to join? I've 'done this before' but need to get back in the saddle. Feel free to friend me as I need a strong core in more ways than one
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,348 Member
    @lallybc , just hop in and join the conversation. Welcome!

    @bluepoppies777, I really love these memes...Don't throw in the towel, you've got this! You've lost a lot already and I'd bet you've seen other changes, too, with the exercise you've been doing. And that negative thought replacement you mentioned is based on validated research--cognitive behavioral interventions (used to teach CBI) and it really works...

    @Rachel0778 Awesome on the challenge & congrats on getting picked for the union exec! I wish I could get my hubs to eat salmon or quinoa or kale.

    @Evamutt--what a terrific NSV. I'm not a runner, even before I messed up my foot and ankle. Running for a whole block is huge.

    @jdelaroy, way to kick kitten! 6 minutes on a bridge is great. And, condolences on your uncle's passing.

    @gemwolf110, the down side of desk jobs is...they're desk jobs. And they're draining. Sometimes hours fly by and you realize you've barely moved. I try to get up and walk at least 3 times when I'm in the office--10, 12 and 3 (frequently fail)...and any time I need to talk to someone in my building, I get up and go find them instead of calling, if at all possible. I'm trying to do the same thing (get up and walk three times) when I work from home...for some reason, that's more challenging. I'm sure you'll figure out what works for you!

    Things around here are about normal...I think I'm nearly done with PT, walking more (and faster! maybe I'll be back at 3.5-4 miles per hour again and do 2-3 miles at a time soon! Current best, post break, is about 1.5) and doing stationary bike. I have to...I'm going on a trip to Wisconsin soon to see lighthouses and that will require us to act like mountain goats, apparently (no complaints, sounds fun). My job is crazy. I've been unmotivated at work...the project I'm working on is suicide prevention and it is really hard for me, as we're coming up on two years that my sister took her life. Anyway...have a great day!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @welcome @lallybc, please feel free to post with us any time!

    @melaniedscott I'm fortunate that my SO will eat anything, but I also don't abide by picky eaters. If you don't want to eat what I cook then you can make your own *kitten* food ;) Your work project sounds really emotionally draining, especially with the loss of your sister. I hope you build in a lot of self care during this time. I also hope you have a wonderful trip in Wisconsin, that sounds like a lot of fun!

    @bluepoppies777 I'm glad you're still here fighting the good fight! It's nice your gym lets you suspend your membership over the summer so you can enjoy the outdoors. Hopefully the fun new workout clothes help to inspire you. I get lost in the negative feedback loop sometimes too and it is really hard to break out. Please know that you are awesome and you can totally do this!

    I had my first derby practice in over two weeks and it was so much fun! I'm definitely sore today though after not using those muscles for a few weeks! I pre-booked my pole dancing class tonight and I'm all set for practice again on Thursday so I've got the rest of my fitness week planned out. Friday I'm going to sleep in since I'll be out late that night with friends, but Saturday I booked back to back fitness classes with my friend so that should make up for it!

    Honestly, I'm a little burned out with people and plans right now, but I just have to make it to Sunday. I set aside the entire day as a "me" day which will help immensely! I hope everyone has a great Wednesday!
  • kasey39
    kasey39 Posts: 39 Member
    Down 3.4 this morning. Not sure how that happened, but I'll take it! Haha! Still haven't made the progress I should have, but I'm very, very impatient when it comes to this!! Really only down about 6 pounds and it's been almost 3 months. I think maybe I sabatoged myself when I started diving into the 45 minute Zumba plus walking the mile and a half at lunch. Might have been too much too fast. Body wasn't ready for that quick of an adjustment! PA ordered the next dose up on the Synthroid, so I'll need to be patient and give that a chance to do its thing too. Not all by itself, but I'm hoping it at least helps, if that's what was causing some of the problems to begin with! Going back into it slower this time.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,423 Member
    I've not lost any wt the last almost 2 months, that's why I increased my exercise. I eat close to 1500/cal/day & am fine eating that much hunger wise. mfp gave me 1500 to lose 1/2 lb/wk(but only 1290 for 1 lb) but it hasn't been happening. That's why I started zumba & am doing a little jogging. I was never a jogger (i got hit by car when I was younger) so a block of jogging IS a big deal for me. Did my third zumba class yesterday & I am so tired the next day too. Today I went to gym & went on treadmill faster & more elevated than usual & got my hr up more than usual so I hope it'll all work together. I definitely want to lose at least 10 more lbs, but my ideal would be 20 . I hardly ever eat any of my exercise calories back
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @evamutt 2 months without much of a change? I think I would get discouraged. Great job keeping up on it, and making other changes to reach your goal. I am impressed

    The last 2 days were very bad for me on the eating front. For some reason, I needed to eat everything. Not sure why this has been happening lately. I have this insatiable craving for something (plus I am either fighting an on coming cold, or still feeling depressed. Can't tell which.) and I have no idea what this craving is. So I just keep eating everything. Gah! I am hoping today will be better.

    Hope everyone has a great Thursday.