TEAM MELEE! --- Challenge of the Living Dead (CLOSED)



  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    July 18, 2011 - July 24, 2011
    Challenge: Option B
    Mini-Goal: 1,000 total pushups this week
    With my trusty steel pipe in hand, I ran for my life as I splattered the faces of each zombie passing by. "60% of the time it works... every time."
    Monday: 2.3 miles jogged + 45 reps of each exercise + 200 pushups
    Tuesday: 13.5 miles jogged + 100 pushups
    Wednesday: ---
    Thursday: ---
    Friday: ---
    Saturday: ---
    Sunday: ---
    Total: 15.8 miles + 300 pushups
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    I'm sad to say that the zombies have gotten me as well. With my Rheumatoid Arthritis I was not able to stay up with the pack and they got this straggler. Best wishes to all of you and I hope that at least some of you can outrun these dirty zombies!
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    I'm sad to say that the zombies have gotten me as well. With my Rheumatoid Arthritis I was not able to stay up with the pack and they got this straggler. Best wishes to all of you and I hope that at least some of you can outrun these dirty zombies!

    Sorry to see you go. =(
    Good luck with your weight loss journey. I know you'll do well.
  • Faete
    Faete Posts: 63 Member
    Purplepudding and I walked 5 1/2 miles along the Thames Path last night - I managed to add another 3 1/2 miles to that getting there (getting lost actually) so we're way ahead of the zombies! :bigsmile:

    Fae XX
  • KayyB13
    KayyB13 Posts: 84 Member
    Option B
    Weapon: Baseball bat!
    To be under calories everyday and complete my diary with everything I eat, everyday!

    Monday: Jogged 2.6 miles, dumbell rows (3x15, 30lb dumbells), the straight punch (15lb weights) and the chops (15lb).
    Also used baseball bat effectively! (under cals & complete diary)
    Tuesday: Jogged 3.0 miles
    Under cals and completed diary. (AND I even went out to eat for dinner with the fam, yay!)

    I am so sad to see so many people leaving the team!! :(
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    Option A
    Weapon: Machete, to drink three bottles of water a day. Successful thus far.

    Monday: Jogged 2 miles, did 45 reps.
    Tuesday: Walked 5.3 miles, did 30 reps.

    Since I have switched over AGAIN (hurr) I don't know whether that jogging will count, since it kind of makes my week weird. Do what you like with it, Cap'ns.

    It is sad to see people leaving. Goodbye and good luck, sorry we will probably have to beat your zombie brains in later.
  • dmnosu17
    dmnosu17 Posts: 55
    thanks for changing up challenge not sure how I was going to find enough time to complete!

    Mon:4 mi weights complete mini challenge complete
    Tues 3 mi ugh was 2 servings shy mini challenge (though it is hard to fit in a ton veggies when eating mostly soup and popsicles grr tonsils)
    weds 3 min weight complete mini challenge complete
  • KayyB13
    KayyB13 Posts: 84 Member
    Option B
    Weapon: Baseball bat!
    To be under calories everyday and complete my diary with everything I eat, everyday!
    Monday: Jogged 2.6 miles, dumbbell rows (3x15, 30lb dumbbells), the straight punch (15lb weights) and the chops (15lb).
    Also used baseball bat effectively! (under cals & complete diary)

    Tuesday: Jogged 3.0 miles
    Under cals and completed diary.

    Wednesday: Jogged a mile and then did 1.2 miles worth of sprints.. Hope that counts! (20 half gassers (53 yds across a football field sideline to sideline, 106 yds each) for a total of 2120 yds or 1.2 miles of sprints!)
    Under cals and complete diary!


    Total: 7.8 miles completed
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    July 18, 2011 - July 24, 2011
    Challenge: Option B
    Mini-Goal: 1,000 total pushups this week
    With my trusty steel pipe in hand, I ran for my life as I splattered the faces of each zombie passing by. "60% of the time it works... every time."
    Monday: 2.3 miles jogged + 45 reps of each exercise + 200 pushups
    Tuesday: 13.5 miles jogged + 100 pushups
    Wednesday: 5.2 miles jogged + 60 pushups
    Thursday: ---
    Friday: ---
    Saturday: ---
    Sunday: ---
    Total: 21 miles + 360 pushups
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    Option A
    Weapon: Machete, to drink three bottles of water a day. Still successful.

    Monday: Jogged 2 miles, did 45 reps.
    Tuesday: Walked 5.3 miles, did 30 reps.
    Wednesday: Walked 3.5 miles, did 30 reps.
  • LadyPHX
    LadyPHX Posts: 52
    Hello everyone. I found out yesterday that I am this team. I read the options and I am choosing option A. My walking speed is 3.2 mph so far, and I am increasing. Weapon (one I was taught how to use by my ex offline: Machete. Mini goal: Do abdominal exercises daily. I saw the "30 reps of one arm dumbell rows, dumbbell streight punch and cross wood chops every other day in addition to your regular strength training regemin" requirement. I did this Monday, and Wednesday, and I will do it Friday. I walked yesterday because I just joined. I will be walking today and tomorrow.
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    Option A
    Weapon: Machete, to drink three bottles of water a day. Still armed and victorious.

    Monday: Jogged 2 miles, did 45 reps.
    Tuesday: Walked 5.3 miles, did 30 reps.
    Wednesday: Walked 3.5 miles, did 30 reps.
    Thursday: Walked 4.5 miles, did 30 reps.
  • KayyB13
    KayyB13 Posts: 84 Member
    Option B
    Weapon: Baseball bat!
    To be under calories everyday and complete my diary with everything I eat, everyday!
    Monday: Jogged 2.6 miles, dumbbell rows (3x15, 30lb dumbbells), the straight punch (15lb weights) and the chops (15lb).
    Also used baseball bat effectively! (under cals & complete diary)

    Tuesday: Jogged 3.0 miles
    Under cals and completed diary.

    Wednesday: Jogged a mile and then did 1.2 miles worth of sprints.. Hope that counts! (20 half gassers (53 yds across a football field sideline to sideline, 106 yds each) for a total of 2120 yds or 1.2 miles of sprints!)
    Under cals and complete diary!

    Thursday: Jogged 2.5 miles (did a half mile warm up, then ran the track + stadiums for the remaining two miles.. talk about a workout!! Sooo sore haha). Also completed the dumbbell exercises at home!
    Under cals and complete diary!

    Friday: Ahhh went to the state fair... walked around for 7 hours though!! Didnt record everything! failed today.

  • LadyPHX
    LadyPHX Posts: 52
    Walked 6 miles from house to beach, and then back, so that would be 12 miles.
    Tomorrow I will be walking about 8-10 miles in total.
  • Faete
    Faete Posts: 63 Member
    Walked 6 miles from house to beach, and then back, so that would be 12 miles.
    Tomorrow I will be walking about 8-10 miles in total.

    Awesome! :D

    Fae XX
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Thurday & Friday I did not get my miles in.
    But I did keep beating the zombies away.
    And I did complete my strength training on both days.
    Today I completed both the strength portion, and 4.8 miles.
  • Purple_Lurple
    Purple_Lurple Posts: 42 Member
    [Double post - damn laptop!]
  • Purple_Lurple
    Purple_Lurple Posts: 42 Member
  • Purple_Lurple
    Purple_Lurple Posts: 42 Member
    Bah, my computer keeps crashing out and double posting things! It's lost all my daily tracking, and I can't be bothered to work it all out again from my exercise diary *Grumblegrumble*

    I chose option A, Did all reps on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.
    I walked a total of 27.45 miles
    My weapon of choice was a frying pan :oP It was to be under calories every day: Achived.

    Weight on 18th July: 176.6lbs. Weght today: 174.6 . Total loss this week: 2lbs.

    Let me know if you need a daily breakdown! (I'm going to throw my laptop out the window now ;o) )

  • Faete
    Faete Posts: 63 Member
    I Chose option A

    My trusty cricket bat ensured that I drank 8 glasses of water each day.

    I did the weights challenge on Mon, Wed, Fri and Sun

    I walked a total of 22.5 miles in addition to my normal daily walking.

    Last week I was 144.4 lb, today I am 143lb - a total of 1.4lb lost :bigsmile:

    Fae XX