First Cheat Meal

Hi guys :)
I want to have a small cheat meal once a week
Tonight's my first
What should I eat??
My macros are high protein, medium fat, low carb.
I'm endomorphy af so I gain weight back pretty easily.


  • Luna3386
    Luna3386 Posts: 888 Member
    What sounds good that you can never fit in your macros? That's the point of a cheat meal!
  • jdog022
    jdog022 Posts: 693 Member
    edited April 2017
    Whatever you have been craving? My only advice is to make sure this "small" cheat meal doesnt wipe out your weekly calorie deficit. If you must do this to stay on track then my other suggestion is to have 1 day where you eat up to maintenance and this is the day you incorporate this meal.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,752 Member
    I would personally readjust my calories so that I ate a little less over the other days to account for a higher calorie day.

    You could readjust your macros on the higher day, or just try and hit protein and fat minimums, so that you can eat something you wouldn't ordinarily be able to fit in. I do this so I know I'm still on track with my goals, but can indulge in more food. (usually something like pizza, or burger & fries, or spaghetti bolognese, for dinner and more decadent dessert than normal, plus pancakes are always on the menu for breakfast!)
  • teenytinyprincesspea
    teenytinyprincesspea Posts: 33 Member
    I'm good. I had a greek salad and broccoli and cottage cheese. My dressing and the couscous was the big rebellion lol. Like i said, i dont need anything crazy. Just sssoooomething.
  • teenytinyprincesspea
    teenytinyprincesspea Posts: 33 Member
    I'm good. I had a greek salad and broccoli and cottage cheese. My dressing and the couscous was the big rebellion lol. Like i said, i dont need anything crazy. Just sssoooomething.

    Umm... Seriously? You couldn't fit that in your calories for the day? How is that in any way "cheating"?

    Because im not going to eat salad dressing or carbs every day and cottage cheese is loaded with sodium
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    If it made you happy, that's all that matters.
  • ldwatene
    ldwatene Posts: 150 Member
    Cheat meals are exactly that. I wouldn't read the labels at all and eat whatever it is you've been craving. Kill the craving and staying on track is just so much easier from there.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,752 Member
    I'm good. I had a greek salad and broccoli and cottage cheese. My dressing and the couscous was the big rebellion lol. Like i said, i dont need anything crazy. Just sssoooomething.

    wow, that's so sad....

    surely a cheat meal is a rack of ribs, or 2000 cals of peanut butter cheesecake....?!

    And that's unfortunately why people have difficulty sticking to their diets - they go to extremities to eat "healthy", and then when it gets harder and harder to find sustenance, they crack, feel guilty about it, and then throw away their progress entirely because "dieting is too hard". :/ Or they crack consistently enough that they don't lose weight, and then they blame genetics (or bring in the whole ectomorph/endomorph nonsense).

    Kinda just wish people would take a chill pill and realize you can eat whatever you want as long as the portions aren't crazy enough to push you over a deficit.

    While I agree with this 10000%, some of my most beloved meals may not even register on the "cheat scale" (sorrel soup anyone? Eating it is an otherworldly experience!). I'm just being hopeful that this is the case here - she found a diet she is generally pleased with and doesn't feel too hard to sustain, then had foods she doesn't mind not having often on her chosen macros, but really likes to enjoy every once in awhile - hence a "cheat". I'm probably being gullible and too hopeful, though.

    Thats what I don't understand. Just because it's not something you eat every day, or can't normally fit in your macros doesn't make it a cheat. As an ex-obsessive" clean" eater, who now thinks of herself as being orthorexic at that time, learning to not label food was the best thing that ever happened to me! (and probably one of the healthiest...)
  • RamboKitty87
    RamboKitty87 Posts: 272 Member
    Cottage cheese is not that high in sodium (I'm a cheeseaholic and switched from cheddar to cottage), not as much as a tin of baked beans... also you need some carbs, fat, sodium, etc etc just in small doses, as most say on here "Calories are the king" also MFP gives us our recommended daily allowances on all these, I'm no expert at all but from what I have read and experienced myself in the past if you go to the extremes of dieting your going to have a rough time and most likely put it all back on once the "diet" is over with but if you see it as more of a healthy lifestyle where its all about moderation and allowing yourself to have the occasional day where you go a little bit mad or do a little more exercise so you can have that tasty treat you've been craving but not enough to wipe out all your progress over that month think more long term, Wish you all the best.
  • missh1967
    missh1967 Posts: 661 Member
    Cottage cheese is not that high in sodium (I'm a cheeseaholic and switched from cheddar to cottage), not as much as a tin of baked beans... also you need some carbs, fat, sodium, etc etc just in small doses, as most say on here "Calories are the king" also MFP gives us our recommended daily allowances on all these, I'm no expert at all but from what I have read and experienced myself in the past if you go to the extremes of dieting your going to have a rough time and most likely put it all back on once the "diet" is over with but if you see it as more of a healthy lifestyle where its all about moderation and allowing yourself to have the occasional day where you go a little bit mad or do a little more exercise so you can have that tasty treat you've been craving but not enough to wipe out all your progress over that month think more long term, Wish you all the best.

    To be fair, she never indicated that she eats 0 of these things. I watch my sodium intake - that doesn't mean I eat NO sodium (obviously, a near-impossible task). And yes, cottage cheese is fairly high in sodium, especially if one is trying to keep to 2300 mg or so per day.