what makes you angry?



  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Mobile app developers that can't be bothered to look into Windows bridge for iOS. . . more disappointing than anger inducing, but still.

    Or and drivers that follow too closely-- if I can't see your front tires, you're too close at any speed. Drivers that block intersections. If you can't clear the intersection you HAVE to stay behind the stop bar. Doesn't matter if the light is green.
  • Timbur_Wolf
    Timbur_Wolf Posts: 116 Member
    People that speed up and cut me off, only to go slow as *kitten* afterwards. Makes me want to shoot out their tires.
  • Ms_Sicilian
    Ms_Sicilian Posts: 531 Member
    Opening a fridge and seeing all sorts of food but "nothing" looks good to eat
  • Timbur_Wolf
    Timbur_Wolf Posts: 116 Member
    Finding out my GF got a lap dance two years ago.

    Lmao, I hope she sees this (chick from the other thread).
  • RamboKitty87
    RamboKitty87 Posts: 272 Member
    Sorry if I sound mad but I'm guessing some of these replys are aimed at me. Don't suppose apologising is going to make any difference if it is. I can see iv upset people and I do apologise I was out of order but it's not how I usually am. If this is nothing to do with me I now sound mad so I can't win. See yas

    Huh? why would this thread be about you? the world is not out to get you, calm down, deep breaths and have a good day ok :)
  • CeciliaBobilia
    CeciliaBobilia Posts: 246 Member
    Being hungry. Grrrr!
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    When people aren't creative enough to come up with their own ideas.

    "talent borrows, but genius steals." ~ Picasso
  • Rincewind_1965
    Rincewind_1965 Posts: 639 Member
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    Bags of potato chips,,,,
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    Having to appear like a "bad parent" in my kids' eyes because I don't let my kids do the unfortunate things that other kids get to do because their parents do not parent.
  • billvau
    billvau Posts: 14 Member
    The things that make God angry. =Things that are offensive to God. =Attacks on God. By "God," I mean the God of the Bible as He has revealed Himself. This includes His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
  • kittkat789
    kittkat789 Posts: 111 Member

    This makes me irrationally angry for sure
  • Dazzler21
    Dazzler21 Posts: 1,249 Member
    edited April 2017
    Needless killing really makes me angry and sad and disappointed.

    Murderers basically can all f*** off.

    (as does missing a letter from a word)
  • kenzienal
    kenzienal Posts: 205 Member
    Easily irritable person here.

    1.) Slow drivers. I get some pretty serious road rage when someone wants to do 5mph under the speed limit on a busy backroad and wont let you pass.

    2.) People who *kitten* about me not having my ears pierced. Not your body, get over it.

    3.) Being told "Chill" or "Calm down"

    4.) Being told "Why dont you smile?" (I have some serious uncontrollable RBF)

    5.) People who stand to close to me, and cough on me.

    6.) Hypocrites
  • DJ_Skywalker
    DJ_Skywalker Posts: 420 Member
    Running out of bacon