How much time are you spending exercising?



  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,727 Member
    7-10 hours a week. Getting close to the point where I won't be counting my casual walking anymore...

  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    About 12 hours a week sometimes more. I like long workout sessions.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    About 9-10 hours a week
  • ValeriePlz
    ValeriePlz Posts: 517 Member
    In winter, I was probably spending 4 hours total (three runs and a swim, plus some weights).

    Now, training for two triathlons and a half marathon this summer, it's more like 7-9 (including outdoor runs and bike rides). I should do more weights, but I'm mostly cardio these days.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    edited May 2017
    Typically anywhere from 4-8 hours a week. Lifting and some yoga. Depends on my goals and what I am doing, I am more about quality vs quantity at this point though.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    edited May 2017
    A slow week would see me lifting 3x week for about an hour at a time, Zumba 1x week (45min), legs, bums and tums (45min), run 4x (40-60min). Deload lifting week (so once every 4 weeks), lifting goes down to around 30min and I add in 30min PT sessionsx3. Then if I can fit them in (partner works shifts), I go to Insanity (45min), Boxercise (45), another Zumba+Legs,bums&tums (45min) and circuits (45min).

    So anything from 7hr30min to 12hr30min a week, not including all the walking I do for school runs and just general chasing children around (20000+ steps daily).
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    I just upped my cardio from 50 to 55 minutes and do it 5 days a week. On days that I don't, I walk for minimum 1 hour, frequently more. I do about 30 minutes strength training every other day. And since the book I'm getting my strength exercises out of also includes warmup and cooldown stretches, I've started those recently (about 8-10 minutes each, but those I do 5 days a week). Plus, while it may not count as exercise when it comes to calorie burning, I've committed to sitting on a stability ball long enough to read a chapter of Great Expectations (say... 5-7 minutes, though it varies by chapter) before starting my warmup stretches.
  • Emily3907
    Emily3907 Posts: 1,445 Member
    I spend anywhere from 45 mins to an hour six days a week doing some for of exercise. My current plan looks like this:

    Monday - Weights and 30 mins cardio on the treadmill/vario or bike
    Tuesday - Lap swimming for approx. 45 mins
    Wednesday - Weights and 30 mins cardio on the treadmill/vario or bike
    Thursday - Lap swimming for approx. 45 mins
    Friday - Weights and 30 mins cardio on the treadmill/vario or bike
    Saturday - Lap swimming for approx. 1 - 1.5 hours
    Sunday - Rest Day

    I should add though, the lap swimming is more for meditative purposes and for my own enjoyment, than it is about "exercising". I just find it really helps me have time for myself and I would probably do it even if I gained nothing from it.
  • orionaimee
    orionaimee Posts: 89 Member
    I use my apple watch to keep me accountable for at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. I also attend 9Round at least 4 times a week and run on off days. I am looking to start adding some strength training to the regimen but have no idea where to begin.
  • domeofstars
    domeofstars Posts: 480 Member
    I've loved reading everyone's responses here and its given me a few things to consider, so thank you for taking the time to contribute.

    What I have been reflecting on is, am I going to enjoy this exercise if I do it? Am I exhausted, yet am I still going to push myself to exercise when my body is crying out for a rest? To me, if I love doing the exercise its fine.

    But there have been many, many times when I have been sick, exhausted, upset, the weather outside has been awful...I've still forced myself to exercise.

    I feel like I sometimes still have an 'over-exercise' demon still in my head, as I have struggled in the past with binge-eating and extreme amounts of exercise to compensate.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Depends on time of year and whether or not I have a pending event.

    I exercise less in the winter due to the fact that I'm not really big on being out in the cold on my bike and I'm often relegated to my trainer which isn't my favorite thing in the world...I basically do enough to get by and not completely lose my fitness. I typically spend a bit more time in the weight room in the winter.

    Right now most of my week day rides are about 40 minutes as I'm limited on time...I typically ride Mon-Thurs and then on Saturday I do anywhere from 20-40 miles depending on time, etc. I'm lifting 2x per week currently and I spend about an hour in the weight room. I have a "free day" on Sunday which usually consists of something like a recreational ride with the family, family hike, trip to the rock climbing gym, a swim, some yoga...stuff like that...mostly with the family.

    I have zero clue about steps and don't care. 10,000 steps is just some arbitrary figure that originated with the marketing of pedometers in Japan in the '60s that were marketed under the name manpo-kei which translates to 10,000 steps. Really, the idea is to move more and in that regard, I just focus on my exercise.

    I have a life and a career and a wife and two kids and friends and all kinds of stuff going is very important to me, but so is balance.
  • SaraMatthews239
    SaraMatthews239 Posts: 10 Member
    I just had a baby so i spin for an hour and kickbox for one hour everyday since i got the go ahead to 2 weeks ago....i need to get out of these maternity clothes.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Half the days of the week I'm sedentary, doing nothing at all. Other days, I'm active up to a few hours. For the week, I tend to do about 2-3 hours of weight training, 2-3 hours of hiking/mountain biking, and 2-3 hours of long-distance trail running. So, I guess that's a grand total of about 6-9 hours a week actively working on fitness - generally at a moderate to rigorous pace.

    Wow. I never really thought about it. That's cool. I'm fairly fit, and I put in a lot less time than I thought I did to maintain my awesomeness. I bet I could take it to the next level if I would stop being lazy and put in some extra effort. I work part time on my own schedule so I have plenty of opportunities to do more if I wanted to. A couple more hours in the gym or on the trail each week instead of playing MMO's and I could be totally unstoppable in real life, not just in game...Nah, too lazy. Gotta keep on gaming! >:)
  • tsortsor
    tsortsor Posts: 830 Member
    12 to 15 hours
  • PinkamenaD8
    PinkamenaD8 Posts: 99 Member
    Weekly 7 in cardio and more than 7 in walking
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    According to my tracker I've averaged 9.33 hours a week over the last 12 months.
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