Anyone doing 5:2 or intermittent-day fasting diet? Looking for friends

Xxeni Posts: 3 Member
I have just started with 5:2 plan this week. Looking for friends to share experiences and support each other.


  • CWynne3
    CWynne3 Posts: 116 Member
    Hey there! I just started 16:8 9 days ago. It works surprisingly well for me! Is 5:2 5 days on, 2 days fasting?
  • Xxeni
    Xxeni Posts: 3 Member
    Yes, I am doing 2 days fasting per week (I stop eating evening day prior and do not eat anything until dinner next day). 5:2 allows 500 calories on 2 day fasting. I am also trying to eat clean on other 5 days and fit most meals in 8 hours out of 24, similar to 16:8. So far it's going great and seems easy to follow. Good luck with your plan!
  • CWynne3
    CWynne3 Posts: 116 Member
    Wow! That would certainly take some getting used to! The 16:8 really just causes me to stop eating a few hours before bed. That's really the only change for me because I'm not generally a breakfast eater anyway. So my window is 12-8. There have been a few nights where I literally put myself in my bedroom right after 8 so I wouldn't be as close to the kitchen, lol. I have always been a big late night snacker. But I'm adapting really well... Tonight, I wasn't even tempted by anything! And my weight loss has been great, so I'm definitely a believer!

    That's so great you're doing so well with your plan! Congratulations! That takes discipline! It's really neat to find someone else doing the intermittent fasting thing too. After my doctor suggested 16:8, I googled it and stumbled across the Leaner By Design website... It's been a great resource for me. :)
  • Vickijw61
    Vickijw61 Posts: 40 Member
    i am struggling with last 10 pounds for the last few months and have decided to try 16/8 to keep me from snacking in evening. i would like to have a few pals to work along with. any takers
  • NicoleKhb
    NicoleKhb Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, it's good to see others doing similar stuff to lose the stubborn fat...i needed to lose 15kg which is around 33lb so started with the Ken Diet (feeding tube, I know bit drastic but was so fed up as the weight was not dropping. Anyway lost a stone in 10days which was fab but was worried about putting back on once the tube was out. So after searching came across the 5:2 which seemed to be easy at first but the second week i was getting bit obsessed with food, so searched again and came across the 16:8. So now i combine the two meaning main diet is 16:8 (6days) and 2 of those days my calorie intake is <500 (5:2)....Saturdays are my off days but don't go over my bmr (1500 cal) exercise is 20mins fast walk to school and back when collecting's working really well for me and seem to be losing 1kg (just over 2lbs) per are you guys tackling it?
  • Xxeni
    Xxeni Posts: 3 Member
    wow.. a stone in 10 days? I am not familiar with Ken diet but sounds brutal to me. I am trying to stick with 1-2 pounds a week weight loss. I did notice as soon as I started eating "cleaner" and fasting 1 day, my weight decreased by more than 4-5 pounds the first week! But I think it has to do with water weight. What I like about 5:2 is simplicity. I only need to worry about calorie deficit on 2 days a week. But I do try to eat better and make healthier choices any time of the week now. But I am not obsessed about eating "clean" 100%. I still have ice cream if I have cravings etc.. but in moderation. So far I find 5:2 and 16:8 are very easy to follow. I am not a morning person.. so I have my big meal of the day in the evening on 500cal days. On other days, I just skip breakfast. I don't feel like I am on a diet at all. The only tough part for me is late night snacking.. I am making sure that I always have carrots, veggies or fruits available for a snack to stop cravings and drinking a lot of water. For exercises, I do walks with my dog (uphill walking is very good cardio for me) and about to start daily piyo routine.
  • justjenny
    justjenny Posts: 529 Member
    I am looking into trying the 5:2 diet starting Monday. What does 16:8 mean?
  • dadsafrantic
    dadsafrantic Posts: 186 Member
    i'm doing the 16-8 now. 16 hours fasting and 8 hour feeding window. i'm thinking of adding the 5-2 into the already working 16-8. anyone confused? no? good. i've lost 32 lb since feb.
  • rjsimpson2002
    rjsimpson2002 Posts: 115 Member
    I am starting 5.2 today as I have about a stone to lose... I struggle to keep the weight off and don't want to yo yo so I hope I can work my way to a sustainable balance in time.
  • NicoleKhb
    NicoleKhb Posts: 29 Member
    justjenny wrote: »
    I am looking into trying the 5:2 diet starting Monday. What does 16:8 mean?

    16/8 is when you fast 16hrs and eat you're needed calories in 8hrs....for example if i fast from 8pm, i would break my fast 12pm the next day, and so can choose the hrs, but always try and break your fast 4 - 6hrs after you wake up.
  • NicoleKhb
    NicoleKhb Posts: 29 Member
    The best thing about these diets is that you don't need to do hrs of exercise, I do mostly strengthening exercises mixed with couple of cardio totalling to 10mins per day....I've just started adding apple cider vinegar to my morning routine. Do you find some days you can go without eating, but force yourself to reach at least 1000cal for the sake of staying healthy?