For those who are going without sugar

xfc1 Posts: 69 Member
How long have you gone without it? Thanks.


  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    I keep trying. I don't mind the sugar in fruits and vegetables. I've made my own bread a few times. I've also found some light rye bread made with no sugar. I am trying to go by the guide lines of "The Year of No Sugar".
    It is a difficult road.
  • Clo_Buffie
    Clo_Buffie Posts: 14 Member
    I have not dropped all sugar but I have cut this down to nothing over 10% in packaged foods. no sugar in tea/coffee but a small amount of honey.. and now it is no honey.. Hubby and I have been doing this for over 12 months. He has lost over 20 kgs from this, well I am a women and apparently weight loss is different for me
  • PinkamenaD8
    PinkamenaD8 Posts: 99 Member
    Op must be talking about sugary products like candy, soda or pastries.

    I eat almost all my sugar from fruits, with once a week exception of a candy or ice cream. I don't eat it too much, I crave more salty foods like pizza, hamburgers etc.
  • louisaguzman
    louisaguzman Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a bit frustrated. It's been almost 4 months of no sugar: no breads (except Ezekiel which has no sugar), no pasta, no honey, no artificial sweeteners, no fruit, no cereal, and of course, no desserts). I've lost 30 lbs, which is fantastic. But I thought my cravings would go away. NOT a bit! I crave sugar every day and it makes me insane. Any thoughts?
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    I try to avoid sugar when I can and treat it as a special treat. Maybe a cookie or two once a week. Otherwise, I prefer to use artificial sweeteners like erythritol and stevia. Erythritol is my favourite: it behaves just like sugar in recipes and it has no weird aftertaste and it doesn't have any nasty side effects. It's super awesome. I buy mine on Amazon.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    OP, I hope my reply will give you an appropriate answer to your question. why and how long I forewent added sugar/natural sweeteners, honey and syrups were off limits for reasons set out below. Artificial sugars can also cause spikes in blood sugar.

    At the instigation of a nutritionist, in response to blood test results, to rid myself of yeast overgrowth and the inflammation it was causing. I gave up fruit for three weeks, along side that I gave up all added sugar for 9 months. I felt so much better as my system reset itself. Because I also have histamine intolerance I had to be careful to find suitable digestive microbes which I started taking later in the 9 months they are still need now. I felt so very much better for that period of abstinence.

    I did not do the added sugar avoidance as a weight loss thing it was in an effort to regain my health. Which is still a work in progress.

    I would not recommend anyone eliminate a food group for anything other than proven allergy or sensitivity reasons because you can unwittingly be exposing yourself to mineral and vitamin deficiencies and opening yourself up to greater problems.

    No one should feel they must give up fruit as a means to loose weight, because of my salicylate sensitivity and historic use of antibiotics, I learned I had to give up high salicylate foods in order to stop various unpleasant symptoms, doing this which exposed me to yeast(s) overgrowth. I knew foregoing vitamins and minerals was compromising nutrition, it had to be done for the pain relief it probided.

    Because my issues are complex, I now take digestive enzymes to counteract the phenols associated with fruits and vegetables enabling me to eat well again.
  • lucys1225
    lucys1225 Posts: 597 Member
    It's been years, maybe 4 or so. I eat a lot vegetables but no fruit. The only exception is when I visit my daughter in New Orleans where they have my favorite dessert.
    amyepdx wrote: »
    I'm a bit frustrated. It's been almost 4 months of no sugar: no breads (except Ezekiel which has no sugar), no pasta, no honey, no artificial sweeteners, no fruit, no cereal, and of course, no desserts). I've lost 30 lbs, which is fantastic. But I thought my cravings would go away. NOT a bit! I crave sugar every day and it makes me insane. Any thoughts?

    You've had absolutely no fruit in 4 months? I'd be worried about a lot more than sugar (like scurvy lol) Also, Artificial sweeteners have no sugar so why are they included in your no sugar list?

    That's ridiculous.
  • dfwesq
    dfwesq Posts: 592 Member
    OP, are you talking about sugary foods/added sugars? Or all sugars, including those naturally present in foods like fruits, vegetables, and milk?
  • 2wise4u
    2wise4u Posts: 229 Member
    Emily3907 wrote: »
    I think my longest stretch was about 14 hours and I was sleeping for about 10 of those.

    I'm embarrassed to agree with this but I do. :D
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    amyepdx wrote: »
    I'm a bit frustrated. It's been almost 4 months of no sugar: no breads (except Ezekiel which has no sugar), no pasta, no honey, no artificial sweeteners, no fruit, no cereal, and of course, no desserts). I've lost 30 lbs, which is fantastic. But I thought my cravings would go away. NOT a bit! I crave sugar every day and it makes me insane. Any thoughts?

    You've had absolutely no fruit in 4 months? I'd be worried about a lot more than sugar (like scurvy lol) Also, Artificial sweeteners have no sugar so why are they included in your no sugar list?

    While I wouldn't personally give up fruit (don't see a reason to), you can meet all your nutritional needs without it. Many vegetables are high in vitamin C, so scurvy wouldn't be an issue.

    Mmm broccoli! Didn't store as well as limes on ships though :tongue: