Do people try to tell you your weight goal is "too skinny" for you?



  • syousaf571
    syousaf571 Posts: 46 Member
    yea that honestly is none of their business.
  • MaddMaestro
    MaddMaestro Posts: 405 Member
    edited May 2017
    Oh really? I'm also 5'7, but my end goal is 160. I'm just about 175 now. (started at 245)

    My mom is the same height at 140, but she has a body shape that works for her. If I were 140 without muscle, I probably would look "too skinny"
  • MelodyMomof2
    MelodyMomof2 Posts: 45 Member
    I learned pretty quick after losing a good amount of weight that most people I know have no idea what a healthy weight is. I still have 25 pounds to loose to put me about middle of a healthy weight range. I lie now when people say "You don't need to loose anymore. You don't want to get took skinny". I just act like I'm fine where I am so I don't have to listen to a speech. I've lost 93 pounds, so I think they just aren't used to me being thinner.
  • JadeMalynn
    JadeMalynn Posts: 16 Member
    Yea, people say I will be too thin at my goal weight. It falls at the lower end of my BMI. I couldn't care less what anyone says though, it's my body. 105 for the win!
  • infinitynevermore
    infinitynevermore Posts: 98 Member
    suzilla53 wrote: »
    I get it all the time, I actually had to save the height weight chart to the screen of my iPad as everyone is shocked that a 5 foot woman can weigh 115 pounds and not be starving to death. I just think everyone was so used to seeing me obese when I did get to a normal weight after 13 months of MFP and loosing they are sure I'm anorexic.I just roll my eyes!

    LOL. I hope I don't have to do that myself! I'm 5'1 and 125 is my original goal, but I'm considering dropping it to 115. My husband is the only one who knows what my goal is, so fortunately all I get is support.
  • bigmuneymfp
    bigmuneymfp Posts: 2,235 Member
    I get told this all the time

    5'8 165 is completely normal
  • Enjcg5
    Enjcg5 Posts: 389 Member
    I get this CONSTANTLY and it drives me up a wall. I was getting comments like this from people when I was 10 lbs heavier than I am NOW.

    But here's the thing I've realized:

    A lot - a LOT of people who say this are people who have been overweight for so long that they've forgotten what it really means not to be. Just something to keep in mind.

    OMG yes!!!! I see it especially with my 3 kids! People are always saying they are too skinny (tall and lean but not underweight). The reality is that so many kids are overweight when people see an average kid they start calling them skinny. Makes me crazy!
  • heiliskrimsli
    heiliskrimsli Posts: 735 Member
    I get told this all the time

    5'8 165 is completely normal

    It's actually overweight.
  • sapnadreamz90
    sapnadreamz90 Posts: 1 Member
    I think 140 lbs is goal weight for 5'7". Some people motivate you on your weight loss journey while others are just spectators. Don't share your weight loss goals with spectators. It helps to achieve your goals. You have already lose some weight so you know how to do it. So just concentrate on your goals and aim to achieve it. :smile:
  • HeliumIsNoble
    HeliumIsNoble Posts: 1,213 Member
    edited May 2017
  • bigmuneymfp
    bigmuneymfp Posts: 2,235 Member
    I get told this all the time

    5'8 165 is completely normal

    It's actually overweight.

    I know lol I'm quite heavy at 169 right now!
  • beaglebrandon
    beaglebrandon Posts: 97 Member
    edited May 2017
    The average weight for people from 1960 to 2017 has changed immensely. These are pictures of two people, one from 2017 and one from 1960 which are the average weight and height (5'5") for those years.


    The 1960 one is a healthy weight (23.3 BMI). The 2017 one is not (27.6 BMI)


  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    Yep. My highest weight was 387 (clearly super morbidly obese or Obese class III). I'm finally just "overweight" now in the 160's and want to lose about another 16* lbs. I generally don't share those goals (or those #'s, outside of MFP). There are people who have only known me to be morbidly or super morbidly obese who now call me "skinny" or tell me I don't need to lose any more weight, but they're wrong. I trust my doctors on this. None of them are pushing me to lose much more but they all feel that my goals are reasonable and feasible. Anyone else can suck it. I think the best way to avoid it is to focus on your health and keep your numbers to yourself and any medical or fitness professionals you consult.

    *Even with the 16 more I want to lose I would still be classified as overweight. The deepest end of "normal" would require me to be 138, which I do not feel is realistic or necessary for me to be healthy and strong. Explaining this to buttinskis is futile.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Nobody except my wife knows how much I's not really a topic of discussion.
  • chantelp0508
    chantelp0508 Posts: 162 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    I've had people tell me I shouldn't lose any more weight but it has got to be total crap...I mean I'm 5'1" and 154 lbs...come on, LOL. There is no universe in which that could be too thin.

    I think sometimes people say that either because they are afraid of you changing, or because they feel guilty for not wanting to get healthy themselves, or perhaps because they have run out of compliments since they've already told you before that you were looking good so they figure this is a creative newer compliment.

    "Too thin" these days seems to have taken on new meaning. In the 80s I weighed 95 lbs. and pretty much nobody worried I was too thin. We are getting used to overweight being the new normal. Therefore, being even close to a healthy weight seems "skinny."

    I'm 5ft and 157lb. My UGW is 100lb. People are completely baffled when I tell them I need to lose about 60lbs. The don't understand that I weighed 95lb just 9 years ago and I was happy and healthy.
  • DapperDassie
    DapperDassie Posts: 190 Member
    edited May 2017
    Although I agree that the avg person in america doesn't know what a healthy weight looks like, one of the people who told me I would be "too skinny" is my boyfriend who is very lean and fit (he's under 10% bf) and is actually studying to be a personal trainer. I think he just likes curves and muscle on his women tho lmao. He's actually been doing strength training with me for the past few months and it's made a huge difference but 140 is where i feel I'll look my best. Might even want to go down to 135 or 130 depending how it feels. I'd like to be a size 6 at most but like a comfy size 6 where a non stretchy pair of jeans straight out of the dryer fit easily, ya know what I mean? :p
  • leahisnotmyname
    leahisnotmyname Posts: 20 Member
    I only share my goal weight with my therapist and my psychiatrist. But that's because I have anorexia, so they always keep an eye on things with me and how I am feeling about my body image and my weight.
  • DapperDassie
    DapperDassie Posts: 190 Member
    This is me at 185 jmmkmi05mpi1.jpg

    I definitely think I have room to lose another 45 lbs if not 50 lol
  • incisron
    incisron Posts: 550 Member
    I love my family, but my parents and sister are very overweight / obese, and I haven't shared my goal weight with them - my sister because she probably wouldn't care to hear about that kind of thing anyway, and my parents because I do think they'd say it's too skinny for me. My mother already told me that at 200-240 lbs, I really wasn't that big. She's also said she'd like to.lose some weight, but still be plump because being skinny would look weird on her. I was 200 lbs 7 pounds ago and she said she wished she was still my size. I'm a bit different; I've always wanted to be slim. Though I regret being 193 pounds now, I do not at all wish I was back to being 170 (whenever that was). I will be glad to hit my goal of 160 by December 31st, but then Ill have 30 more lbs to go!
  • FatWithFatness
    FatWithFatness Posts: 315 Member
    Pretty sure it's none of their *kitten* business.