How often do you log your weight?

ksedge Posts: 10 Member
This is my first week so I know the first few pounds was water weight, but Im still dropping 1 lb a day. For a change, I'm actually excited to step on the scales everyday!!


  • kksmom1789
    kksmom1789 Posts: 281 Member
    I use Happy Scale also to log my weight daily and then log it on MFP every time I have a new lowest weight
  • PrincessMel72
    PrincessMel72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I only weigh myself once per month so that's when I do it.
  • BurlzGettingFit
    BurlzGettingFit Posts: 115 Member
    I weigh myself daily (sometimes twice- once in the morning, once at night just to see the pattern in the difference at the start and end of the day) I log my morning weight every morning in my happy scale app ( seeing the downward trend is so fun!) and then I log in MFP or Fitbit when I have a new low.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    I weigh/log every day. I've been at this for years, so the readings don't phase me anymore.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    3 or 4 times a day. I need to try to remember to get happyscale going so I can watch the fluctuasians.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I get on the scale daily when I wake up. The Aria WI-Fi scale then uploads it to FitBit and fitBit syncs to MFP. I never have to do anything and get to look at the graphs to see the trends.
  • ksedge
    ksedge Posts: 10 Member
    I need to check out happy scales app!
    Im also weighing daily so I can quickly find out what i did wrong the previous day so I can correct
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    ksedge wrote: »
    This is my first week so I know the first few pounds was water weight, but Im still dropping 1 lb a day. For a change, I'm actually excited to step on the scales everyday!!

    Every day.
  • irxproductions
    irxproductions Posts: 28 Member
    edited May 2017
    I've been using MyFitnessPal for more than three years and I still get on the scale and enter my weight every single day even though I've only been maintaining for over a year after getting well below my goal weight.

    I'm a statistics nerd, though, so I love filling the graph with data. :)
  • BurlzGettingFit
    BurlzGettingFit Posts: 115 Member
    ksedge wrote: »
    I need to check out happy scales app!
    Im also weighing daily so I can quickly find out what i did wrong the previous day so I can correct

    Even if you are up a few ounces or even a pound or two the next day, that doesn't mean you didn't anything wrong. I have some days where I'm up 2 or 3 lbs and then down the next couple days. Weight loss is not linear- that's why it's fun to get the app and watch that trend!
  • ksedge
    ksedge Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks, i will check it out.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I never log it here...I use another app and I log it every time I weigh in.
  • dfwesq
    dfwesq Posts: 592 Member
    edited May 2017
    I weigh daily at the same time, but only log my weight after it has remained around the same for a few days. I have an analog scale and the reading is to the nearest pound.
    ksedge wrote: »
    I need to check out happy scales app!
    Im also weighing daily so I can quickly find out what i did wrong the previous day so I can correct

    If I were just starting out, I probably would weigh myself and log much less often than daily. Weight naturally fluctuates a lot for all kinds of reasons. In my case, I've seen it change significantly throughout a single day based on all kinds of things that aren't diet mistakes (drinking a glass of water, not having drunk water for an hour or two, going to the bathroom, taking a shower, etc.) It can be challenging to try to track all the changes and try to make sense of them.
  • JohnnyLowCarb
    JohnnyLowCarb Posts: 418 Member
    I log everyday but look for the trends. I dont freak out over the daily movements but I look for the longer term trends.
  • spydergirl47
    spydergirl47 Posts: 36 Member
    I usually only weigh myself once per week on Saturday mornings. Sometimes I might weigh myself mid-week, but not usually.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    ksedge wrote: »
    I need to check out happy scales app!
    Im also weighing daily so I can quickly find out what i did wrong the previous day so I can correct

    Even if you are up a few ounces or even a pound or two the next day, that doesn't mean you didn't anything wrong. I have some days where I'm up 2 or 3 lbs and then down the next couple days. Weight loss is not linear- that's why it's fun to get the app and watch that trend!

    So true!

    I like to weigh daily (first thing, after bathroom, before eating/drinking), because it helps me understand what causes my weight fluctuations, thus worry less about them. (Causes can include water weight from a new workout, extra sodium or carbs (even if a healthy level, just more than usual), time of month for women, healing from an injury, and more.)

    And one pound a day weight loss (!) is very fast, if it continues past the initial fast water-weight loss of the first couple of weeks . . . possibly unhealthily fast, unless you're very obese. 1% of body weight loss per week is a healthy target for most people. Losing too fast risks losing unnecessary loss of muscle and bone alongside fat loss, and those are slow/hard to regain.

    BTW: Happy Scale works on Apple devices, Libra works for Android, Trendweight is more platform-independent, and I'm sure there are others.