C25K Running Group



  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    If you're still accepting members, I'd like to join in!

    I've been a member of MFP for almost two years now. Initially lost 40 lbs, then got off track a little, gained 10 back, lost 10, gained it back. I've been struggling to find my motivation, but I've decided I have to do it. I need to lose 50-60 more lbs, and REALLY need to get back to a regular exercise routine.

    I've been wanting to try Couch to 5k for a long time now -- so now I'm going to do it! I'm lucky enough that my apartment complex has a 24 hour gym on site, so no outdoor running in the icky heat!
    Hey Mande!
    Yup you are more than welcome to join us :bigsmile:
    We will be starting Monday.
    I'll add you to the members list.
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    Hey Everyone!:happy:

    I just created a blog for the C25K Running Group. I posted the first post with group member names, weights, and different support ideas. Everything each person decides to do with this group (posting wise) is up to the individual. There are no requirements (except for the two).

    Below is the link to the Blog:

    I plan on making a new thread called "Week 1 - C25K Running Group" where we can post about that specific week.

    Let me know if you have any questions or need to change anything :tongue:

  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    I would lke to join. My starting weight is 193.7 and my goal is to lose 15 to 20lbs by the time I complete the program.
  • allybally6
    allybally6 Posts: 142 Member
    Hey sorry my starting weight is 151. I'd like to be 140 when I finish.
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    I would lke to join. My starting weight is 193.7 and my goal is to lose 15 to 20lbs by the time I complete the program.
    Hey Jewel!
    I will be sure to add you to the members list.

  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    Hey sorry my starting weight is 151. I'd like to be 140 when I finish.
    Thank you for your SW :bigsmile:

  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    Just so everyone knows,

    Anyone can join this group at anytime:happy: . The only thing would be that I won't add you to the "members list", but you can always track your own SW and EndingW. :tongue:

  • Hey, I just joined MFP, and I just got the C25K app for my iPhone and was planning on starting tomorrow, so this is perfect! I'm looking forward to the support of this site.

    SW: 160.2 lbs
    GW (for the end of the C25K program): 149 lbs

    Also, I signed up for a 5K exactly 9 weeks from now (September 24th) so that should give me something to work towards! Good luck everyone, we can do this!
  • gmhvin
    gmhvin Posts: 29 Member
    I would like to join this group! I have NEVER been a runner but have been giving some serious thought to giving it a try. I am new to MFP and am starting at 218 pounds, down from 222 pounds.

    Looking forward to sharing success with all group members!

  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    Hey, I just joined MFP, and I just got the C25K app for my iPhone and was planning on starting tomorrow, so this is perfect! I'm looking forward to the support of this site.

    SW: 160.2 lbs
    GW (for the end of the C25K program): 149 lbs

    Also, I signed up for a 5K exactly 9 weeks from now (September 24th) so that should give me something to work towards! Good luck everyone, we can do this!
    I would like to join this group! I have NEVER been a runner but have been giving some serious thought to giving it a try. I am new to MFP and am starting at 218 pounds, down from 222 pounds.

    Looking forward to sharing success with all group members!


    Hi Jaycee and Gail!
    I have added you both to the members list on the Blog (be sure to read! - Link is in above post).

  • Felesina1
    Felesina1 Posts: 142
    I'm interested in joining also. I've started jogging/walking a week ago and found out about this C25K thing. Is it a specific program to follow? I ask as I googled C25K and there is one, but it sounds like many of you downloaded apps on your phones or podcasts. I have been able to jog at 5.0mph on the treadmill for 2.5min at this point, and want to start jogging outside after work in the mornings (I work nightshift). If I need to download/buy anything for this group, please let me know. My starting weight is 143.8.

  • Felesina1
    Felesina1 Posts: 142
    So after doing a bit more research, I found the program outlined on a website called RunSource.net. Just in case there are others that are unsure, here is the layout. It looks like there are many free podcasts and ways to make your own music playlist to help with the cues for walk/jog intervals.

    The C25k Plan:
    Recommend 3 days per week with one day rest between workouts. Weeks 1-4 and 7-9 are the same workout each of the three days.
    Weeks 5&6 mix it up a bit and are detailed below.

    WEEK 1
    •5 minute Warm Up Walk
    •60 second jog
    •90 second walk
    •Repeat steps 2-3 8 times (total of 20 minutes)
    •5 minute Cool Down Walk

    Week 2
    •5 minute Warm Up Walk
    •90 second jog
    •2 minutes walking
    •Repeat Steps 2-3 6 times (total of 21 minutes)
    •5 minute Cool Down Walk

    Week 3
    •5 minute Warm Up Walk
    •90 second jog
    •90 second walk
    •3 minute jog
    •3 minute walk
    •Repeat Steps 2, 3, 4, 5 (total of 18 minutes)
    •5 minute Cool Down Walk

    Week 4
    •5 minute Warm Up Walk
    •3 minute jog
    •90 second walk
    •5 minute jog
    •2 minutes 30 seconds walk
    •3 minute jog
    •90 second walk
    •5 minute jog (total of 21 minutes)
    •5 minute Cool Down Walk

    Week 5 - This is where it get's interesting. Week 5 has three different workouts. One for each day:
    Workout 1:
    •5 minute Warm Up Walk
    •5 minute jog
    •3 minute walk
    •Repeat Steps 2-3
    •5 minute jog (total of 21 minutes)
    •5 minute Cool Down Walk

    Workout 2:
    •5 minute Warm Up Walk
    •8 minute jog
    •5 minute walk
    •8 minute jog
    •5 minute Cool Down Walk

    Workout 3:
    •5 minute Warm Up Walk
    •20 minute jog
    •5 minute Cool Down Walk

    Week 6 - This is another week with three different workouts. One for each day:
    Workout 1:
    •5 minute Warm Up Walk
    •5 minute jog
    •3 minute walk
    •8 minute jog
    •3 minute walk
    •5 minute jog
    •5 minute Cool Down Walk

    Workout 2:
    •5 minute Warm Up Walk
    •10 minute jog
    •3 minute walk
    •10 minute jog
    •5 minute Cool Down Walk

    Workout 3:
    •5 minute Warm Up Walk
    •25 minute jog
    •5 minute Cool Down Walk

    Week 7 - Back to repeating the same workout three times during the week
    •5 minute Warm Up Walk
    •25 minute jog
    •5 minute Cool Down Walk

    Week 8
    •5 minute Warm Up Walk
    •28 minute jog
    •5 minute Cool Down Walk

    Week 9
    •5 minute Warm Up Walk
    •30 minute jog
    •5 minute Cool Down Walk
  • MistyDC29
    MistyDC29 Posts: 99 Member
    There are several apps that you can have on your iphone or ipod that will give you the cues to run/walk. I have tried two of them and you can use your own music with either. the C25K app or Get Running are pretty awesome apps. If you have an iphone, the get running app will tell you how far and how fast, I think...I only have an ipod, so I use the Nike+ sensor to tell me that. When I run, I have 3 apps open on my ipod...my music, Nike+ and C25K.

    Good luck today, everyone!
  • Hey can I Please join? Starting couch to 5k todayand would love the support!

    SW: 287
  • lauralu71
    lauralu71 Posts: 23
    I would like to join also! I have the app and tried to start last week but pushed myself too hard and had poor shoes (got new ones over the weekend). Ready to start again. My goal is to run my first 5K on 10/16.

  • Just did first day of Couch to 5K this morning! It was pretty hard but I feel awesome!

    Before doing C25K I felt tired and sore( must have slept weird)
    During C25K I was worried I couldn't finish, breathed easier, and listened to a "glee" playlist
    After doing C25K I feel energized and happy! Excited about this group.

    SW: 274
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    :drinker: ***ATTENTION***:drinker:

    I have added the following people to the "official" members list:

    Lauralu71, Futurekilousky, and Felesina1

    I will not be adding anymore people to the list, BUT just because you are not on the list doesn't mean you can't join the group!
    It just means that I will not be posting your weights. :tongue:

    Feel free to use the thread and blog for support. We have a lot of people who have been doing C25k for a few weeks already and people who are starting today!:bigsmile:

  • kmh219
    kmh219 Posts: 3 Member
    I want in! I too will download the app, Looking forward to the support of everyone :)
  • onefasternurse
    onefasternurse Posts: 62 Member
    I am on week 2 day 1 of c25k and have lost 2 pounds since starting the program ;)
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    Thank you!