Is walking enough at a brisk pace for 30+ mins a daily a good way to lose weight?

Just looking for some general input on what are the best methods of losing weight cardio wise that don't include gyms walking etc

Will appreciate any input x


  • Jakeemblem123
    Jakeemblem123 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you at least I know I'm doing something right just gotta stick too it o:)
  • Jakeemblem123
    Jakeemblem123 Posts: 20 Member
    Great to hear it can shed those pounds the Not really a fan of gyms so walking is definitely my best bet thank you guys x
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Just looking for some general input on what are the best methods of losing weight cardio wise that don't include gyms walking etc

    Will appreciate any input x

    Walking is a great exercise. Make sure you walk fast enough to raise your heart rate and it helps if you are able to include steps or hills.

    I keep a log of different routes I take and how many miles they are (and how many steps). Varying your route keeps things interesting. It also helps if you have a destination. My bank is 1-1/2 miles round trip, grocery store is 2-1/2 miles, etc.
  • vivelajackie
    vivelajackie Posts: 321 Member
    As long as you're doing the work out in the KITCHEN and eating at a deficit you'll lose weight. A nice walk a few times a week is just a bonus. Plenty of folks have lost weight with walking as their own exercise.

    Plus, everyone I ran into also exercising outside? Seemed super cool. Nice perk in the race for my faith of humanity. Pfft. Enjoy!
  • mcmasters06
    mcmasters06 Posts: 19 Member
    I have been at this for 35 days and have lost about 12 pounds. I stay under my cal goal and walk an hr a day when weather allows dang ohio weather. My dr recommended this app and at least 10000 steps a day, so far so good. She told me slow n study wins this race if it drops too fast I'll gain it all back. Stay strong you can do it. Add me if you'd like.
  • Silentpadna
    Silentpadna Posts: 1,306 Member
    Walking is excellent for calorie burn, which for me allows by to eat comfortably with a 1000 calorie deficit (soon to be 750 as I need to slow it down a little).....

    However, 80% of success (for me anyway) is in the kitchen. 20% is exercise. I shoot for 10K steps per day, and one hour of cardio/strength. But, the key for me still tracking my calories in. If you don't know how much you are eating, you'll only know that you are building up your cardio endurance.

    Remember "you cannot outrun (or out-cardio) a bad diet" - said by numerous smart folks on these forums (only quoted by me).
  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    Walking is very good for you and can significantly increase your calories burned but weight loss is all about maintaining a calorie deficit.
  • Jakeemblem123
    Jakeemblem123 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks guys nice to know I'm on the right track :) x
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,383 Member
    Keep in mind that walking doesn't burn a WHOLE lot of calories.

    For example, as a 5'7" 155lbs woman, I burn about 115 calories for a moderate-paced 30 minute walk.

    One Reese's chocolate cup is 100 cals, to put it in perspective.

    The main point here is: walking is great for health - both physical and mental. But it's almost negligible when it comes to weight loss, especially when done in only a 30 minute increment. Weight loss happens in the kitchen. :)
  • Schazey45
    Schazey45 Posts: 2 Member
    sarahbums wrote: »
    walking's great! i do at least an hour most mornings. It's been pretty much my only exercise, and I've managed to drop 35lbs. Just make sure to maintain a decent pace. You could also add in a few intervals of jogging if you wanted.
    sarahbums wrote: »
    walking's great! i do at least an hour most mornings. It's been pretty much my only exercise, and I've managed to drop 35lbs. Just make sure to maintain a decent pace. You could also add in a few intervals of jogging if you wanted.

    I'm also walking 90mins a day . Can you advise on diet... that's where I'm failing I think still eating too much .

    Please share your daily menu I can follow similar I need to drop 35lbs