Keto diet

I want to start the keto diet, but don't really know how to go about it. Is anyone one here doing the keto diet has any tips for a beginner?.


  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    Do a lot of research n why you might choose to do keto. IMO it's not for everyone. I've done it for almost 2 years - but I never tell anyone to do it.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    My tip was to pm @nvmomketo but she already responded. I'm not for certain but I am pretty sure she is the only person on these boards who has the medical necessity for keto and is sensible about it.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    My tip was to pm @nvmomketo but she already responded. I'm not for certain but I am pretty sure she is the only person on these boards who has the medical necessity for keto and is sensible about it.

    Most keto'ers stay in the LCD group. There are a bunch of knowledgeable keto'ers there
  • Tierrar3
    Tierrar3 Posts: 13 Member
    filbo132 wrote: »
    Is there a reason you want to do keto diet? I ask, because people think it's magic that will shred the weight off. It can, but that's caused by the caloric deficit which you can achieve even with high carbs (I am living proof that it can be done). With that said, if you think it will make it easier for you to achieve caloric deficit, then go ahead.

    Yeah, I've seen alot of people on the diet who've lost alot of weight. I feel like I tried everything to help me lose weight and nothing really help, maybe because I really don't have the motivation like I use to and wanted to give this a go.
  • Tierrar3
    Tierrar3 Posts: 13 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    My tip is increase your sodium intake to at least 3000-5000mg per day. Those who don't tend to experience and electrolyte imbalance with headaches, fatigue, muscle aches, stomach issues and such.

    There's 2300 mg of sodium in a teaspoon of table salt.

    Read books and blogs. Jimmy Moore's blog and book, Keto Clarity is a good place to start. Peter Atia is helpful. Anything by Phinney and Volek.

    Join the Low Carber Daily MFP group and look through their launch pad. There is a TONNE of information there.

    Okay thank I will look more into it.
  • mojodenton13
    mojodenton13 Posts: 1 Member
    Do your research! I started April 5th and am down exactly 20 lbs in that month. I think it is totally worth it!! I miss my carbs, but honestly mainly for convenience reasons. It's easy to make a wuick sandwich or bowl of cereal. But at least with keto I still have a lot of options even when eating out.
  • ferd_ttp5
    ferd_ttp5 Posts: 246 Member
    filbo132 wrote: »
    Is there a reason you want to do keto diet? I ask, because people think it's magic that will shred the weight off. It can, but that's caused by the caloric deficit which you can achieve even with high carbs (I am living proof that it can be done). With that said, if you think it will make it easier for you to achieve caloric deficit, then go ahead.
    This, keto is for diabetic or pre-diabetic person calorie deficit for weight loss :)
  • FPjomoke
    FPjomoke Posts: 2 Member
    I am trying it because of the success I have heard about.
    I am only in my first week Day 3 so just starting to get the hang of it. It felt so weird buying so much meat, cheese and whipping cream at grocery store. No cravings at all. Too early to see weight loss.
    I am a bit apprehensive about all the animal fat so looking to increase more healthy fats.
  • cookiemonster_ashley
    cookiemonster_ashley Posts: 27 Member
    I found keto wasn't for me. But if it worked for others that's fine.
  • gypsy516
    gypsy516 Posts: 12 Member
    filbo132 wrote: »
    Is there a reason you want to do keto diet? I ask, because people think it's magic that will shred the weight off. It can, but that's caused by the caloric deficit which you can achieve even with high carbs (I am living proof that it can be done). With that said, if you think it will make it easier for you to achieve caloric deficit, then go ahead.

    How do you achieve caloric deficit with high carbs?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Tierrar3 wrote: »
    filbo132 wrote: »
    Is there a reason you want to do keto diet? I ask, because people think it's magic that will shred the weight off. It can, but that's caused by the caloric deficit which you can achieve even with high carbs (I am living proof that it can be done). With that said, if you think it will make it easier for you to achieve caloric deficit, then go ahead.

    Yeah, I've seen alot of people on the diet who've lost alot of weight. I feel like I tried everything to help me lose weight and nothing really help, maybe because I really don't have the motivation like I use to and wanted to give this a go.

    if you are not motivated to eat in a calorie deficit then it is not going to matter what way of eating you choose, you will not lose weight unless you eat less than you burn, period.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Tierrar3 wrote: »
    filbo132 wrote: »
    Is there a reason you want to do keto diet? I ask, because people think it's magic that will shred the weight off. It can, but that's caused by the caloric deficit which you can achieve even with high carbs (I am living proof that it can be done). With that said, if you think it will make it easier for you to achieve caloric deficit, then go ahead.

    Yeah, I've seen alot of people on the diet who've lost alot of weight. I feel like I tried everything to help me lose weight and nothing really help, maybe because I really don't have the motivation like I use to and wanted to give this a go.

    and how do you think you will have to motivation to be low carb?

    Keto only works if you are in a calorie deficit...albeit that can be easier to achieve with keto but it requires motivation as well.

    why not just count calories? eat what you want within reasonable portions and not worry about anything else.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    gypsy516 wrote: »
    filbo132 wrote: »
    Is there a reason you want to do keto diet? I ask, because people think it's magic that will shred the weight off. It can, but that's caused by the caloric deficit which you can achieve even with high carbs (I am living proof that it can be done). With that said, if you think it will make it easier for you to achieve caloric deficit, then go ahead.

    How do you achieve caloric deficit with high carbs?

    The same way you would with any other amount of carbs -- reduce calories across the board. For many when starting out the easiest thing to do is keep protein about the same and cut both carbs and fat depending on the specifics of their diet, their preferences, and how they tend to overeat. For example,you could cut back on fats some (leaner meat vs. high fat, adding less oil/butter when cooking, adding/eating less cheese, low fat dairy if you like it), cut back on carbs proportionally (smaller portions of starchy carb sides made up for by more meat and veg), and cut down on both together (cutting down on some high cal snacks that are both, like ice cream or cookies). That would be neither a low carb nor a low fat diet. (I quite like low carb, so not saying one has to do it that way, but it's just as good for weight loss unless you have a personal preference.)
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    jkens wrote: »
    I am trying it because of the success I have heard about.
    I am only in my first week Day 3 so just starting to get the hang of it. It felt so weird buying so much meat, cheese and whipping cream at grocery store. No cravings at all. Too early to see weight loss.
    I am a bit apprehensive about all the animal fat so looking to increase more healthy fats.

    Please be aware that keto is great as it reduces your appetite, but you will NOT lose weight if you're eating too many calories (easy to do with all that fat). #1 reason why people fail at Keto and come back 3 weeks later complaining they're not losing weight - because they're eating too much. Unfortunately there's no "magic" diet that will allow you to eat as much as you want and lose weight (I'm a 4 year keto veteran).
  • Zuzurillo
    Zuzurillo Posts: 80 Member
    Resources I found to be helpful:
    Leanne Vogel
    Maria Emmerich
    Good Luck!
  • kericka_stagga
    kericka_stagga Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I've been doing the keto since March 15 2017 and I've lost almost 20 pounds so far. Actual fat. I've went from a size 14 to an 8, 10. I really enjoy it, but the keto flue sucks really bad. I eat less than 1300 cals a day and try to stay under 20 carbs. I love the endurance I have when I work out now. I'm able to run for long prds of time without stopping. It's not the easiest thing being keto bcus I love bread, but I also loveeeee meat lol. There a bunch of resources online and books on Amazon that aren't expensive. The way to start if you decide it's for you is to track you cals and measure out your veggies and meat. Watch certain seasonings you put on your meat bcus they have carbs as well. I started by eatting 4 small meals a day. Breakfast : 2 egg whites, Turkey bacon or sauage and some cheese on my eggs. Snack: low fat string cheese and nuts. Lunch: sandwich meat and some veggies. Lunch 2 lol: same. Dinner: Turkey or chicken breast with veggies. This was my go to website and still is may Jesus bless you on your journey whatever you decide.
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    the keto flue sucks really bad.

    The often maligned and misnamed "Keto Flu" is nothing more than your body telling you that your electrolytes are out of balance. When you follow a Ketogenic or LCHF way of eating, your body requires a MINIMUM of 3,000-5,000 mg of sodium per day. Salt you food. Heavily. All of it. Dissolved a bouillon cube in the appropriate amount of water and drink 2 cubes daily. Eat pickles. Drink the pickle juice (yes, really).