Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    edited May 2017
    1. lay out gym clothes from tomorrow ( already went to the gym today, and plan to get in a walk later also) :):/ Made it to the gym, but not my walk. But ... I did work in the yard for about 2 hrs, so that counts
    2. log ALL FOOD! :)
    3. drink water :/
    4. only 1 diet coke. Stick with some tea and/or water :/
    5. Try to be aware of sabatoging thoughts about food/eating. I am in control of what I eat! :)

    JFT, Sunday, 5/7
    1. log all food
    2. get out for a long walk
    3. be aware of ifs its hunger or just cravings
    4. drink water

    Try to keep these things in mind all day:
    1.You encounter a trigger
    2.You have a thought
    3.You made a decision
    4.You act
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    I feel like I have hit a brick wall and crashed. I left work yesterday at noon and have not left my couch except to go to bed since. I'm physically and mentally exhausted from working such long days for such a long stretch. It's a beautiful day here in Green Bay today so I need to get off this couch and get outside. Maybe run to Steins and get some flowers to plant.

    Anyway, Just for Saturday:
    1. STAY in the GREEN :( I would have if i could have kept my hands off the jar of peanuts. I can't believe how many calories there are in those little buggers!
    2. Get my steps in :) I did.
    3. Listen to insipring podcasts :( No, but I plan on doing this today
    4. Declutter closet and pack a donate box :) Started a donate bag but more to get through.
    5. Make a nice dinner for my husband tonight :p Actually, he made a nice dinner for me. I'll return the favor tonight.
    6. Meal plan and make shopping list for tomorrow ;) We have a list but I really, really, really don't feel like going grocery shopping today!
    7. No negativity or stress! :) Definitely avoided this so that was good!

    Just for Sunday:
    1. Stay in the green with carbs and sugar. Increase protein.
    2. Get some activity in today and hit my step goal.
    3. Do something I enjoy...something that will make me smile (go thrift store bumming, sew on my quilt, go to a book store, paint my nails, bubble bath, SOMETHING....)
    4. Quitting Sitting Boot Camp challenge for today
    5. Listen to podcast from Half Size Me and Optimal Living Daily.
    6. Check off 2 items from my to-do list posted on the fridge
    7. Unplug, read and journal one hour prior to bedtime.

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    joan6630 wrote: »
    I have not been logging my food, have hardly been exercising, and just losing my motivation.

    Try to keep these things in mind all day:
    1.You encounter a trigger
    2.You have a thought
    3.You made a decision
    4.You act

    Dont worry about losing the motivation. I find that mine fluctuates from high to low! It's hard to keep it on going! So don't worry, you'll be on a high again soon! It will come back!

    As for buying triggers
    I end up buying them for other people in the house (genuinely) but I realised I wasn't buying anything for me.
    So if you do think "that's for my daughter" then think... well what am I going to have as a treat? And then you go round and find a nice low calorie treat. And then maybe when you open that freeZer and see the icecream you will remember what you bought for yourself!

    They're very good permanent goals
    It's just taking the time to stop and think about the actions. So many of my actions are subconscious and before I know if it's too late. Then 3-4 digestives and pack of crisps are already in my tum!

    That is such a good way to approach this issue! Why on earth did I not think of this a long time ago? Dang. I do also buy ice cream and other triggers for others in my house, but I don't buy an alternative for myself. I need to revise my grocery list now before we go today! Really good insight @Bex953172 ! Thanks!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    I think someone is trying to teach me a lesson -- do not eat anywhere other than the kitchen.

    I have ANTS all over my desk in my office! Thats what I get for eating some walnuts there - ants will find anything!!!!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    joan6630 wrote: »
    I think someone is trying to teach me a lesson -- do not eat anywhere other than the kitchen.

    I have ANTS all over my desk in my office! Thats what I get for eating some walnuts there - ants will find anything!!!!

    DH and I live in the middle of a forest so we get all kinds of critters! But last summer there was a hole in the foundation of my little cabin and we had ants everywhere! This year it doesnt seem to be too bad, only a few here or there which is expected when you live where I live. Lol. At least the flies arent as bad as last year! I had a hidden bag of potatoes that sprouted and went bad and all of a sudden there were swarms or fruit flies infesting our house. It took me like two weeks to find the culprit and ten rolls of flytape to finally get them out of my house! It was nuts! But all seems okay so far!

    And now you know, no eating in the office! Lol.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,145 Member
    edited May 2017
    Tried updating my goals 3 times today and baby kept slapping my phone and losing the comment!

    So I've mostly kept up with my goals! Been in the green etc etc.

    Did another dog walk tonight, you know the one I post pics of walking down the canal!
    Well this time I thought I'd go for a longer one. So basically I come off that stretch of canal, cross the road and walk a little way down and join it again in a different bit to get home.
    Not walked it at that time of night before.
    There was SO MANY FLIES, then tiny ones that group in the thousands and just fly everywhere in one space!
    I got 1/4 way down and shouted "FU€K" and just ran back, no, sprinted back! (the dog was so confused :sweat_smile:
    Haha I logged that 5 min sprint! 114 cals!!

    Anyway, don't know how many calories flies have so can't log that!
    Going for a shower because I can still feel them

    Posting goals in the morning!

    May Goals
    March Weight: 12st 6lb
    April Weight 12st 5lb
    Current Weight: 12st 5lb
    Target Weight: 10st 7lb
    Lbs to lose this month: 4

    Strive for progress, not perfection.

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Just for tomorrow 5/7

    1. Get up and go to church. :)
    2. Do laundry :)
    3. Finish food shopping :( But the night is still young
    4. Take a walk :# Went on a bike ride and got caught in a freak rain storm
    5. Give the DH a GIANT hug when he walks through the front door ;)
    6. OH! And stay in the green! :D Everything but sugar and not over by much

    Well the DH is home and all is right in the world...well for the most part. Lol. Did all of my list but finish the shopping, but it's only 6:30. It's still light out and the stores dont close for another 2 1/2 hours. So I'll probably go later.

    Just For Tomorrow 5/8:

    1. Stay in the green
    2. Keep my teller drawer balanced at work
    3. Eat three meals and two snacks
    4. Make a yummy, healthy dinner
    5. Keep my sugar in check

    I think I can do this!

    Have a great night everyone!
  • Priscy3456
    Priscy3456 Posts: 13 Member
    I baked cake today but didn't have any. I'm so proud of myself. I'm really trying to control my cravings. But I still eat even when I'm not hungry. I need to work on that.
    Just for today
    I log everything I ate
    Had no sugar
    I didn't get a chance to workout but I make it up tomorrow.
    I worried that I'm not losing as much as I should. Guess I need to go harder
  • dph118
    dph118 Posts: 89 Member
    Priscy3456 wrote: »
    I baked cake today but didn't have any. I'm so proud of myself. I'm really trying to control my cravings. But I still eat even when I'm not hungry. I need to work on that.
    Just for today
    I log everything I ate
    Had no sugar
    I didn't get a chance to workout but I make it up tomorrow.
    I worried that I'm not losing as much as I should. Guess I need to go harder

    Awesome will power with the cake! Don't worry about losing as much as you think you should. As long as you are moving in the right direction, you are making progress and you should be proud of yourself!
  • dph118
    dph118 Posts: 89 Member
    Sunday's goals:
    1. Keep calories under 1300 / carbs under 20 g. :smile:
    2. Drink 8+ glasses of water :neutral: Need to work on drinking more water!
    3. Meet step goal of 9,000 :smiley:
    4. Work on budget. :smile: Got started and need to finish it today.
    5. Work on laundry. :smile:
    6. Do some reading. :smile: Started my new novel, so am happy about that.

    Monday's goals:
    1. Keep calories under 1300 / carbs under 20 g.
    2. Drink more water!
    3. Meet step goal.
    4. Finish laundry.
    5. Finish budget.
    6. Come up with a new dinner to mix things up.
    7. Work planning.
    8. Read and relax!

    Goals for May:
    1. Lose 5 pounds. :smile: Down 2.4, 2.6 to go.
    2. Build up to 10K steps per day. :smile: Progressing, increased to 9,000 this week.
    3. Incorporate strength training at least 3 days/week. :wink: Working on building the routine, remember to start slowly.

    I am really struggling with how to deal with my stress. I have been focused on increasing my exercise. It has really helped to get outside and get moving. There is something about the fresh air and beautiful scenery that manages to clear my brain! Went on a short hike yesterday with my DH and we got in about 4.5 km and also got to poke our heads into one of the local art galleries in town.

    I have decided that my next exercise goal will be to build up to completing a 25 km round trip. This is roughly the distance to my husband's work and back. I took a short hike this morning ~4 km, but got chased in by the rain. My next goal will be to make it to the next town in the same direction ~7 km round trip. Will let you know once I make it!
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Priscy3456 wrote: »
    I baked cake today but didn't have any. I'm so proud of myself. I'm really trying to control my cravings. But I still eat even when I'm not hungry. I need to work on that.
    Just for today
    I log everything I ate
    Had no sugar
    I didn't get a chance to workout but I make it up tomorrow.
    I worried that I'm not losing as much as I should. Guess I need to go harder

    When I'm not seeing progress I feel that I need to eat less/work out more, but this sends me into a pattern of heavy restrictions that I rebel against within a few days. It always backfires on me. I would love to be at goal weight in 7 days. Is it realistic? Not in my case. Try not to worry...it's like trying to get somewhere in a rocking chair
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Didn't work out Sunday but I think I needed to rest. My body feels better & not as worn out today.

    The weekend was a challenge with food choices but I'm so grateful for this group. It helps to keep me accountable & inspired.

    Pretracked mist of my food today.
    Going to listen to an inspiring podcast-Half Size Me
    Walked dog with DH.
    Going to gym-weights
    Elliptical 20 mins.
    Aiming for 150g of protein.- If I eat all that I've pretracked I'll be at 117g!
    20 min nap/meditative breathing.
    Drink 8 cups of water.
    Early to bed-10pm.
    I need to limit the amt of time I spend w/very negative people. I'm choosing to set boundaries for the sake of my health.

    Have a great start to your week everyone!

  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    edited May 2017
    dph118 wrote: »
    Sunday's goals:
    1. Keep calories under 1300 / carbs under 20 g. :smile:
    2. Drink 8+ glasses of water :neutral: Need to work on drinking more water!
    3. Meet step goal of 9,000 :smiley:
    4. Work on budget. :smile: Got started and need to finish it today.
    5. Work on laundry. :smile:
    6. Do some reading. :smile: Started my new novel, so am happy about that.

    Monday's goals:
    1. Keep calories under 1300 / carbs under 20 g.
    2. Drink more water!
    3. Meet step goal.
    4. Finish laundry.
    5. Finish budget.
    6. Come up with a new dinner to mix things up.
    7. Work planning.
    8. Read and relax!

    Goals for May:
    1. Lose 5 pounds. :smile: Down 2.4, 2.6 to go.
    2. Build up to 10K steps per day. :smile: Progressing, increased to 9,000 this week.
    3. Incorporate strength training at least 3 days/week. :wink: Working on building the routine, remember to start slowly.

    I am really struggling with how to deal with my stress. I have been focused on increasing my exercise. It has really helped to get outside and get moving. There is something about the fresh air and beautiful scenery that manages to clear my brain! Went on a short hike yesterday with my DH and we got in about 4.5 km and also got to poke our heads into one of the local art galleries in town.

    I have decided that my next exercise goal will be to build up to completing a 25 km round trip. This is roughly the distance to my husband's work and back. I took a short hike this morning ~4 km, but got chased in by the rain. My next goal will be to make it to the next town in the same direction ~7 km round trip. Will let you know once I make it!

    That's a terrific exercise goal! Good for you. I was going to suggest weight training either on machines or free weights. It's really helping with my stress. Best wishes.

  • dph118
    dph118 Posts: 89 Member
    @Saragirl2 Thanks for the suggestion on weight training. Part of my goal this month is to incorporate some weight training into my routine. I am hoping this will help strengthen my joints. I really struggle with runaway inflammation, so will see how it goes.
    Have a great day!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,595 Member
    edited May 2017
    So stayed off computer for the weekend...didn't start out that way, but in the end, just nice to take a break. I haven't logged any food / exercise since Friday afternoon. Had a good weigh-in Sat. a.m. and somehow that meant I could eat / do whatever I wanted. Went back and forth between eating well & not so much. At least I did a couple of dog walks besides my naps. :wink: Sunday evening went with hubby to see Alton Brown's Eat Your Science. So funny! His ginormous popcorn machine was hysterical and impressive. :smiley:

    Starting the (work) week here again to get myself back on track. Keeping it simple just for M 5/8
    1) Log all food and keep net calories in green
    2) Sunny spring day, walk dog (she was so sad yesterday when I napped instead) after work
    3) Floss
    4) Bedtime by 10:15 & TV off...Tuesday have all day seminar - I have to arrive early with name tags and man the check-in table
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Anyway, don't know how many calories flies have so can't log that!
    Going for a shower because I can still feel them

    This made me laugh out loud at my desk at work!!! hahaha! I hate those things!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,145 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Anyway, don't know how many calories flies have so can't log that!
    Going for a shower because I can still feel them

    This made me laugh out loud at my desk at work!!! hahaha! I hate those things!

    Ahaha, knew it would make you laugh!!

    It gets funnier
    I got into a fight... with a goose.

    It actually sounds like I make this *kitten* up but I hand on heart don't lol!
    I'm pretty convinced it's the same goose because it's also in the same place every time I go lol!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    edited May 2017
    @Bex953172 Oh, I totally believe you! This stuff happens to me too! Seriously. That's why it cracks me up...because I can totally picture it! hahahahah!!!

    Fighting a goose now, huh? Who won? Did he kick your azz? LMAO!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Just For Tomorrow 5/8:

    1. Stay in the green :D All but my sugar.
    2. Keep my teller drawer balanced at work B)
    3. Eat three meals and two snacks :#
    4. Make a yummy, healthy dinner :)
    5. Keep my sugar in check :#

    I think I can do this!

    Have a great night everyone!

    I've decided that I have to give up my nightly "beer" since mine are flavored and high in sugar. That's the main reason I cant keep my sugar numbers in the green. I finished my last one tonight(and logged it) and wont but any more for a while. Alcohol was never in my house for the longest time. Then I got a new job where I'm home every evening and all of a sudden I felt this intense need to always have beer in the house. No idea why. But that's going to stop for a while. It was never more than one a night but that one is 220 calories and 48g of sugar! I also eat a lot of fruit, so all that combined kills my sugar numbers!

    I didnt eat three meals either. I had two small meals and a decent sized dinner. I've been dealing with a seriously high level of anxiety today. For no reason. Just a terrible terrible place mentally today. If I had been in a better mood, today would have been great! But that's what happens when you suffer from Bi-Polar disorder, like I do. Lol. It was just an off day I guess. Had to resort to taking one of my emergency meds as well. And it carried over into my home life. Matt was really good about it though. I ended up on taking a super hot shower and almost burst into tears while I was getting into it.

    BUT through it all, I still stayed in the green in everything but my sugar and that was only because of the one beer I drank today. Lol

    But as for tomorrow!

    JFT (5/9):
    1. Stay in the green
    2. Keep my till balanced
    3. Take a walk when I get home
    4. Make a super healthy and a definitely delicous dinner!
    5. Turn the light out by 10pm
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,145 Member
    @Bex953172 Oh, I totally believe you! This stuff happens to me too! Seriously. That's why it cracks me up...because I can totally picture it! hahahahah!!!

    Fighting a goose now, huh? Who won? Did he kick your azz? LMAO!

    :sweat_smile: Well it came walking down the path towards me and as I didn't know how the dog would react I stopped walking so it could jump in the water.
    Instead it gets closer and starts hissing at me.. so I'm thinking wtf?!
    And before I know if im flapping my arms and hissing back. The dog is just staying out of it lol he must've thought 'I don't even know what's going on here.. '

    In the end it wasn't getting anywhere it was just a woman and a goose hissing at eachother!
    I started to walk past

    It got the last hiss but then I told it to pi$$ off? So dont know who wins there lol