Low Carb and Low Sugar - who wants to join?



  • cindytabor96
    cindytabor96 Posts: 8 Member
    Please add me. I have been doing LCHF for a few months and have lost 35lbs and I'm a woman over 50. That's almost unheard of! I'm looking for more friends who are doing LCHF so please feel free to add me, especially if I can view what you are eating. It helps give me ideas!
  • skotian7
    skotian7 Posts: 15 Member
    Please add me, also I am on a budget , so I like to look for alternatives at home, and prefer home cooked meals
  • lenalovestofish
    lenalovestofish Posts: 80 Member
    I have been doing low card low sugar for 2 months. I lost weight and my a1c went from 10.5 to 6.3
  • jawannamartinez
    jawannamartinez Posts: 1 Member
    Please add me in too! This is new for me, recommended by my endocrinologist. I could use some help! Thanks!
  • Ant488
    Ant488 Posts: 372 Member
    I need to!
  • DaShumps
    DaShumps Posts: 25 Member
    Add me please :)
  • bininj
    bininj Posts: 77 Member
    What a positive thread.
  • kimannhodge
    kimannhodge Posts: 7 Member
    Please add me! I am just getting started and could use some tips
  • LearningToFly13
    LearningToFly13 Posts: 329 Member
    Sugar is a carb. It is redundant to say low sugar and low carb. I know what you mean, but it's just...I don't know...it comes from a place of not understanding things.

    And, all of it is unnecessary. If you want to do it, do it. It's not harmful. But, it's also not helpful. it's just another way to create a calorie deficit.

    But actually it's not.....thanks for the wrong info in your input though!

    How do you think it's not? Please explain?

    Eating lower carbs is not unnecessary and actually is very helpful not its not just creating a calorie deficit. When I was eating a 1200 calorie diet I was counting calories only. So I was focusing on portions and control and eating how I wanted as long as I had the calories and I still gained weight no cheating at all.
    My dr told me I was pre diabetic and have PCOS so that pasta even though it was whole grain was turning to glucose...so my wheat bread was turning to glucose...I cut out bleached and tried to eat healthy things like brown rice ect and still was not successful. Cut out all carbs besides those from vegetables and some fruit and healthy carbs(not bread and pastas ect) and have lost about 50 lbs in 3 months and I actually usually eat about 1300 calories now so kind of went up most days yet I'm losing. So I have to side with my dr and my weight loss and say that it IS helpful and that information is wrong.

    " And, all of it is unnecessary. If you want to do it, do it. It's not harmful. But, it's also not helpful. it's just another way to create a calorie deficit."

    And not to mention my Cysts on my ovaries are better, my skin is better, my blood pressure is better my mental health is way better and everything is finally changing and I'm healthier than I have been in 10 years due to no longer eating unhealthy carbs

    Carbohydrates are not unhealthy. You may have been advised to reduce them due to certain medical issues that you have but for the majority of people, eating a balanced and varied diet is enough to lose weight as long as there is a calorie deficit.
  • cdekens
    cdekens Posts: 1 Member
    I am new this and would like to join, could use all the help I can get lol
  • dan23chi
    dan23chi Posts: 26 Member
    Oh carbs how much i miss you lol
  • pat0254
    pat0254 Posts: 23 Member
    Please add me also, I'm limiting my carb intake to under 20 grams a day... 5% , 75% fat, 20% protein. I have a Bullet proof coffee in the morning that keeps me feeling full till I eat lunch then I eat dinner around 6pm. I don't have the urge to snack anymore. I feel it must be the fat in eating. I lost 12lbs in 3 weeks.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Zombie thread.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Sugar is a carb. It is redundant to say low sugar and low carb. I know what you mean, but it's just...I don't know...it comes from a place of not understanding things.

    And, all of it is unnecessary. If you want to do it, do it. It's not harmful. But, it's also not helpful. it's just another way to create a calorie deficit.

    But actually it's not.....thanks for the wrong info in your input though!

    How do you think it's not? Please explain?

    Eating lower carbs is not unnecessary and actually is very helpful not its not just creating a calorie deficit. When I was eating a 1200 calorie diet I was counting calories only. So I was focusing on portions and control and eating how I wanted as long as I had the calories and I still gained weight no cheating at all.
    My dr told me I was pre diabetic and have PCOS so that pasta even though it was whole grain was turning to glucose...so my wheat bread was turning to glucose...I cut out bleached and tried to eat healthy things like brown rice ect and still was not successful. Cut out all carbs besides those from vegetables and some fruit and healthy carbs(not bread and pastas ect) and have lost about 50 lbs in 3 months and I actually usually eat about 1300 calories now so kind of went up most days yet I'm losing. So I have to side with my dr and my weight loss and say that it IS helpful and that information is wrong.

    " And, all of it is unnecessary. If you want to do it, do it. It's not harmful. But, it's also not helpful. it's just another way to create a calorie deficit."

    And not to mention my Cysts on my ovaries are better, my skin is better, my blood pressure is better my mental health is way better and everything is finally changing and I'm healthier than I have been in 10 years due to no longer eating unhealthy carbs

    Carbohydrates are not unhealthy. You may have been advised to reduce them due to certain medical issues that you have but for the majority of people, eating a balanced and varied diet is enough to lose weight as long as there is a calorie deficit.

    While carbohydrates are not unhealthy for many people the fact remains that carbohydrates are not required for humans to be healthy as long as they are getting enough protein to make all the glucose they need plus dietary fats that works best for their long term health markers.
  • Erik_ss
    Erik_ss Posts: 94 Member
    I lost 30 plus pounds since adopting the Keto diet (LCHF) in November of 2016. I am a new person with more long lasting energy. I have lost 50 pounds on a traditional diet. I enjoy the ketogentic diet for many reasons.