Does anyone workout in the MORNING????

Mahdi22 Posts: 229 Member
Hey, I would like to workout in the morning but often find it very difficult to do, so I always do it in the evening.

What's your morning routine? Do you have any tips or how you have the motivation...Or anything to share lol I really want to workout in the morning and make it a lifestyle


  • Annac863
    Annac863 Posts: 11 Member
    I workout in the morning after my son gets on the school bus. It works for me since I eat steel cut oatmeal every morning for breakfast and they take about 30 minutes to get done. I drink half a protein shake and do the 30ds since it only takes about 30 minutes so when I'm done I can eat shower and be out the door.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Taking a shower helps to wake me up. Once I do that I am good to go.
  • Mahdi22
    Mahdi22 Posts: 229 Member
    I workout in the morning because I tend to be able to push myself harder. I just cut out tv at night and wake up a little earlier.

    What time do you wake up? And do you eat before your workout?
  • JestaCat
    JestaCat Posts: 1 Member
    I workout at 5:30am - find it's best to get going before my brain gets me into procrastination mode (ie: I'm there and have started before I realise I'm not fully awake). Initially I didn't eat but found my energy levels too low - so started having a few spoons of natural yoghurt before leaving the house (about half hour before starting pre-workout stretching) and a pre-workout electrolyte style drink before/during workout.
    Now, about 6 months on, I have introduced a small amount of cold, soaked overnight oats (about 1/4 cup) with the yoghurt as my energy levels were falling mid-workout. So far it's working.

    I've had a few requirements to workout in the evening and h.a.t.e.d it ... gut full from the days food and head full from work and people and all I wanted to do was give up and go home. Some people like the after work de-stress, good for them! :-D

    Best of luck to you!
  • cheriej2042
    cheriej2042 Posts: 241 Member
    I workout at 530am and I am not a morning person. I do it because my metabolism is very slow and I find if I workout early it gets my system going for the day. Also I'm too tired in the evening to workout and most places are more crowded at night. I eat my breakfast within 30 minutes of finishing my workout and it seems to work for me. I used to wait until I showered, got ready etc and by then I was starving. I just have my breakfast in the car(gluten free oatmeal cup or reduced fat turkey bacon sandwich from Starbucks with a coffee). When I first decided to workout in the morning I made a commitment to try it for 2 weeks. After that I was used to it so it wasn't so hard.
  • Mahdi22
    Mahdi22 Posts: 229 Member
    I workout at 530am and I am not a morning person. I do it because my metabolism is very slow and I find if I workout early it gets my system going for the day. Also I'm too tired in the evening to workout and most places are more crowded at night. I eat my breakfast within 30 minutes of finishing my workout and it seems to work for me. I used to wait until I showered, got ready etc and by then I was starving. I just have my breakfast in the car(gluten free oatmeal cup or reduced fat turkey bacon sandwich from Starbucks with a coffee). When I first decided to workout in the morning I made a commitment to try it for 2 weeks. After that I was used to it so it wasn't so hard.

    How do you have energy to do your workout tho? Do u eat anything before your workout?

    Because ive tried it once and I was starving and didn't have energy to continue my workout
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    I usually work out at 6am. I don't have anything to eat beforehand as I can't stand the thought of eating at that time of day. I'm not a morning person but as it turns out it's the best time for me and less busy at the gym. I have all my clothes ready the night before to minimise thinking when I stumble out of bed. I'm usually in bed by 9-10pm.
  • hcolligan
    hcolligan Posts: 75 Member
    I tried working out in the evening but found there were too many distractions and I'd no energy. It was hard starting to get up early but now it's habit. Up at 6.30, cup of coffee and either run or home workout. Overnight oats for breakfast to save time.
  • ladyshellbelle
    ladyshellbelle Posts: 98 Member

    I hit the gym or pool at 6.30am each morning, do 30 mins and then shower and work. I chose a gym next to where I work so I would have to do the journey anyway. Im lucky as my family is grown up but the routine is hard some days and I want to stay in bed and some times I do, but I don't beat myself up, I just watch what I eat that day and work harder the next morning.
    There is nothing better than leaving work knowing I have already done my exercise and can just go home :)
    good luck x
  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    I used to be a night gym person. However, starting university via correspondence and my second job meant that any night I wasn't working would need to be spent studying.

    So, despite absolutely hating the idea, I started in the mornings. And now I love it - same routines as before, but starting the day off that way is so invigorating.

    Either way, my recommendation would be to fit it in the best time frame that suits your lifestyle.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I just can't find the motivation to do anything energetic in the morning, it takes me a few hours and cups of coffee for my legs to start moving properly! Before then my legs feel like butter or like I'm walking in quicksand!
  • PatanjaliTwist
    PatanjaliTwist Posts: 485 Member
    edited May 2017
    I've been a wee hours of the morn' workout nutter for a few wks now & am quite enjoying it. As someone who can get so glommed up in work I forget to eat, drink, take a break or workout, I decided to figure out another way to take better care of myself & fit in exercise at any opportunity. If I don't do it earlier, I often have an excuse as I'm too mentally exhausted end of day.

    Every day for 2-wks, I've been to bed earlier & woken up at 2:30am on my own (first time ever sans alarm), so exercise is 3-4am. I've never looked forward to exercise before, but this new schedule seems to be doing the trick in making me look forward to rolling out of bed & onto a yoga mat. It helps that I keep the middle of the floor empty for a ready made workout area & weights & yoga accessories are all within easy reach.

    It's worked for me, so far & did require just making a decision to change. I dreaded thinking about it at first, as a lifetime night owl & now like the jolt of energy I get from an early morning workout, rather than it coming from boatloads of java.

    My suggestion would be to try something different & re-arrange your schedule for a 2-wk trial. If you don't like it, you can switch back to what currently works for you. Good luck!
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    edited May 2017
    I work mostly lates, nights or on-call shifts by choice so 99% of my workouts are mornings.

    Up, breakfast, kids sorted, dogs walked, kids off to school, gym.
  • redrumkitty
    redrumkitty Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in bed by 9.30pm and up at 5.30am with my jawbone up band waking me up in a light rem cycle. I run 5kms Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays, and wake up at 5.30 on Tuesday and Thursdays even though I don't need to so I stay in the routine. I don't eat beforehand. On the weekend I go on a 5-8km hike with friends during the day.
  • HM2206
    HM2206 Posts: 174 Member
    I workout in the morning because it's the only way I can squeeze it in. After work I can't get myself to the gym.

    But to be honest, I am SO TIRED. I went this morning at 7am, got about 7 hrs of sleep but now I just want to sleep. Its 1 pm here and I have no energy, even after lunch :neutral:
  • Penthesilea514
    Penthesilea514 Posts: 1,189 Member
    I work out in the morning because I make too many excuses at night and I like how I feel after I work out in the morning. I am in the gym by 5:45am and work out for 45 minutes. I workout fasted and then usually have coffee and protein shake for breakfast at work (7:30am).

    I used to really struggle with waking up. I have this free app I use called Alarmy which has seriously helped me (I have an Iphone, don't know if there is an Android version). It forces me to do math (ugh) and answer a certain amount correctly in order to set off the alarm. There is also a photo mode where the alarm won't turn off unless you take a picture of a pre-determined place (bathroom, front door, wherever). I love that I could customize the Alarm's math problems from how many I need to do to how hard they are to answer. That way, I can't just do the math and fall asleep (which I could seriously do).

    I have been using it for a month and a half now- no problems at all. I also have all my clothes/water bottle ready to go in the morning so all I need to do is dress, grab them, and get out the door. Prep will make early morning workouts even easier.

    Good luck! :)
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    I am up at 4am. Gym at 6am. Work 8 am.
    Alarm clock used to work. Now it's a routine, so I'm up with or without alarm clock.