Feeling so hopeless, helpless and generally demoralised.

I am utterly desperate right now so sorry if this post seems a little over dramatic!

I have lost a considerable amount of weight before but as an emotional eater, depression and loneliness due to commencing a highly stressful job in a new city, saw me falling off the bandwagon and back into my comfort eating. I finally found myself back in the zone having changed jobs and locations and feel I got my zest back. It's been 6 weeks that I've been swimming regularly and using the app to track my food intake. I purposely avoided the scales as they tend to dictate my mood and I find them counterproductive if I see a higher number, thus go on to sabotage my efforts. Well, I finally weighed myself and not a single pound lost, I'm so down right now.

Here is me when I began on the left and this is me last week on the right, I'm honestly thought I could see a difference but since the scale check, I think Ive been looking through rose tinted glasses and it's been a placebo - I really want an outside opinion on this.


What can I do to get the weight down without going to extremes, I'm asking from utter desperation.

Many thanks for any input.


  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Use a tape measure instead of a scale. You are not massively overweight and if you are exercising your weight might not change much even as your inches go down. Are you using a food scale? If not is it impossible to track foods such as pasta and cereals accurately so you might not be eating at the calorie deficit you think you are.
  • Madsocks
    Madsocks Posts: 54 Member
    Hi, I know how you are feeling. I fell off the wagon myself recently, but trying to get back on it in a big way this week. I've been suffering with bouts of depression too, and I'm finding it more and more difficult to go the gym, I just comfort eat and it's starting to get out of hand now but I'm going to try and make a proper go of it. After I did my bootcamp and my bout of glandular fever, I got down to 16st 9lb and that was 12 months ago, now I'm back up to 18st 8lb and I'm so angry and frustrated with myself, not to mention upset.

    With regards to the pictures you have posted, in both of them you look really really well. If you hadn't have said which picture is which, then I would said that the left picture was after your weight loss but it might be because you are wearing two different outfits (plus I'm a guy so i'm useless at that type of stuff!)

    I've been trying extremes like starving myself and I've been told in no uncertain terms not to do it, all I've been told is to watch what I eat, and exercise, but it's really difficult. I won't even go swimming because I think I look horrible and I don't want anyone else to see me.

    I hope you manage to get out of the plateau you are currently on! :smile:
  • freedom2016mfp
    freedom2016mfp Posts: 75 Member
    You need a new scale or need to toss it period... YOU look amazing!
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    If you don't want to use a scale--use measurements once a week. If you're not losing, you're not in a deficit. Without a digital food scale it will be hard to know how much you are eating. You don't have much to lose so it's harder and slower.
  • lululapagaille
    lululapagaille Posts: 84 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hello, you do look thinner in the right hand side picture, in your arms and thighs. Hang in there and be patient. (I know the feeling). Maybe you just had one of those «water weight» bloated days ? Try again in a week. Good luck !
  • GrayRider61
    GrayRider61 Posts: 337 Member
    You look great and that's not b.s. I was recently doing great until sciatic nerve pain from spinal stenosis stopped me in my tracks. I quit tracking good, eating right; couldn't work out for about 8 weeks due to the pain. But I started back this week. Depressing at first but just keep at it.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    It's hard to tell in different outfits, slightly different poses etc. Measurements would be a good guide if you don't want to weigh yourself.

    You mention tracking your food, but how are you determining how much you're eating? You may need to tighten up your logging - do you weigh (solids/semi-solids) and measure (liquids) everything you eat and drink? Are the entries you've picked from the database correct?
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I see a difference in your chest and arms. Just keep at it and be diligent with your logging. A few mistakes can really make a difference. You don't have a lot to lose, so you have to be meticulous.
  • littefish2018
    littefish2018 Posts: 96 Member
    you look great girl, don't worry so much! I totally get wanting to look and feel your best though. i'm all about pilates these days for shrinking the waistline and just generally firming everything up, have you ever tried? you can do some simple exercises at home that can help tighten you up and show definition in arms, waist and thighs without having to go all crazy with the dieting. I agree with someone else above, your proportions are beautiful in both pics as you are :)
  • pamfgil
    pamfgil Posts: 449 Member
    edited May 2017
    Plus remember time passes anyway, if you maintain that's better than gaining and if you give up gaining is almost guaranteed, try focussing your goals on fitness challenges and healthy eating with appropriate portion sizes rather than your weight.
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    You look fantastic! Maybe try to lift a bit and continue eating at maintenence to see if that tightens things up?
    Also, you should feel great! You didn't gain any weight! That means that whatever you're eating must be accurate for maintaining.
  • sheps1990
    sheps1990 Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you all so much for the replies. I think I will definitely need to start taking measurements as many have suggested. Also regarding, leaving the scales alone, I think that is a good idea, as like has been pointed out, I was back in the zone and feeling pretty spritely until I saw that number.

    As for the photos, like some of you have pointed out you think my arms look a bit smaller, I thought that was the case but didn't mention it as I wanted to see if anyone else saw it, I really thank you for some honest feedback.

    With regards to measuring food, this is something I have not been doing and I have been guessing measurements like 1 cup of rice.

    Also, regarding overall body image, I forgot to mention that I am working as an English teacher in China. As the population here are what I consider skinny as a whole, it is hard to find shops that sell clothes in my size. My Chinese colleagues are very critical and what offends us in the west is just considered telling it like it is over here.

    Another thing I haven't mentioned is that I am addicted to Diet Coke - I can easily drink at least two bottles every day. Is there really truth in giving up a 0 calorie drink and getting slimmer? I might try to curb this habit and see if, in any way, this can give me better results.

  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,069 Member
    sheps1990 wrote: »
    Thank you all so much for the replies. I think I will definitely need to start taking measurements as many have suggested. Also regarding, leaving the scales alone, I think that is a good idea, as like has been pointed out, I was back in the zone and feeling pretty spritely until I saw that number.

    As for the photos, like some of you have pointed out you think my arms look a bit smaller, I thought that was the case but didn't mention it as I wanted to see if anyone else saw it, I really thank you for some honest feedback.

    With regards to measuring food, this is something I have not been doing and I have been guessing measurements like 1 cup of rice.

    Also, regarding overall body image, I forgot to mention that I am working as an English teacher in China. As the population here are what I consider skinny as a whole, it is hard to find shops that sell clothes in my size. My Chinese colleagues are very critical and what offends us in the west is just considered telling it like it is over here.

    Another thing I haven't mentioned is that I am addicted to Diet Coke - I can easily drink at least two bottles every day. Is there really truth in giving up a 0 calorie drink and getting slimmer? I might try to curb this habit and see if, in any way, this can give me better results.

    Nope Diet Coke doesn't make you fat, too many calories does, if you're not weighing food that's where you need to start, guessing measurements is where most people find they are going wrong. Buy a foodscale, you can get them cheap enough. I found particularly with dry foods like cereal, pasta and rice, I was way off the correct weights and eating almost double calories to what I thought I was.

    As for the scale, bear in mind us women get it pretty tough with hormonal fluctuations, it's normal to fluctuate as much as 5lb throughout the month, not just during or before your period.

    Check out the below chart, it has some great tips for tightening up your logging.

  • ksz1104
    ksz1104 Posts: 260 Member
    It sounds like your Chinese colleagues aren't that much different from Americans..

    It's a completely different culture and viewpoint so I know that this is easier to say than do but I wouldn't pay them any mind and would even say something like well in America I'm pretty hot so thanks for your opinion but no thanks.
  • sheps1990
    sheps1990 Posts: 26 Member
    I've realised as some have suggested, I'm not accurate enough with my portions. I realise that when I scan some items, it only accounts for 1 portion of an item sometimes even though I eat the whole thing. So many calories unaccounted for.
  • Merrysix
    Merrysix Posts: 336 Member
    Its always a surprise when I weigh my food -- not so good at guessing portions. Most of the time it is too much food, but sometimes too little. I like weighing -- takes the guess work out. Also when I fall off my plan I like this saying. What is success??? Fall down seven times -- get up eight times.
  • sheps1990
    sheps1990 Posts: 26 Member
    A typical staff lunch which varies every day. I'll usually eat the shrimps and some fries and leave the rest. But ultimately, I think this is my downfall as I will not be getting my measurements right.t649jq3pjbkv.jpg