Sometimes I don't know why I'm pushing so hard. Losing 130+lbs solved nothing.

Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
edited May 2017 in Motivation and Support

Surely if I dress nicely, I won't be invisible?

Surely if I had a great job, I won't be invisible?

Surely if I was financially savvy, I won't be invisible?

Surely if I had interesting hobbies, I won't be invisible?

Surely if I was statistically in better shape than over 60% of the population, I won't be invisible?


I read these story by guys how they lost weight and how suddenly they are james freakin bond. And I'm just like.... I might as well live in a bell tower. I've worked my *kitten* off at everything I've ever done in life, and almost always to great success because winning means not quitting and putting in the work.

I tell myself, "Well, I really want to improve my fighting in tae kwon do". That's nice, but if that was true I'd already be aiming for maintenance calories right now and not worried about the last 15lbs, I'd be more interested in performance.

I tell myself, "Well, it's personal responsibility to stay healthy". That's nice, but if I live an extra 10 years, I don't look forward to living them alone.

I tell myself, "Well, happiness comes from within, find enjoyment in your accomplishments". That's nice, but how much fun do you REALLY have going to a theme park by yourself? Travelling to a tourist spot yourself? Going out to dinner by yourself?

It seems I am constantly shamed and told I'm pathetic because, for many years now, all I really want is someone to spend the occasional fun times with. I have more platonic friends than I want. I'm not going to hold hands with my married buddy or have kids with them. I don't believe I've been socially programmed to want "the american dream" of a family, I believe it is instinctual. Especially at my age there are paternal instincts where I actually like hanging out with my friends' kids.

So, I sort of wince at all the hours I've spent on the elliptical. I shirk at how low my calories are some days.

I'm okay most of the time. Some of the time though, it feels like it's all crashing down.

Maybe I'm too old now. Maybe it's not meant to be. I don't know why I push so hard sometimes. I just do. This isn't the first time I've lost a lot of weight. I feel like my last chance at any sort of a chance at companionship means getting to single digit body fat and working on my body until it's nice enough that someone will actually look past whatever it is that makes me so repulsive. But more and more I see that's probably not going to work either.


Surely if I rant on this forum, I won't be invisible?

Surely if I just keep working at it, I won't be invisible?



I'm just frustrated and miserable beyond belief. A broken shell. So much potential lost on the vain attempts to find approval from people who are uninterested.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Cute puppy gif to help with the feelz? :p


    Unless OP interprets that as how he is getting on in life... stuck.... rolling around going nowhere....

    I hope not though!
  • moonstroller
    moonstroller Posts: 210 Member
    Ah, the darkness, I have dwelled in that realm, and know well its allure and horrors.
  • pattytracking
    pattytracking Posts: 3 Member
    It solved the problem of you being 130+ pounds overweight. :)
  • Leenizi129
    Leenizi129 Posts: 133 Member
    You know it is like the many of the fables I have read, for example winning the lottery is it a blessing or curse? The answer is Maybe just like is being invisible or seaking perfection - a blessing or a curse? The answer maybe? I should not have to tell you why for it depends in many factors and new challenges that imerge once things are obtained.

  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    I'm 35 and single, have always been for the most part. 99.9% of the time I couldn't care less. I'm happy with me, both when I was obese and now I'm not. I like myself for the most part aware of the not so great bits.

    People aren't attracted to people who don't like themselves.

    In the words of the great philosopher Ru Paul - If you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else. Can I get an amen up in here.

    I have always loved myself. Regardless of weight or situation. Just because you want to have a partner or had dreams of having a family, does not mean you do not love yourself. If my frustration is weakness, so be it, but not a day has ever gone by where I did not love myself. It's the unchangable situation I do not like. I do not have control over other people.
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    Sorry you are still struggling. Losing weight doesn't change your life like winning the powerball does. You still have to work, pay your bills, put gas in the car.

    Wait, I still have to go to work? uh oh. I better call them and explain.... :|
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    It solved the problem of you being 130+ pounds overweight. :)

    The silver lining. I'm much more nimble, much better stamina. I can jump, and kick, and jump kick, and I'm no longer in a heavyweight fighting class.

    Sometimes I'm okay. Sometimes there are things I wanted in life that it seems I will never have. Life could have turned out worse, and I appreciate what I do have. But the cherry on top would have been.... really nice.
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    I'm trying my best to keep up with replies, but know you're all awesome, even if I don't reply directly. B)
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    I'm 35 and single, have always been for the most part. 99.9% of the time I couldn't care less. I'm happy with me, both when I was obese and now I'm not. I like myself for the most part aware of the not so great bits.

    People aren't attracted to people who don't like themselves.

    In the words of the great philosopher Ru Paul - If you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else. Can I get an amen up in here.

    I have always loved myself. Regardless of weight or situation. Just because you want to have a partner or had dreams of having a family, does not mean you do not love yourself. If my frustration is weakness, so be it, but not a day has ever gone by where I did not love myself. It's the unchangable situation I do not like. I do not have control over other people.
    Welcome to life! Not sure how you expected this to be any different?