New Years Eve Challege anyone?



  • hannahh13
    hannahh13 Posts: 7
    Yes!! I would like to join! My goal for New Years Eve is to weigh 195 lbs. I think/hope I can do it.
  • sassylime
    sassylime Posts: 1
    Hi all! Got room for 1 more? Never done this before so I may need some help along the way! I'm a 45 year old mom of 4 girls and it's time to make myself a priority! I want to get to a healthier weight for me-bout 125ish I think by nye. Starting wt is 147.2 thanks to my annoyingly accurate digital scale! Let me know when to post numbers. Good luck everyone!
  • ai965
    ai965 Posts: 118
    Care to take one more member? I'm 119 now, and would like to get down to 100 by New Year's (with a mini-goal of 110 by the September semester). This is just the kind of motivation I need for success-especially with the holiday season in-between!
  • ch178
    ch178 Posts: 364 Member
    I got my 30 mins of cardio in yesterday! My start weight for this challenge is 150 and my goal is 120
  • lelliebugh
    lelliebugh Posts: 340 Member
    We always welcome new members, sooo since we are all new friends I think we should do a little introduction

    Something like this,

    I am Lesley, 27, and have been overweight all my life. Emotion eater in recovery. highest weight was 315 I am down to 291 the last time I weighed. I want to live my life with NO limitations. When I hit my goal weight I want to skydive. I have not weighed 230 since 2001 sooo that is my goal for New Years. I will hit my goal weigh in 2012 going into that with a great loss in 2011 is setting me up for what will be defined as MY YEAR.

    My family is very supportive especially my parents my mom said if I get to 150 her and my father will buy me a new wardrobe. I am so excited to shop in the single digit sizes lol. I am looking forward to not worrying if things will break under my weight. I am looking forward to not bein over the weight restriction for things.

    Here is the deal,
    ~I am going to post challenges for everyday some will be physical, some will be nutritional, some will be mental. I am always looking for challenges for my brain too.
    ~We will weigh in 2 times a month. First and last day. This will start August 1st. I weigh weekly as well so my ticker will be a weekly thing I want everyone to post here on the 1st and last days please.
    ~Feel free to add me and add each other. My messages and such come straight to my phone and I will respond asap so if you have a moment of weakness and need somone to talk you out of eating lol or someone to give you a push to workout I am here.
    ~Also I want everyone to have fun. Its not all about calorie counting and working out all the time. Share things about your day. I want friends not just people on a website for me to lose weight. I have a dog GNASH and you will hear of him and his antics all the time. lol
    ~I dont know of a group name for us if anyone has any idea just message me.

    I think I covered it all. lol if I have not let me know

    have a great day,
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 904 Member
    Hey ladies,
    I’m Felicia, 43yrs, and I haven’t been able to keep my weight in check since the birth of my second child (almost 16years ago). I am a compulsive overeater, and attend OA meetings. I’m also a type II diabetic.

    My goal is to wear a sleeveless shirt! I haven’t worn a sleeveless shirt for about 20 years.

    My support system is my husband and my girls who are all getting on board with me. My hubby only needs to shed about 12 lbs, but he is my loyal and non-judgmental workout buddy. I like that he doesn’t accept my lame excuses, but at the same time encourages me to push harder. I’ll also be upping my supplements to ensure I’m receiving the proper nutrients.

    I have several weak moments throughout the day, but I know it’ll get better as I start to see progress in the way I look and feel. I need you guys, big time!!
  • Lesley, you are quite the woman to set this up, LOVE IT!

    I am Amanda, 30 years old, HUGE emotional eater in recovery. I am back to my highest weight that I hit back in 2006 - and have regained almost 80 pounds :(
    I have hit rock bottom over this year with a scary health issue (throid masses found) and have been hiding in a dark hole for the last 6 months. I'm back with a vegence to do it, and do it right! I have beautiful 3 year old daughter, and an excellent career - I have a million things that I am thankful for - I just need to treat and take care of myself properly.
    Sadly, I could write a book on nutirition, and how to properly lose weight - I just do not follow the rules and lack the accountibilty aspect.
    2012 is the year of happy skinny!
    I love New Year's Eve as well, and would LOVE to actually meet a resolution and be extra happy (instead of extra bittersweet) that time of year! I have a LOT to lose...but I have to start somewhere, and like this type of challenge.
  • paulahhhh
    paulahhhh Posts: 283
    Thank you, Lesley, for organizing this for sure! Would it be easier if you posted a blog of the different challenges?
    This makes it easier to not go through pages and pages of threads & replies. IDK, that's just a suggestion.
    I'm such an organizational freak, so I thought I'd throw that suggestion out there.

    Anyway, yes! I did yesterday's challenge & today's challenge :D
    Keep up the great work everyone!!
    Keep your eyes on the prize: A new you for the New Year!!
  • lelliebugh
    lelliebugh Posts: 340 Member
    I have been brain storming our group all day lol. I think weighing on the 1st and 15th is better it makes a lot more sense. I am going to be posting a daily blog for the group. I will also post here the blog will be for challenges just so you don't have to search for it, in case you are crunched for time.
  • mstgirl
    mstgirl Posts: 13
    Hi there...My name is Marian may I join your challange? I was looking for a group to join and yours sounds like something that i would fit in. Your group sounds like a new beginning that I would like to have?
  • lelliebugh
    lelliebugh Posts: 340 Member
    Marian everyone is welcome. We have not started the full challenge yet. It starts August 1st :) welcome
  • mstgirl
    mstgirl Posts: 13
    yeah!! for the first time in my life i am not too late for something :)
  • I;m not sure my plan yet but I will take part in your challenge.I want to be at 200 atleast by NYE!!
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    I'm Yvie (pronounced E-V). I am a working mother of three kids. The first time I realized that I need to lose weight, was after 5 years of marriage, I was getting to comfortable, and not working out, I needed to lose 10 pounds. As soon as I started walking, I found out that I was pregnant with Child 1...made that an excuse to sit on my bootie and literally eat for two. Never lost the baby weight and had Child 2 about 3 years later, gained more weight. Lost 20 pounds for my sisters wedding in 2007, I was the Matron of Honor...and the dress I wore, I picked, but did not come in my size! Biggest size was a 12...I lost weight to barely fit in the dress...:grumble: ..I got pregnant I believe as soon as I came back from the wedding...child 3 (no more for me!). After every pregnancy, I always bought "goal" clothes...but never made it! Up in the attic they went...along with all my pre pregnancy clothes...I am such a pack rat!
    A girl at work lost 80 pounds with my fitness I wanted to join too! I made a resolution to myself that if I did not lose weight this year, I was going to get rid of all the clothes up in the attic. Well, some of my goal clothes and prepregancy clothes are too big now!...I am not out of the woods yet...I am at the weight I was when I married my hubbie in 1997...but still a little flabbier...That's why I changed my goal to lose an additional 10. I love working out whenever I can...My kids love working out too...they all have their eight yr old boy likes to do everything except 5 year boy love Zumba on the Kinect...can't get enough...and my tough 3 year girl...well she likes anything that has likes to tell people she has muscles!
    Well that's my story! I feel good about this long term challenge. Good luck to all!
  • lelliebugh
    lelliebugh Posts: 340 Member
    Challenge has been posted in my Blog. Goodnight everyone. I will be back tomorrow. PS I do not log all the time. I forget. I am awful at that even if I do watch what I eat. I did zumba an hour tnight whew I am exhausted.

  • Choirgirl37
    Choirgirl37 Posts: 255
    Would love to be at 160 by New Year's eve!
    BCBDL Posts: 1
    Hi Everyone, I'm new to this, but I'd love to join this challenge. Is it to late.

  • mstgirl
    mstgirl Posts: 13
    Please bear with me, i am new to the message board/challenge part of MFP.
    I will need clarification on a few things.
    I noticed several members have a list of numbers that appear to be weights and dates as a signature on their posts. What are they?
    Also, how do I access a the blog to obtain the challenge information? Once i receive the information to access the challenge, am i to post my activity on our message board here?
    How do i decided what my goal is? Should it be a weekly/monthly goal and then a large goal at the end?

    I did reach my daily goal today of walking a half hour today at lunch. In fact, I exceeded it and walked 45 minutes!

  • Marian:

    Some of the abbriviations I've caught on to in my three weeks here are as follows:

    HW=highest weight (may or may not be when you started on here)
    SW= starting weight (of the challenge or starting MFP)
    CW= current weight
    GW= goal weight (you may have a date you want to hit this goal by, or mini goal markers with our without goal dates) Some people may have goal weights with dates after it as to the day they reached that goal.
    UGW= Ultimate goal weight
    NSV= Non Scale Victory (you'll see this on other forums)

    To find the blog with the challenges if you friend her you'll see them pop up in your "news feed" or you can click on lelliebugh's page via her picture on this forum and it should give you her recent activity (AKA blog posts etc) And yes you can post back on here for confirmation or whatever you like, I don't necessarily post I did it unless it's a competition but If it makes you more accountable to report go right ahead!

    As for your goals that is really up to you, could be weight amounts, inches lost, all sorts of ways, and it's really what works for you. Mine are in 10 lb increments, but others feel better in 5's and reward for reaching the goals.

    No right or wrong really, I hope this helps some!

  • mstgirl
    mstgirl Posts: 13
    Hi Meg,

    Thank you for helping me, I really appreciate it. I tried to reply, but my computer went wacky~

    I guess I should introduce myself first.

    I am aged 40+ and restarting my life. My first priority is to get my spiritual life in order and am actively working on that. My second priority is my weight. As a result of years of neglect I have several health issues that has resulted of being obese.

    I have three very active boys that are both very handsome and intelligent and as a result wear me out. they are aged 21,12 ( he will tell you 12.8 since he turns 13 soon) and 10. I have 4 grandchildren who are active in my life also. Other than that, I do not have a life...

    and here are the numbers: drum roll please
    HW= I stopped looking after the scale hit 302 lbs. I thought, why bother. My clothes were 4XXXL and people started to treat me less humane.
    SW=202.3lbs according to my PCP scale. She was not a happy camper. To be honest, she is not my body. Why should she be upset?
    CW= 202.3lbs
    GW= goal weight
    UGW= Ultimate goal weight is not decided yet. The books say I should be 102-110 lbs since I am 5 ft 1.5 inches.
    NSV= Non Scale Victory I will post these often. each and every day. as a food addict, each and every day is a victory. each and every minute is a victory.

    NSV: Today, I went to work without stopping at Au Bon Pan without eating a chocolate covered macaroon. I lasted through a 90 minute fundraising meeting without leaving and going to CVS and devouring m&ms... to me that is a victory...

    Please feel free to "friend" me. I need all the help/support I can get. :smile:
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