lose 10-15lbs by Labor day! 6 weeks Challenge!!



  • cafaria67
    cafaria67 Posts: 30
    I want start off by saying this is the 2nd time I am typing this out! My computer ate my post! GRR!!

    Anyway, my name is Carolyn. I am a SAHM to 3 beautiful children. My max weight was 185 after the birth of my third child, 16 mo ago. I lost 11 lbs starting in Jan 2011....but my vicious cycle continued and I failed at sticking with it. Apparently I made a MFP a long time ago and never used it. LOL I started back up last month, and officially started using MFP (I surprised to see I kept that 11 lbs off somehow). My current weight is 164 lbs, giving me a total weight loss of 21lbs. :) My goal weight is 140-145. I am SO confident this time I will make it to my goal! I even have two comparison pics on my profile from January and last week, if you're interested. :)

    With this challenge, 10-15 more lbs will take me down to 154-149. I will be SO close to my goal if I can pull this off!!!
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    Looks like this is going to be a great group. Thanks for starting this!
  • toddmatchison
    toddmatchison Posts: 4 Member
    I'm looking forward to eating healthy and working out again! I had lost 22 lbs in about a month, but gained 20 of it back in about a month with the combo of a cruise/4th of july/camping/and general summertime debauchery.

    So here's the best of luck to all of you wanting to get started on your goals, and losing some lbs together!

    SW: 259
    CW: 257
    GW: 220
  • laurstarks
    laurstarks Posts: 35
    i'm in! :)

    hi everyone, i'm lauren. i'll be 24 next weekend. i'm not really positive what my max weight was... and i'm not sure i really want to know haha. i started the 17 day diet on july 1st, and weighed in at 167 that morning (but i had my period, and we all know how that is, ladies). 25 days later, i'm down 7 pounds. to supplement the diet, i've been doing zumba 3x a week and couch to 5k. my goal weight is around 115.
  • I'm in! My name is Jaycee, I'm 20 years old and a junior in college. My highest weight was around 180, and that was a little over a year ago. I've lost 20 lbs in the past year, without being a member here or really counting calories. I just joined this site yesterday and am loving all the support so far. I just started the Couch to 5K program, and am signed up to run a 5K in September. I hope to train for and run a half marathon next summer. My 6 week goal weight will be 154 lbs. 1 pound per week.

    SW (May 2010): 180
    CW (July 25, 2011): 160
    GW (September 5, 2011): 154

    Good luck, everyone!
  • EmelyJ
    EmelyJ Posts: 208
    This is very awesome guys. I'm just as excited as everyone who has signed up for this group. I promise I will stay as active as I can to provide support to every single one of you all. But i'll like to hear what kind of exercise you are all planning to do, for how long and what your calorie goals are for the next 6 weeks.

    I currently go to the gym 5 days a week (well at lease I try to but I never do less then 4 days a week). I normally stay for a 2hr max at the gym a day, 2 of those days I train with a personal trainer. I do to have kids, husband and a full time job. So let's not make that an excuse. We all have too achieve our goal, if not lets be close to the goal. All it takes is strong dedication, and will power to achieve. If I didn't have a full time job I would properly have made the gym my part time job. Actively excersing 4hrs a day for 5 days a week. But with this economy that won't happen for a few years down the road.
  • Andie3683
    Andie3683 Posts: 37
    I'll join! I need help and motivation. I always start but end up quitting because I feel like I don't get results I want. I have been having problems with my thyroid so losing weight is hard. I just went to the doctor last Thursday and I am the heaviest I have been, 137. Being 4'11 and being used to weighing around 107 pounds this for me is where it needs to stop. I would love to join this 6 week challenge! I need all the motivation I can get :)
  • tishaloses
    tishaloses Posts: 234 Member
    My plan is to stick with about 1200-1300 calories a day with 100 oz of water. I am gonna work out 5 days a week. Doing C25k Mon, Wed, and Fri. With Zumba on Tues and walking or bike riding on Thurs. I AM DOING THIS!!!! I have too!!!
  • EleannaMarieB
    EleannaMarieB Posts: 2 Member
    Can I Join too? I've never done a challenge before. I've been on a journey to get healthy since June 1. My current weight is 212, and I would love to drop 15 lb. by Labor day. If I could manage to get back to my pre-baby weight by the time my daughter is one year old, that would be awesome! I have exactly 6 weeks until her first birthday. I have three children and I am a work at home mom.
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    My calorie goals: 1200-1300/day
    Lose: 1-1.5#/wk
    Exercise: 3 days cardio at least 30 min & 3 days strength training at least 45 min/ wk
    Fridays usually my weigh in so on Fri I weighed in at 159.8.

    Tnx and good luck to us all.
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    I will join as well.

    I am a married and a mom if three teenagers. I work full-time, plus do graduate studies full time.

    My starting weight on May 12 was 292, I am currently at 260 but haven't had a great last couple of days so that will be heading up unless I do something. My goal is to be at 248 for labor day. My first gol is 250 so I would like to break that.

    Thanks for running this challenge.
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    My calorie goal is to stay between 1200 - 1300 cals a day.
    I will be doing at least one Turbo Jam DVD (at least 45 minutes) for 6 days a week and I will spend at least an hour at the gym at least 4 days a week (cardio and weight lifting).
    I would like to do my weigh ins on Fridays.
  • lcoreo5
    lcoreo5 Posts: 216 Member
    Hi, my name is Laura, I am a proud mommy of one. I have always been overweight, but the numbers on the scale kept rising. i finally said enough is enough and have been working with 3 friends and a personal trainer. MFP has helped me so much! my starting weight was 239. Just about 2 months later and I am down to 224! i would love to lose at least 15 pounds by the end of this challenge! LETS DO THIS! :)
  • kbirk1963
    kbirk1963 Posts: 42
    my calorie goal is to stay 1400 a day. i swim 1hour every day. this includes, laps, cardio in water, back stroke, breast stroke, i do sit ups with my 13 year old son (he keeps me motivated) and push ups before we go to bed. my goal for labor day is 188. that would be so awsome to achieve. i'm so excited for the support and blogging.
  • I'm in! My names Nicole, I gained 20 lbs from the summer before my freshman year of college to now (I used to be 110 lbs, so I was very thin). I'm currently 129 lbs, I've gained muscle and have dropped only one pound, and I want to get back down to 115 lbs.
  • Okay, this is EXACTLY the kind of challenge I'm looking for! The way I see it, if I can drop 10-15 lbs by labor day, there's a slight chance I may actually look good for Halloween (for once)! My name is Kaleigh and I'm a 21 year old college student. As an 18th birthday present, my doctor thought it would be appropriate to give me a bit of bittersweet news and for the first time "overweight" reared it's ugly head. Needless to say, I've been up and down and all around since then. I was 150 then, got down to about 140, fell off the bandwagon, gained some weight, gained some muscle, lost some weight, etc. Now I'm in this corner, 5'4, at a whopping 158 lbs. I just started training for a half marathon today so I'm going to have running on my side, but losing weight will just improve my MPH and minute/mile pace. I can definitely use the support and responsibility of a challenge!!

    Start Weight 7/25/11: 158 lbs.
    Goal Weight 9/5/11: 148 lbs. (or less!)

    If you do measurements, let me know! I'm taking mine tomorrow morning :D
  • I have tried to loose weight in the past, but this is the first time that I am fully committed to loosing weight. Being a bit over weight I only have a few pounds to shed, but I would love having a support system. I will be starting college soon and I want to be as healthy as possible. I would love to loose 10 ibs by labor day. I have been hiking 5 days a week and eating around 1,200 calories a day. Also, I am going to try to go to the gym 6 days per week for 2 hrs each.

    SW: 172
    CW: 166
    Healthy Weight: 158 (normal bmi)
    GW: 128
  • verair
    verair Posts: 63 Member

    My name is verair. I'm a college student and I've always been overweight so I'd love to lose 15lbs. My highest weight was 200+ (i stopped weighing myself). My current weight is 183lbs, where I've stayed for a couple weeks. So I need something to get me moving.

    I just started a 5k training program and I will be doing Hip Hop Abs and maybe so Zumba
  • Natasha233
    Natasha233 Posts: 48 Member
    This sounds like the perfect challenge for me! I am doing this because my undergrad weight was 182 and I am currently 204. My goal is to be down to 192 by Labor Day, and permanent goal is 172. Plus this will make sure I watch my diet during my week in Hawaii lol. Thanks for the idea Emily!

    To get there: I am going to have to lay off the sweets even when I work out double - just avoid the sugar - very difficult to do.
  • ClarkMer
    ClarkMer Posts: 206 Member
    My calorie goal is 1460 per day (I started lower but was not able to do it cuz I felt like I was starving all the time, so I'm working my way down)
    Currently this is my workout schedule:
    Mon, Wed, Fri at 4:15am I get up and do Jillian Michaels 6 week 6 pack dvd
    Tues, Thur after dinner I do 20 min of Zumba on XBOX 360 and 20 min Cindy Whitmarsh Tank Top Arms workout
    Mon-Fri before lunch I go for a 60 min walk around the building that I work in (it's a hockey arena, so its huge and there are lots of steps)
    Weekends kinda depend on what I plan to do, sometimes I run, sometimes my hubby and I play tennis, sometimes I do water aerobics (depending how many people are in the pool!)

    Ideally I will get set into this routine enough that I can start to drop my calories down and lose weight more rapidly, I like to see results.