Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,431 Member
    I know what you mean, Rachel. We went over our youngest sons for lunch Sunday & It put my recovery from being so tired back. Today I was too tired to volunteer at our rescue. Hopefully I'll feel better later so I can do a little much needed housework. Here's a pic of the lentils from Costco
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Today just capped off an especially hard semester. Got an email this morning that one of my students would be out today and tomorrow, and might miss reviews and finals next week, because his dad just died. On top of the ones who are in foster care and/or bad home situations and/or having serious medical issues and I'm just... I'm honestly having trouble dealing with it. I have to just ... try not to think about it, because I've got to be able to be there for the rest of the students in the class.

    Also it's my husband's birthday so we're going out to eat at a restaurant that's usually a bit out of our price range but offers a free entree on your birthday. So, goodbye deficit! I'm not going to beat myself up over it, though. The food is totally worth it. YUM.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @jdelaroy I wish I could give up sugar, but I know that if I try I would fail miserably, so I try to control how much sugar I take in, instead of cutting it out all together! Good luck with the running! The last time I tried to run I sprained my ankle, so I dont think I will try that any time soon. Lol. So just be careful!

    @Rachel0778 I wish I could say that I have to bail on my friends! My friends and I all work nutso schedules. I talk to them a lot, but dont really see them. In fact, I've only seen one of my four bridesmaids since my wedding 2 and a half years ago! Although, one lives out of state now and one works two jobs and the other two are in school for their Masters, as well as working full time. Lol. So I can definitely understand that! But it would be really nice to spend some time with them. My DH is my best friend though. And I get to spend every night with him, so it's not a total bust. Lol

    @bluepoppies777 Happy mothers day to you too! Hope you have a great time with the hubs and that the food is delicious!

    @Evamutt I'm so sorry that you are so tired! Hopefully you'll feel better today or tomorrow!

    @clicketykeys That's really sucky that you're having a hard semester! At least it will hopefully be over soon and you can start fresh in the fall! Have a great night with your husband tonight and splurge with delicious food! Lol

    As for me, I totally caved yesterday! I had two chocolate covered donuts at work and a bunch of yummy but bad for me chips late at night with the DH. Didn't go to bed until late and had the cat wake me up three or four times in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. I think he just wanted to play. And I know that the bad food wont do much to my weight, it's the caving into cravings that are taking their toll on me. I'm such a sugar addict that some days, I just cant seem to pass up on yummy things! I mean, I have plenty of yummy and healthy treats at home, and usually I'm good at work, but I was down in the breakroom and there was a box of donuts just sitting there and they had two of my favorites and I just couldnt say no! Well I will do better next time!

    But I think I am going to hit the gym now! I want to get back into strength training and I cant really do that at home.
    So have a great day everyone!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    After a week and a half of stressful hell with the parents and a workload at work to kill anyone off, I think I'm back! I haven't sorted the parents cos I'm not sure I can but I'm providing what support I can and trying to make sure that it doesn't impact my husband and son and our life too badly. On the plus side, I cleared about 35,000 steps in two days at work last Thursday and Friday and that has clearly contributed to the 1lb loss logged over the weekend. If anything good comes out of this, it is confirmation that I don't stress eat - if anything, I eat less when stressed which is both a good and a bad thing!

    Anyway, I'm here after a lovely weekend. Hope the weekend has treated you all well and that we have a good week. I have 4 days at work then we are off for a long weekend away and then the rest of next week at home - really looking forward to it. Have a great Monday all!
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,354 Member
    @jdelaroy...I'm the same way. Happy, sad, moved...puppies, kittens, bunnies...I just tear right up at just about anything. And even if you gave up on the no went several days, which means next time, you'll know you can.

    @bluepoppies777 I'm a reader, too! I love reading real books but I don't hate e-readers...I'd just prefer the real thing. I also can't read in the car...but not because I get car sick...mostly 'cuz the hubs won't shut up. He'll say, "Oh, were you reading? Sorry, I'll stop talking." Two minutes later, he's talking again. It's okay...I like talking to him...but sometimes I want to read. Sometimes that's true out of the car too.

    @Rachel0778 I do have that experience. Esp. on Friday nights. I'm just tired and not feeling it...friends are like, hey, come hang out and I'm like...nope, gonna take a nap.

    @Evamutt...I get being in a dark place in your head. Sometimes it just happens...but it sounds like you worked through it. For being retired, you sure are busy!

    @janetay01...I wish I ate less when stressed. Lately I've been eating everything...Good for you on the 1 lb loss. I've been wrestling the same 3-4 lbs for about 3 weeks...of course my recent eating everything policy is not helping.

    Sounds like everyone had (or planned to have) a terrific weekend. My sis-in-law has moved and we've been helping clear stuff she couldn't take, which has been a huge chore. Poor thing. Had to leave behind a lot of stuff. So, between driving, loading and unloading and a lot of crazy, I haven't been on much and haven't been exercising much. I haven't been doing much of the loading...I just stand back and watch the hubs do his thing (uber-man mover). Mom's day, we have his parents over for breakfast, so I did a lot of cooking/cleaning prepping and then did very little the rest of the day. WILL walk tonight! Have a great week!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @bluepoppies777 Hope your hubby had a great birthday, and that you had a wonderful Mom’s day. Are you getting motivated yet?

    @evamutt I hope you got in some much needed relaxation this weekend. Happy Mom’s day.

    @cliketykeys oh my! That is rough. You must be an extra special angel put on Earth. It has to be hard to deal with all the things you deal with. Please take time for yourself.

    @hgsmoth0920 Mmm Donuts! I love donuts. Sometimes caving is okay. I did a pretty relaxed this weekend. Now I am back on the wagon, going to try and give up sugar for 4 days this week.

    @janetay01 Good job on the pound loss. Glad you made it through the week of stress.  I missed you around here.

    @melaniedscott you are a great SIL, helping with all the post move stuff.  Hang in there you can get back on track.

    I mostly had a good weekend. My scale hates me, and is fluctuating like crazy. I think I need a new one. Yesterday it said I was down 10 pounds then I was up 3 pounds, and then down 5. I changed the batteries a couple of weeks ago, so thinking I might need a new one. I have been feeling really down, and having a lot of self-doubt, self-esteem issues. Which hasn’t helped anything. I have been fighting with the BF a lot, most of it is because of the above issues, but he has no clue how to make it better or how to deal with it. I ate like crap all week, and we have final weigh in for my gym contest. I am afraid I gained weight this week. Probably no way I am going to win, and didn’t make my goal for my sister’s visit. I am also fighting with myself. A part of me wants to say *kitten* it, the other part says I worked so hard and I can keep going. It feels like the weight loss is the only thing I have come close to doing right lately. I had a good day yesterday with my kids and family. We went to the ball game, which was lots of fun. My oldest daughter made me a beautiful hear necklace in her jewelry class. My two younger ones got me cute little Knick knacks. Hopefully, I can stay strong and get over this crap. Thanks for listening guys.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @melaniedscott How did mother's day go? It sounds like you had a really active weekend even though it wasn't planned exercise, moving is hard work!

    @janetay01 I'm so jealous, I stress eat like crazy! I hope your stress starts to dissipate soon though and that you enjoy your long weekend!

    @HGSmith0920 It's hard when your favorite treats are in the breakroom. I work on the "daily treat" concept where I'm allowed to have 1 treat a day (be that doughnut, ice cream, etc). It has worked wonders for not overdoing it since I know that I can always have another one tomorrow. Sorry to hear you and your friends have been so busy! Hopefully you can set up a girls weekend or something now that summer is here.

    @clicketykeys Happy birthday to your husband! How was the fancy restaurant? Is the school year officially done?

    @Evamutt Thanks for sending the lentils information, those look great! I hope your energy comes back soon

    @bluepoppies777 I hope your bright outfit helped to bring in great weekend weather for you! Being DD is a great strategy to stay on plan (I did the same thing this weekend!)

    Happy Monday Everyone! I had an amazing 3 day weekend and I am bummed that it is over :(

    Friday I went outlet mall shopping with my Mom. She talked me into white pants, which I would have never normally bought for myself but they look great! After that we hit up dinner and a show. I stuck with a mixed green salad and fish, so even with 2 glasses of wine I hit my food goal for the day.

    Saturday my SO and I went to a friend's birthday party and we ended up staying until 3:30am! Seriously, who am I??? I was DD so I once again stuck to my calorie goals really well. I also had HaloTop for dinner, because sometimes ice cream for dinner is the perfect thing!

    Sunday was recovery day. I only got about 5 hours of sleep, but I was productive and got my cooking and shopping in. I even swept out the garage and vacuumed out my car (long overdue!). The hour nap I took in the afternoon was definitely the highlight of my day though lol.

    Today I'm feeling well rested and ready to tackle the week. I'm looking forward to yoga class over lunch. I'm insanely proud of myself for how well I stuck to my calorie goals this weekend, and the best part is it felt effortless! I'm going to try to make sure this trend continues into this week too!

  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @racehl0778 You should be proud of yourself! Great job and sounds like a lot of fun.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    @HGSmith0920 good for you for getting into strength training! How's it been going?

    @janetay01 glad the weekend was better... though that kinda messes with your theory doesn't it? If you eat less when stressed, doesn't that mean you eat more when not stressed? ;)

    @melaniedscott dang, I'm tired just thinking about it! Hope everything got put where it goes!

    @jdelaroy remember that you only lose if you give up! You can do this. You know there will always be tough times. Pick yourself up, forgive yourself, and keep going.

    @Rachel0778 way to go! Sounds like an awesome weekend.

    Started logging again. I'll only be working four days a week this summer instead of six. Hopefully I can keep it up, maybe even start strength training again.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,431 Member
    jdelaroy hang in there, we all have really bad days & even seasons.Pls don't give up because you've had some"bad" days, we must keep moving forward. WE all have those times.AS said above, forgive yourself & keep going. You are precious & of great worth no matter what you look like or feel like in the moment.A long time ago, I heard this teaching about feelings that are still helping me see more clearly & it is that feelings have no intellect & we shouldn't base our decisions on them. They come & go with circumstance, how we slept & how tired we are. I've been feeling down lately myself & I think it's mainly because I've been so emotional because I've been so sleepy & tired, things just really get to me, like one of my grand dtrs will be 4 & starting pre school. They (my youngest son, Michael & his wife, who both work full time)are taking her out of day care so the other grandma who is 10yrs younger than me & has always taken her places will be picking her up from pre school at 11 till mom, whose a teacher gets off work. I will plan to take her one day a week but am feeling pretty down on myself for not liking to take care of small kids & taking her more days. I loved my own little kids but I just don't like taking care of little kids any more. I'm not a doting grandma who loves to play with them & have them over all the time. We raised 4 children & I can finally enjoy doing things I hardly had time for before. Yesterday Michael & family came over along with another son & his son, so the boy in pic is my other grandson, I'm in pink.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @melaniedscott - hope you got your walk in!

    Jen - hang in there, as @evamutt says, we all have bad times. You have come so far and done so much and you have clearly lovely kids who think the world of you. So be kind to yourself - but don't give up girl!!! Happy to listen via PM if you need to.

    Rachel - what a great sounding weekend! And well done you on sticking to the goals - it's so good when it just feels easy. I don't get that feeling enough unfortunately but it's better than it used to be. Hope the week is continuing to go well.

    @clicketykeys - I'm with you on the strength training, I need to do more of it - need to start to cut down my inches rather than just worrying about the weight.

    @evamutt - you've raised 4 little kids of your own, you are perfectly entitled to not want to do it again!!

    Not much happening here - working from home and I've got Alistair's 2.5 year development check with the Health Visitor team this afternoon. Not really sure what benefit it is but they check speech development, gross and fine motor skills, measure him and weigh him - just another check box along the way I guess! Happy Tuesday all!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @janetay01 I hope everything goes great at Alistair's check in

    @Evamutt I totally understand the guilty feeling. I'm not a big fan of kids either, never have been. People stare at me like I'm crazy when I say they aren't in my life plan. You're absolutely right that this is the time of your life where you get to focus on you and what makes you happy. You're still spending time with your grandkids and they know that they are loved and that is what is important!

    @clicketykeys I'm jealous of your schedule, that sounds amazing to always have 3 day weekends!

    @jdelaroy I'm sorry you're feeling down. It sounds like you're doing a lot of things right though! Your kids clearly love and appreciate you and you've been rocking this weight loss train. A new scale will help to get things in perspective there. Just know that we are here for you!

    I dove into the chocolate a bit last night. I was feeling morose getting back into my regular routine after the amazing weekend and I ate my feelings. I did limit it to around 300 calories over...but still. I'm hoping derby today knocks me out of it. We've got a bout this weekend, but I'm honestly not that excited since my family can't make it. I will get to see them at my cousin's grad party the next day so that will be nice. My SO and I also have a fundraising dinner at the local winery on Friday that could potentially be a good time. Does anyone else get into a funk when the regular routine hits?
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @evamutt Thank you for the encouragement. I hadn’t really planned on giving up on everything, just felt like I wondered if it was worth it. I know it is. I felt much better after I did my weigh in last night. Nothing wrong with wanting to enjoy your time without kids. They aren’t yours, and I am sure you are there when they need you to be, and you love them. You look beautiful.

    @janetay01 Thank you! I am not giving up. I am here another day.  I worked way too damn hard to lose those 55 pounds. I only have 30 left to catch up to the BF. He has started calling me ISW. I finally asked him what it meant. “Incredible Shrinking woman.” I also tried picking up our puppy, he weighs about 35 pounds. I could barely do that. Holy smokes, I have lost 20 pounds more than him. How in the heck did I move? Oh weight (pun intended), I didn’t. That checkup sounds wonderful. My oldest had a checkup like that in preschool when she was 4. (Wish I could have done it sooner.) I was lucky, it isn’t something most kids get to do, unless their parents specifically seek it out, it was offered as a service at her school. They were able to diagnose her with hearing/speech and language development issues, and short term memory problems (as in she doesn’t really have any.) Thanks to this test. I was able to get her help with her language and hearing problems immediately, and get her set up on a specialized education plan before she even started regular school. Most kids it takes 3-4 years to be diagnosed with these kinds of issues, unless they have physical ones to go along with them. (Mine didn’t.)

    Well this weekend I was bad, I didn't do anything resembling healthy. My weight shows it. I am up 3 pounds. Eek! I hope it is water weight, but I don't think so. Blah, back on track.
    I finished the gym competition yesterday and had final weigh in. Overall I did pretty darn snazzy. I lost 9 pounds, 3.1% of my body fat and gained a half pound of muscle. I am impressed with myself. They won't announce the winner until Wednesday night at closing ceremonies. It is kind of cracking me up, there are a few people complaining that they can't make it to the closing ceremonies. (You have to be present to win.) It was clearly announced at the opening ceremonies, all over the rules, and you had to sign a paper saying that you had to be at closing ceremonies to win. Silly people, how did you miss this?

    I gave myself the weekend to be crappy, today I am back on the wagon. I lowered my weight loss from 1.5 pounds back to 1 pound a week. I think this will relieve some of the fatigue. I did manage to stick with my squat challenge every day though. (This is my unbreakable goal for the Hogwarts challenge.)
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    It has been a crazy weekend! Between messing up my teller drawer at work and then a super busy mother's day, I've been kind of indulging while still trying really hard to eat healthy.

    My DH and I took my parents for a dinner at a really nice Italian place and tried really hard to eat well. I had a spaghetti dish topped with olive oil, shrimp, myself and cherry tomatoes. It was bodacious! And didn't have a really heavy sauce or anything. So that wad nice. Lol I didn't even try to record that though. I would have no idea. Lol

    We also visited my MIL in the hospital and she was actually lucid. More than she has been in weeks. Wet had a really nice visit and a really good conversation. We surprised her too. She didn't know we were coming. So that was really nice. Haven't been doing any kind of exercise the last like four days. At least, not over the weekend. It's been pretty rainy over the weekend and I got home late last night so I couldn't do it then. So I'm gonna try and go for a walk today. I get out pretty early today. Gonna make some lasagna in my crockpot. It's one of DH favorite meals. So I like to treat him every once in a while. Lol

    So here's to brighter days and much much more weight loss!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Hello lovely ladies! It's Tuesday... and it's pouring rain AGAIN. We've had some crazy flooding here, and there is most likely more to come with all this rain. I live on higher ground, so no flooding worries for us thankfully. Hubs and I went on a bike ride while our younger son was in tennis lessons yesterday (rain subsided for a few hours!), and the creeks in the area are scary high! yikes!

    Eva - you look fabulous in that picture! and your family is beautiful too. Keep resting and hopefully you will feel back to 100% soon. I don't think you should feel guilty about not babysitting the grandchildren every day. I know as moms we want to do everything we can for our kids, to make their lives easier and to help them. But they have to go through struggles in life just like we did. I've talked to my hubs about this topic quite a bit lately, since our older son just turned 22 and lots of his friends are getting married etc. We said we aren't going to be childcare for our grandkids, we want to do things for ourselves once the kids are moved out and grown up. Heck, I didn't even want to be a stay at home mom with my own kids, why would I want to do that with my grandkids?! :) My parents take our younger son (9 yo) every monday after school for a few hours, and that has given them a really close relationship. We pay for childcare every other day after school. Your kids probably don't even expect that you would do that anyway, so just enjoy the times that you have with the little ones! and offer to babysit on a friday night every once in a while, that would surely be appreciated!

    Clickety Keys - my hubs birthday was May 11 too! We went to a fab french restaurant and had a very nice expensive dinner. Hope you enjoyed yours too!

    HG Smith - ok, let's talk will power....I have none! :D That is a big struggle in my life, and of course I love sugar too, and find it very hard to say no to things. I'm working on it, and will be for my whole life I'm sure! I like Rachel's policy of one treat a day. I think if we allow ourselves to have that, and log it, we are golden!

    Jane - ok, now let's talk about stress eating... I am totally a stress eater!! LOL! Obviously I have lots of issues! HA!! Lucky that you don't eat when stressed! But honestly, if I think about it, I am en emotional eater -I eat when I'm stressed, happy, sad, excited... you name it. I guess I just love food! trying to still work on that too. Food is fuel!

    Rachel - I almost laughed out loud when you asked if anyone gets into a funk with regular routines? HELLO, that is the story of my life right now! I think I'm SO sick of this crappy weather, and really have been feeling like I'm in that movie Groundhog Day. Every dang day is the same!!! LOL.

    At least this weekend is a long weekend, and last week I worked overtime enough to take Friday off, so I have a four day weekend! WOOP! I think that should help with the funk! I definitely was in a slump the last while (again... may be the weather or ?). But yesterday, my coworkers and I started up and are helping each other. I am logging and eating healthy, and am focusing on positivity! Hope everyone has a great day. I've got my spin class after work today, so that will kick my butt!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Holy Crow! Work today was terrible! I was the only one in the bank that had a cash drawer because the only other person with a drawer in the whole bank was in a 4hr long meeting in the basement with like twenty other people and all the big muck-e-mucks in the bank. So I couldnt even ask him to help me. We were relatively dead most of the day, except for three times when there were lines and complicated transactions and a million people talking to me and at me and around me and just really really distracting me, so it's kind of no wonder that I screwed up two transactions. Everything worked out in the end, but I could see the frustration and annoyance in my managers face while we were trying to figure out what I did. I ended up being a penny short when I balanced my till but if that's all that has a discrepancy than I'm kind of happy...even though I seriously wanted to cry after it all happened. I ended up really wanting a cigarette, even though I knew it wouldnt help and would probably make me really sick, but I wanted the break it would give me. The few minutes outside, by myself, to get my head together...but I couldnt and didnt. Of which I am very proud! Nothing can make me smoke again. Nothing. Quitting smoking was the hardest thing I've ever done and there is no way I am going back through that so I may as well just say no. Lol

    But I am home now. There is healthy lasagna in my crockpot and a new light beer I want to try in the fridge. I am off tomorrow and dont have to be in until the end of the morning on Thursday. So I'm gonna use this time off to do some things around the house(laundry/dishes/cleaning etc).

    I did go on a 25 minute bike ride around the neighborhood today though. That was nice. It's really nice out now. It was unseasonably cold for the beginning of May but I think winter is officially over! Woohoo!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,431 Member
    I'm still super sleepy. My nose has been stuffy & ears plugged so maybe it's my sinuses? Hope I'm not getting sick. Today was the first day since last June when I overate & not planned it. I over ate a few times but I planned it & logged it. My sis in law came by to visit & I wanted her to try some of the chocolate covered potato chips with pink salt I got for mothers day, well I had a few then a few more. Then I refried some beans with pork for dinner without weighing it & had more chocolate. I hope I'm not getting sick but it would explain everything.I wish life were easier. I'm glad everyone is hanging in there. Things are always changing
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,431 Member
    glad to hear you like your new job. I remember when I got a new job I really wanted & how elated I was
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @gemwolf110 So glad to see you! I'm glad the job is a great fit and you're able to work regular hours, it's amazing what a difference that makes! Keep us posted on how the transition is going.

    @Evamutt We all have days like that so please don't feel too down on yourself. Not having an unplanned day since last July is an incredible accomplishment! Plus chocolate covered potato chips sound worth it!

    @HGSmith0920 That sounds like a horribly stressful day. Shame on them for putting you in that position, only having 2 small errors that were sorted out is a big accomplishment. Way to go on not caving in to smoking or overeating! Enjoying your healthy dinner and going out for a bike ride are both great ways to refresh instead!

    @bluepoppies777 Did you send the rain my way??? It's pouring today! Great job focusing on positivity, I bet the 4 day weekend will be a great refresh. I've got to remember that I've got a long weekend coming up and I'm looking forward to the break!

    @jdelaroy Keep us posted on how you do in the competition awards tonight, 9lbs is a great accomplishment! I bet most of that 3lb gain is definitely water and you'll see a quick drop now that you're back on the wagon.

    Derby did help to cheer me up last night even though I spent most on the night on the ground (I seriously can't stop falling down). I made sure to sign up for a pole dancing class to keep the fun rolling. I did a quick weigh in today to see where I am and I lost .7lbs, which I will take considering I had a 4 day conference of all buffets since the last time I weighed!

    It's rainy and dreary today, but that makes it easier to be in the office then when it's gorgeous out. Hopefully the weather turns around by Friday so we can enjoy the outdoor areas of the winery (and I don't have to be trapped inside doing small talk the entire time). Today is going to be a busy day at work, I hope you all have wonderful Wednesdays as well!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Well sad news today. I got on the scale this morning and realized I gained 3lbs. Very sad indeed, but definitely my fault. I wasnt eating all the well and I barely did any exercising the last few days beside the occasional 20min bike ride. So here's to a better week! *raises glass of water in the air* To eating healthier, finding yummy yummy snacks that are going to kill my calorie deficit and spending more time walking and at the gym. I have to manage to go to the gym or take a walk in the mornings on the days that I have to work later in the evening. Or just do my walking after work. I pass a gym that I am a member of on my way home from work, so I think I'm going to start bringing work out clothes with me and just stopping there, even if it's just for a a little while to get some exercisin in. Anything I can do will help in the long run!