Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • cassandralee35
    cassandralee35 Posts: 8 Member
    Add! Need active motivated friends
  • melody_powers13
    melody_powers13 Posts: 13 Member
    I so need friends, I just started on here and could definitely use the support
  • Kimberly2385
    Kimberly2385 Posts: 13 Member
    Feel free to add me as well.
  • ISparkyI
    ISparkyI Posts: 158 Member
    Feel free to add me, definitely enjoying the motivation and reading other peoples successes.
  • Khloris
    Khloris Posts: 117 Member
    I'm always looking for new friends. :)
  • cocates
    cocates Posts: 360 Member
    Always looking for friends especially women. I've lost 30lbs and have 20 more to go.
  • mightyjodizzle
    mightyjodizzle Posts: 17 Member
    Add me! :#<3
  • NinjaoftheBeastAjah
    NinjaoftheBeastAjah Posts: 121 Member
    Help to free me from boredom. New friends wanted.
  • Prettyhaitian0218
    Prettyhaitian0218 Posts: 26 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hey!!!! I'm a college student that's trying to make it out here and look good while doing it lol. Feel free to add me so we can be each other support system.
  • LorindaBooWest
    LorindaBooWest Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! If anyone if just starting their journey, I'd love to connect with more people! I'm looking to tone up. 6 babies made me kinda not worry about my "shape". Time to get my body back.
  • PeteRead2910
    PeteRead2910 Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to drop me an add. Open diary, daily user, cyclist, gym goer, uk based
  • nath20002000
    nath20002000 Posts: 1 Member
    Just started, thankful for motivation
  • anm737
    anm737 Posts: 1 Member
    I could definitely use more friends :D I need the motivation!
  • soupy5813
    soupy5813 Posts: 24 Member
    Also new to this and would like to add some people
  • Ashley1986x
    Ashley1986x Posts: 39 Member
    Feel free to add
  • MrsNicoleM
    MrsNicoleM Posts: 5 Member
    Hello.. I'm not sure if this group is still active. But I just joined.. in need of some friends to get threw this journey..
  • MissMamaMove
    MissMamaMove Posts: 23 Member
    Hey! I'd love to meet others on their journeys who I can help inspire and they inspire me.... just starting out, mum of 1. Feel free to add me- good luck to everyone!
  • trevorgallo
    trevorgallo Posts: 5 Member
    Hi guys. Im trevor. a newbie here. i used to be fairly fit but gained quite substantial pounds after a battle with depression.

    Im hoping I can be successful in my weight loss journey as i try fitnesspal.

    Have a good one.
  • julesEMS2016
    julesEMS2016 Posts: 44 Member
    Feel free to add me! I would love to makes some new friends.

    Hi everyone! I'm Julia (or Jules). I'm 29 and I live in Nebraska. I have a desk job, so the only activity I get in a day is the exercise I put in and walking to/from work, which isn't a very long distance. I suffer from chronic migraines and pretty much daily headaches. I also have endometriosis. between the headaches and endo I spend a lot of time feeling fatigued and in pain. I'm hoping that I'll be able to ease the symptoms through making healthy changes.

    I'm currently following Chalean Extreme. I alternate between yoga and weights with a little cardio here and there if I feel up to it. My main goal is fat loss, while trying to maintain my weight, or at least not drop too low.