What bothers you at the gym?



  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    what i don't like at the gym is when people come in cause they have to come X times a month for their work to pay for their free membership.. and they just read the paper! I'm like, if you are getting a free membership and have to come sign in here at least 8 times a month... are here anyways, why don't you just spend that time working out!?! LOL crazy! but I love how the gyms that I work at all have the rule of no talking on the cell phones in the fitness center! :) plus!!
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    This is why I don't go to gyms. You poor thing - I'm so sorry he said that to you. :(

    I had a similar experience when I was at the beginning of losing weight over 2 years ago. I vowed never to step foot inside a gym again.
  • Ajontheguitar
    what i don't like at the gym is when people come in cause they have to come X times a month for their work to pay for their free membership.. and they just read the paper! I'm like, if you are getting a free membership and have to come sign in here at least 8 times a month... are here anyways, why don't you just spend that time working out!?! LOL crazy! but I love how the gyms that I work at all have the rule of no talking on the cell phones in the fitness center! :) plus!!

    What if I'm sitting on the bike for 2 hours watching "House" on my phone? lol
  • tiffwhit16
    tiffwhit16 Posts: 76
    OMG are you serious?! that guy needs his *kitten* kicked. it wouldve been pretty fitting if you had gone and gotten someone who worked there to tell him to get off the bike, and not to speak to people like that.
    what a disgusting human being!

    What she said!! I would have gone and got the manager! You are paying to be there too and he had NO right to talk to you like that! What an *kitten*!!

    What bothers me is how hot they keep the locker room. That's the area where I'm trying to stop sweating and get dressed. Put on my make-up. Kind of hard to do when it's 90 degrees in there!
  • cabul3
    cabul3 Posts: 210 Member
    there's a d*bag if i ever saw one.
    i would've reported him to the front/fitness desk.
    good work on the alternative stairs, by the way!
  • squashaclein
    Ive never had an experience like that.
    Im in the Australian Military, so we are usually getting yelled at to stay on the machines longer!!!
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    Weight throwers
    The girls that strut/take up the stretching areas
    Girls with more make up than I wear on a Saturday Night ON THEIR FACE.
    Spandex. On anybody
    The jagoff hanging from various machines
    The people that use machines incorrectly
    Unauthorized personal training
    Too much chalk on EVERYTHING

    I have a few. :-/
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    I also dislike the guy who hops on the elliptical behind me and proceeds to stare at my bum while I run. Yes, I can see you in the mirrors... hahahaha

    Haha this made me giggle. I hate that too! I've shot guys dirty glances in the mirrors as they watched my jiggly butt while on the treadmill.
  • Ajontheguitar
    I also dislike the guy who hops on the elliptical behind me and proceeds to stare at my bum while I run. Yes, I can see you in the mirrors... hahahaha

    Haha this made me giggle. I hate that too! I've shot guys dirty glances in the mirrors as they watched my jiggly butt while on the treadmill.

    Sorry about that, Amanda.
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    That's horrendous... I'd report him. That or tell him to stay on the bike... he looks like he needs the extra exercise.

    What annoys me is that in my (teeny weeny) gym there is only 1 treadmill. I do my workout in the morning first thing, when I know the gym is empty. On the rare occasion when someone walks in whilst I'm using the treadmill, they STAND THERE waiting to use it. I'm like 'hello... first come first serve and can you NOT stare at me whilst I work out... use another damn machine!'.
  • LeCitron
    LeCitron Posts: 71
    I go to a women's college and we have a small gym/weight room in the main gym area. I'm one of those people who gets truly annoyed by girls who come to the gym to socialize instead of working out. If I can hear your entire conversation over my iPod then you're talking too loudly, leave me to do my reps in peace.

    Also, while I don't normally like to criticize anyone's clothing choices with regards to gym-wear (heaven knows I've committed enough of them myself) I do have one rule: if you come into the gym wearing a string of pearls then you're obviously in the wrong place.
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Large dudes looking roided up doing their reps like this:


    How about average sized dudes doing that , and then dropping the weights on the floor each time (kaboom, boom, boom) and carrying around a gallon jug of water to drink from (because everything HAS to be bigger than everyone else). All at 5:30 AM. *rolling the eyes and groaning LOUDLY* :huh:
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    So I was at the gym this morning. I started off with C25K and then headed to circuit training. I'm sure most of us know what circuit training is, but if you don't, it's basically a few workout machines (certain weight machines, certain cardio machines) to give you a full body workout in less time. You move around from station to station according to the timer posted at your gym.

    Well, when I went to circuit training, I got on one of the machines and began to lift. There was a man across from me on a bike (about 30 years old, average fitness from what I could see), doing his part of the circuit training. When the timer beeped and we were supposed to switch, I moved on, but the guy didn't. I thought "Alright, he's just doing one extra round on the bike before switching. Whatever." But then it was time to switch again, and he didn't move, just kept going and going on his bike.

    Figuring he was new or something (hey, we were all new at once- there was a time when I didn't know what the circuit was, haha), I decided to approach him and explain to him. I said, "Sir, this is circuit training. That light over there flashes, and then we get on, when it flashes again after 45 seconds, we switch machines. We're not supposed to stay on one machine the whole time."
    All he said was, "I know."
    Then I said, "Well, sir, could you please start switching machines? I'd like to use the bike so I can finish my circuit training properly.
    And then he told me, "I can use this d*mn bike however I'd like! You think you know what you're doing, fat b*itch?"

    I just sort of stared at him for awhile like "Did he really say that?"
    And then I ignored him- when the time for the bike came, I ran up and down the staires (thank God the circuit training is located right next to the stairs!).

    But man, some things/people at the gym really irk me?

    Have you had any experiences like that?

    I get so mad at the people that don't use the circuit training room right either, but holy crap, that was just beyond mean! At my gym (planet fitness) there is a sign outside stating the rules of the circuit and people misusing it will have their privileges revoked (not sure if its their membership entirely or just the day or what), so I would definitely look in to reporting him. There is being rude, and then there is treating other human beings in a way that is totally unacceptable.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    what i don't like at the gym is when people come in cause they have to come X times a month for their work to pay for their free membership.. and they just read the paper! I'm like, if you are getting a free membership and have to come sign in here at least 8 times a month... are here anyways, why don't you just spend that time working out!?! LOL crazy! but I love how the gyms that I work at all have the rule of no talking on the cell phones in the fitness center! :) plus!!

    What if I'm sitting on the bike for 2 hours watching "House" on my phone? lol

    haha that is fine because I LOVE HOUSE!! lol but i just hate when people yak on the phone all day long when they are working out because i don't need to hear who you threw up on at the party last night pahaha
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I hate the people that are there clearly just to see and be seen. There is this one guy I see there a lot, he just walks back and forth through out the gym, I never see him actually using anything. And if he is, then he needs to plan his work out better so he doesn't have to keep walking from one end to the other, lol.

    I also hate the women that are obviously all "prettied" up....please, I am a sweaty mess at the gym, if you're not a sweaty mess, you're not working hard enough.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I just hate the guys who throw their too heavy weights down. It scares the living daylights out of me - I nearly fell off the treadmill the other day!!

    I turn the volume up to block out their grunting and squealing... but I don't need a shock every few minutes!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I also dislike the guy who hops on the elliptical behind me and proceeds to stare at my bum while I run. Yes, I can see you in the mirrors... hahahaha

    Haha this made me giggle. I hate that too! I've shot guys dirty glances in the mirrors as they watched my jiggly butt while on the treadmill.

    Sorry about that, Amanda.

    It makes me happy that my bum no longer jiggles, its actually one of the few places where I'm legit getting toned. Guys seems to have a thing for girls in tight yoga pants. At least i know they're looking at me for good reasons now! Not necessarily the right ones... hehe
  • kingskunk45
    Whoa ! That man was completely out of line . I think id have gone to a gym employee to discuss the situation.
    As for what bothers me at the gym its the people, mostly senior citizens, that use the gym as a social hall rather than a place to work out..... And for some reason, even thought it's none of my business and doesn't effect me in any way, shape , or form, it bothers me when people do there workout in regular clothing , jeans, or long pants ( aside from actual workout attire like yoga pants or sweats) . I just do t see how someone can get a good workout in jeans and a button-down shirt. ........ But to each their own. I'm sure I do stuff that annoys others too.
  • ChristyP0303
    ChristyP0303 Posts: 212 Member
    I just hate the guys who throw their too heavy weights down. It scares the living daylights out of me - I nearly fell off the treadmill the other day!!

    I turn the volume up to block out their grunting and squealing... but I don't need a shock every few minutes!

    This this this! Scares me to death! You should be able to gently lay it down or its too heavy! Geez
  • getupandmoveit
    Sometimes I feel like playing basketball instead of doing my run on the treadmill, but a lot of times there will be loads of girls just standing around on the courts, talking and watching guys play pick up. I mean, can you move? You can watch them from the damn sidelines...

    AAANDD when girls (more typically than guys) run on the treadmill too fast, too soon. They can barely keep up with it, yet they refuse to adjust. It hurts me to watch...