Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • ColoradoChlo
    ColoradoChlo Posts: 517 Member
    I do!! :) I'm a very active weightlifter!
  • DeniseMallander
    DeniseMallander Posts: 34 Member
    Feel free to add me! :) I have been on here for quite some time, but was never actually active in using MFP. The more motivational friends the merrier!
  • PhoenyxRising
    PhoenyxRising Posts: 68 Member
    I'm active daily and would LOVE more MFP friends!! Please feel free to send me an add!
  • ragtimedoll
    ragtimedoll Posts: 25 Member
    I recently came back on here after being away for a while. Would like to meet a few new support buddies along my journey. I tend to be fairly active on here and comment/post/interact with others regularly. :) Feel free to send me a request. I have about 50-60 more pounds to lose (10 lost so far).
  • 3M_TA3
    3M_TA3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Been dormant too long and now I am looking to rebound. Looking for interactive people that enjoy having some fun while putting in the work.
  • siobhanb3478
    siobhanb3478 Posts: 4 Member
    Add me tooi cud use all the help i can get
  • BigBrownPhD
    BigBrownPhD Posts: 1,222 Member
    I will NEVER turn away a friend in the making!
  • heckjones
    heckjones Posts: 11 Member
    Add me
  • vwrandolph
    vwrandolph Posts: 3 Member
    I could always use a friend to support me on this weightless journey- no matter how slow I'm moving
  • kittybratx
    kittybratx Posts: 2 Member
    Would love some pless
  • ColoradoChlo
    ColoradoChlo Posts: 517 Member
    I do ! especially if you love to hike, get outdoors, or lift weights.
  • tayleranndavenport
    tayleranndavenport Posts: 8 Member
    I could use more motivational people! Especially right now. I have lost 90 lbs and still feel like I look the same as I did from the beginning. Feeling discouraged :(
  • LucasLean
    LucasLean Posts: 100 Member
    Feel free to add me if you need help, advice, someone to talk to, etc. I'll add anyone.
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    Considering getting gastric bypass done. I talk to my family dr Wed. I have joined a few support groups on Facebook and really want to add people who are considering it or have had it done. Please add me
  • Nekotsune
    Nekotsune Posts: 7 Member
    More motivation? Sounds great to me! Add me, peeps!
  • kel_bell22
    kel_bell22 Posts: 1 Member
    Been on here for a good few years just me n my diary. Started plan again and open to making new friends to help with my motivation along the way.
  • joekat9296
    joekat9296 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, my name is Katrina. I'm new to myfitnesspal. I'm looking for a coach to help me keep on track. I weigh 157.2 lbs and my goal weight is to get to atleast 130 lbs.
  • emmab3ar
    emmab3ar Posts: 110 Member
    Hello fellow MyFitnessPal please add me I need more friends thank so much and thanks for sharing your journey
  • ColoradoChlo
    ColoradoChlo Posts: 517 Member
    Me me me!
  • adgettle
    adgettle Posts: 2 Member