Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Just a quick stop to say hello and vent. I asked my boss last Friday if I could get off 2 hours early this coming Friday for my niece's graduation. I still haven't heard. Plus they are giving me all the projects to do, and I have been working very hard for the last few weeks to get them done. My boss is putting me back on regular hours. (Boo, I was working early and loved it.) And is talking about making me continue it through the school next year. I went to the early shift so I didn't have to pay for daycare. If they keep me on the normal shift, I will have to pay for daycare once school is back in. This will take anywhere from half to all of my check. In which case, it isn't worth working. I will end up quitting and trying to find a part time job closer to my house. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. Just not something I want to have to do.

    Super excited tonight I find out how I did in the competition, and my big sister is coming into town.

    Okay back to work, hopefully get something else done.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Jen - boo! That's lousy. Hopefully it won't come to you havning to move but if it does these things often open up new oportunities - a little bit of a cliche but it is often true. Hope the competition results went well for you last night! You are very right about the development checks - we are lucky to have them and I do get a little too cynical about such things. But they are invaluable for picking stuff up early.

    @HGSmith0920 - may well be water weight, you would have to eat vast quantities to truly gain 3lbs. But yes, heres to a better week - I've not done badly this week but I'm certainly not as on track as I would want to be.

    Rachel - congrats on the loss. And glad derby cheered you up - I am in admiration of anyone who can stay upright for any length of time on a pair of skates!!

    @gemwolf110 - good to hear from you, delighted that the new job is going well for you.

    Last day of work before a week and a bit off and we go away for the weekend tomorrow - woohoo! On the down side, so much packing and sorting to do. I asked Alistair what toys he wanted to take with him so we shall see how he does in terms of choosing stuff rather than just taking everything! He had his development check on Tuesday and is fine - on track for his age. The nursery were putting suncream on all the kids so that they could go out in the garden and he became very insistent that the health visitor had to wear some as well - reached up and started rubbing the cream onto her face!!!

    Anyway, must do some work. Won't be around much till early next week - hope the rest of the week and the weekend treats everyone well :)
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    It was nice to hear from everyone. Sorry another quick post and then back to work. They dropped 3-4 projects they want done this week. My boss agreed to let me go home 2 hours early on Friday, but I have to work on Saturday so I don't get behind. I have already been working through my lunches to make up for the lost time. Grrr I am behind because they keep giving me projects to work on that need to be done now.

    I didn't win the competition. Didn't really think I would, but very disappointed I wasn't even in the top part. The winner lost 26.6 pounds and 10% of their body fat. I didn't even know it was possible to do that. (He wasn't even a very big guy.) Sigh oh well.

    The rest of the week rain/and snow!

    Have a good day everyone.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy It's amazing how quick some men can drop pounds. Sorry to hear work is insane, I hate that you have to go in this weekend just so that you can take a few hours for your niece's graduation :(

    @janetay01 Enjoy the long weekend! I'm glad Alistair is on track and keeping everyone around him safe from skin cancer :)

    @HGSmith0920 Great job owning up to the gain and setting up a plan for success! It's nice that your gym is on the way home

    We had a tornado warning yesterday so I got stuck in the basement of my office for an extra half hour after work. To top it off my pole class got cancelled. Instead of doing a workout at home I sat on my butt and read my book all night out of sheer laziness. I was also extra hungry for no reason, so I ate an extra banana and protein bar. I decided not to be upset with myself since I chose healthy options and didn't let it spiral out of control, but it's still frustrating that I'm not doing a good job of meeting my calorie goals for this week. I'm committed to getting back on track today and not letting one day over turn into two. I'm almost wondering with my attitude and hunger levels if TOM isn't around the corner? After years of not having it I'm still getting used to the symptoms and warning signs again!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    So I just wrote a really long post and then hit the back button on my phone and lost it all! So aggravating! so let's try this again!

    @janetay01 I'm so glad your son is doing well and on track! That must be a relief! I hope you have fun this weekend and a great time on the rest of your time off!

    @jdelaroy I'm so sorry you didn't win the competition but don't let that disappointment or the stresses of the job to derail you're progress! You're doing so well and should be incredibly proud of yourself!

    @Rachel0778 I went on a reading binge yesterday too! Finished a some beach read in an evening. Lol. Stayed up until 130am though! Way past my bedtime! Although I started the book while I was at the gym I the treadmill. I've found that I can really push myself by speed walking on a high incline for a half an hour to forty five minutes and work up a really good sweat.

    So yesterday I went to the gym in the evening and got my laundry done. Ate decent good but didn't log more than half of what I sure or did at the gym! :s Got totally caught up in a book. The DH closed his store last night so I was home by myself until late at night. So I spent most of the evening laying in bed and reading. With the air on since it was almost 90F! Last week we were wearing heavy coats, now we're all sweating to death!

    But today is a new day! I don't know if I'll hit the gym today, I think I might. At least just for a little while. Hit the treadmill again! Might even get the DH to come with me. He's got don't health issues but he can definitely ride a bike! So we'll see.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Gem - So glad that your new position is working out so well. It took ages for you to get in there and work, but now that you are there, it sounds perfect. yay! Also, is that a new pic of you cycling? SO AWESOME! I love biking! If the weather would smarten up for more than a day, I would be biking way more by now!

    Rachel - good for you for choosing a health snack! That's a big NSV! I was just saying to my coworkers that I am feeling like eating the whole world right now! Gaaaahhh! But I am not going to! Weighing in tomorrow and want to see results after 5 days of being back on track!

    Jen - sorry you didn't win that competition! That is too bad, but you did great! And it was fun and kept you going. Probably got people talking about healthy stuff and exercise at your work, so overall a bit of a win! It totally bites that guys can lose so fast. remember a while ago I said my family was doing a challenge, whoever loses the most by August wins? My hubs started cycling and in 2 weeks dropped 7-8 lbs. >:) I just look at food and I gain! It takes so much discipline for me!

    HG Smith - I know, this weather is getting ridiculous! raining, raining, raining, and flooding. and today sunshine! But could have showers in the afternoon again... just up and down and backwards! Don't worry about the 3 lbs, just drink lots of water and flush out the sodium and watch your portions for the next few days and I'm sure it will drop right off.

    Jane - have a fab time on your getaway! and enjoy your time off. I'm sure alistair will pack way too many toys (my kids always did), and he'll probably throw the sunscreen in the bag too! LOL Isn't he adorable.

    Welp, the struggle is real today. Feeling like eating eating eating! I don't know if it is boredom or what?! Or excitement for a long weekend?! In any case, I've been drinking water and didn't buy any extra food. I'm just going to stick it out until dinner. I really hope the scale goes down a few lbs tomorrow when I weigh in. I was getting out of control there!! I need some extra motivation to keep going! Have a good day everyone! And have a good weekend if I don't log in tomorrow!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @bluepoppies777 That's stinky about your weather! I love being able to walk around my neighborhood and the end always is either a yummy cup of coffee on the cold days and a cool fruit bar on the hot days. But wet days arent cool! I hate not being able to go outside when it rains! Even in this oppressive heat we've had the last few days, I managed to spend about an hour outside yesterday. Worked on next months budget and had a nice cold beer, though I did get eaten alive by mosquitos. I live in the middle of a forest right next to a swap so the bugs can be really bad.

    Well the husband didnt go to the gym...but neither did I. I realized I didnt do any of my meal planning for this weekend and into next week, like I normally do. And since Friday night's are my food shopping days, I need to spend the night doing that! Lol. Just had egg salad and spinach on whole wheat wraps for dinner. Something nice and cold on a really hot night. I live in a tiny house but the window unit AC we have only really keeps on room cool, so I think I'm gonna buy another small one in the next few weeks. I spend most of my leisure hours in the bedroom doing random bills/lists/budgets and the DH spend most of his time in the main room, either playing video games or watching sports. The AC unit is in the bedroom so I stay nice and cool while the DH sweats. Lol. So I think I might surprise him!

    But now I am off to planning. So have a great night everyone!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,423 Member
    I wish I could share with what everyone posts, I do read them all, my memory is so bad, I get the names mixed up & have to go back & look, lol. I too love being outside in the nice weather. The hot weather here is around the corner 100+ and during some of the summer it hardly cools down during the night. We have window AC's as well & a small house. We don't have one in the kitchen so it's too hot to be in there for any length of time during those hot days. I am starting to feel better today. I was in such a deep pit since May 7, I think maybe that's why I've been so groggy. My dtr sent me this text this morning:"I pray you feel uplifted and loved and enough today" that made such a difference!! I really helped me to start recovering. She is such a woderful dtr. More than I could ask for. She is very pregnant & due June 17.(she has 2 kids, boy & girl 7&9 & she's had many miscarriages after them) She's been sick with one thing after another throughout. She's had a bladder infection for a while now, she's had bruised ribs too. She lives 3 hrs away. They moved 2 summers ago. When she lived here, we saw each other several times a week. She comes to visit us at least 1 a month. I got hit by a car about 15yrs ago. I was riding my bike to work & a car hit me from a side street & I flew off my bike. Every since then I've been too afraid to drive on the freeway & in general really hate to travel. I'm "ok" with my dtr, son or hubby driving me on freeway but it's still hard. I also hate going anywhere over night. We have 6 dogs I love & care for & I don't want to leave them, they don't know when I'm coming back . Times I did go, hubby was home with them but they didn't eat. It's just stressful so I've only visited her 2 times. I know it's awful of me, but I have such a phobia about leaving. She really doesn't mind driving & her whole family (except oldest brother lives in Texas) lives here & her close friends. She doesn't really have any support where she's at. I made a nice dinner tonight, swai fish fillets, broiled with asian style veggies. That fish is SO good & inexpensive. I'm making a kind of chicken dish with bunch of veggies in crock pot over night so don't have to think about dinner tomorrow. I hope you all have a good evening & can relax after a long day. I do appreciate this group.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Slept through to the exercise alarm. Meant to have turned that off as well, because I'll have to stay up late tonight. But I'm not good at getting back to sleep, and it's less than an hour between that one and the "get up now or you'll be late" alarm. So I had my morning walk after all.

    It was cloudy, though, so no stars. But I got a nice little surprise when I got out of the neighborhood, onto a wider road with the trees further back - Venus was bright enough that I could still see her peeking through!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @bluepoppies777 I know the feeling, were you able to resist the siren's call of more food? How did the weigh in go?

    @HGSmith0920 You must have been exhausted after staying up until 1:30! What kind of books do you like? Did you come up with any fun recipes for the week ahead?

    @clicketykeys Glad you were still able to get a walk in even after sleeping through the alarm!

    @Evamutt I totally understand the anxiety of leaving fur babies behind. We only have one, but I still get really anxious any time he's not with me. I'm fortunate most of my family allows him to come along (even though he terrorizes my MIL's cat to my chagrin....). Honestly I'd make a lot less trips to see family if he wasn't welcome. I'm glad she's able to travel to you!

    HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! I had two coworkers bring in doughnuts and I couldn't resist so I reworked my breakfast a bit. I'll still have a decent deficit for the fundraiser event tonight. I will have to stick with one glass of wine since our bout is tomorrow, eek! In other derby news, I finally figured out (after 6 months-I'm a slow learner!) how to quick turn around and skate backwards instead of arching around. This is a huge skating milestone for me! I think because of that, I'm feeling really good and ready to conquer the world. It helps I slept well last night too since the storms finally blew past. I hope everyone has a wonderful healthy weekend!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member

    Meme of the day :)
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
  • FocusedGirl1001
    FocusedGirl1001 Posts: 12 Member
    I really want to loss 100lbs so I can feel good about myself. The only problem is that I mindessly eat without catching myself. It's hard because my house is full of this unhealthy food. I'm going to talk to my Mom about my mindless eating habits and figure out a plan for me.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    @Rachel0778 Actually I had turned the alarm off because I have to go to a thing tonight for my job. I'll likely be driving home after bedtime.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @Rachel0778 The book I read the other night was just a cheeky beach read, but pretty engrossing. Lol. It was just something to keep me busy while DH was at work. I have the kindle app on my phone and I pay for the kindle unlimited service which means for one small monthly charge I can read about a million books. Lol. And I spent many years either working the graveyard shift or second shift. There were days I was up all night at work and then had to stay up for the rest of the day and then there were days I wouldnt go to bed until 2am and have to be back up early the next morning. So that isnt really new to me. Lol.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    You guys are doing so wonderful. Sorry, I haven't had much time to check in. Today is going to be a brief one too. Still eating horribly. My scale is fluctuating by 8 pounds in the course of a half hour. I had my lowest weight to date. So I stepped on the scale later and it had me gaining 8 pounds from my low. I think I am stuck somewhere in the middle. Sigh. Just need to make it through this weekend and then things will go back to normal.

    @BalletGirl1001 Welcome to the board and good luck. Another helpful thread to check out is:
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @BalletGirl1001 I'm an active member of the board that @jdelaroy posted the link for! I love it! And it has just as much of a welcoming presence as this board does! So go check it out! And again! Welcome!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Quite pleased. Was pretty strict this week because I'm saving up calories for tonight. Hit a new low en route. Will lose it by tomorrow's check-in but will hopefully see it again next week :)

    Keep it up everyone!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Good evening everyone!

    So, I pulled a dummy this morning. Lol. Last night I set my morning alarm clock for 7:15am. Well it went off this morning and I went to set it for 7:25am so I could get a few more minutes of sleep and my snooze button isnt long enough. Well, I never ended up turning it on AND when I reset it I must have hit the hour button and somehow added an hour to the time. So I wake up about fifteen minutes later and see that the alarm clock now says 8:30 and I was supposed to be a half an hour away at work by 8:45. Well I run out the door and text my manager and tell her that I was going to be late. I get about ten minutes away from the house and finally look at my dashboard clock on my car and realize it's only 7:45. I verify it with my phone and shout a whole bunch of expletives in my car. Lol. So I take a quick turn and head to my former job at Wawa(a higher-end convenience store on the East Coast of US) and saw a bunch of my old coworkers. And I'm glad I did because I got updated on my stock and some new information that made me really REALLY happy. Lol So it was a good thing that I left early. Lol. And work was INSANELY busy because the bank is in a shore town right by the beach and there was a boat show tonight and boat races tomorrow. So there were all sorts of people all day. I think I did more transactions in four hours than I ever have in 6 hours, since I've been with the company! But nevertheless it was a great day!

    Didnt do a lick of exercise today though, well that's not true. I walked up and back from my parents house 3 times, so that's like 750 yards each. So I guess I got a bit in. Lol. Nothing like what I need though. I did get a really nice nap in though. Lol. And had a nice visit with my parents as well. Now we're sitting in the living room flipping between the Mets game and playoff hockey. It's been a really good day so far and I'm off until Tuesday morning! Woohoo!

    Anyway, have a great night everyone!