What do you all think is the best way to lose weight?

The most effective ways? What do you all do


  • jenniferdee1974
    jenniferdee1974 Posts: 6 Member
    Increase my walking steps. It doesn't make me hungrier (:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited May 2017
    The best way to approach it? The way that's most sustainable for you.

    Personally, I lost eating a plant heavy, nutrient dense, delicious diet that limited heavily refined carbohydrates.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    amartinkat wrote: »
    The most effective ways? What do you all do

    You lose weight by taking in less energy (calories) than your body requires to maintain the status quot. When you consume less energy than is required, you burn body fat (stored energy) to make up the difference.

    How one arrives at their energy deficit is individual. There is not one size fits all best. Low carb works for some people...I personally can't adhere to it so it isn't something that would work for me. Any and all diet plans work on the same principle...less energy coming in. For example...there's nothing particularly magical about a low carb plan...it's simple a matter of substantially restricting a macro-nutrient which in turn would generally result in restricting calories.

    I'm cutting my winter fluff at the moment...I eat a pretty solid diet in general...all I do to cut weight is cut out grains/starches most nights at dinner and don't drink beer during the week. I also do some kind of deliberate exercise every day...but I do that whether I'm losing the fluff or maintaining.

    Again, nothing magical about me not having grains/starches with dinner...it's just an easy "rule" for me to follow and by cutting that out along with my usual 2-3 beers per night, I easily go into a calorie deficit.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    eat less

    move more
  • Btheodore138
    Btheodore138 Posts: 182 Member
    If you're here, you know it's all about meticulously tracking what you eat and logging it. How you manage to stay within the set calorie limit varies for everyone. Some people eat 3 large meals daily, other 5 small meals (like me!). Some do intermittent fasting, some do low carb, low GI, vegan, etc. None of these diets is what is making people lose weight in itself. It's what's helping them achieve the goal of eating less calories in a comfortable way.
  • crazyycatladyy1
    crazyycatladyy1 Posts: 156 Member
    Weight loss comes down to creating the correct calorie deficit for your weight loss goals. How you go about creating that deficit is really up to you though and different approaches work for different people. I went the IF (intermittent fasting) route and it worked well for me and my personality/eating preferences. It may or may not be a good fit for you.
  • blackcars7411
    blackcars7411 Posts: 41 Member
    Patience & reduce calories
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    Have more calories going out than coming in. Do this by eating less and moving more. Don't eliminate foods that you really enjoy. Moderate so that they fit within your alloted calories. Increase your consumption of whole fresh foods while decreasing your consumptuon of processed, refined foods.
    Remember that this change of lifestyle is for life, not just for the period of weight loss. If you can't stick with it long term don't do it. Otherwise you will be a yoyo dieter.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I ate whatever satisfied me within my calorie limit. Lost 80 lbs, and have kept it off 13 months so far.

    I read this loads of times:


    I read these loads of times:

  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    amartinkat wrote: »
    The most effective ways? What do you all do

    I found a sustainable way to eat the foods I enjoy in the correct amount to result in a small calorie deficit. I didn't need to "fix" my diet (noun) - I just had to eat less for a period of time. The sustainable part is very individual - don't be afraid to experiment but don't get suckered into believing marketing spin or magical pills, potions or foods - successful diets all come back to calorie deficit.

    Exercise for me is for primarily about health, enjoyment and providing a challenge. I didn't use it to lose weight but had the benefit of being able to eat more and still lose weight.

    Apart from the food and exercise parts don't neglect just generally being more active in your daily life. Watch less TV, drive less, take stairs not lifts (elevators) - generally try to spend less time sitting down and more time moving about. Not just for weight loss, it's a great habit for health and long term weight management too.

  • armchairherpetologist
    armchairherpetologist Posts: 69 Member
    I use a food scale to measure all of my food because I am not good at estimating portions. When I do that, I always make them too big, and then I gain weight. My general diet is pretty good, I just have to avoid eating too much food.