How do you eat breakfast?

jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay, so I have tweaked my food diary to show time's instead of meals (8-12, 12-5, 5-7, 7-12) and I am noticing that I hardly ever anything in the 8-12 category! I usually have a really healthy lunch/dinner but then around 7pm the sugar cravings hit. I have managed to stay within my allotted calories most days, but maybe this sugar craving has to do with not eating breakfast?

I find it so hard to eat when I am not hungry especially when I am overweight! I know this is crazy but even a bit of an apple makes me want to throw up. Its like my stomach has to wake up first! Though I am losing the weight I want, my main goal is to get healthy and I know that no breakfast is not healthy!

Anyone else have this problem? If so, what do you do?


  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    Okay, so I have tweaked my food diary to show time's instead of meals (8-12, 12-5, 5-7, 7-12) and I am noticing that I hardly ever anything in the 8-12 category! I usually have a really healthy lunch/dinner but then around 7pm the sugar cravings hit. I have managed to stay within my allotted calories most days, but maybe this sugar craving has to do with not eating breakfast?

    I find it so hard to eat when I am not hungry especially when I am overweight! I know this is crazy but even a bit of an apple makes me want to throw up. Its like my stomach has to wake up first! Though I am losing the weight I want, my main goal is to get healthy and I know that no breakfast is not healthy!

    Anyone else have this problem? If so, what do you do?
  • kolbif
    kolbif Posts: 83
    I have this same problem. I asked this question on here some time ago. It seems like I eat most of my calorie/fat allotment at dinner time. I am not hungry in the mornings, as well. From the responses I got, most people said that I should just try to eat something for breakfast and just build myself up to eating a little more all the time. I still just usually eat a piece of fruit or a yogurt or something.

    My question is: are you losing weight? From your post, it looks like it. If you are still losing consistently, then I wouldn't worry too much about it. But I could be way, way wrong in that answer! But, I just think that everyone's body is different, and hey - how can we force ourselves to eat when we're NOT hungry?! Isn't that what we're trying to avoid? :wink: I guess just try a little something. If you find yourself not losing weight, do some changes.

    That's all I can say!
  • MrsTomy
    MrsTomy Posts: 504 Member
    I have the opposite problem - i wake up ravenous! I want to eat eat eat eat in the morning - unless i get up really early. for clinicals i have to get up at 4:30 am...and i just cannot eat until at least 6...if i do it comes right back up! Just eat when you can and try to be healthy!

    Good luck!:drinker:
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Breakfast is important because it "wakes up" your metabolism. I once heard someone (a nutritionist type person) say that if you don't eat in the morning then to not eat any more for dinner than you ate for breakfast. If no breakfast - no dinner. Guaranteed to get you eating breakfast quickly!! At least that was their take on it. I've never had a problem with eating in the a.m. except in high school. Good luck and congratulations on your weight loss so far! :flowerforyou:
  • I am a junk eater! I love sweets! especially chocolate... I have been trying zone diet, it is not really a diet, it just teaches you how to eat, enough and healthy. I actually feel like I eat more with this "diet", but what it does, it just watches your intake, that you have enouh carbs, fat and protein. I eat a big breakfst, , lunch ,a snack , dinner and another snack right before 8pm. try it or visit the website, it will help you not crave sweets as much.
    i actually went to wendys last thursday and i just could not eat a cheeseburger, it was just so gross! and I love them.... but I guess this diet is helping my body know what is healthy and good for the body

    PS: it's not good skipping breakfast.
  • Destined
    Destined Posts: 116
    Ali I do have your problem too. As soon as I wake up I go straight to the fridge because I feel like I will be starving. I thought there was something wrong with me. I just get so hungry as early as 6 am sign me up for some good breakfast...:laugh:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Start small. I found once I starting eating SOMETHING in the morning (even just a yogurt or a peice of fruit) I starting waking up wanting something that early. It's a good idea because it balances out your calorie intake. Try just a slice of toast or a yogurt with a few berries. It'll get you into it and then you can up it to a more balanced meal.
  • hloy25
    hloy25 Posts: 2 Member
    I used to never be able to eat breakfast when I first woke up. I started by eating a little something around 10 a.m. Now that I have been working out and my body has gotten used to breakfast, I find that I am hungry by 8 or 9 a.m. Start slowly, a yogurt, some grapes, etc.
  • Lizjkp
    Lizjkp Posts: 278
    Please remember the old Adage;

    "Eat breakfast like a King" :noway:
    "Lunch like a Prince" and :grumble:
    "Dinner like a Pauper". :laugh:

    I know that this adage is/was for people who work physically hard/labour as the body needs fuel to work, and an article I read recently said that you must have something to eat in the morning to wake your metabolism up:bigsmile: I am not able to NOT have breakfast or I feel nauseous. Hope this helps :happy: Just read this in another article. Hope it helps

    Smarter move: Front-load your calories. Overeating at night keeps you from being hungry in the morning, setting off a vicious cycle in which you're never interested in breakfast but always starving by dinner. The key is to rebalance your day so you don't set yourself up for an evening binge. To get your appetite back in the morning, cut your evening meal in half. Then eat a breakfast of about 450 calories, such as a scrambled egg with low-fat cheese on a whole wheat English muffin with an 8-ounce glass of juice—an amount that should keep you satisfied until lunch. Once your appetite adjusts, don't go more than five hours without another meal of roughly the same size.

    Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.
  • astarte09
    astarte09 Posts: 531 Member
    i have that problem too! Ive been drinking a protein shake or a slim fast if I dont have time, or arent hungry. At least then, Im getting in almost 200 cals on my drive to work
  • Dytari
    Dytari Posts: 51 Member
    I can't eat solid food like bananas or cereal first thing in the morning, it cramps my stomach. So I decided to try slim fast shakes instead. Except if I work out right after I get way nauseous, so I found that Half a serving of Carnations Instant Breakfast keeps me going for about two hours until I need to eat again. Plus its chocolate! so I get my sweets right off the bat, and if I have another craving later, swiss miss 25 cal packets of hot chocolate.
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Start small. I found once I starting eating SOMETHING in the morning (even just a yogurt or a peice of fruit) I starting waking up wanting something that early. It's a good idea because it balances out your calorie intake. Try just a slice of toast or a yogurt with a few berries. It'll get you into it and then you can up it to a more balanced meal.

    I agree with Kerri.
    I HATED eating breakfast, loathed it... it made me want to throw up.
    When I wanted to lose baby weight a football player told me to eat (one of my huge issues is NOT eating).... He told me to have a BIG breakfast (about 400 calories worth)... it KILLED me...BUT I lost the 30 lbs I had gained from my kiddo.

    Now-a-days... I eat a smaller breakfast (at 7:30ish) usually.... Shredded mini-wheats (I love them) + soy milk.... then I TRY to wedge in a snack around 9:45ish (Fiber one bars are usually on hand)....

    It's all about trial and error.... what works and what wont. Breakfast is important though, mainly because your body while sleeping is still working and your calorie supply is way down. If that makes sense (it did in my head).
  • Another thing too, if you're eating a large dinner and snack right before bed, of course you aren't going to be hungry in the morning.

    Try a couple days to limit what you eat at night, so you will be hungry by the time breakfast rolls around. And opposite if you're REALLY hungry in the morning, try eating a little more at night.

    It's hard, but to maximize your metabolism you should be eating at all times of the day. Awesome that you caught that!!
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    Try a breakfast smoothie (or the SlimFast/Ensure) breakfast.

    Here's my smoothie:

    1/2 banana - sliced
    4 strawberries - sliced
    1/3 cup skim milk
    1/3 cup fat free vanilla yogurt
    1/3 cup Bolthouse Strawberry Banana Smoothie (this is wonderful by itself, but kind of expensive)
    1/3 cup Naked juice (also wonderful alone)

    I love this - it's fresh, it's smooth, it's delicious!

    I also like:
    1 cup skim milk
    1/2 banana
    1 tbsp creamy peanut butter
    1 tbsp Hershey syrup.

    *this one's more a dessert smoothie
  • sunflower8926
    sunflower8926 Posts: 485 Member
    I can get an upset stomach from eating too early, too, and my habit for years was to skip breakfast and not eat until the afternoon. But I have discovered a remedy. I now make a smoothie for myself in the morning. A banana, some SOURCE yogurt, water and skim milk powder. While I am drinking that, I may nibble on a half-cup of Fibre 1 (no milk), or have some oatmeal. This gives me the energy without being too heavy and causing stomach upset.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Ali, I'm the same way! The first thing I do in the morning is shower, and by the time I get out of there, I am starving! I love breakfast. :heart:
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I am still unfortunately, a coffee drinker. That is the first thing I have when I get up. But, I am weaning myself off it now. I drank one less cup this a.m. so down to just 3 cups(measured by the way). Edie and I(nwfamilygal)do our walk before either of us eat breakfast. But, we take a cheesestick with us because we get hungry about halfway through our 4.2 miles. Edie I know drinks atleast an 8 oz glass of water before we leave also. I have started doing that too. For me, when I get home, I am ready to have my usual oatmeal, raisins, brown sugar and walnuts. Sometimes, before I go for the walk, I will have a piece of whole grain toast with peanut butter. This keeps me going throughout the walk as well. My other types of breakfasts are bacon, Better Than Eggs(or whole eggs w/yolks about once a week). Also a piece of toast with that. I use "Can't Believe it's Not Butter" spray on my toast.

    I believe easy does it on gettin into all good habits. Breakfast is a good habit in my opinion. It sets the pace for all the rest of my meals for the day which is usually atleast 5 meals including healthy, filling, protein/carb snacks/vegies/fruit etc. If "solids" gag you, then break into the habit by starting with smoothies. Maybe a truly protein filled drink in a blender. Once you get your stomach used to food before noon you will be able to have more substantial breakfast that will fuel your mornings. For me, if I have eaten right one day, the next morning I will feel great, not starved and not "not" wanting to eat. I will feel good and be ready to start over. I am learning to drink water in the a.m. too, like first thing even before coffee!! Just baby steps. How about a couple of boiled eggs with a piece of toast? I have that sometimes too. Cereal, whole grain like cheerios, is good. I drink Soy Milk, Vanilla and it tastes so good. I need to have a snack though, not too long after because for me, that isn't filling enough.

    denise in OR
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I have to eat breakfast!! I can tell you that for many years I didn't eat breakfast (and those were my overweight years!! :huh:) Now I eat a big breakfast, and mini meals throughout the days. I try not to snack after 8PM either.

    My best friend is trying to lose about 50#. My first piece of advice for her- eat breakfast. She HATES breakfast. She's been just eating something small like a yogurt & a half of a grapefruit, or something to get her going in the morning! It's taken her about 3 weeks but now she said she's starting to get hungry in the mornings. (and she's down 15 pounds! :bigsmile: )

    So... make breakfast a priority for losing weight!

  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    amen Jess,! We "fast" all night and we need nutrition/fuel!!! SHOW ME THE BREAKFAST:laugh:

    I have to eat breakfast!! I can tell you that for many years I didn't eat breakfast (and those were my overweight years!! :huh:) Now I eat a big breakfast, and mini meals throughout the days. I try not to snack after 8PM either.

    My best friend is trying to lose about 50#. My first piece of advice for her- eat breakfast. She HATES breakfast. She's been just eating something small like a yogurt & a half of a grapefruit, or something to get her going in the morning! It's taken her about 3 weeks but now she said she's starting to get hungry in the mornings. (and she's down 15 pounds! :bigsmile: )

    So... make breakfast a priority for losing weight!

  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    This is excellent, write it down girls and boys:wink: Thank you for this, I can use it when Im in a hurry too!!!

    denise in OR

    I can get an upset stomach from eating too early, too, and my habit for years was to skip breakfast and not eat until the afternoon. But I have discovered a remedy. I now make a smoothie for myself in the morning. A banana, some SOURCE yogurt, water and skim milk powder. While I am drinking that, I may nibble on a half-cup of Fibre 1 (no milk), or have some oatmeal. This gives me the energy without being too heavy and causing stomach upset.
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