

  • janis965
    janis965 Posts: 32 Member
    05/13 52.9kg
    05/14 52.9kg
    05/15 52.7kg had a Sunday dinner yesterday but tried to be good for the rest of the day
    05/16 52.6kg really pushed myself in the gym yesterday- 15 minutes crosstrainer, 20 minutes rowing machine and some weight lifting, really start seeing progress in my fitness
    05/17 52.2kg I'm really busy this week so sometimes don't have time to eat properly, just grabbing a snack here and there. I need to pay a bit more attention to food so I don't undereat. I want to as well start preparing my breakfast the night before as every morning I get my 4 kids ready for school and then go to work hungry as there was no time to eat.
    05/18 51.9kg
    05/19 51.9kg
    05/20 51.8kg I'm going out tonight and still don't know if I will be drinking alcohol or should I stick to pepsi max B)
    05/21 52.5kg clearly I was drinking but only 2 coctails and there was plenty of water in between so luckily no hungover. Danced a bit but mostly I was a wingwoman for my little sister ;) Hopefully by tomorrow my weight will be a bit lower so I reach my 0.5kg/1lb loss for round 4 :)
    05/22 52.8kg didn't loose much in this round but hey- next round will be much much better! I'm getting close to my goal weight so I think I will have to push myself a bit more to see results again. On the positive note I found an amazing fake tan- Bondi Sands liquid gold- first time I have absolutely no streaks, looks so natural! Very happy!
  • janis965
    janis965 Posts: 32 Member
    cyranda63 wrote: »
    05/12 - 215 weight from round 3
    05/13 - 215
    05/14 - 215
    05/15 - 213.6 :)
    05/16 - 213 :)
    05/17 - 212.6
    05/18 - 212.8
    05/19 - 212.2
    05/20 - 211.6
    05/21 - 211.2
    05/22 - 212.0 - 3 lb this round!
    Wow! That's amazing loss, I can't wait to see what round 5 will be like for you :*
  • YouGotThis435
    YouGotThis435 Posts: 29 Member
    start weight - 141 lbs

    5/19 - 138.2 lbs
    Had a good week but due to an unforseen stressful situation, struggling not to have a set back this weekend :s

    5/20 - 137.8 lbs
    In total I've lost 4 lbs this week. Im anxious because I don't know if I can trust it. It seems a little excessive and also aunt Flo has come for a visit. From past experience this means anything can happen. After Flo's visit the 4 lbs could hold off, it could not end up being as big of a loss as it appears now, but it could end up being even bigger. We'll see

    5/21 - 138.2
    Went to a festival and had Hungarian langos(fried dough with sour cream and cheese), bag of lay's jalapenos and cheese chips and a couple of bites of homemade poppyseed and cranberry white chocolate. Walked 3 miles to off set some of the damage. I regret nothing :blush:

    5/22 - 137.0
    Total lost this round 4 lbs. My goal weight is 130 lbs, I didn't have a mini goal, and I knew it would be impossible to lose what I wanted in just a week, so im happy to have just lost weight and have gotten my eating under control. Im excited for another round because for me the real challenge comes when im trying to break 135 lbs.
  • tishawj
    tishawj Posts: 542 Member
    05/13 - 165.8 lbs at least it's down a smidge again, seems to be back and forth the same half a pound the last few days.

    05/14 - 165.8lbs - holding steady...but woke up with a head cold so I'm going to want to eat ALL of the comfort food, but will try to stick to the plan even though I'll take a break from my work outs to hopefully get over this faster

    05/15 - 165.2 - right direction...some of the bloat coming off. Still feel crappy this morning with the bug I have, but I did ok with the eating yesterday so hope to do the same today.

    05/16 165.8 - hrm.....but I had to do my belt up an extra notch this morning so I may just have to wait for the scale to catch up ....

    05/17 164.8lbs - finally back on track from the whacky hormones and virus. Now to get past the 2 lbs I've been bouncing around for the last week.

    05/18 165.0lbs - gardening yesterday worked some unused muscles....and my rings are tight today so I must be retaining water...I definitely ate at a deficit...I would really like to break that 164 mark...

    05/19 163.6 lbs - YAY!....heading into a long holiday weekend, spending it at my parents' place so will try my best to get on mom's scale...and to stay on target with my eating....the drinking might be a challenge, beers on the dock are a May 2-4 tradition...

    05/20. 162.9lbs - on my Mom's scale this morning, so I hope this sticks when I get home after the weekend. Going to a concert tonight...plan to dance off my drinks ...

    05/21 160.9 - I'm liking my Mom's scale LOL...not sure if this will hold true on my scale when I get back to weighing in at home on Tuesday...but I'll take it for now.

    05/22 - 162.4 - Yesterday was an scale blurp I think. I'm still at my parent's place, but I think today is pretty accurate so I'm happy with the last 10 days. We leave on Vacay on Friday so I'm happy with the 20 I've lost since the beginning of March!!
  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    edited May 2017
    05/13 152.6
    05/14 150.8 Mother's Day! Ate bread/bun, ice cream, etc. Things that aren't part of my eating plans usually. Was fun. I spent the day outside, road an adult tricycle - they have to burn a lot of cals as they don't coast. It's like pedaling a couch - for 1 1/2 hours so thought I shouldn't gain anything.
    05/15 151.4 Well, up a bit but nothing unusual for my body's up and down. Feeling good. Missing grains as I've been on a low carb (lowish) eating plan so had 1/2 cup of brown rice and quinoa with 2 sliced, sauteed mushrooms. Yum. I'm going to go work out so this should fuel me up nice.

    05/16 151.8 Arrggghhhh..... No biggie, really. Going for a walk in the woods today for my exercise.

    05/17 151 Better... Want to get below 150 this week - by Sunday. 4 days. Work out with trainer today and will do at least 1/2 hr on ellip. More if The Voice keeps me interested. LOL Going to look up a low carb recipe for eggplant parm. Craving some eggplant.

    05/18 150.2 Yes! Yes! Yes! Doing aqua arthritis today. Always fun and planning on a big salad with some skinny beef in it for either lunch or dinner. Mmm, with some arugula and olives. And gorgonzola! black and blue. good food/good exercise.

    05/19 150.4 Arrgghhh ... Calm down, woman.

    05/20 152.4 Went for a 4 mile hike yesterday but also went for some Sun Chips and Sushi. Off the rails. Made a pot of chicken veg soup to get back on track.

    05/21 150.6 OK, heading in right direction... more protein, less carbs. Worked out yesterday and also did 45 min on elliptical. Under 150 will have to be next week. It's ok. It's been incredibly slow losing but at least I'm getting stronger and leaner. I'm in it for the long haul.

    05/22 151 Still trying to get under the 150 pt. Been hovering around this weight for a month!
  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    start weight - 141 lbs

    5/19 - 138.2 lbs
    Had a good week but due to an unforseen stressful situation, struggling not to have a set back this weekend :s

    5/20 - 137.8 lbs
    In total I've lost 4 lbs this week. Im anxious because I don't know if I can trust it. It seems a little excessive and also aunt Flo has come for a visit. From past experience this means anything can happen. After Flo's visit the 4 lbs could hold off, it could not end up being as big of a loss as it appears now, but it could end up being even bigger. We'll see

    5/21 - 138.2
    Went to a festival and had Hungarian langos(fried dough with sour cream and cheese), bag of lay's jalapenos and cheese chips and a couple of bites of homemade poppyseed and cranberry white chocolate. Walked 3 miles to off set some of the damage. I regret nothing :blush:

    (Are you a fan of Edith Piaf? Famous song of hers " Non, je ne regrette rien " I regret nothing.
  • SaleenGirl305
    SaleenGirl305 Posts: 137 Member
    ‪05/13 142.2‬
    05/14 141.2 Guess it paid off that I was cleaning house all day. Had a few drinks last night and still lost weight.
    05/15 140.2 Back to my pre weekend weight of 140.6. Time to stay focused!
    05/16 140.2
    05/17 140.4
    05/18 141.2 Too many calories
    05/19 140.6 No late night snacking and drinking
    05/20 140.6
    05/21 142.4 Weekend drinking ruins it every time
    05/22 142.6 Sigh...
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member
    edited May 2017
    Day Weight Comments

    05/13. 143. Staying consistent

    05/14. 143. Same again

    05/15. 143. It's me again and again! Need to switch up my routines a bit to break this never ending plateau! I'm thinking my scale might be on autopilot?!?!??

    05/16 NSV. It's a non scale victory for me today as I have learned today about how to realign my thinking about overeating! First: it's ok to think about the desire to overeat. Because having the urge is harmless. Second: Pay attention to my thoughts...'why do I want to overeat', allow the urge and the thought to be there and be a witness of my thoughts and write them down. Third: Planning ahead for what I'm going to eat before I eat it will give my brain a plan instead of mindless consuming! All that to say that our desires lead to a thought, our thoughts lead to an action and our actions lead to our responses. I'm learning how not to respond, but to understand the why do I do what I do.

    05/17 143 family vacation

    05/18 143 family vacation

    05/19 143 family vacation

    05/20 144.8 Finally caught up with me. I'm gonna start what's 5:2 intermittent fasting. It is petty popular right now and the studies out there are interesting to me. So it's 5 days of eating near 1200 calories with 2 days a week calories only fasting around 500-600 calories. But during the low calorie days to make sure protein and good fat are included. I know this is low, but I'm gonna see if it doesn't shake up some plateau resistance.

    05/21 144.4
    05/22. 144.1 Well I'm a bit disappointed since I am actually worse off from the start of the these rounds--but I did manage to stay within a few pounds during vacation, family visits etc...were among it all.

    Off to Round 5 tomorrow! Watch for the next new posting! I'll announce it soon!
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member
    EVERYONE....Round 5 begins tomorrow! I just posted our next Round on the discussion board located under 'challenges' once again! You all have stuck with it so wonderfully---even if it's only been a NSV (non scale victory) it's been great to watch how everyone has worked through their ups and Downs! This is life! One day up, the other day down, sometimes it follows our emotions, but over the course of our journey let's keep up the momentum! See you all in Round 5! And congratulations to everyone who saw this last Round a few pounds lighter!
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member

    I read this morning that it is important to dream about a goal; but just dreaming about it isn't enough! When we dream about a thing we also need to go for it! Do it! Dreaming is good, but going after what we dream about is even better! So today I'm not just dreaming about it---I'm going after it and am going to do this thing!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,386 Member
    I'm in.

    05/13 - 141.8
    05/14 - 142.6 :| tomorrow is not going to be a good number either.
    05/15 - 143.0 Mother's Day was fun! :o
    05/16 - 141.8 - at 7:00 this morning.
    05/17 - 141.0
    05/18 - 142.6 - salt, salt and salt
    05/19 - 144.0
    05/20 - 144.0
    05/21 - 145.2...my wagon fell over!!
    05/22 - 143.2

  • Treehugger_88
    Treehugger_88 Posts: 207 Member
    this looks like a great idea! Just got back from a wonderful but food-filled holiday so I need to get back on track and I'm in for Round 5 tomorrow!
  • frida001
    frida001 Posts: 437 Member
    05/13 151
    05/14 150.8
    05/15 152 (oops. Mother's Day overindulgence. I must drink lots of water today.)
    05/16 150.2
    05/17. 149.4 (Watch me! Watch me!
    05/18 150.0. Water water water!!!! I need water! I worked 12 hours yesterday and logged over 12,000 steps. I came home starving and my husband had pizza. Thank goodness there were only 2 slices left. I should have had a protein bar though.
    5/19 150.0
    05/20 149.8
    05/21 150 I seriously hurt my back.
    05/22 150.6
  • YouGotThis435
    YouGotThis435 Posts: 29 Member
    ehseeker wrote: »
    start weight - 141 lbs

    5/19 - 138.2 lbs
    Had a good week but due to an unforseen stressful situation, struggling not to have a set back this weekend :s

    5/20 - 137.8 lbs
    In total I've lost 4 lbs this week. Im anxious because I don't know if I can trust it. It seems a little excessive and also aunt Flo has come for a visit. From past experience this means anything can happen. After Flo's visit the 4 lbs could hold off, it could not end up being as big of a loss as it appears now, but it could end up being even bigger. We'll see

    5/21 - 138.2
    Went to a festival and had Hungarian langos(fried dough with sour cream and cheese), bag of lay's jalapenos and cheese chips and a couple of bites of homemade poppyseed and cranberry white chocolate. Walked 3 miles to off set some of the damage. I regret nothing :blush:

    (Are you a fan of Edith Piaf? Famous song of hers " Non, je ne regrette rien " I regret nothing.

    Well I do love "la vie en rose" but its the only song I know by her :-)
  • limex
    limex Posts: 81 Member
    05/13 - 143.0
    05/14 - 143.3 (went out for buffet for mothers day, so I'm just glad I didn't gain too much)
    05/15 - 143.8... hmm, it isn't going well this week...
    05/16 - 141.6 (I decided to move my weigh ins to first thing in the morning to reduce some of the day to day water fluctuations... hope the numbers will look better going forward)
    05/17 - 140.8 Finally, the numbers are starting to show! So far I've been walking to burn my calories, but I started using my elliptical again which will really help. I've got zumba today too!
    05/18 - 141.2 So sore from zumba. Not sure if that's causing some water retention.
    05/19 - 140.7 Going in the right direction!
    05/20 - 140.1 Was worried about today since I went out with some friends last night and overate. We'll see if that catches up to me tomorrow.
    05/21 - 141.7 Wasn't able to weigh in the morning, so I was expecting a higher number. It's usually about a 2lb difference, so I'm excited to see where I end up at tmr! It would be awesome if I could end the challenge in the 130's.
    05/22 - 139.5! I'm so happy to be in the 130's!

    Lost 3.5lbs this round. Some of that was moving my weigh in time, but I'm still really happy with this result.

    See you all for round 5!
  • Healthiswealthandlife
    Healthiswealthandlife Posts: 11 Member
    05/13 = 195lbs (Rest day; no exercise)
    05/14 = 194.8lbs (HIIT Workout Day 22)
    05/15 = 192.0lbs (HIIT Workout Day 23)
    05/16 = 191.4lbs (HIIT Workout Day 24)
    05/17 = 190.8lbs (HIIT Workout Day 25)
    05/18 = 191.8lbs (HIIT Workout Day 26)
    05/19 = 191.6lbs (HIIT Workout Day 27)
    05/20 = 191.2lbs (Rest day; 10000 steps)
    05/21 = 190.6lbs (HIIT Workout Day 29)
    05/22 = 189.9lbs (HIIT Workout Day 30)

    I just completed a 30-day workout challenge by Millionaire Hoy on YouTube - it's free. I feel so good about the changes I see on my body and the way I feel as a result of these workouts.

    Thanks for the opportunitu to be part of this 10-day weigh-in challenge. It's very good for accountability and keeping me focused on my daily goal.

    Best of luck to everyone on this life long journey. Health is wealth and life!

  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member
    edited May 2017
    frida001 wrote: »
    05/13 151
    05/14 150.8
    05/15 152 (oops. Mother's Day overindulgence. I must drink lots of water today.)
    05/16 150.2
    05/17. 149.4 (Watch me! Watch me!
    05/18 150.0. Water water water!!!! I need water! I worked 12 hours yesterday and logged over 12,000 steps. I came home starving and my husband had pizza. Thank goodness there were only 2 slices left. I should have had a protein bar though.
    5/19 150.0
    05/20 149.8
    05/21 150 I seriously hurt my back.
    05/22 150.6
    So sorry you hurt your back @frida001 I do hope all is better soon!
  • hdrenollet
    hdrenollet Posts: 147 Member
    05/13: 207.8 lbs. Yesterday was gym day with heavy lifting. Slight increase is likely due to water weight. This is typical for me.

    05/14: 209.6 lbs. Yesterday was my "cheat day" so a little increase was expected

    05/15: 209.0 lbs. Didn't bounce-back as much as usual this week, although yesterday was a gym day so some of this could still be water weight.

    05/16: 207.2 lbs. Looking better, maybe the extra water weight from the excessive sodium intake on Saturday is finally making it's way out.

    05/17: 207.2 lbs. Yesterday was gym day so some of this is probably extra water weight for muscle repair. If my trends are right, I should show a fairly significant decrease tomorrow.

    05/18: 205.8 lbs. There we go, that's better!

    05/19: 207.0 lbs. Gym night last night. My numbers are starting to plateau a little. I expected this as I got closer to the 200 lb. mark. Since I'm incorporating a lot of lifting in my routine, my losses on the scale will taper off but I will continue to reduce my BF%. My overall goal is to be right around 200 lbs. and between 10-15% body fat.

    05/20: 205.0 lbs. Gym day & beer/pizza day. Expecting a gain tomorrow.

    05/21: 209.8 lbs. Just as expected

    05/22: 207.8 lbs. And a decent bounce-back.

    This has been fun for the past couple of weeks, but I don't think I'll be doing the next round if there is one. I've lost just over 30 lbs at this point and I'm not really looking to lose any more weight right now. I'm really focused on strength training now so all of my victories will not show on the scale. Good luck to everyone! I hope you all reach your goals, whatever they may be.
  • TinkerbelleJ
    TinkerbelleJ Posts: 33 Member
    05/13 159.8 (72.5kg) I had a huge candy filled day!
    05/14 160.9 (73.0kg) This was after breakfast and running.
    05/15 159.8 (72.5kg) Hoping that tomorrow it will be lower!
    05/16 159.8 (72.5kg) Yesterday I basically only ate chocolate and then a chocolate cake :(
    05/17 159.1 (72.2kg) woohoo new lowest weight!
    05/18 158.7 (72kg) I have been so good for the past two days! Going to continue with that today!
    05/19 158 (71.7kg) Woohoo! I have been focusing on reaching my step goal every day!
    05/20 158.5 (71.9kg) Still under 72kg! So I am happy!
    05/21 158.7 (72kg) darn it! I know I haven't been over eating so it must just be some fluctuation. Still have lost 0.5kg/1lbs this round!
    05/22 158.9 (72.1) I am okay with this number, my goal is to lose 0.25kg (0.5lbs) per week and I lost 0.4kg or maybe even more since I have been feeling quite bloated for the past couple of days!

    I'll see you in the next round! :)
  • Efie50
    Efie50 Posts: 31 Member
    edited May 2017
    05/16 - 179.8 Scale battery was dead for a month. Last time I weighed I was 171 ...WHAT???!
    05/17 - 175 - first weight in the AM - nice to see a little water loss, but still CODE RED!
    05/18 - 174.2 - drank tons of water, did some walking and ate on plan. I don't think I will see a loss this big again for awhile. My weight is still in the red zone.
    05/19 174 -pretty motivated to get out the 170s. Have an out of town conference today and company coming this weekend. I an doing some planning in terms of where we'll go and what I can eat and somewhat stay in my planned calorie intake.
    05/20- 173.4 - drank about a gallon of water, skipped the "cookie break" at the conference, ordered a turkey burger and ordered light beer to stay within calories. Staying strong and logging. Will find a walk today, too. I haven't weighed this much since I was pregnant!
    05/21 - 174.4 Big, late dinner last night. Counted everything. Non scale victory NSV!
    05/22 - 173.4 - Ready for round 5. So happy for this board to help me through the first week of getting back on track.

    Current: 173.4 - red zone
    Yellow zone - 160-166
    Green zone - 159 or less