Running in a sports bra.... and a smile?



  • comcatee
    comcatee Posts: 48 Member
    if men are allowed to run with no shirt at all then women are definitely allowed to run with just a sports bra. plus its a freaking heat wave out there.... at least where i am!
  • jtp5184
    jtp5184 Posts: 138 Member
    if men are allowed to run with no shirt at all then women are definitely allowed to run with just a sports bra. plus its a freaking heat wave out there.... at least where i am!

    Haha i love that! good call
  • violon
    violon Posts: 74 Member
    I think I've done it once... and you know what? Nobody's looking!!! They're focused on their own workout. Trust me :)
  • katedonn5
    katedonn5 Posts: 16
    To the man's opinion - I'm not trying to look "sexy" when I work out. I do run in just a sports bra but I also don't need much support and have not had children. Since I'm training for a fitness competition, I have to be comfortable showing off my body and running in just a sports bra is a good way to get comfortable. I often wonder what people think, but I also know that I am alot harder on my body than other people. If it bothers you, it's not worth it. But if you do it, no one is going to yell at you.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I ran in just a sports bra for the first time ever on Saturday night.

    It was just too hot for my tank and it was pitch black, I was running to a friend's house with a pool, and let me tell you what, it felt awesome. I've still got plenty to lose, but man, I want to visit my parents again soon just for another run like that.
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    To the man's opinion - I'm not trying to look "sexy" when I work out. I do run in just a sports bra but I also don't need much support and have not had children. Since I'm training for a fitness competition, I have to be comfortable showing off my body and running in just a sports bra is a good way to get comfortable. I often wonder what people think, but I also know that I am alot harder on my body than other people. If it bothers you, it's not worth it. But if you do it, no one is going to yell at you.

    I hope you did not mis-understand what I was saying. I don't care if someone wants to run in anything from a habit to bucky-*kitten* naked. If you feel comfortable enough, do what feels good to you. It does not matter to me weather you are trying to look sexy or not, I was just giving my opinion of what is sexier to me. I myself would run in a sports bra if they came in a FFFF cup, but once again, I feel comfortable enough in my skin to do whatever I want to. So please ladies, don't decide to wear or not wear something over your sports bra for someone else, just do it for you.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I say, "Just do it." I think half of it could be the mental barrier of just going out in a sports bra, as in your "unmentionables". LOL What's your motive? Is it to attract attention or is it just because it's so dang hot??? I have tried going in just a sports bra a few times and have no more or no less attention drawn to myself than if I was in a running shirt. Or so I believe. So if it's a hot and humid day, Im going in my sports bra and shorts!! Who cares what anyone else thinks?!!
  • definitely gonna run in a sports bra when I get down to a runnable weight. The jury is still out on whether or not I'll wear a shirt over it. *nods* true story. :p
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    If it's warm enough, I do. If not, then a vest over the top, and if really chilly, a trackie jacket over that.

    I'm really not bothered what other people might be thinking as I pass them....if indeed they even notice me. I'm sure they have far more important things to be thinking about than "Oh look, there's a woman in her sports bra"!! :laugh:
  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    To the ladies out there who run... do you run in a sports bra? I have been very self conscious about my mid section ( the tum tum) and yesterday I went running in a sports bra and no shirt for the first time. I couldn't stop wondering what others are thinking.... are they judging me? Are they thinking: "god put a shirt on would you?"

    I know this all sounds silly and I should just get over it but I guess I don't see myself the same way that others do. I'm always told by my family how thin I am and that I have nothing to worry about, but I still do. Does anyone else have these issues too? How do you deal???

    Any help would be appreciated... and now I feel embarrassed.

    I think it really depends on how you feel about yourself... I wouldn't feel embarrassed. Do you... and dont let anyone tell you otherwise. You are a beautifull person... inside and out. If peoeple dont want to LOOK.. then they dont have to.

    Cheers, and keep running :)
  • ratkaj
    ratkaj Posts: 166 Member
    To the man's opinion - I'm not trying to look "sexy" when I work out. I do run in just a sports bra but I also don't need much support and have not had children. Since I'm training for a fitness competition, I have to be comfortable showing off my body and running in just a sports bra is a good way to get comfortable. I often wonder what people think, but I also know that I am alot harder on my body than other people. If it bothers you, it's not worth it. But if you do it, no one is going to yell at you.

    I agree, this is for function not to be "sexy". It's just SO HOT out there that I found it was a big difference for me.

    Thanks everyone for your feedback. I'm going to keep it up, and enjoy what I've worked so hard for!!
  • BJPCraig
    BJPCraig Posts: 417 Member
    Dr. Phil has a great line that speaks to this: "You wouldn't worry about what people thought about you if you knew how seldom they did."

    Let's say for the sake of the argument that you look as bad as you seem to think (which I doubt is true). So, a total stranger driving by spends 1 second thinking "eww" and then goes on with their day. So what?

    Be comfortable. Do what makes you feel good. And could someone explain to me why the people who SHOULD worry about how they look and what they wear are usually the only people who DON'T?
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I'm really not bothered what other people might be thinking as I pass them....if indeed they even notice me. I'm sure they have far more important things to be thinking about than "Oh look, there's a woman in her sports bra"!! :laugh:
    Exactly, people have these filters that only let them notice and judge other people similar to them. You only feel self-concious as you notice and compare yourself with other female runners. Well, I do! I love seeing fit, healthy bodies out there, whatever they're wearing, and supportive and comfortable for the current climate is the way to go.

    In fact I'm more likely to notice women NOT wearing sports bras and would like some super-heroine powers to fit them on the spot to save them from droop and/or black eyes! :laugh:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I ran on Saturday in a sports bra and my shorts. My midsection definitely isn't flat. I couldn't give a rat's rear-end what other people think. It was already 85 degrees when I went out at 9 that morning! Honestly, it's all about your own comfort level. I don't have the greatest self esteem/body image but I needed to be comfortable out there!
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 583 Member
    I don't run in just a sports bra mainly because I am a redhead with very sensitive skin and I don't even want to attempt to deal with what the sun could do to my stomach and back since they are rarely exposed to the sun as it is. Sure I wear sunscreen, but it melts off and I just am very aware of sun protection due to family history too. I thought about it the other day though and I am not self conscious about it anymore. I actually would love to rock out my bathing suit sometime this summer considering I earned it! (I work three jobs so getting to the beach is tough) But seriously...continue to run with just the sports bra because in the end if anyone driving by or sitting on their porch says have a one up on them because you are out there running and doing something!
  • From a man's prespective if asked, I think a tank top over sports bra is sexier than just the bra itself. Just my opinion.

    I agree. Especially if it is an oversized shirt that provides lots of flashes of the bra itself. The temptation and hint of exposure is usually more exciting than the real thing.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I typically don't, because I'd need to put more sunscreen on in places that are hard to reach. But I ran Warrior Dash in a halter style bikini top, and the wind and rain on my skin felt amazing.
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,262 Member

    In fact I'm more likely to notice women NOT wearing sports bras

    Me too. Funny that ! :smile:
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    It is 100 degrees out. Why, just because we are women, should we wear 2 or sometimes 3 layers whereas men can run shirtless regardless of how big their moobs are?

    I totally run in my sports bra and running shorts. If people driving by have issues with it, screw them. Im out there doing good for me, and frankly, trying to not die in the process!
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    no sports bra just cant get them for "bigger"girls lol
    tight t/shirt and tracky top zipped up does the trick just nice,keeps them pretty still lol