Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Hi ya'll. Where does the time go? I had a long weekend out of town with the husband and did not go online to play in the MFP Community boards. It only seemed fair to give some attention to him, not my laptop. I kept logging though, shameful as it was.

    I've read thru all the updates of the last few days and it made me think of an anecdote I heard.

    A filmmaker once spoke about how he constantly berated himself and was never satisfied. People told him how wonderful his films were and what magnificent work he created, but he was not happy. One day he was in post production editing a film and cutting bits and pieces out of a days work of filming. As the cut film hit the floor, he realized that other people see the finished product, but he focused on the mistakes and errors made.

    Do you do this with your own life? Focus on the mistakes you make and forget to look at your success.

    I think that is one thing that drew me to and keeps me active in this thread. It helps me to say what I have done right - even if it is little things - and hear others being successful. @Bex953172 I specifically remembered this story while reading your post about your review. You thought about all the things you struggle with and the mistakes you make, but your bosses wanted to review what you were doing right.

    We are our own worst critics.

  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member

    Also- I am going to be in bed by 11:00 tonight. :)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,089 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »
    Hi ya'll. Where does the time go? I had a long weekend out of town with the husband and did not go online to play in the MFP Community boards. It only seemed fair to give some attention to him, not my laptop. I kept logging though, shameful as it was.

    I've read thru all the updates of the last few days and it made me think of an anecdote I heard.

    A filmmaker once spoke about how he constantly berated himself and was never satisfied. People told him how wonderful his films were and what magnificent work he created, but he was not happy. One day he was in post production editing a film and cutting bits and pieces out of a days work of filming. As the cut film hit the floor, he realized that other people see the finished product, but he focused on the mistakes and errors made.

    Do you do this with your own life? Focus on the mistakes you make and forget to look at your success.

    I think that is one thing that drew me to and keeps me active in this thread. It helps me to say what I have done right - even if it is little things - and hear others being successful. @Bex953172 I specifically remembered this story while reading your post about your review. You thought about all the things you struggle with and the mistakes you make, but your bosses wanted to review what you were doing right.

    We are our own worst critics.

    I do do this with my own life, it's a very good example though!

    However it was not me having a review
    I haven't worked for about 3-4 years now
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,089 Member
    Didnt post goals for today so so will start for tomorrow

    Goals for Wednesday
    - Log everything rather than using MFP to natter!
    - be in the green
    - get outside!!

    May Goals
    March Weight: 12st 6lb
    April Weight 12st 5lb
    Current Weight: 12st 5lb
    Target Weight: 10st 7lb
    Lbs to lose this month: 4

    Strive for progress, not perfection.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,089 Member
    Omg first time on the pad today (its 21.48 over here) and just read the news that my city got bombed! Scary :disappointed:
    Really should watch the news on tv more often rather than kids programmes!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Omg first time on the pad today (its 21.48 over here) and just read the news that my city got bombed! Scary :disappointed:
    Really should watch the news on tv more often rather than kids programmes!!

    Do you live in Manchester?? This is so very sad, isn't it. Prayers for everyone.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,089 Member
    Near to. Outskirts of it. Used to live closer and have been to the MEN arena loads of times, its awful. Can't believe I've only just read it
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    junodog1 wrote: »
    Hi ya'll. Where does the time go? I had a long weekend out of town with the husband and did not go online to play in the MFP Community boards. It only seemed fair to give some attention to him, not my laptop. I kept logging though, shameful as it was.

    I've read thru all the updates of the last few days and it made me think of an anecdote I heard.

    A filmmaker once spoke about how he constantly berated himself and was never satisfied. People told him how wonderful his films were and what magnificent work he created, but he was not happy. One day he was in post production editing a film and cutting bits and pieces out of a days work of filming. As the cut film hit the floor, he realized that other people see the finished product, but he focused on the mistakes and errors made.

    Do you do this with your own life? Focus on the mistakes you make and forget to look at your success.

    I think that is one thing that drew me to and keeps me active in this thread. It helps me to say what I have done right - even if it is little things - and hear others being successful. @Bex953172 I specifically remembered this story while reading your post about your review. You thought about all the things you struggle with and the mistakes you make, but your bosses wanted to review what you were doing right.

    We are our own worst critics.

    I do do this with my own life, it's a very good example though!

    However it was not me having a review
    I haven't worked for about 3-4 years now

    Oh blast that! It was @HGSmith0920 's coaching session.

    My apology, I must have had your name in my mind because of the stripper story. BTW others have already said what I thought - take it as a compliment. (They are still *kitten* though.)

    Terrible happening in Manchester. Hope that all close to you are safe.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    1. Plan and pre-track exercise for the week :)
    2. Do some cooking/food prep/grocery shopping :)
    3. REST and catch up on sleep :neutral:
    4. light gardening :(
    5. 10+ cups water :)

    1. try to catch up on rest
    2. do at least one self-care activity
    3. dance?
    4. 10+ cups water
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    Just realized I haven't posted the past few days of the Beck Diet Solution:

    Day 8 was to create a schedule where you set aside time for exercise, preparing meals, planning meals, etc. She explains that you need to do this, as losing weight involves work.

    Day 9 was to set a exercise plan. This was easy for me, as I have been going to the gym, walking, and zumba classes - so I got that part down at least. But ... my doctor told me a year ago that losing weight is 90% what you eat, and only 10% exercise. I think he is right :o

    Day 10 is to set a realistic goal. Now say that you want to lose 20 or 30 pounds, but instead, set smaller, realistic goals. My goal is to try and lose 4-5 pounds a month. I try not to look at the 30 pounds I need to lose

    Day 11, tomorrow, is the learn to differentiate between hunger, desire, and cravings. She says to keep a monitoring chart, and write how you feel before you eat (which is most likely true hunger if you feel it in your stomach), write how you feel halfway through eating, and rate your hunger again once you've finished eating. Wait 20 minutes after, and describe the sensations in the chart. She says that after a day of paying attention to sensations in your abdomen and body, we will be able to distinguish between "hungry" and "not hungry".

    Well, for me, I know this feeling. I KNOW that I eat when I am not hungry. I know its mostly cravings, or stress. SO for me, this task might be helpful, but I already know what hunger feels like, and I know that I eat when I'm not hungry. Hoping to stop this, or at least be more mindful of it.

  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat :)
    - No snacks except ryvita. No sweets today! :/ I was foiled by my colleague who brought my favourite biscuits to our team meeting. Plus by the lawyer who offered me nuts/raisins whilst we were going through a contract. However I managed only to have one biscuit/a small number of nuts and raisins so didn't add to too much!
    - Exercise class after work :) I nearly didn't go but my colleague (with whom I am in 'fat club' where we support each other to lose weight - i don't like the name but I like the principle) dragged me and I was thankful for that
    - Stay in the green! (Ideally with small deficit) :)
    - No alcohol :)
    - 30 minute lunch break :)
    - Meditate :/ Was going to do this at lunch but then had to ring my mum for a moan about health probs/rubbish doctors instead
    - Don't procrastinate - get something BIG done today :| So-so - I didn't exactly procrastinate but I don't feel like I achieved anything huge either
    - Spend some time - but not all day! -planning June workload :)

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks AT ALL to free up calories for pub dinner
    - Choose sausage & mash for dinner (already checked menu and this seems like healthiest option with the exception of salad which it is unrealistic to think I will ACTUALLY order in a pub when all my friends are getting burgers)
    - Drink 1 water for every alcoholic drink and only G&T until after I have ordered food. After this may be safe to order a glass of wine...
    - Leave by 9pm in order to pack running gear for tomorrow OR just get rest if am not feeling well enough to run (in a bit of discomfort at the mo due to ongoing health problem)

    - 30+ minute lunch break
    - Meditate at lunch
    - Listen to music to boost mood and productivity
    - Focus on key tasks rather than getting distracted by non-urgent emails
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »

    Day 11, tomorrow, is the learn to differentiate between hunger, desire, and cravings. She says to keep a monitoring chart, and write how you feel before you eat (which is most likely true hunger if you feel it in your stomach), write how you feel halfway through eating, and rate your hunger again once you've finished eating. Wait 20 minutes after, and describe the sensations in the chart. She says that after a day of paying attention to sensations in your abdomen and body, we will be able to distinguish between "hungry" and "not hungry".

    Well, for me, I know this feeling. I KNOW that I eat when I am not hungry. I know its mostly cravings, or stress. SO for me, this task might be helpful, but I already know what hunger feels like, and I know that I eat when I'm not hungry. Hoping to stop this, or at least be more mindful of it.

    I think this is important as well, I think most times when I eat it's either desire (i.e. just greed) or cravings (due to emotions e.g. stress or boredom).

    I think the key really is to try to be more mindful of what you're eating and really make an effort to notice why you're doing it... In the hope that if you catch yourself about to do it, you can stop yourself! (Potentially by doing something else to relieve stress by going for a walk, listening to music, etc).

    This is really hard to do in practice though! I've been trying to do this type of thing for quite a few months now - not specifically about eating but more about spotting when I'm getting stressed/angry and how I'm reacting to it - and it is really hard to be mindful about what you do!

    I've been doing mindfulness podcasts and on one the speaker set a task of trying to notice every time you stand up/sit down in your day. He said although it sounded easy, he'd be surprised if we noticed it more than 3 times.

    How many times did I notice? Not even once!!!! I just went about my normal day and completely forgot about it.

    I think this sort of thing is really hard to get in the habit of doing but would be so beneficial if we could do it. I think perhaps the trick is to find ways to remind yourself in the first instance - maybe post-it notes that you can see, or reminders on phone... and then hopefully if that works eventually it will become a habit?

    I'm going to give this another try!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,089 Member
    My exercise levels have just increased... the baby is crawling and there's no stopping her now lol!
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    Do you play the organ?? My favorite kind of music!
    That is so nice to hear! I've been playing the organ at various churches for 25 years--actually started lessons in high school, and have been playing off and on ever since. When I turned 50, I decided to get "serious" about music, went back to school to earn a degree in sacred music, then worked for a Lutheran church that had a large, four-manual organ---magnificent instrument. Thanks so much for posting.

  • mmecraine
    mmecraine Posts: 30 Member
    Slittlemeister and Joan:
    That's a great goal for me today!
    I've been really focused on my carb & fat lately, which always makes me nervous. I have a history of eating disorders, so I never want to become obsessive!
    Mindful eating to feed my body will be my goal for the day.
    I like simple charts to remind myself: https://www.heb.com/static-page/article-template/Hunger-vs-Craving
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    @slittlemeister I love reading your goals because I relate so much to many of your work/daily goals for stress and getting things done. :)

    I have not journaled one thing this week. I just am so mad at myself for gaining 3 lbs over the weekend. I am struggling to get back into the groove. however, I packed a lunch (healthy lunch) today and made out a grocery list for my husband full of health options, so here we go!

    Just for Wednesday:
    1. Stay in the green and hit my water goal of 80 oz of water or decaf
    2. Journal every bite, even if it is only a handful of peanuts (those buggers are really high in calories! Good Golly!)
    3. Get one big task done today at work and mark off some of the smaller ones. Try to get at least 5 things checked off.
    4. Podcasts by Optimal Living Daily and Optimal Health Daily, and Half Size Me
    5. Call doctor about MRI on my knee. I have a tear in my meniscus and need surgery. Joy.
    6. Simple Abundance Book - get caught up
    7. Get caught up on Beck Diet Solution Tasks
    8. Quitting the sitting - Stand for 5 minutes every 30 to 60 minutes throughout the day. I have a great app to remind me of this on my phone.
    9. Be grateful. Turn negative thoughts around. Try to focus on positives rather than negatives
    10. Make a schedule for next week from Sunday through Saturday: exercise, packing lunches evening before, meal planning, etc.
    11. Go to bed early tonight. I am exhausted! Was up until 1 a.m. trying to catch up on work emails. I have 200 unread emails after taking 3 days off work. It is overwhelming!

    Have a beautiful brand new day my friends! :smiley:
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Just For Today

    • Stay in the green on calories
    • Bed by 10:30 - I am behind in sleep
    • 20 minutes cardio
    • Finish documenting terminal leave process
    • If I watch TV - start resume re-write for that one particular job

    :( Said "I am going to be in bed by 11:00 tonight. " Nope. In bed at 12:45. Up at 6 am. Not good.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,500 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Day 10 is to set a realistic goal. Now say that you want to lose 20 or 30 pounds, but instead, set smaller, realistic goals. My goal is to try and lose 4-5 pounds a month. I try not to look at the 30 pounds I need to lose

    Day 11, tomorrow, is the learn to differentiate between hunger, desire, and cravings. She says to keep a monitoring chart, and write how you feel before you eat (which is most likely true hunger if you feel it in your stomach), write how you feel halfway through eating, and rate your hunger again once you've finished eating. Wait 20 minutes after, and describe the sensations in the chart. She says that after a day of paying attention to sensations in your abdomen and body, we will be able to distinguish between "hungry" and "not hungry".

    Realistic Goal = 4 lbs. per month...sounds easy, but not always so.

    Differentiate between hunger / desire / cravings = This is my weakness. I am an emotional eater (sometimes). Also I have FOMO (fear of missing out) when there's good food around. Something I need to work on. Thanks @mmecraine for the chart, that's very helpful.

    @OConnell5483 only 3# on a long girls weekend in Chicago? That's not so bad, that's what a getaway is for!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,500 Member
    edited May 2017
    Recap T 5/23/17 - be gentle with self, still feeling poorly, but I'm upright! :wink:
    1) Keep net calories w/i 100 of green = In the green, helps that I don't have much appetite. I made scrambled eggs and toasted English muffin for supper! Comfort food. :wink:
    2) If rain holds off after work, walk dog (probably short route) = Rain started before I left office and never stopped, so no dog walk. At least I did 2 loads of laundry to be productive.
    3) Floss = Day 1 :smiley:
    4) Bedtime by 10:15 & TV off = 10:12 :smiley:

    Just for today W 5/24
    1) Keep net calories w/i 100 of green
    2) Hope rain slacks off as forecast, really want to walk dog after work
    3) Wash dishes
    4) Floss
    5) Bedtime by 10:15 & TV off...want to walk dog Th a.m. before work
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    1. log all food :)
    2. drink 8+ cups of water :)
    3. lay out gym clothes for tomorrow morning :)
    4. did not exercise today, so maybe try a zumba class tonite :) Was really tired, but so glad I went!
    5. read my advantage response cards 4 x today :)
    6. eat only when sitting :)
    7. concentrate on eating slowly :/
    8. give myself credit for positives I am doing :)
    9. eat only planned snack -- maybe another bowl of shredded wheat tonite :) Ended up with popcorn, but did OK
    10. plan meals for tomorrow. Tonite I am having leftover bbq chicken made into a salad, and hubby will have some meatballs and spaghetti. :)

    JFT, Wed
    1. log all food
    2. 8+ cups of water
    3. lay out gym clothes for tomorrow morning -- already went to the gym this morning, so a great start
    4. read my advantage response cards
    5. eat only when sitting, and eat slowly
    6. plan tomorrow's dinner tonite, so I know what I have for dinner. Planned todays dinner last nite -- goingto make some shrimp stir fry. I think this will help me through the day, knowing what I plan on having for dinner.
    7. drink water
    8. concentrate on distinguishing between hunger, cravings, desire

    That last step I practiced last nite. I took my zumba class, and when I got home, hubby wanted popcorn. I had my popcorn, and REALLY wanted a bowl of ice cream. So instead, I grabbed my "flavored" water, and drink 2 glasses before this urge went away. but .... the urge went away. I went to bed so happy I did not give into having the ice cream.