What does an average day of meals look like for you?

So I'm curious to see how other people eat on a daily basis. What does an average day look like for you?


  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    Little to no breakfast and lunch.
    Huge dinner.
    Sometimes a snack or a drink.
  • DiannaOnMaui
    DiannaOnMaui Posts: 27 Member
    Breakfast: Poi bowl with bananas, blueberries and mango (if I have it) OR oatmeal OR green smoothie
    Lunch: Usually salad - today's: quinoa, kale, chickpeas, cucumber, tomatoes, avo, popcorn tofu, garlic cashew dressing
    Dinner: Veg soup and salad OR some kind of "bowl" (variations of beans, rice, quinoa, squash, veg, salsa or sauce of some kind)
    Snacks:usually an apple or some other fresh fruit
  • sosteach
    sosteach Posts: 260 Member
    Breakfast 3 eggs or 2 eggs and 1 turkey sausage patty
    Lunch; A Huge salad with 4 ounces of chicken and lots of veggies. Either sour cream and salsa or blue cheese dressing.
    Dinner 4 ounces of meat and lots of veggies.
    Snacks: fruit or popcorn
  • NoLimitFemme
    NoLimitFemme Posts: 118 Member
    edited May 2017
    I just posted this in another thread. It's the difference between what my husband and I eat. His focus is building muscle mass and mine is fat loss and gaining lean muscle. So basically he's a gainer and I'm in a deficit.

    Me: 1 cup coffee with sugar free sweetener, 2 slices wheat toast with butter, half slice of ham, and small serving of mixed fruit
    DH: Large serving of grits with butter, 4 whole eggs scrambled, 4 slices of sausage

    Me: Fresh deli sliced turkey, cheese, and mustard on high fiber wheat bread and a chocolate rice cake.
    DH: Footlong sub from Subway ... The subway club with american cheese, lettuce, tomatoe, pickles, banana peppers, and vinegar and oil.

    Me: Food prep dish ... shredded chicken or lean ground turkey, black beans, sweet corn, and a sprinkle of shredded cheese.
    DH: Baked pork loin with gravy, rice, and green beans.

    Me: Yogurt, Fresh fruit, or popcorn
    DH: Fresh fruit, fruit smootie, nachos, cakes, cookies.

  • kellyflaca
    kellyflaca Posts: 7 Member
    Loving it! I'm getting some good ideas from this! Thanks :)
  • Luna3386
    Luna3386 Posts: 888 Member
    Coffee with Splenda and half and half.
    1 egg, bran cereal with milk. (Everyday)

    Premier protein shake after workout.

    Grilled chicken sandwich with light miracle whip and my aminos.

    Taco with fiber wrap.

    Cottage cheese blended with powdered peanut butter and some chocolate chips on top.

    My usual breakfast.
    Premier protein shake.

    String cheese with chicken and an apple.

    A chicken slow cooker concoction with caulk rice.

    Popcorn with butter.
  • allyphoe
    allyphoe Posts: 618 Member
    edited May 2017
    Breakfast: homemade multigrain waffle with almond butter and whatever fresh fruit is around. Decaf coffee sometimes. Usually around 450 calories.
    Lunch: an avocado with TrueLime garlic cilantro sprinkle and some sugar snap peas. Usually with some legume-based entree (black beans, lentil soup, falafel) or a plain full fat Greek yogurt with frozen triple berry blend and flax (sometimes with cooked steel-cut oats added) or some extra veggies or hard-boiled eggs. Sometimes some meat / fish / poultry. Usually around 550 calories; I try to be at 1,000-1,100 after lunch.
    Dinner: a romaine heart dressed with diced tomato / fresh mozzarella / pesto / balsamic vinegar (150-400 calories, depending on whether this is the entree or just vegetable). Similar protein options as lunch, but there's more likely to be an animal protein at dinner; sometimes I just put extra cheese on my salad. Depends on how many calories I still need.
    Snacks: a handful of almonds, or a Costco nut bar, or a slice of homemade flax bread with a stick of cheddar cheese, or fresh fruit. I might have 2-4 snacks a day, of ~200 calories each.

    I usually eat 1,800-2,200 calories a day, depending on mood and exercise.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    edited May 2017




  • Tried30UserNames
    Tried30UserNames Posts: 561 Member
    Pre-workout: tea with honey and collagen

    Breakfast: eggs, toast, butter, vegetables (usually mushrooms, onions and spinach or peppers), coffee with half and half. Sometimes cheese or cottage cheese in the eggs.

    Lunch: some sort of meat/veg/starch -today was broccoli and seafood chowder; tomorrow is salmon with tomatoes, okra and cauliflower

    Dinner: some sort of meat/veg/starch - today was chicken broccoli casserole with carrots and tomorrow is chicken with a mushroom cream sauce with wild rice and green beans

    Snacks: whole milk matcha latte today. Maybe some dark chocolate tonight. Often cottage cheese or Greek yogurt or some kind of meat such as turkey slices or sardines if I'm short on protein. Fruit or sweet potato if I need carbs. Konjac noodles with vegetables and sauce in some form if I have few calories and am hungry.
  • azealeawhite
    azealeawhite Posts: 6 Member
    Breakfast: 1egg a piece of toast fruit and green tea.

    Lunch: 2 wheat lite bread with tuna on top and something like celery and carrots or apple.

    Dinner: just anything but if it's not healthy portion that with a salad on side.

    Snacks: fruit, veggies, hard boiled eggs or crackers
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    My days aren't nearly as impressive but:

    Breakfast: Banana and coffee pre workout and whole wheat tortilla with some cheese post workout (occasionally a protein smoothie instead).

    Lunch: Huge salad
    Snack: Protein bar and fruit or nothing

    Dinner: Random pre-made junk or pasta or gardein/boca item and usually an entire bag of frozen veggies

    Night: Ice cream and chips or crackers or popcorn and some kind of candy. Sometimes fruit

    I eat pretty light during the day and consume about 2/3 of my calories after lunch, I like to munch at night. I force down salad and fruit and most of my other food is easy pre-made style foods. This is a TYPICAL day. Yesterday I literally had pizza 3 separate times during the day. I'm a little jealous of the other people on this thread.
  • heatherj0y
    heatherj0y Posts: 5 Member
    I find carbs (both simple and complex) make me want to eat and eat and not stop.

    so my best days are very low carb. like breakfast: of a poached egg on a bed of spinach with a tomato

    Lunch: I tip frozen McCain's winter veg into a container with some salt and pepper and heat it at work

    Dinner: More of those winter veges with a low calorie protein (chicken, fish or egg)
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    Little to no breakfast and lunch.
    Huge dinner.
    Sometimes a snack or a drink.

    Same as this. I'm never really that hungry until evening time.
  • vivelajackie
    vivelajackie Posts: 321 Member
    Work week:
    Breakfast is an oatmeal bake we make. Oats, dark chocolate, and peanut butter (420 cals).

    Lunch used to be wraps. Now we ditched the tortilla and do a spinach salad with chicken, egg, Romano cheese, tomato. Side of either carrots or strawberries and a banana (400-500 cals)

    Dinner is basically a bean bowl with black beans (or chickpeas), chicken, broccoli, and rice. (400-650ish depending on bean weight and if I make a batch of rice to mix in.)

    On weekends we tend to just skip breakfast, make a big pot of coffee, and bank our calories for more exciting dinner options. We have a really good Mexican beans, rice, and chicken thighs. Lots of spices, cilantro, and lime. It makes 4 portions but we destroy the whole thing, within calories. I find I don't get hungry on days off until 2pm so it's a good schedule.
  • sofchak
    sofchak Posts: 862 Member
    edited May 2017
    Good topic - I am gluten free so I've learned to find interesting substitutions. Here's my diary for today:

    Breakfast: cauliflower porridge with apples and cinnamon, 2 pieces of turkey sausage, scrambled eggs with feta, spinach and tomato, topped off with a cuppa English Breakfast tea with cashew milk and maple syrup

    Lunch: huge salad with chopped ham, feta, apple, tomato, cucumber and a fruity vinagriette. A couple pieces of chocolate, plain cottage cheese, a few sweet gherkin pickles, 1/4 cup of sauerkraut (good for my gut), and a hard boiled egg with yellow mustard

    Dinner: lean ground turkey on a homemade flax seed bun, some bean chips, and a big salad with olives, peppers, cucumber and tomato

    Post workout: I always have a few homemade mini protein cups - basically pb2 and protein powder mixed with cashew milk and frozen in mini muffin tins

    Potential snacks if needed: trail mix, fruit (frozen grapes are my go to right now), mozz cheese sticks, turkey jerky

    Edit: adds up to between 1600-2000 calories a day - dependent on my activity level, boredom level and hunger level.
  • GoldenEye_
    GoldenEye_ Posts: 330 Member
    edited May 2017
    Awesome topic. Really nice to have a little bit of comparison.

    Flax seed cookie (35 gr of flax seed is the main ingredient) a teaspoon chia seeds, teaspoon hemp seeds and a couple of broken nuts and small dried fig chunks

    Protein smoothie. I use garden of life vegan protein powder, soy yoghurt, spinach and half a banana

    200gr Vegetables, some beans, feta cheese and 200 grams of chicken breast or a piece of salmon or shrimps with a lot of spices.

    Snack: I usually have an apple some time during the day
  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    edited May 2017
    Breakfast: original Cheerios, skim milk with a banana cut up in the cereal
    Mid-morning snack: hardboiled egg
    Lunch: lean deli meat or chicken, low-fat cheese on a sandwich thin w/ spinach, tomato and a bit of spicy mustard; reduced fat cheez-its and an apple
    Afternoon snack - carrots and hummus
    Dinner: whatever protein my family is eating, or maybe a fast-food hamburger, but always balanced with a big salad that takes up half my plate. I always make a carb for them like potatoes, but I only have a few bites.

    Sometimes I'll have a Pure Protein or Quest bar if I'm working out heavily that day.

    Total about 1500 calories.
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    I truly have no average day. Depends on what's on sale, how much time I have and what I feel like eating. Diary is open if you want to look. Last weekend was not typical; too much booze, not enough food.
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,669 Member
    1st breakfast (before workout): Whole milk yogurt, banana, ground flax or sliced almonds, coffee.

    2nd Breakfast: 1 or 2 fried eggs on whole wheat toast, occasionally salsa. Or a homemade Egg McMuffin. More coffee.

    Late lunch: Wasa crackers, cheddar, turkey, random fruits, carrots and/or broccoli, hummus.

    Dinner: Various things. Last night, a taco salad. Tonight, baked chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes. Tomorrow: Chinese pork & cabbage over brown rice.

    Evening: Snacks like dried fruit and/or nuts, cheese, dark chocolate.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    edited May 2017
    During the week usually:

    A mid-morning big breakfast. Mid-sized lunch. Big dinner.

    No snacking or mini-meals in between meals. What I eat varies greatly, but I like to plan out my meals in advance. It keeps me on track.

    The weekend varies depending on what I have going on.