20in6 DAILY CHAT! [closed] 7/21



  • dsreilly
    dsreilly Posts: 47 Member
    Done day 1 level 1 of 30ds....so 29 days to go!!

    Will get 50 crunches and 50 jumping jacks in with my cardio later on. After the kids have gone to bed.

    Having a low cal korma tonight for my dinner.....so that's my treat. Really looking forward to it.

  • cherrydietcoke1
    Hi all

    my treat was driving a 4 hour round trip to collect a wedding dress in a bigger size, part of me feels like its failure other part is being realistic and if it ends up too big then I just get it taken in. Only trouble was when I arrived the woman didnt have it in the shop- it was at her home so shes posting it out grrrrrrr.

    I am doing day four of 30 day shred, I like what dsreilly put- counting DOWN how many days til its over! 26 to go!

    I shall try to add in some extra jumping jacks and crunches

    hope everyone is ok xxx
  • marieuno
    marieuno Posts: 16 Member
  • gooberkn
    gooberkn Posts: 18
    Jumping Jacks and Crunches done - how did everyone else do?

    Who wants to put up our mini-challenge for tomorrow? Who's got it? Remember our check-in is on Thursday and we need to have everyone post their starting weight of the 20 in 6 weeks challenge and their current weight. Who's posting our last minute challenge for tomorrow????
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    I completed your challenge Goober! wOOt!

    I cannot believe how fast the time is going ... and yet how slow it is going! I feel like OMG it's almost August (didn't we just celebrate the new year?) at the same time I'm like wow, it is only day six and it feels like day 20!

    I'm excited to see how everyone did on Thursday and the start of week 2!

    My personal mini-challenge for week 2 is going to be stair climbing! I'm going to challenge myself to do 30 (up and down= 1) flights of stairs for at least 4 of the 7 days! I was watching Extreme Makeover Weight Loss edition and they have people climbing 130 flights! Thus mine being "mini" with ONLY 30 flights.

    Anyone wanna try it with me?
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    It's not quite midnight yet... but oh well!!!! Day 6 is OVER and DAY 7 IS STARTING! WEIGH IN TOMORROW!!!

    Good job everyone!!!! I did 50 jumping jacks and 50 crunches, did you? Great challenge Katie! :-)

    Today's mini challenge can be... STRENGTH TRAINING!!! At LEAST 30 MINUTES! Good luck!!!!

    If anyone has the Android system I have 3 strength apps - 5 Minute Daily Butt, Arms, and Abs Workouts!!! I love them and totally recommend them!

    Remember you don't necessarily need any equipment for strength ;) It's important to build muscle!


    Lovely ladies, I'm so proud of you!!! :D Have fun today!!!
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    Hi slow poke is in! I just found the link and thought id pipe up!
    I have been doing well exercise wise, food wise i have done alright, I need to go and work off 400 cals :/ Yesterday I did sooo much exercise i treated myself to acrylic nails :) SOOOO PAINFUL! they are a weee bit tight! But look pretty :P
    I have a job interview (to mind 5 kids on the weekend) tomorrow afternoon and so ill check in my weight tomorrow (thursday) afternoon/night!
    I am beyond nervous! my day job is running after like 5-13 kids upto 29 a day and im nervous!
    I found a place i now call stair master to hell! 1.7 bush/stairway down a cliff, it is all ingrown and there are several metal ladders and man i didnt get all the way down but i was on limited time frame, i went down for 40 minutes and 40 back up, the funniest part is I was walking for like 100 meters before i stepped on a rock step that was covered in leaves and haha it had leaves covering the MUD and i went down like a sack of .... I was laughing though nd so was my sister and i still walked on a sprained ankle, in my mind it wasnt that sore and now i know its sore but hey i know i wont be jogging for a few days which sucks! but i dont want to do any more damage.
    This week if I am down from week 1 I will by myself a heart rate monitor :)
  • gorguslyjealous
    gorguslyjealous Posts: 78 Member
    TODAY'S going to be a GREAT day!

    AWESOME!! - well this morning I had my bootcamp class so that took up my 30 minutes of strength training that you said was for the challenge today! YAYY! :D

    I'm feeling REALLY good today - yesterday and Monday I KICKED BUTT with my challenge - working out, practicing for the 5K WHICH I'm still not going to be very ready for && OVERCOMING the cravings - especially because TOM is here && well, I HAD A MAJOR chocolate/sweet tooth craving last night and there was nothing in the house - so the BF and I talked about walking up to dairy queen... well I decided to LOOK up my calories before I went and after looking at all their treats realized IT'S NOT worth it - so instead of caving in and regretting it - I went upstairs and brushed my teeth!! HAHA! #success...ONE day at a time!

    I stopped on the way to work at giant eagle to pick up some light soy milk for my cereal this morning && already planned my snack (mango and a greek yogurt) andp icked up a YUMMY looking healthy choice lunch && we'll see what ends up happening for the rest of the day - but I like planning ahead && LOVEEE GETTING gold stars! :D hehe
  • dsreilly
    dsreilly Posts: 47 Member
    So....today i feel crap.

    I ache so badly from shred yesterday. (mostly backache, which i get a lot anyway)

    My baby girl didn't sleep much last night, i'm soooooo knackered!!! My eyes are stinging...doubt i could have a nap. (i suffer from insomnia, getting to sleep, not staying asleep!)

    She's having a long nap...when usually i will get up and exercise, today i cba!!! I will......just not yet....think a couple of strong cups of coffee are coming. (how i used to work 2 nights in a row with 1 hour of sleep in between and then not sleep until the next night (when i was a single mum) puzzles me now!!!

    So.....now i have moaned, i'm going to go and stick the kettle on, make myself a coffee or 4, Watch Neighbours, sieve the stock that's been on all day, sort the ingredients for the soup, feed the baby, put dinner on, 30ds, serve dinner, kids bath/bed, do other halfs dinner for when he gets home from work, start couch to 5k, get on the sofa and relax for the rest of the evening.

    I moan ALOT!!! Just realised!!! Just seems like every other day is a crappy day!!! :(

    Bring on tomorrow!!!!

  • gooberkn
    gooberkn Posts: 18
    Heading to BBQs? Don't know what to eat? Don't want to chow down on all the unhealthy dips (like Onion Dip and others)?

    I have a great recipe that I brought with me yesterday to a BBQ. It came from allrecipes.com and I served it with multi-grain tortilla chips instead of regular ones.

    Here's the recipe:

    2 mangoes - peeled, seeded, and chopped
    1 large tomato, diced
    1 small onion, minced
    1 small jalapeno pepper, seeded and minced
    1 tablespoon minced fresh cilantro
    1 lime, juiced
    salt and ground black pepper to taste

    Stir the mango, tomato, onion, jalapeno pepper, cilantro, and lime juice together in a bowl; season with salt and pepper.
    Nutritional Information

    Servings Per Recipe: 8
    Amount Per Serving
    Calories: 35

    Carbohydrates: 9.1g
    Cholesterol: 0.0mg
    Dietary Fiber: 1.4g
    Fat: 0.2g
    Protein: 0.6g
    Sodium: 51.0mg

    Anyone have other recipes they'd like to share with the group?

    Get your last chance workouts in today -- tomorrow will be our weigh in! I am going to join in on the 30 minute strength training - I have the 5 minute abs workout app on my iphone and love it. Great suggestion Katie. I'll have to download the other ones too.

    Good luck and stay healthy folks!
  • marieuno
    marieuno Posts: 16 Member
    Looks like everyone is doing a great job even with the daily challenges that you face. I have stuck to my gym routine so far, I go after work and get in my 30mins on the elliptical at various settings. I feel so proud of myself when its over but I must admit I struggle to get there. I will check my progress tomorrow, hope I have lost something, but if not I will try to stay encouraged.

    Keep up the great work ladies. :bigsmile:
  • marieuno
    marieuno Posts: 16 Member
    I have completed 135/180 of my exercise minutes
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    Wow! I am so proud of everyone!!!
  • butterfly0589
    butterfly0589 Posts: 167 Member
    im really proud of all of u but feel I'm letting the team down my diet n exercise haven't been exactly the best so far, but I have now found my wii remote which means I can get back into doing some proper cardio, n my OH has brought his weights round now too so will hopefully will do better this week! will weigh in tomorrow but doubting ill have lost, sorry guys xxx
  • marieuno
    marieuno Posts: 16 Member
    im really proud of all of u but feel I'm letting the team down my diet n exercise haven't been exactly the best so far, but I have now found my wii remote which means I can get back into doing some proper cardio, n my OH has brought his weights round now too so will hopefully will do better this week! will weigh in tomorrow but doubting ill have lost, sorry guys xxx

    No need to feel bad. We are here to support each other and everyone doesnt start a race running full speed. You will find the right pace for you and make it to the finish line and we will cheer you on.
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    Don't feel bad, just keep on going! Make RIGHT NOW the time to change. There is that saying "A year from now you'll wish you would have started today." (Or something like that.) We are here for encouragement and support! What I do is make it something I MAKE myself do - if I go over, I HAVE to work the calories off. I feel so proud of myself when I go like 200 over, then get on the wii and work them off. :) It's also great motivation to not go over by like 1000 ;)
  • aoifebr
    aoifebr Posts: 92
    Hey Jen/Donya - We all have good day & bad days the trick is to pick yourself up & start again dont be too hard on yourself take it one baby step at a time. Ashley had a great idea she checked the calories before she gave in to a craving & realised it wasnt worth it so washed her teeth (way to go Ashley) - thats going to be my new solution; I’m going to make an informed decision rather than trying to be "strong" & eventually giving in. Whats the one little thing you’re going to do today - food or exercise related?

    How is everyone going with the strength training?

    If you’re at home & struggling for idea’s try taking a tin/can/bottles of water in each hand, start upright with perfect posture (shoulders back, stomach in etc) & squat onto a chair (don’t actually sit down) on the way up do a curl (bringing the weight from your side to your shoulders) or press (from your shoulders straight up). You’ll be amazed it will work your legs, bum, back, arms & even your stomach.

    Katie from Con. thanks for the suggestions re adding crunch/jump & the dip - it sounds delicious.

    As I’m a whole day ahead of everyone here in Sydney I’m going to start the weight in’s: 87.9kg (193lb), my target for this week is 87kg (191lb). I cant wait to see everyone elses results. :happy:
  • butterfly0589
    butterfly0589 Posts: 167 Member
    thanks everybody for you're kind words, weigh in reflects my bad week, 192.4lb down to 191.6 so only 0.8lb lost :(

    my target for this week is going to be more focused on making sure I do a lot of cardio, and aiming for a minimum of the 50 sit ups etc. not sure how much strength training to do, or how to do it tbh as don't go to a gym.

    wtg on you're weigh in Aofie! Hope everybody sees the results they want xxx
  • aoifebr
    aoifebr Posts: 92
    Congrats Jen :flowerforyou: a loss is always a loss regardless of how big or small, when most people have a bad week they put on weight not lose it!

    I'll drop you a private message re the strenght training which I hope might help - if anyone else wants it please let me know, I'm not an expect by any stretch of the imagination but I really enjoy it.
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    Weigh in thread is here!!!! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/301875-20in6-weigh-in-for-week-1-closed

    Jen and Eefa, make sure to post in there as well! (Can you message me too??)

    It's officially DAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY 7! We are 1/6th of the way there! No matter how big or small your loss was, I'm so proud of everyone!

    LADIES, chat it upppp! I'll be starting a new chat thread tomorrow!!! Thanks for the recipes and great ideas, gals!