Satisfying protien suggestions

Carbs are just not my friend. I need to find protien that is both satisfying and filling. I do eat natural peanut butter. I like low fat cottage cheese but try not to do much dairy. I like nuts but find they aren't as satisfying as I would like them to be. Please share any protien suggestions. I am going to try a protien shake or two and see how that works out. Thank you in advance.


  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Hardboiled eggs and tuna!
  • brisondav
    brisondav Posts: 10 Member
    my favorite is tuna in a packet, it is just 80 calories and very filling.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Chicken breast
    Lean ground beef
    Skim milk
    Egg whites
    Greek yogurt
    Veggie burgers
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    natural peanut butter mmmmm yummy......

    Eggs are good too

    Chicken breast has high protein as well

  • bitterbrownie
    i need ideas too! but so far, i have come up with: Muller Light Fat Free yoghurts, canned chilli/baked beans, prawns and ready to eat slices of lean meat. bran flakes and brown bread have also been surprisingly good :) hope this helps!
  • ErikaSwenson
    ErikaSwenson Posts: 160 Member
    Non-fat Greek yogurt. Insanely delicious. Comes in a bunch of brands and flavors. I really like Chobani... 14 g protein and 140 calories. I also agree with the tuna and egg suggestion. And you could always check out protein powder...on days I can't seem to get enough protein, I will have a scoop or whey isolate protein...20 g protein and 90 calories (I use AMP 60 but there are lots of good brands out there).
  • mangirl
    mangirl Posts: 93
    FISH, Egg whites, turkey. I go over on my protein everyday, probably not a good thing.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Fat free Greek yogurt is my new best friend. The process of making yogurt removes most of the lactose and it's really high in protein: 18 grams of protein for a 6 oz. serving with 100 calories. And it's so versatile!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    You can use all sorts of marinades for chicken. It is good sweet, sour, spicy and fruity. Some combinations we have tried that were very good - canned peaches, soy and cinnamon, pineapple, grapefruit, lemon, hot sauce. Marinading in any of these items will give your chicken very different flavors, and can be very satisfying. You can eat the chicken with roasted fruits and veggies.
  • iwillsoonbeslim
    Hardboiled eggs! I swear by them for long walks and hill climbs :)
  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    I absolutely love EAS AdvantEdge Carb Control shakes. The rich dark chocolate shake is so yummy and satisfies my chocolate cravings every time.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    FISH, Egg whites, turkey. I go over on my protein everyday, probably not a good thing.

    MFP has protein set too low, in most people's opinions. Going over that goal is not a bad thing. In fact, I changed the goal myself to something a bit more realistic for me.
  • bigfatbino
    bigfatbino Posts: 136 Member
    I like greek yogurt
    Sardines fill me up for hours (no they are not crazy fishy or salty lol)
    EAS chocolate protein powder with yerba Psyllium fiber mixed in
    Tilapia fillets
    Yummah yummah! =)
  • girliegirl1822
    girliegirl1822 Posts: 164 Member
    BUMP :smile:
  • ErikaSwenson
    ErikaSwenson Posts: 160 Member
    Oh and check out Kashi GoLean high fiber and protein cereal! 140 calories and 13 g protein.
  • shmait
    shmait Posts: 20 Member
    Morningstar California Turk'y Burgers and a Hard Boiled Egg on lettuce with Braggs Aminos
  • ErikaSwenson
    ErikaSwenson Posts: 160 Member
    Fat free Greek yogurt is my new best friend. The process of making yogurt removes most of the lactose and it's really high in protein: 18 grams of protein for a 6 oz. serving with 100 calories. And it's so versatile!

    Ooo...what brand??
  • strongissexy1
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I have a very high protein diet and lower carbs... Here aer some things I am never without:

    1. Fage 0% greek yogurt --- I sometimes clean out the shelves at target for this stuff. Trader Joe's 0% is good too. It makes a great sour cream substitute for dips etc --- but i like it sweet! You can add a zillion different things... I use truvia or agave to sweeten, walnut, chia/flax seed, sugar-free pudding mixes for flavor, coffee creamer flavors to thin it, banana pudding mix + PB2 (powdered peanut butter), differeny protein powders, tiny bits of jello mix, pumpkin puree/cinnamin/nutmeg --- if you get the good greek yogurt, its easily 15-25g of protein in a cup and very little sugar -- and its quite filling.

    2. Rotisserie chicken or turkey pot roast - i'm lazy! The supermarket makes these and I always have one in the fridge. If I get the urge to snack, I snack on chicken..its easy and I don't have to cook and its good col.

    3. Shrimp -- I could live on shrimp -- grilled, baked, broiled, cold... make it into salad, put it in curry, toss over quinoa -- yum

    4. Veggie puree -- while this isn't really protein, its a great way to get your veggies and makes a perfect dip for meats/seafood. If you use beans, you're even getting protein!

    5. Beans, quinoa, eggs

    6. Lots of protein shakes! I am a huge coffee fan so i mix chocolate protein with decaf coffee and a scoop of click espresso protein and silk almond milk (35 cals a cup) and lots of ice in a blender bottle.
  • NaturalBeauty82
    NaturalBeauty82 Posts: 24 Member
    BUMP :smile: