
  • SaleenGirl305
    SaleenGirl305 Posts: 137 Member
    Goal this week is to get under 140.

    05/23 140.6 Nice to lose after my not so good weekend
    05/24 142.8 This is because I had pizza for lunch and dinner, plus a few drinks.
    05/25 141.2
    05/26 140.8 Stayed under my calorie & carb goal yesterday
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member
    edited May 2017
    5/22 - End/start weight 137.0

    5/23 - 136.8
    It has begun. Haven't maintained under this weight in 3 years. Feeling anxious.
    5/24 - 135.8
    I don't trust this. My scale was spazzing out.
    5/25 - 136.2
    had another scale spasm but trust this more. Also my morning weight. I wasn't going to make it home in the afternoon before eating a meal to see weight after finishing up burning last night dinner calories.
    5/26 136.6
    Could say it was the strawberries and nutella but I know better. I've hit my plateau. This is the point I usually get discouraged over indulge until I hit 140 lbs and start all over again. My willpower has already started cracking. To stay on track this weekend will be tough.

    @YouGotThis435 you got this....even through this long weekend!! You have been such a great encourager to many...so let's encourage you! The pattern you have to sabotage yourself when you reach a plateau is very similar to what I experience--I hate it too, but look at it this way--you are far better today than you were months ago! Be proud of your past accomplishments! You're doing great!
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Just finished eating leftover pizza for breakfast. My goals over the next 10 days are to - a. go to the gym 3 times a week b. check into MFP every day.

    05/23 - 142 Just finished eating leftover pizza for breakfast. Plan to eat a healthy lunch and dinner; go to yoga in the evening and a quick circuit training at the gym.

    05/24 - 138 I must have been bloated yesterday. This isn't good news because I know I am losing muscle and I haven't been very active because I broke my toe. I know this isn't an excuse because there are plenty of exercises I can do with my foot in a boot. I did go to the gym but not yoga and instead went for a long walk. I ate healthily the rest of the day. :smile:

    "Motivation helps you get going, changing habits gets you there."

    05/25 - 140 This is great! I can feel that just going to the gym 2 times already my body is remembering what it's like to be strong again - I definitely feel achy as well. I treated myself a little more than necessary yesterday but I'm not beating myself up about and I'm making healthy choices today. Yoga tonight!

    05/26 - 140 I've noticed I'm still bloated. I've been very stressed out lately. Luckily I did make it to yoga yesterday but it's really hard to do with my toe broken. I can tell that my body has been really happy about me being more active so I'm grateful for the quick changes. I have to stay motivated to continue going to the gym/yoga versus just eating less. It sounds nice to weigh 135 pounds but if I have no muscle and I feel weak, than I'm not reaching my goal. I want to feel strong and solid. One more week of persistence and focus and I know my body will adjust and my stress levels will go down.

    Happy Friday everyone!!

  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    linreadsy wrote: »
    5/23 247.8 1 month into my new lifestyle and still in the zone.
    5/24 248.8 Not discouraged. I ate a high sodium dinner and didn't drink nearly enough water yesterday. We'll see
    what tomorrow brings.
    5/25 249 Ugh! Ok, today I'm discouraged. I consistently stay near my calorie goal (1200). I'm not exercising yet, but I am trying to move more.

    Don't get discouraged!
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member
    Encouraging Word...

    I've been trying to break free from oppression on various levels for so many years and it's been sabotaging my health journey. I tell you truthfully that I am ready to now do that. Break Free! To do it, I must be honest with myself and others in an authentic expression of who I am on the inside of me! I must not compromise my values by trying to fit into a mold fashioned by what others deem to be acceptable. Being free to be me!
  • EmotionalEater84
    EmotionalEater84 Posts: 311 Member
    05/23: 321.6 - continuous drop on the scale. This is because I have just re-started and portion control was never my friend. I'm done yo-yo dieting and I'm determined to make this stick and reach my goals! This group is motivation, thank you all for being here and especially to OP for starting this challenge =)

    05/24: 320.4 - I am surprised and not by my drop on the scale this morning because I was a bad girl and ate Wendy's for supper last night. I guess I didn't retain as much water as anticipated, hooray! On the other hand, I have a lot of weight on me and as long as I am eating my deficit I do expect to drop (I realize this slows as you get closer to ultimate goal weight).

    05/25: 321.0 - So, wing night happened last night. Need I say more?

    05/26: 320.6 - Back again! It's time for me to get serious about this and stop messing around. Focus!

  • mitchell_maya1705
    mitchell_maya1705 Posts: 25 Member
    05/23 - 146.5
  • syrioforel
    syrioforel Posts: 21 Member
    Same again! I'm still not worried though. Took my measurements yesterday and I lost an inch around my waist from two weeks ago. And I'm still eating at/under my calorie goal, even last night when I was super tempted after getting home late from an event.

    05/23 – 173.5
    05/24 – 174.0
    05/25 – 174.0
    05/26 – 174.0
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member
    Continued from round 4...

    05/20 144.8 Poor choices have finally caught up with me. I'm gonna start what's called 5:2 intermittent fasting. It is petty popular right now and the studies out there are interesting to me. So it's 5 days of eating near 1200 calories with 2 days a week calories only fasting around 500-600 calories. But during the low calorie days I will make sure protein and good fats are included. I know this is low, but I'm gonna see if it doesn't shake up some of my plateau resistance.

    05/21 144.4. No comment on this, but felt good to be down .4

    05/22. 144.1 Down .3 and I did manage to stay within a few pound range during vacations, family visits etc...

    Round 5. Beginning weight...
    05/23. 143.2 So so happy to be down for the count!

    05/24. 145.1 ok ok ok ok...way too much wine and celebrating...just when I feel like I'm on a good roll I sabotage myself by overeating and over Drinking! There is a pattern and one that needs to change! I'm gonna be tracking like a mad woman today! Boy does my body ever like the 140's....hoping this is a bit of water weight, tomorrow will tell! I will not be disappointed or discouraged! I'm leaving for vacation in 10 days and would really like to feel good in some of my clothes! The question is...do I want to 'feel' good or 'feel' good? It's a battleground right now! Just trying to say positive! So for me It's time to hit the reset button! It is time to recognize my need to really start over. I'm wiping the slate clean and beginning again by getting my priorities in order and doing what is important for this season. Everything in my past, my choices and my decisions have brought me to this point in my life and I really need to take stock of what I want to take with me into the next phase of my existence and what I want to leave behind, and then do it. Be brave and resolute--that will be my new motto!

    05/25. NSV --NON SCALE VICTORY today! I'm gonna take the day and focus on all the good things I do do instead of the inferior choices moved by emotion!

    05/26. NSV --Another NON SCALE VICTORY today! I just deleted all my past weight numbers on myfitnesspal for the past months! I'm starting over on a clean slate! The weigh in log was looking a bit like a heart rate monitor on a roller coaster journey to heaven and hell and back again! Enough of that! It felt good to begin again! It's like a brand new morning that we get each day! Yay!

  • tubbybunnyfunnywubby
    tubbybunnyfunnywubby Posts: 22 Member
    Day Weight Comments

    05/23. 251.6 got back from my sister's graduation weekend celebration and weight is about 3 lbs up. Im excited to get back to a routine of exercise and calorie deficits! Have 61.6 lbs to lose to my first re-evaluation of health metrics and im hoping to be there by my birthday next March. On June 1st, I'd like to be at 247.6. may be too ambitious but im hoping to lose some water weight...we'll see!
    05/24 249.2 Yay, weight is coming back off from sister's graduation. Going to be super active today and maintain a strong calorie deficit.
    05/25 249.0 Have not had a good workout session since I got back from the family festivities. Will get in a good session today. Despite that, I'm happy for the downward trend. :)
    05/26 251.4 Arrghh I have a dietbet ending in like 10 days and this! Even though I ate what I think is less than my calorie goal for yesterday. It's time to not have anymore starches, and time to drink a gallon of water/day. So when I chek in tomorrow morning, that's my goal. I'll have drunk a gallon of water and not indulged in starches.
  • momzie2016
    momzie2016 Posts: 192 Member

    05/23: 138.6 ( I planned to workout yesterday, didn't happen. I will have to try again today)

    05/24: 137.4
    - success: did not eat my daughter's leftovers from all her meals which I usually do. Also kept my calories under control.
    - Plan: to drink more water.
    - No work out yet

    05/25: 138
    Think I am just fluctuating, it's okay.
    Success: ate good. No junk
    Fail: my snack was almost a meal. Ate extra calories than planned but I was hungryyyy
  • sarahmchugh07
    sarahmchugh07 Posts: 35 Member
    I need an accountability group. I've been on again, off again. I just can't get to 4#'s lost!! Hoping within these 10 days I can see enough to keep going.
    05/23:174.4 - started bright and early with TRX workout, healthy lunch packed and will get in a 3 mile run in tonight!
    05/24: 175.2 - up but ok with that as I did 3 miles running and 2 walking yesterday. I also did not drink enough water. This morning already did 30 minutes on recumbent bike and I'm chugging water.
    05/25: 173.2- WOW the water made a difference. I plan to get a 3mile run in tonight after work.
    05/26 173.3- rest day today, maybe take the dog for a walk.
  • valeriepurvis66
    valeriepurvis66 Posts: 5 Member
    05/24 247.3 - Not sure where that pound went! Glad to see it go! Kashi Go Lean yay! enough protein to get me through the morning popcorn event!

    05/25 - Morning Weight 246.3 Dang! OF course we went for Mexican food last night. I was good and the Pulled Beef ChimiChanga and salad. with Salsa instead of dressing. Or at least I think that was good. Drank 2 big glasses of water....
    05/26 - 247.0 this morning. but considering we had Mexican Food last night eh... Work out day today! Woot!
  • Venomire
    Venomire Posts: 5 Member
    Starting: 280
    Goal: 140

    05/23 199.8 Been around this range for months. Now that it's getting warm out, I need to get ready for less clothing...
    05/24 194.8 Haha... Buckle up for this roller coaster y'all - It's gonna be a bumpy ride
    05/25 197.8 What's with my scale and everything being .8....
    05/26 200.4 Last night I had a blast - No regrets.
  • Treehugger_88
    Treehugger_88 Posts: 207 Member
    Goal at the end of ten days is to be below 130.

    05/23 - 133.6
    05/24 - 132.4 - did a HIIT workout yesterday morning and then ate well and within my calorie goal. Feeling good today. Goal is to go for a 5km run tonight.
    05/25 - 132.0 - Ate pretty well, just 20 calories over my limit. My fiance wanted to go for a walk so we walked 5km instead of me going for a run.
    05/26 133.6 - went for the run! But was feeling pretty good about my progress so naturally I self-sabotaged with some chocolate-covered raisins and almonds and went right back up to 133.6 this morning. Gah the water weight. I WILL BE GOOD THIS WEEKEND...I WILL BE GOOD THIS WEEKEND...I WILL BE GOOD THIS WEEKEND...
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    From last round:
    Day 1 - 05/13 302.6
    Last day - 05/22 299.2

    Total Difference: - 3.4

    Day Weight Comments

    05/23 - 299.8 (creeping on up to the high side, gotta get me out of this ride)
    05/24 - 299.2 (Yahoo! Not too bad considering I had a mini-binge last night. I had guacamole, chips, and donuts)
    05/25 - 300.6 (No idea what happened here)
    05/26 - Forgot to weigh

  • ivylyon
    ivylyon Posts: 172 Member
    Wasn't hungry yesterday so maybe I'm just less full up. But still moving in the right direction, yay!

    05/23 = 66.5kg
    05/24 = 66.25
    05/25 = 66
    05/26 = 66
    05/27 = 65.5

    * Because I'm not using electronic scales its hard to be exact with small movements, so I'm only using increments of 1/4 kg