Anybody 50+ out there?



  • louiseisbeautiful
    louiseisbeautiful Posts: 4 Member
    I haven't quite managed the exercise bit yet but have been using the app since Monday and feel better already :-)
  • dancerinadeux
    dancerinadeux Posts: 19 Member
    Hi there... I'm 52, will be 53 this summer. I have struggled with my weight all my life. I finally realized that my weight issue was largely tied to my emotional eating issues. So I hired a therapist on TalkSpace to figure things out. For the first time in my life, I am having success. Having tried Paleo and some other things, I really don't think losing weight is that complicated. Calories in, calories out. You want to lose weight, you need to track your calories because it is really, really, REALLY easy to eat too much food. Everyone is different but for my body (I'm tall and muscular), I need protein to kill the hunger pangs. So I make sure I am getting enough. Another thing that has worked for me: fasting. I basically don't eat breakfast any more, just coffee with milk and honey. I don't feel deprived or weak from not eating. I noticed a while back that I wasn't that interested in breakfast a lot of the time. I decided to listen to my body and it's working. I am down 10lbs since April. I had a couple of slow weeks as I was still working things out with the therapist but once I figured out my food triggers and how to deal with them and got my exercise plan in place, the weight started coming off. I'm now dropping 1-2lbs per week regularly. Exercise is crucial, you've got to be burning enough of what eat to see a difference on the scale. I have been keeping my calories to around 1200-1400/day total and I do not feel deprived at all. If you fill up on lots of vegetables and a good amount of protein, your hunger will be satisfied. FWIW, I do eat some carb but I keep the portions reasonable and I try to only eat it a few times a week. So... my recipe is: AM Fasting, Enough Protein, Tracking Calories, Exercise, Lowered Calorie Intake. I don't think it's really anything magic, just simple science. I hope you find some success, good luck!
  • dancerinadeux
    dancerinadeux Posts: 19 Member
    Just a few more things: in working out my plan with my therapist, we took a good look at sugar intake and I realized it was in a lot of foods I was eating. Sugar will make you want to eat and it will make you want more sugar. I do my best to eat only natural sugar in fruit now and low amounts of that. Really helps as well. When you stop eating sugar, your appetite will adjust to normal. I stopped having constant hunger pangs. That's why I like fasting too, it teaches you what a real hunger signal is. In our food obsessed culture where we celebrate everything and do everything with food, it's very easy to get confused and to know when you are actually hungry and need to eat and when you are using food to comfort yourself or feel your feelings.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi! I'm 62, I started MFP in Nov. 2010 and lost 65 lbs. in a year and a half. Over the next 4 years I gained almost 30 back by getting lazy with logging - I thought I'd learned how to control my eating but obviously not!! Things got really bad after my mom became ill and passed away, whew, that was beyond difficult. Yep, I was definitely stress-eating...which I'm prone to anyway. Something clicked at the beginning of this year, though, I decided it was time. Since January I've lost 16 by paying attention to what I eat, keeping calories between 1350 and 1450. Some days I take a break and splurge a little. All I do for exercise is walk, I have a couple of great dogs who keep me going every day, and I do a lot of gardening. I can't jog or do jumping jacks anymore due to an injured knee from doing jumping jacks, lol. Back in the early MFP days I tried to tell myself I could do heavy aerobics and jump around like a kid. It was fun while it lasted, haha. Now I've settled in on just taking long walks and eating less. Feel free to add me, I'm always open for new friends! :smile:
  • Tattooedmom44
    Tattooedmom44 Posts: 93 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hello everyone. I'm Angie. I'm 50. 3 1/2 years ago I suffered a stroke. After discovering healthy eating, meal planning and weight lifting, I'm in the best shape of my life
  • alannabanana75
    alannabanana75 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, I'm 56 & into my third week here at MFP. Feel free to add me
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,122 Member
    Over 50 group here...

    It's moderately active, but more importantly, you can find folks of our own age there...