

  • SaleenGirl305
    SaleenGirl305 Posts: 137 Member
    @oglalagirl724 I find it easiest to keep your post saved in the Notes section of your phone. Then edit, copy and paste into this thread. Then you don't have to scroll back to find your old post. Also old posts can only be edited within an hour of when they are written.
  • SaleenGirl305
    SaleenGirl305 Posts: 137 Member
    Goal this week is to get under 140.

    05/23 140.6 Nice to lose after my not so good weekend
    05/24 142.8 This is because I had pizza for lunch and dinner, plus a few drinks.
    05/25 141.2
    05/26 140.8 Stayed under my calorie & carb goal yesterday
    05/27 139.0 OMG I did it! I haven't been in the 130's since March. I sabotaged myself back then and have been trying to recover ever since. Heading on a weekend vacation, so hope I can stay focused and NOT drink this progress away.
  • frida001
    frida001 Posts: 437 Member
    05/23 150.6
    05/24 150.6 I resisted the break room donuts by picturing cockroaches crawling all over them. One of them may have been filled with Boston Cream filling.
    05/25 149.8 See what happens when you picture cockroaches crawling on food!?!?!?!
    05/26 147.6. This seems too good to be true. I was even afraid to log it. The scale actually said 147.2. I usually get down to 148.6 and sabotage myself, so this really blows me away. I haven't been below 148 in years. Yesterday I drank a lot of water and walked a lot. I stayed within my calorie goal. My back is still tender, so I'm resting it. Yesterday was also my son's 12th birthday. I only had the slightest bite of cake.
    05/27 148.6. I had some salty food last night. Today I'm going on a 5 mile hike. My family is gone on a fishing trip so I can spend the weekend eating the right foods without worrying about anybody else.
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member
    Continued from round 4...

    05/20 144.8 Poor choices have finally caught up with me. I'm gonna start what's called 5:2 intermittent fasting. It is petty popular right now and the studies out there are interesting to me. So it's 5 days of eating near 1200 calories with 2 days a week calories only fasting around 500-600 calories. But during the low calorie days I will make sure protein and good fats are included. I know this is low, but I'm gonna see if it doesn't shake up some of my plateau resistance.

    05/21 144.4. No comment on this, but felt good to be down .4

    05/22. 144.1 Down .3 and I did manage to stay within a few pound range during vacations, family visits etc...

    Round 5. Beginning weight...
    05/23. 143.2 So so happy to be down for the count!

    05/24. 145.1 ok ok ok ok...way too much wine and celebrating...just when I feel like I'm on a good roll I sabotage myself by overeating and over Drinking! There is a pattern and one that needs to change! I'm gonna be tracking like a mad woman today! Boy does my body ever like the 140's....hoping this is a bit of water weight, tomorrow will tell! I will not be disappointed or discouraged! I'm leaving for vacation in 10 days and would really like to feel good in some of my clothes! The question is...do I want to 'feel' good or 'feel' good? It's a battleground right now! Just trying to say positive! So for me It's time to hit the reset button! It is time to recognize my need to really start over. I'm wiping the slate clean and beginning again by getting my priorities in order and doing what is important for this season. Everything in my past, my choices and my decisions have brought me to this point in my life and I really need to take stock of what I want to take with me into the next phase of my existence and what I want to leave behind, and then do it. Be brave and resolute--that will be my new motto!

    05/25. NSV --NON SCALE VICTORY today! I'm gonna take the day and focus on all the good things I do do instead of the inferior choices moved by emotion!

    05/26. NSV --Another NON SCALE VICTORY today! I just deleted all my past weight numbers on myfitnesspal for the past months! I'm starting over on a clean slate! The weigh in log was looking a bit like a heart rate monitor on a roller coaster journey to heaven and hell and back again! Enough of that! It felt good to begin again! It's like a brand new morning that we get each day! Yay!

    05/27. 144.3 yayayayay back down! Have a great weekend all!

  • momzie2016
    momzie2016 Posts: 192 Member

    5/23: 138.6
    5/24: ###
    5/25: 138
    5/26: 138
    5/27: 137.8
    Ate out, too many calories but I split the meal into 2
  • syrioforel
    syrioforel Posts: 21 Member
    HAHHAHA okay I'm surprised this isn't worse to be honest. Yesterday I went to an amusement park with some family and went buckwild with the food choices. But how am I supposed to say no to stuff like pulled pork on french fries and the best funnel cake in the state? Going to the park was wonderful and I had a great time, so I'm not upset about it because it was a treat.

    All that said, this was really a learning experience. Over the last few weeks I've paid pretty strict attention to portion sizes. Yesterday I just ate whatever I wanted – by far the biggest volume of food I've had in one day in a while, as well as a lot more fat, carbs, and added sugar than what I've gotten used to lately. And holy crap do I feel SO bloated and sluggish, even this morning after a full night's sleep. I never paid attention to things like this before because I always ate somewhat poorly, but now that I've focused on eating fresh/healthy food, I can really feel a difference.

    05/23 – 173.5
    05/24 – 174.0
    05/25 – 174.0
    05/26 – 174.0
    05/27 – 176.0
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,370 Member
    05/21 - 145.2 :s my wagon fell over...
    05/22 - 143.2

    05/23 - 141.4 ...much better
    05/24 - 141.4
    05/25 - 140.6 ...happier :)
    05/26 - 140.4
    05/27 - 140.8 ... :|

  • tiabernagozzi
    tiabernagozzi Posts: 18 Member
    05/23 178.6
    05/24 176.8-- Maybe I finally lost the water weight after eating movie theater popcorn!! Nice surprise this AM.
    05/25 180.6-- My car broke down and we ordered out-- Chinese food. I stayed within calorie limits so I'm sure that this is just water weight... I hope!! My menstrual cycle just started so that probably has something to do with it.
    05/26 178.6 ughhh to period cravings. I played with my brothers (3 & 7) for an hour and fifteen minutes and it tired me out!! Instead of eating half a pizza, I ate a coconut popsicle to ease my cravings. I hope that this will pass and I will have a nice surprise on the first!
    05/27 178.8 Come on man :( Feeling discouraged today. I have been eating so well compared to a month ago. I ate pizza for breakfast(eek).
  • sdavmor
    sdavmor Posts: 126 Member
    I'll give this a go. A little public accountability is not a bad thing at all. As it happens I do weigh myself every day (almost) and take measurements on Mondays. My scale is a digital one that logs to the half pound.

    When I came back to MFP 7 weeks ago I weighed 300 lbs. I've weighed myself almost every day, taken measurements every Monday, and recorded my food & exercise every day. I'm also keeping track of days since I last had alcohol, since I know only too well that drinking (besides being empty calories) always leads to eating that has nothing to do with being hungry.

    Day Weight Comments
    05/22 288.5 lbs. Weight has been "flat" for a couple of weeks and I need to jump-start moving the scale in the right direction again.

    05/23 288.5 lbs No change. I put a beady eye on the excess carbs
    05/24 288 lbs Nice to see a weight loss. Also met my current daily walking goal and controlled my carbs
    05/25 287.5 ibs More weight loss. Also met my current daily walking goal (just hit it) and controlled my carbs, though I was concerned when we had pot roast for dinner as I ate potatoes. I avoided the temptation of the garlic bread with dinner, and the salt and vinegar potato chips my sons left out on the kitchen counter.
    05/26 287.5 lbs No weight loss. Blew my calorie count. Blew my carbs. Short on my walking.
    05/27 287 lbs A small loss again. Calories were blown but not carbs. I more than made up for the extra calories with extra exercise. I got to 10,000 steps a few minutes before midnight. I've started keeping track of steps in the exercise freeform window. One more "do it every day for accountability" item. I am off to the Simi Valley Cajun and Blues festival today. I shall be diligent watching what I eat, walk around a lot, and also avoid the beer tent.

  • mmecraine
    mmecraine Posts: 30 Member
    So today I kind of cheated.
    I weighed myself in the morning,and then again after I took a 10 mile hike. Guess which weight was lower?? ;)
    My goal for this time was 149 even (a bit over a pound) so as long as I fluctuate in that area, I'll be happy!

    05/23 150.8
    05/24 149.4
    05/25 150.2
    05/26 149.0
    05/27 148.8
  • jspecies19
    jspecies19 Posts: 21 Member
    5/23 - 141#
    05/24 - 140.5# No exercise time today. argh. At least the scale is moving in the right direction and I managed to stay below calorie limit.
    05/25 - 140#
    05/26 - 140#
    05/27 - 141# darn you Friday night Amstel light
  • ivylyon
    ivylyon Posts: 172 Member
    edited May 2017
    Managed to have a fun and tasty Saturday night. Went over my base calorie goal, but still within allowance once exercise added. Got to have some indulgences. Doing well!

    05/23 = 66.5kg
    05/24 = 66.25
    05/25 = 66
    05/26 = 66 -
    05/27 = 65.5
    05/28 = 65.5 -

    * Because I'm not using electronic scales its hard to be exact with small movements, so I'm only using increments of 1/4 kg
  • limex
    limex Posts: 81 Member
    Starting weight for this round 139.5
    Goal weight for this round 137.5

    Day Weight Comments

    05/23 139.7
    05/24 139.4
    05/25 138.6 Woohoo! Feeling good after Zumba yesterday as well! I really need to get some DVDs or something so I can do it more than once a week.
    05/26 139.2
    05/27 138.1 I can definitely see a difference in my stomach and face since 2.5 weeks ago when I started this diet. Very pleased so far!
  • GW4321
    GW4321 Posts: 523 Member
    Starting weight (5/22): 204
    05/23: 204. I’m not expecting to lose weight quickly at this point, so I’m just trying to stay below maintenance every day and see what happens. I accomplished that today.
    05/24: 204. I ate more calories than planned, but I attempted to make up for it by doing extra exercise. Not a bad day overall.
    05/25: 203.5
    05/26: 203.5. Ate below maintenance calories and had a good weight lifting session. I also worked outside for a few hours, so that should result in a large calorie deficit for today.
    05/27: 204.

  • mtb000mtb
    mtb000mtb Posts: 69 Member
    I'm a newcomer and late to the party. I hope no one minds.

    I weigh myself daily and take measurements and progress photos once a month. My primary goal isn't weight loss but it's all data to me and cold hard numbers reduce the scope for self-deception.

    I find the best proxy for the changes I want to achieve is waist circumference. Started: 110, Goal: 82, Current (01/05): 100, Goal this period: 98.

    This is not a typical pattern for me. I was in the final stages of preparing for a 25 Km mountain bike race. This is the MTB equivalent of a fun run, but I'd been working for it since the beginning of the year and wanted to do as well as could.

    I ramped up my carbs a bit in the lead up to the event because I have had problems with bonking on longer rides.

    Note: all measurements are in Kg and cm and dates are in the Ozzie format.

    Day Weight Comments

    23/05 - 88.5
    Fat 52%, protien 18%, carbs 30%.
    24/05 - 87.8
    Fat 53%, protien 27%, carbs 20%.
    25/05 - 87.8
    Fat 32%, protien 27%, carbs 41%.
    26/05 - 88.2
    Fat 15%, protien 25%, carbs 54%.
    Social eating day. Lunch and beer at a restaurant with colleagues.
    NSV - Skipped Friday night drinks so that I would be in good shape to ride the next day.
    27/05 - 88.3
    Fat 30%, protein 21%, carbs 49%.
    Foodwise today it's all about fueling and recovery.
    NSV - completed 25Km mountain bike race. Finished third last, but it was a 20 minute PB for me.
    I experienced severe cramping in last 3 Km's.
    I suspect salt deficiency - something to watch for next time.
    28/05 - 88.2
    Light recovery ride and letting my appetite guide what I eat and how much.
    NSV - I feel awesome.
  • girlgroves
    girlgroves Posts: 235 Member
    05/23 - 141.8 (a bit too close for comfort!)
    05/24 -140.8 (5k run yesterday)
    05/25 - 140.0 (weight training day yesterday. Nice surprising drop again this morning - although I suspect this is mostly water weight. I decided to concentrate on getting enough protein this week - something I'm not very good at usually. I've done really well so far, but, in order to keep within my calorie total, it's been at the expense of carbs - I read somewhere that 1g of carbs binds to 2g of water, so that'll be why the sudden drop in weight! (It does make you wonder what our 'bodyweight' actually ever is really?!) I've already had enough of tuna, chicken and eggs though - they're making me feel so full! And so thirsty! Not sure I'd be able to keep this up long term.
    05/26 -139.2 (YAY! - finally broke through the 140 barrier! Really pleased with this. Determined to keep it up this weekend. Have a good one everyone)
    05/27 -138.6 (weight lifting yesterday, going for a 10k run this morning, but have friends over for tea this evening so hoping to keep within my calories for today. I WILL BE GOOD THIS WEEKEND!)
    05/28 - 139.0 (not bad at all - did my best 10k ever yesterday and didn't go mad on the wine! Weight lifting and core conditioning this morning)

  • HNSara
    HNSara Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! Hope you don't mid if I tag along and jump into the group. I started MFP on a keto / sugar free diet on Monday 22nd. I haven't weighed in every day, but could add from now. I felt quite foggy headed on Tuesday / Wednesday, but today, I feel much better!

    Monday 22/5 - 246.5
    Saturday 27/5 - 239.6 - very happy bunny!
    Sunday 28/5 - 238.8 - tomorrow will be my first full week on mfp and keto/ sugar free diet.
  • cyranda63
    cyranda63 Posts: 614 Member
    Welcome back everyone and welcome first timers! I am going away on conference and I'm leaving on May 30th, I'll be staying in 2 hotels so it will be interesting to see what the scales are like in their gyms.

    05/22 - 212 ~ Weight from round 4
    05/23 - 211.2
    05/24 - 210.8 :blush:
    05/25 - 210.6 :)
    05/26 - 210.2 :)
    05/27 - 210
    05/28 - 210.4
  • cyranda63
    cyranda63 Posts: 614 Member
    I'm going to get back on track.
    Day Weight Comments
    05/22- 247.0
    05/23 246.6
    05/24 245.8 Just started back after gaining and losing for many years. I really think this is goind to help me. I haven’t used the community boards much. Is there a way to edit past posts instead of a new post everyday?
    05/25 No weight. On a short vacation so I didn’t get to post yesterday or weigh in this morning. No scale. I only weigh first thing in the morning because my weight seems to go up and down during the day.
    05/26 245.4 My WOE is -1800 calories eating what I want. I will be lowering calorie count as I lose pounds. I want to do 1800 for at least three weeks. I have been told it takes three weeks to change a habit. I have tried most of the current diets and need to find what works for me. Thanks for listening.
    05/27 245.4 Is there any way to edit past posts instead of reposting everyday.? Just add new info to a past post?

    Yes, just go to your last post, hit quote, and enter the new information. Once you have done that remove whateve is in parenthesis at the beginning and end of the post. You don't have to do this but it cleans it up