Cheeseaholics (not-so) Anonymous

leanitup123 Posts: 489 Member
Cheese-lovers rejoice - this thread is for you. If you're anything like me, you could talk about (and eat) cheese all day and never tire of it. So I dedicate this thread to all my cheese-loving friends to post and fantasize about cheese, because a life without cheese is no life at all.


  • debodom1962
    debodom1962 Posts: 310 Member
    Hi, my name is Deborah and I'm a cheese-a-holic. I'm trying to decrease my consumption of it because it's so high in fat, but oh I miss it when it's gone. What is everyone's favorite? I like the hard cheeses and artisan cheeses.
  • Sweet_Heresy
    Sweet_Heresy Posts: 411 Member
    My name's Nichole and I'm a cheese-a-holic.
    I refuse to buy packages of snack cheese anymore, because I will eat the whole bag by the end of the day. Lol
  • debbiemuz
    debbiemuz Posts: 194 Member
    I love cheese. Especially the more expensive varieties. My solution is to buy the samples at the Whole Foods cheese area. It limits the oz's to 1 or 1.5, and I get to try new varieties.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    I eat 1-2oz every day, even when cutting. Yes, it's easy to eat too much. I love a lunch of cheese, crackers, and fruit. Even better in France.

    (Any French members out there? Bienvenue!)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I love cheese. I'm currently kicking myself because I just got back from the green market and did not check out any of the booths with cheese, as I normally do. Lots of the local goat, sheep, and dairy farmers who go make good cheeses. I also have to watch myself to limit amounts, of course! ;-)
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    Never met a cheese I didn't like. I feel it's the best thing ever created. Favorite right now is muenster but it changes frequently. I have a whole drawer in my fridge dedicated to cheese. Right now I have:
    Smoked Gouda
    Monteray Jack
    Cream Cheese

    All full fat versions too. Low fat cheese just ruins it for me.

    I don't like cottage cheese. It looks like bad cellulite
  • dianairis1988
    dianairis1988 Posts: 1 Member
    Are there any types of cheese for those that can't give up cheese and still lose weight? My favorite is feta cheese
  • leanitup123
    leanitup123 Posts: 489 Member
    Happy to see this thread getting some traction >:)
  • leanitup123
    leanitup123 Posts: 489 Member
    Never met a cheese I didn't like. I feel it's the best thing ever created. Favorite right now is muenster but it changes frequently. I have a whole drawer in my fridge dedicated to cheese. Right now I have:
    Smoked Gouda
    Monteray Jack
    Cream Cheese

    All full fat versions too. Low fat cheese just ruins it for me.

    Smoked gouda. Yes! My favorites atm are truffled goat cheese, brie, blue and halloumi. Damn good on the grill.
  • stephieleee
    stephieleee Posts: 113 Member
    Cheese is amazing. I have it with almost every meal, I just have to make sure I control how much I have. I mean I've had a block of cheese in my fridge for like 3 weeks now and I'm like a quarter way through it so I'm pretty happy with that.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    I love cheese.

    All cheese in all forms.
