

  • YouGotThis435
    YouGotThis435 Posts: 29 Member
    5/22 - End/start weight 137.0

    5/23 - 136.8
    It has begun. Haven't maintained under this weight in 3 years. Feeling anxious.
    5/24 - 135.8
    I don't trust this. My scale was spazzing out.
    5/25 - 136.2
    had another scale spasm but trust this more. Also my morning weight. I wasn't going to make it home in the afternoon before eating a meal to see weight after finishing up burning last night dinner calories.
    5/26 136.6
    Could say it was the strawberries and nutella but I know better. I've hit my plateau. This is the point I usually get discouraged over indulge until I hit 140 lbs and start all over again. My willpower has already started cracking. To stay on track this weekend will be tough.

    5/27 - 135.2
    TOM ended. Went over DL almost 300 cal but I had deficits during the week. Indulged in kfc, pizza, ice cream and chips(all within moderation). It was a good day.
    5/28 - 136.2
    Went on a 5 mile hike. Have a feeling this is water weight. But it will take a while to break 135lbs anyways
  • jspecies19
    jspecies19 Posts: 21 Member
    5/23 - 141#
    05/24 - 140.5# No exercise time today. argh. At least the scale is moving in the right direction and I managed to stay below calorie limit.
    05/25 - 140#
    05/26 - 140#
    05/27 - 141# darn you Friday night Amstel light
    05/28 - 140#
  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    edited May 2017
    This is so good for me mentally - knowing others are also working to reach goals and sharing about it - and physically - keeps me working towards getting in better shape. I'm starting at 150, my goal is to reach 148, or less, after the next 10 days. Here we go!

    05/23 150 Have a Chia Seed pudding chilling in the fridge: 1/2 cup 2% milk, 1 c water, 1/3 c chia seeds, 1 scoop quest chocolate milkshake protein powder. Been seeing these sorts of concoctions for a while so thought I'd give it a go. Low cal, carbs and high protein. This amt should be good for 3 servings. Entertaining my sweet tooth.

    05/24 149.2 Yeah!!! I've been hovering around 150 - 152 for a month and finally broke thru. Now to head to 148. At 71 years losing is more challenging for me then when I was younger - it is for all of us. Avoiding processed foods and sugar just makes me feel better and even if it takes 'til the end of the year to reach goal, so be it.

    05/25 149.8 I will celebrate the fact I'm still under 150 and accept the elevator ride that seems to be my body's weight. Had some wine last night so maybe water? Worked with trainer yesterday, my last one for the package I bought, sob, but will continue on as I had my second knee replacement in Dec and need to have the muscles supporting legs/ hips, etc strong. Last night while falling asleep, I was thinking how long it has taken me, since late February, to lose 13 pounds. I'm only averaging a pound a week despite weight training 3x week, 6 days of cardio a week and keeping below goals for cals and carbs. Looked at that way it seems an awfully stingy loss rate. Then, I realized something. 2 more pounds and I'm at 50% of my weight loss goal. Yeah me! Perspective is so important.

    05/26 149.6 45 min on ellip and way under on cals, a little on carbs. Feeling good in the body. Know what I mean? Feel stronger and lighter. Not so much gut. LOL Today is gym day. Have appts so may not get in ellip. We'll see. I wish everyone a successful day filled with self loving choices. One of mine? Egg whites with a tbsp of cheese for flavor. Maybe some hot sauce. :) Life is good.

    05/27 150.2 Not bad considering I blew it on carbs yesterday. Nothing junky but someone gave me some honey mangoes - unbelievably good and then a hot dog with most of the bun. Confession is good for the soul. :) Weight training but got in no elliptical yesterday- too busy and tired from phlebotomy to reduce iron levels. Today, at least an hour on ellip is in my future as well as some pre-planning meals so I stay in range for carbs. Netflix has some exercise/dance, etc videos streaming. I might check those out.

    05/28 149.2 Yeah! Ate really clean yesterday, stayed well within goals and walked on track at Community Center 2.5 miles. Feeling really good about it all.

  • mmecraine
    mmecraine Posts: 30 Member
    ehseeker wrote: »
    05/23 150 Have a Chia Seed pudding chilling in the fridge: 1/2 cup 2% milk, 1 c water, 1/3 c chia seeds, 1 scoop quest chocolate milkshake protein powder. Been seeing these sorts of concoctions for a while so thought I'd give it a go. Low cal, carbs and high protein. This amt should be good for 3 servings. Entertaining my sweet tooth.

    I wish there was an easier way to calculate net carbs on MFP- chia seed pudding is great for fiber, but the total car count is nuts, and doing math throughout the day is NOT what I signed up for!
  • janis965
    janis965 Posts: 32 Member
    Weight from last round 52.7kg
    Goal for this round 51.5kg

    05/23 51.7kg one good thing abouth weighing myself every day is that I can correct my mistakes quickly, yesterday morning I was 52.7kg after drinking and going to restaurant at the weekend. Yesterday I tried to eat well, went to the gym and all the excess weekend weight came off! Yay!
    05/24 forgot to check my weight
    05/25 51.7kg
    05/26 51.5kg
    05/27 51.5kg This weekend has to be better than last one, no eating crap and no alcohol
    05/28 51.0kg
  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    edited May 2017
    mmecraine wrote: »
    ehseeker wrote: »
    05/23 150 Have a Chia Seed pudding chilling in the fridge: 1/2 cup 2% milk, 1 c water, 1/3 c chia seeds, 1 scoop quest chocolate milkshake protein powder. Been seeing these sorts of concoctions for a while so thought I'd give it a go. Low cal, carbs and high protein. This amt should be good for 3 servings. Entertaining my sweet tooth.

    I wish there was an easier way to calculate net carbs on MFP- chia seed pudding is great for fiber, but the total car count is nuts, and doing math throughout the day is NOT what I signed up for!

    It's easy, just subtract the fiber column from the carb count column and that's your carbs. It's simple. The carb count for the way I made it is 1 Carb per serving. Even if I ate the whole recipe - which I couldn't - it would only be 6 carbs. One Serving= 6 carbs gross - 5 fiber = 1 carb.
  • syrioforel
    syrioforel Posts: 21 Member
    mmecraine wrote: »
    ehseeker wrote: »
    05/23 150 Have a Chia Seed pudding chilling in the fridge: 1/2 cup 2% milk, 1 c water, 1/3 c chia seeds, 1 scoop quest chocolate milkshake protein powder. Been seeing these sorts of concoctions for a while so thought I'd give it a go. Low cal, carbs and high protein. This amt should be good for 3 servings. Entertaining my sweet tooth.

    I wish there was an easier way to calculate net carbs on MFP- chia seed pudding is great for fiber, but the total car count is nuts, and doing math throughout the day is NOT what I signed up for!

    Do you track your fiber on MFP? You can change the default nutrients under Settings. I swapped sodium for fiber and it makes the math easier since they're all right next to each other.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,403 Member
    05/21 - 145.2 :s my wagon fell over...
    05/22 - 143.2

    05/23 - 141.4 ...much better
    05/24 - 141.4
    05/25 - 140.6 ...happier :)
    05/26 - 140.4
    05/27 - 140.8 ... :|
    05/28 - 141.0 ... :| salt and bread and crunchy things

  • frida001
    frida001 Posts: 437 Member
    05/23 150.6
    05/24 150.6 I resisted the break room donuts by picturing cockroaches crawling all over them. One of them may have been filled with Boston Cream filling.
    05/25 149.8 See what happens when you picture cockroaches crawling on food!?!?!?!
    05/26 147.6. This seems too good to be true. I was even afraid to log it. The scale actually said 147.2. I usually get down to 148.6 and sabotage myself, so this really blows me away. I haven't been below 148 in years. Yesterday I drank a lot of water and walked a lot. I stayed within my calorie goal. My back is still tender, so I'm resting it. Yesterday was also my son's 12th birthday. I only had the slightest bite of cake.
    05/27 148.6. I had some salty food last night. Today I'm going on a 5 mile hike. My family is gone on a fishing trip so I can spend the weekend eating the right foods without worrying about anybody else.

    05/28 148.6 I did the hike, cleaned, and drank lots of water. I was waaaaaay under my calorie goal, but no change today. I bet I'll see another change in the scale soon. Today will be another great day. I'm going to the gym after church and will spend time in the kitchen preparing healthy foods for next week. My grape vine is doing really well, so I'll make dolma. I've also been cleaning and organizing. I've heard there's research behind clean, organized homes and fit people. : )

  • OY74NmFGBL
    OY74NmFGBL Posts: 384 Member
    Day Weight Comments

    05/23 138 - 3.2 miles walked, sworkit full body strength 30 min
    05/24 137.6 - 4.19 miles walked, swork it full body strength 30 min
    05/25 137.2 - 3.17 miles walked, Slim in 6 Burn it UP 48 min, felt great after getting my burn it up work out in! I was ready to conquer the world :)Increased my intake and had almost 1600 calories. 1500 to 1600 is what I'm aiming for.
    05/26 136.2 - Woo Hoo. Wasn't expecting that. I expect wt to go up some after this weekend :)I will be indulging a bit.
    05/27 136.4 rest day
    05/28 no scale today
  • tiabernagozzi
    tiabernagozzi Posts: 18 Member
    05/23 178.6
    05/24 176.8-- Maybe I finally lost the water weight after eating movie theater popcorn!! Nice surprise this AM.
    05/25 180.6-- My car broke down and we ordered out-- Chinese food. I stayed within calorie limits so I'm sure that this is just water weight... I hope!! My menstrual cycle just started so that probably has something to do with it.
    05/26 178.6 ughhh to period cravings. I played with my brothers (3 & 7) for an hour and fifteen minutes and it tired me out!! Instead of eating half a pizza, I ate a coconut popsicle to ease my cravings. I hope that this will pass and I will have a nice surprise on the first!
    05/27 178.8 Come on man :( Feeling discouraged today. I have been eating so well compared to a month ago. I ate pizza for breakfast(eek).
    05/28 178.9 just biked to work. Drank a bit much last night...
  • Efie50
    Efie50 Posts: 31 Member
    efie40 wrote: »
    Starting weight (5/22): 173.4 - Goal weight 163, by July 4 and 157 by August 31.
    05/23: 172.8
    05/24: 172.8 - Hanging in there.
    05/25: 172.4 - Going out of town this weekend. Staying focused to get out of the 170s (aka my "red zone")
    05/26: 173.
    05/27: ?
    05/28:172...on a girls weekend, counting everything. Not as hard as I thought.

  • momzie2016
    momzie2016 Posts: 192 Member
    5/23: 138.6
    5/24: ###
    5/25: 138
    5/26: 138
    5/27: 137.8
    5/28: 138.6 back to weight of day 1. This is not good. Eating out one day and desserts have caught up with me. Need to be better.
  • simpleisbetter46
    simpleisbetter46 Posts: 12 Member
    Starting back up with MFP. Hopefully I can kick it back into gear. Lost 15 earlier!!!!

    05/23 238.0
    05/24 237.5
    05/25 237.5
    05/26 237.0
    05/27 237.0
    05/28 236.5
  • LauraInTheWater
    LauraInTheWater Posts: 477 Member
    05/23: 138.4

    05/24: 140...Went to a concert last night and ate crappy plus I didn't exercise. That's a recipe for a disappointment. I knew I was going to weigh in a little bit more this AM but I'm feeling a bit bummed out. Also feeling motivated to eat much healthier today though! When this semester is over with I know I will have much better control over my eating this weekend, once the semester is over.

    05/25: 139...feels better. Came in under my calorie count yesterday and chugged water.

    05/26: 138.6...Came in 200 over my calorie count yesterday because I went to a party and I didn't pay attention to what I was eating. I don't really have many excuses now that the semester is over and I did well. Oh wait, a family member is having a birthday party tomorrow! *facepalm*

    05/27: 140...no surprise here. So let's just say I'm pretty famous for baking and my family always asks me to bring something to whatever gathering we go to. And I'm a big sampler of my dishes. I haven't eaten sweets in so long (because I'm literally addicted) that this morning I felt sick and a little bit hung over when I woke up.

    05/28: 140...still not a surprise. I ate some more sugar yesterday. And I'm not talking about one bite. Also I was at a birthday party. So far today has been better as it is all gone from the house now.

  • Meltingangel
    Meltingangel Posts: 128 Member
    Round 2 SW: 71.9 Kg
    Round 3 SW: 71.3 Kg
    Round 4 SW: 70 Kg
    Round 5 SW: 69.7 Kg

    05/23 : 69.7 Kg
    05/24 : 69.7 Kg
    05/25 : 69.5 Kg
    05/26 : 69.9 Kg
    05/27 : 69.9 Kg
    05/28 : 69.6 Kg
    05/29 :