Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    joan6630 wrote: »
    . Not the best workout, but, I got in 60 minutes on the treadmill and 20 minutes of weights.

    BDS Day 4. Give yourself credit!

    Its awesome you got to the gym and you did a lot!!
    Keep your focus and your day will be great even if your shattered!

    Thanks! Needed that today!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Saragirl2 wrote: »
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Saragirl2 wrote: »
    Good Morning All!!

    Aiming for 150g of protein. This is still difficult, I will try to set up my meals with protein in mind.

    You'll never know what you're capable of until you challenge yourself.

    How do you get that much protein in a day? Can you share some ideas for protein? I am also going to try this - thank you for this suggestion

    Sorry Joan, I should've checked this earlier. I'm trying to have protein at every meal/snack. Found these awesome bars (Pure Protein) at many stores, they have 20g of protein & around 200 calories. The flavors suit me and it's my treat after lifting. Ive read you should have protein after lifting to repair muscle & help with soreness. Some other brand bars are over 350 cals! I have gradually increased egg white to 1/2 cup in breakfast oatmeal. Boil chicken breasts & make chicken salad w/low fat mayo, protein smoothie mix in afternoon as needed, cottage cheese w/fruit & Stevia. I can't seem to get to 150g but I was over 100 yesterday. I recommend doing it for 3-4 days and seeing how you feel with cravings etc. My stomach was a little off for a few days but all OK now. Peanut butter used to be my protein of choice but I couldn't control how much I ate. I haven't had it in about a month and I have to keep myself in check when making my daughters pb & honey sandwich every day...sorry to ramble.

    Thanks Saragirl! I'm trying to get more protein in -- but I'm only up to 50 gms a day. Have to look for these Protein bars. I have some, but they have 15 gms protein - but it really does help eating more protein!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    vishalb08 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    I managed to get out of bed thanks to my mother. Dragged myself to the bathroom, freshened & got dressed.
    Cycled for 30 min, burned 450+ cal.
    ("Burned" calories : Burned is such a savage term. Makes me feel like I defeated evil)

    Just For Today (31/05/17)
    1. Drink 3 liters of water.
    2. Stay in the green.
    3. Walk for 15 min after dinner.
    4. Get my obese yet amazingly handsome body (read as sarcasm) into bed by 11:00 PM.

    Need an advice:
    I have a huge question in my mind.

    Thank you.
    Have a great & productive day.

    Good for you getting yourself out, and taking care of yourself! Doesn't it feel so much better!
    Many people weigh every day, so I think whatever works the best for you. I used to weigh myself everyday - thinking it would keep me on track. But it was actually more discouraging for me - because we all know how our body weight can fluctuate by as much as 2 to 3 lbs. So now I only weight myself once a week, and even then it can sometimes be discouraging. We all have to remember that taking care of ourself is so much more than the numbers on the scale. No one sees those numbers except for us --- but what others do see is how active we are, how we carry ourselves with confidence when we feel good, etc etc.
    You are doing great!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    vishalb08 wrote: »
    Need an advice:
    I have a huge question in my mind.

    For years, I weighed myself 1x per week (same day, right after getting up and using bathroom). Then, sometimes I get discouraged when I think I should see a loss and don't. Recently (in the last month or so) I've started weighing myself daily and comparing that to what I ate / drank the prior day. It's amazed me how much weight can fluctuate day to day...no wonder I'd get discouraged weekly! By reviewing my food log in relation to the scale, I look for areas I need to adjust - I focus on net calories, sodium and sugar, the things that are my downfall. When those numbers jump, so does my weight. I still only log my weight weekly.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday didn't go so well, I had a super hectic day at work (about 11 hours, back to back meetings with deadlines between them, 10 minute lunch break...). I didn't get too stressed out but it did mean that I ended up grabbing something quickly at lunch that was quite fattening, and also when me and boyfriend had date night later it meant I ended up indulging more than I wanted to.

    I'll have to be better than I was planning to be at the weekend! (At a hen do....)

    - Log everything I eat :)
    - No snacks :| Didn't snack technically, but did have chocolate for dessert...
    - Choose something healthy at lunch/dinner :/ Need different default options for when I don't have much time+
    - Be in the green! :/ No way... on the other hand didn't eat enough to GAIN weight
    - No alcohol :/ Had one glass of red

    - 30+ minute lunch break :/ No time
    - Meditate :) I did do this. It was very hard to focus though after such a frantic day
    - Listen to happy music! :/ No time!
    - If getting stressed, make a cup of tea or meditate rather than eating :| Didn't need
    - Focus on key priorities rather than getting distracted by non-urgent emails or other issues :)

    Today I'm going to the pub with friends for dinner - always a dangerous occasion but I'm not going to allow myself any alcohol this time. If I fail on this one, can you guys tell me off tomorrow please?! I mean, I love the way that in this group we support each other and tell each other not to be too hard on ourselves when we slip up. That really helps. On the other hand, sometimes what you actually need is for other people to not help you make excuses and to hold you accountable a bit! (I think this is called 'tough love'..)

    So, today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks
    - Lunch less than 400 calories
    - Choose pub dinner beforehand - go for healthiest non salad option
    - Be in the green!
    - NO ALCOHOL!!!!!

    - 30 minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - If getting stressed, make a cup of tea or meditate rather than eating
    - Focus on key priorities rather than getting distracted by non-urgent emails or other issues

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member

    Today I'm going to the pub with friends for dinner - always a dangerous occasion but I'm not going to allow myself any alcohol this time. If I fail on this one, can you guys tell me off tomorrow please?!

    I'm onto you now!
    I told Joan off the other day!!

    You can do it! And you will feel a great sense of achievement if you do.
    Ill be looking out for your post later!
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    vishalb08 wrote: »

    Need an advice:
    I have a huge question in my mind.

    Thank you.
    Have a great & productive day.

    I weigh myself daily and live with the fluctuations, which can be considerable. Like @cschmitz110515 I too like to relate my activities and intake to the scale direction. If I only weighed daily, I would be bummed if my weigh in day happened to be a high day. I can go up or down four pounds from one morning to the next. The MFP graphs are nice for seeing the overall picture and my fitbit gives me a trend line for weight, which is a nice visual too.

    When the weight is down it is always a happy morning, but you have to be able to live with the ups. If the constant changes would be negative, do not weigh daily. If you would be obsessed with the numbers, do not weigh daily.
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    OMG It's June! Why is another year flying by?

    JFT - 06-01-2017
    • Eat under my 1500 net goal
    • Close two items at work
    • 10,000 steps
    • Amazing Race Finale - for real this time. They are wrapping it up in Chicago.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    P.s. Make sure your husbands are out the room!!

    For sure!! And I will try the work out soon.
    Thank you
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    P.s. Make sure your husbands are out the room!!

    For sure! I'm not much for dancing, but this looks fun. Thanks @Bex953172! :smiley:

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »

    I weigh myself daily and live with the fluctuations, which can be considerable. Like @cschmitz110515 I too like to relate my activities and intake to the scale direction. If I only weighed daily, I would be bummed if my weigh in day happened to be a high day. I can go up or down four pounds from one morning to the next. The MFP graphs are nice for seeing the overall picture and my fitbit gives me a trend line for weight, which is a nice visual too.

    When the weight is down it is always a happy morning, but you have to be able to live with the ups. If the constant changes would be negative, do not weigh daily. If you would be obsessed with the numbers, do not weigh daily.

    Thank you for the advice! I think I am going to start weighing myself daily as well. I actually just stepped on the scale(in just my undies Lol) and am down a few ounces! That's awfully nice to see!

    Got to run this morning! Got up an hour and a half later than I wanted...Went to bed about 1:30 this morning and the cat was a total *kitten* last night with all his meowing at the top of his lungs for no reason! So last night's sleep was definitely disjointed and not so good.

    So here are my goals before I run and get ready for work!

    1. Log everything and stay in the green!
    2. Talk a walk after work since there's no hockey on. Lol
    3. Make something yummy and delicious for dinner
    4. Spend some time with the DH tonight, maybe watch some baseball
    5. In bed with the lights out and the tablet off by 9:30
    6. Up and moving in the morning by 6am

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    OK-how many of us try to post a reply and accidentally hit "Done" and lose they're whole post??? Arrrgh!

    Pretracked most meals/snacks. Make sure to use green checked foods, some foods are not verified.
    Heading to Y affiliated gym to try something new!
    Adjusted calories to around 1,600. Food only, do not factor in exercise to get to this number.
    Going to listen to Half Size Me webinar.
    Will walk dog for 30 mins in neighborhood.
    Aiming for 150g of protein. Getting to 100g.
    20-30 min nap/count 20 breaths slow & deep.
    Drink 8 cups of water. Challenge!
    Drink protein smoothie if necessary.
    Sit for all meals/snacks.
    Buy more Enlighten ice cream bars-I enjoy them more once the kids are in bed.
    Feeling off balance today but I know once I've lifted I'll be in a better place! :)
    Read something for inspiration.

    Even flowers have to grow in the dirt ;)
  • Rowanana
    Rowanana Posts: 14 Member
    I still exist! At least a little! I've actually been tracking food the last two days, just haven't had time to do much else because work got busy... did fine yesterday but was 300 over on Tuesday. Anyway today:

    Track everything
    Probably don't have time to exercise, but at least get 10k steps in!
    Computer off by 12:30 AM
    Bed by 1 AM

    Short and simple so I should be able to stick to it no matter what time I get off work.

    Happy Wednesday, everyone!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    Recap W 5/31
    1) Keep net calories w/i 100 of green = Green for the day, happy me! :smiley:
    2) Walk dog after work = 3.35 miles, happy dog :smiley:
    3) Monthly goals - update May results and write June goals = done :smile:
    4) Floss = Day 9 :smiley:
    5) Bedtime by 10:15 & TV off...trying to get back on track with dog walks in a.m. before work = almost! 10:20 :smile:

    JFT R 6/1
    1) Walk dog before work = yay, done...3.02 miles. Will have time to get other things done after work. :sunglasses:
    2) Pre-log most food / snacks and keep net calories w/i 100 of green
    3) Prep breakfast to take to work F a.m., since I have 8:15 a.m. appt. for employer's annual Health Risk Assessment
    4) Floss...maybe I can drop this from my list, becoming habit finally! :wink:
    5) Bedtime by 10:15 & TV off...reset alarm for F a.m., no dog walk and remember to fast!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited June 2017
    I had to go all the way back to page 52 to find my May goals! Lots of posts

    Starting weight Jan 1: 217
    Current weight 200.4
    Goal weight:175
    (5'11" tall)

    Progress so far:
    Jan 1: 217
    Feb 1: 211
    March 1: 205.4
    April 1: 202.6
    May 1: 204.6 --- OOPS!!!!! GOING IN THE WRONG DIRECTION!!!!!! :/
    June 1: 200.4 --- Mostly wasted 2 months in April and May, but, at least I am still trying!
    Goal for July 1: 194 - (wishful thinking, but I think with extra work, I can get there!)

    Goal for May were:
    Lose 4 pounds :) Weight this morning 200.4. Not quite completely out of the 200s, but close
    drink minimum 6 glasses of water a day :) Getting much better at this
    exercise at the gym minimum 3 times a week :) I think I've got this down!!!!!
    walk minimum of 3 times a week :) I either walk, go to the gym, or zumba classes now. SO doing good with this goal
    consistently log all food and water :/
    consistently get on here with daily goals, and be accountable :)

    Goals for the month of June:
    Lose 6 pounds --- I am going to really work at this, and get, and STAY out of the 200s!
    Drink minimun 8 glasses of water a day
    Everyday do some kind of exercise - whether it be go to the gym, walk, zumba class, or mowing the grass/yard work as exercise!
    consistently get on here with daily goals, and be accountable
    Preplan dinner at least the nite before
    read advantage response cards everyday to remind myself of why I want to lose weight - goal weight planned for december! Don't give up.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    , Wed
    1. log all food :) Yes - even all those darn walnuts I ate last nite
    2. read the advantage response cards :)
    3. eat slowly, sitting down :)
    4. go for a walk tonite. Already did 60 minutes on the treadmill and weights this morning, but a small walk will help me from snacking in the evening - and keep me focused :)
    5. read success stories :/

    JFT, Thursday
    1. didn't get to the gym this morning - so either get grass mowed or go to zumba class tonite
    2. log all food
    3. concentrate on water in the evenings
    4. no snacks after 8pm!!!!
    5. eat slowly
    6. concentrate on hunger, cravings, or desire,and decide which is is, and make my choice
    7. read response cards to remind myself of being at goal weight in december. Don't give up!
    8. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    I don't think I set any goals for May, so I'll set some for June!

    1. Get out of the 170's!
    2. Go to the gym or do some kind of exercise 4 days a week.
    3. Log EVERYTHING I eat
    4. Pay extra close attention to my transactions at work.
    5. Ask for help when I don't understand something
    6. Be more confident

    I think those are good goals for the month!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    I think I have to take a leaf out of @Saragirl2 book and leave the peanut butter in the past. I totally splurged on it with a half a bag of baby carrots about ten minutes after I ordered a pizza for Matt and me. Before the carrots and WAAAY too much peanut butter, I would have had enough to cover at least two pieces because I was eating really carefully, but I let my guard down and POOF! temptation attacks and I go do like a rock! So I'm still gonna eat my two pieces but I'm gonna have to go for a walk or something after dinner to try and get back in the green. Boo on me!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    edited June 2017
    Had a proper $hite day today.

    Broke the screen on my temporary phone by sitting on it so there's a big black blob on it, its still usable but very annoying.
    Its food shop today
    Last night me and my partner came up with 14 different evening meals so we weren't eating the same things over and over and over.
    Today was fish Thursday
    He bought a rainbow trout but forgot to ask the fishmonger to gut and debone it!
    So we both had a go at it, and neither of us were any good, needless today, the massacred fish left me with 22g of fish on my plate and about 35g on his.
    So that was.. annoying, the mash was okay and the veg but what use were they when there as nothing to do with it!! So I was fuming because I cooked tea for nothing, however I made my first ever parsley sauce and it was AMAZING but we couldn't eat it because we didn't have any tea (fuel the rage)

    So then I have to cook a second tea! Chips and nuggets for the girls, in which baby was screaming her head off at this point! And chips and curry for me and OH. Oh but I had to wash the pans and plates first from the first tea (to add insult to injury)

    Then I've had both kids in my face, the dog in my face, not a second to sit down, my body aches. All. Over. My e-cig needs a new coil, I tried to get the girls in bed but the toddler went off on one because the baby was standing in her cot. That's it. Just that she was standing.
    The dog then had diarrhoea in the yard, which then nearly had me throwing up.
    I've had ice cream and chocolate bars, and all sorts of €rap

    And to top it off I've written this comment 3 FU℃KING times because of this atuoid, slow, tablet!!!

    Phew, if I didn't get that out I would of been pent up all night!!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @Bex953172 I'm so sorry that you had such a cr*p day! Thats terrible! I know how you feel though...well kind of. DH had a terrible day at work and begged for pizza and beer, so I order the pizza and run out for the beer and of course they had his but not my light one. So I had to buy the loaded with sugar and calories one, because who in their right mind would buy beer for themselves too, right? It was just a terrible day of giving into all kinds of temptation...so...*raises a glass in salute* Here's to a better tomorrow for the both of us!