Bingeing vicious cycle.. I feel like a failure



  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    Find out when you're bingeing and work your days/weeks around it. My weakness is at night, I love to eat once I'm home. You can do anything from:

    Intermittent fasting - you don't eat breakfast, so you have more to eat late at night. Calories wise it's the same. I have a bigger dinner and then eat a mug cake and halo top ice cream around 8pm when I'm feeling snacky.

    24hr fast - One big meal at the end of the day.

    Finding a snack replacement like plain popcorn popped with coconut oil and sprinkled with salt, parsnip chips, kale chips, pickles, cucumbers, etc.

    And the biggest tip I used when I first started out was DON'T KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE. If you have a Mc Donalds weakness like I do, don't bring it home. Don't pick up chips when you grocery shop. Stay away from anything like "Nature Valley" and high sugar granola bars. Skip cereal and have an omlette or a quiche.
  • brznhabits
    brznhabits Posts: 126 Member
    Loss of 1.5 lbs is too aggressive until you build better habits. Decrease your deficit.

    Self control? Somewhat but mostly you need skills and you've got to learn new ones and practice them. Anticipate triggers and look to proactively avoid them. Have a cache of things you need when you do trigger so you can regroup as much as possible. Focus on better not perfect.
  • fizzfizz
    fizzfizz Posts: 94 Member
    Totally sympathise, am there all too often Tashlovesfood! Thanks for posting, I've loved reading the tips on here ... what seems to work for me to get back on track is eating a non-sweet breakfast (e.g. porridge with nuts & salt) and a huge lunch (stuffed with salad or veg) ... calories stay low overall that way and being full till early evening helps staying away from really more'ish sugary, fatty snacks like cookies and cakes in the daytime, which then helps me manage my evening cravings better as they are the worst for me ... somehow if I am not physically hungry I can stay on savoury stuff, and not go hunting down supermarket sweet treats, a bit more easily.
  • 150poundsofme
    150poundsofme Posts: 523 Member
    I have a binge eating disorder for over 45 years. Hugs