Foods you didn't like and now do



  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Nothing since losing weight, I've always been a foodie and that's how just always eating a bit too much kept me overweight.

    But from childhood, olives and blue cheese. I always try things regularly that I don't like because our palates change. Blue cheese is a more recent one but I am now OBSESSED. All of the mouldy cheese always!
  • DamieBird
    DamieBird Posts: 651 Member
    I hated avocados until I started getting lots of them in my Bountiful Baskets delivery (oh, how I miss you, BB!!) a few years ago. Now, I like them well enough :). I still hate peanut butter, though ;)
  • SiegfriedXXL
    SiegfriedXXL Posts: 219 Member
    Onions. Used to gag if I bit down on one in a salad or burger or tuna. Now? Bring them on! I eat raw onions in my salads, grilled onions on my burgers. Tasty, tasty.
  • jesspen91
    jesspen91 Posts: 1,383 Member
    Olives are the main one for me. I just decided one day that I would keep trying them until I liked them and it worked! Also beer but that's probably not a good thing!
  • CTcutie
    CTcutie Posts: 649 Member
    Mushrooms (though still picky about which types and only in some recipes), sweet potatoes, and cottage cheese (I only like Breakstone 4%). And lemon flavored things I like now, too.
  • Leannep2201
    Leannep2201 Posts: 441 Member
    Coriander!!!! (I think you guys call it cilantro in the US?) I used to hate it until only a few weeks ago actually.... now I want to put it in everything coz I just can't get enough!!!
  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    Shrimp. I had abut 20 years where I didn't like it. I am back to liking it now. However I have been on a hate oatmeal kick. Hopefully it won't take 20 years this time!
  • sofchak
    sofchak Posts: 862 Member
    Zucchini, mushrooms, avocado and olives. I guess I just never had the right flavor combos before to complement these foods.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    briohne128 wrote: »
    Mussels. I hated the way they look and their texture but now they are one of my favourite meals to have! (with garlic butter)

    I still can't eat them (or oysters).... I think they look like girls bits.

    When I was younger I hated rice. I had a music tour to Japan in high-school and packed a suitcase half full of cracker biscuits and muesli bars. I refused to eat my Indian godmothers amazing curries until the age of 21 because I hated it so much.

    I was force fed it by a boyfriend and his family who thought it was a strange thing to hate.... Realised it was actually OK :D
  • threesixten
    threesixten Posts: 134 Member
    Sweet potatoes. Kale. Cilantro.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    edited June 2017
    Going way back, I hated so many vegetables because my mom wasn't good at preparing them. My childhood was made up of overcooked green beans, iceberg lettuce salads with croutons (which I still hate), canned corn, etc. Around college time, I started to order more grown up things in restaurants and "discovered" well prepared veggies and diverse salads. Broccoli lightly steamed was probably the biggest surprise, I don't think I even tried it until around age 25 and it has been a huge favorite since then.

    As for my "MFP years" I think the biggest change has been the way I view healthier foods like vegetables - squash, carrots, spinach, beets, and so on. Whereas I used to include them as a "I should eat more veggies" thing, I now actually crave them. In years past I could have been totally satisfied with a diet of pizza and burgers. Now if I have a couple meals like that, I really miss vegetables and make a special effort to have them even if it means going out of my way to prepare them.

  • neuronutrition
    neuronutrition Posts: 9 Member
    I eat so many more veggies now: mushrooms, brussel sprouts, avocados, kohlrabi, etc. I LOVE them.

    I am not super picky to begin with, I just prioritized the wrong things before. Now? I feel like there are SO MANY TASTY OPTIONS. So much food, so little time :cry:

    An unusual one for me that I really like was a cold beet salad that was pretty spicy and had peanuts in it. I would not have picked that as a side before but I was curious about the combo. It was delicious :yum:
    SAME! Now that I'm prioritizing a whole, plant-based diet I find myself steaming beets pretty much every other day. Never loved them before, now I don't know how I lived without them for so long.
  • neuronutrition
    neuronutrition Posts: 9 Member
    spdaphne wrote: »
    Tofu I now like and will cook, a lemon tofu recipe I tried when I was recipe testing for a blogger's cookbook.
    Yesss, tofu is so versatile. Oh She Glows has a super easy recipe for crispy garlic tofu - I eat it with bok choy and a bit of ginger soy sauce a few times a week. Sooo good!
  • fireytiger
    fireytiger Posts: 236 Member
    Bell peppers and onions are the two biggest ones I can think of. I used to hate both, now I love them in just about everything!
  • ashbabe25
    ashbabe25 Posts: 173 Member
    Avocado. I couldn't stand it when I was younger but I love it now.
  • samasam799
    samasam799 Posts: 23 Member
    Its probably veggies as growing up I never like veggies but now I I love veggies especially salads
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    I hated the thought of cottage cheese and had only tried it once maybe 20 years ago. Gave it another shot and loved it.
  • MOJayhawker
    MOJayhawker Posts: 8 Member
    Brussels sprouts. I put them in the oven and roast them with spice or grill in foil. Good stuff now.
    I'll eat fresh kale in a salad but mixed with other greens. Has a funky taste by itself. It's a good additive to soups or meatloaf too.
    I eat spinach more too. I hate it boiled or steamed but it's a great additive to soups or in a salad. Mix it with some soft cream cheese and Italian herbs and make a spread for breads or stuff a chicken breast or pork chop.
  • ksharrell48
    ksharrell48 Posts: 171 Member
    Used to hate oysters (texture thing) and Brussels sprouts. Every Halloween my mother would make oyster stew and I had to choke it down. Then I was at a restaurant known for their fresh seafood a few years ago and decided to try the fried oyster special - I was hooked! I'm still not a fan of them raw, though. And once I tried roasting B. sprouts in coconut oil, I can eat them every night:)
  • mcgriffrenee
    mcgriffrenee Posts: 6 Member
    onions. i used to hate them, now i love them in everything. still hate red onions tho