Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Now, bet you all didn't think id come check back in on you all!
    For those who said you were gonna try the video..

    Have you done it yet :sweat_smile:
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I started eating ℃rap again last night, and I was over again!
    Where's my diet coach!? @joan6630 sort me out!!! :sweat_smile:

    Also is it me or has @OConnell5483 not posted recently?
    Not made you laugh in a while haha :lol:

    I'm back! And you already made me laugh this morning! I've been out of sorts for a few days, and I won't bore you with the details. Mad at myself because I have not been logging food or even paying attention to what I eat...to the point that I left work early on Thursday and came home and ate ice cream for dinner. Seriously. I set the bucket on the counter and ate right out of the bucket! My husband gave me the stink eye but knew better than to say anything! Not good. I need a good kick in the pants right now to get back on track. That's what I get for not logging in and getting my daily dose of this group!

    Today's a new day though! Thanks for noticing I was gone, Bex. ;)

    Glad to see you back O'Connell! I figured you were knee deep in your garage sale stuff! You've had a lot on your plate lately, so maybe what you needed was a little break in your day, and a nice bowl of ice cream! Tomorrow is a new day!!!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Now, bet you all didn't think id come check back in on you all!
    For those who said you were gonna try the video..

    Have you done it yet :sweat_smile:

    Not yet! Trying it tomorrow! Lol! Can't sneak anything past you!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Now, bet you all didn't think id come check back in on you all!
    For those who said you were gonna try the video..

    Have you done it yet :sweat_smile:

    Not yet! Trying it tomorrow! Lol! Can't sneak anything past you!

    Haha I've only just recovered! Not going through that on my own so I'm gonna put you all through your paces! Ihave should become a personal trainer!

    It's a good workout,I'm gonna try it again tonight I think too! See if I can improve!
    My foots still sprained so still can't do the last bit, but my body gives up at that point too!
    Do you go to a GP for a sprain or just leave it lol?

    I forgot about the time zone lol
    Its 4.50 am here, bloody dog woke me up!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Realized that I had not posted any goals for today, which was a good thing, because I totally blew the day. I was doing great all day, until I heard about the terriost attack in London ..... my son is in London on business! I heard about this attack at 5 pm, and have been eating nonstop until the last hour, when I finally heard from him. He took the red eye, so he landed early this morning, and had been sleeping all day. I didn't want to call my DIL, incase he was still there, and didn't want her to worry! Oh my! So glad he is safe, but feel so bad for all those affected.
    So .... I ended up eating roughly 600 extra calories from 5pm until 11 pm!
    When will I ever learn not to stuff food in my mouth when I am worried, or stressed, or upset, or tired, etc etc etc!

    I hope you all had a better day than me.
    So .... I am going to post my goals for tomorrow, to remind myself to get back on track.I need to KICK myself to get me going....

    1. get to the gym in the morning - wear off some of those extra 600 calories
    2. work in the yard
    3. be thankful for our health, our safety, and each other
    4. read my advantage response cards -- should I have done this afternoon

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Now, bet you all didn't think id come check back in on you all!
    For those who said you were gonna try the video..

    Have you done it yet :sweat_smile:

    Not yet! Trying it tomorrow! Lol! Can't sneak anything past you!

    Haha I've only just recovered! Not going through that on my own so I'm gonna put you all through your paces! Ihave should become a personal trainer!

    It's a good workout,I'm gonna try it again tonight I think too! See if I can improve!
    My foots still sprained so still can't do the last bit, but my body gives up at that point too!
    Do you go to a GP for a sprain or just leave it lol?

    I forgot about the time zone lol
    Its 4.50 am here, bloody dog woke me up!

    Are you sure it's a sprain? Have you been icing it? Taking antiinflammatories? If it doesn't feel better or show improvement soon, I would go to PCP.

    4:50 am???!!!! and you're on here? Good Lord woman! Get some sleep!

    It's 11:38 pm here in Wisconsin. Can't sleep. Husband is snoring like a chainsaw though! Lol
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @joan6630 I am so happy to hear your son is okay! How scary for you! I would have moved my recliner next to the refrigerator and just shoveled food in my mouth! I think you did great. Give yourself a pass on this one. The terrorist activity has got everyone nervous! Hugs
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Just for Saturday
    1. Stay in the Green :smile:
    2. Drink 80 oz of water :smile:
    3. Go through my cookbooks and find a new healthy recipe to try for dinner :neutral: Went out to a family diner for dinner last night.
    4. Try @Bex953172 's video while DH is in garage :neutral: Didn't have time alone without hubby so trying it later today.
    5. Read something inspirational :smile:
    6. Do something I enjoy, perhaps go bumming (neighborhood rummage sale today) or go to the Attic for a nice cup of tea :smile:
    7. Take a walk today while listening to inspirational podcast :neutral:
    8. I will not log onto my work laptop today. Just for today, I will not worry about work. :smile:

    Well, didn't hit my goals yesterday but didn't do anything to really blow it either, so I'll take it! Granddaughter is graduating today, so that's what we will be doing this afternoon. She lives with us and is being a hormonal 18-year-old girl today. Nerves I'm sure!

    Just for Sunday
    1. Stay in the green
    2. Hydrate
    3. Prep for next week's lunches
    4. Eat 1 lb of raw veggies
    5. Read something inspirational
    6. Listen to Optimal living daily podcast
    7. Enjoy my day

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Reposting this --- after last nite "feeding freenzy", happy to say I got to the gym this morning. 90 minutes on the treadmill --- and true or not -- it says I burned 653 calories. So burned off (I hope) all the damage I did last nite. Worrying should count also though , right!!!

    1. get to the gym in the morning - wear off some of those extra 600 calories
    2. work in the yard
    3. be thankful for our health, our safety, and each other
    4. read my advantage response cards -- should I have done this afternoon
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Reposting this --- after last nite "feeding freenzy", happy to say I got to the gym this morning. 90 minutes on the treadmill --- and true or not -- it says I burned 653 calories. So burned off (I hope) all the damage I did last nite. Worrying should count also though , right!!!

    And so should Hot Flashes count.

    Glad to hear your son is OK. I know that is a relief. My son was in Paris when the Christmas Market in Berlin was attacked and we worried there would be coordinated attacks in other large cities. No matter the age, we are always parents.
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    OK @Bex953172 - I am going to put your workout video on my to do list for this week. I am sure I will regret it. I am the most uncoordinated person ever born.

    JFT 06-04-17
    • Stay green for the day in calories - sounds silly with the day half over, but I am feeling the urge to splurge and I need to focus on not doing so.
    • Drink Water 64 oz
    • finish the two things I came into the office to do
    • 10,000 steps
  • thistlelips
    thistlelips Posts: 5 Member
    This is my first attempt at writing jft goals.
    stick within 100 calories of my limit (I always overeat)
    only eat a little bit of chocolate and not half a bar
    walk outside for 1/2 an hour
    only one snack tonight after the lovebuns goes to bed
    go to bed before 1:30 a.m
    up water intake
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    My daughter (left), granddaughter Kendra (middle) and me (right) at Kendra's high school graduation today
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Today I'm going to the pub with friends for dinner - always a dangerous occasion but I'm not going to allow myself any alcohol this time. If I fail on this one, can you guys tell me off tomorrow please?!

    I'm onto you now!
    I told Joan off the other day!!

    You can do it! And you will feel a great sense of achievement if you do.
    Ill be looking out for your post later!

    Er... so I did end up drinking. I decided to swop my no alcohol day to another day. But that's not really good enough so please do tell me off...

    This week I'm not drinking on Monday, Tuesday and either Wed or Thu. I'm not allowed to carry any over to next week!! (Or to the weekend as I'm going away with friends so it's totally unrealistic to think I won't drink then)
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Back online now after a weekend away at a hen party. It was rather indulgent in terms of food and although I made a few good choices (e.g. occasionally stopping eating when full...) overall it was a pretty bad weekend! Not looking forward to weigh-in tomorrow....

    Two more weekends away happening in June - one this weekend and one two weekends after that (and the latter is five days at a festival!) So I need to be extra good in the week to make up for them (and also do better at not going completely overboard in the weekends)

    For now though, just for today...

    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks
    - Choose healthy lunch, no more than 450 cals
    - Be in the green with a deficit
    - No alcohol

    - 30+ minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - If getting stressed, make a cup of tea or meditate rather than eating
    - Focus on key priorities
    - Leave work by 6 - lots to do in evening (including quality time with boyfriend!)
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @Bex953172 Can you repost the link to the exercise class? It sounds fun and I need exercise options for when I can't be bothered to leave the house!
  • thistlelips
    thistlelips Posts: 5 Member
    So I didn't do as well as I'd hoped. I walked for 25 minutes, not 30. I drank 6 glasses of water. I still overate by almost 1000 calories. I didn't stretch. I'm hoping tomorrow is better. I ate 1/2 bar of chocolate instead of cutting down. Had 2 snacks after the hubs went to bed and now I'm heading off to bed but once again, it's too late.
  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    This is an incredible thread! I'm 24 weeks out from a birthday, and decided last night that if I kept that deadline in focus as I made daily positive changes, I could see some dramatic results. And then I found this thread.

    Goal for today is no alcohol. I live in a city, and on summer nights, we tend to either go out or sit on the rooftop with a bottle of wine and talk about our days. If I don't drink today, I figure that would be about 500 calories that I save.

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Good morning all!!!!
    This past weekend I was at a women's retreat with my church so I didnt really even have time to log on! Friday at work was terrible and I was so disheartened and just looking for a way out and totally down on myself. But this weekend totally changed my way of thinking. So we'll see how it all works out today. I still have some nerves but whatever happens, I know that the DH will stand beside me and help up if I fall and that is the most amazing feeling!

    But this past weekend I didnt post a single thing and ate pretty terribly, although on Saturday I surpassed my step goal by a couple thousand steps. Lol. The retreat was at a little beach town and there was a huge flea market that Saturday and I had parked about a mile away from where the meetings were so I definitely got my workout for the weekend! Lol.

    But this is the start to a new week and I am ready to get up and go take it on! So here we go!

    Goals for 6/5/17

    1. Stay in green
    2. Prelog food for the day
    3. Go for a walk on my break from work
    4. Go for a walk after dinner tonight
    5. Be in bed with the lights and tablet off by 10pm

    I think that those are totally doable!

    Have a great day everyone!