How often do you dine out? For lunch? For dinner?



  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    A lot less these days. We are a family of five, so the expense is just too much to eat out on a regular basis. Once every month or two, our family will cross the border to the USA and go to a buffet, because let's be honest buffets in the USA are so much better than in Canada. And then a couple times a month we'll get subway and if we're talking about going out for coffee...well then *ehem* I do that a lot more often (4 x's a week on average). None of these things has ever impinged on weight loss, of course that's just due to the infrequency and smart choices when choosing the food.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I love to cook and we live in a rural area where it's at least 30 min to any good restaurant. I rarely eat lunch out and we go out to dinner about twice a month. We get take out pizza a couple of times a month as well. Other meals are at home or at the home of friends/family.
  • Treehugger_88
    Treehugger_88 Posts: 207 Member
    There are no decent restaurants in the little town where I live so I only eat out when I go to a city. Once every 6 months or so.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,492 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Usually once or twice every couple of weeks. We'll actually be going out for lunch today and dinner this evening...but my wife an I are also going out on a 30 mile date ride today.

    Would be so cool to have a partner who loves being so active
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I go out for lunch on Fridays, and then me and my family will eat out probably 2-3 times a week. Quite a bit really. Normally once or twice on the weekend and then occasionally once during the week if we have a lot going on and I don't have time to make anything (soccer practices or cub scouts or whatever..) need to get better at planning ahead for those days but oh well. I worry more about how expensive it is not necessarily the calories.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    edited June 2017
    Those of you who don't eat out much, do you have families to feed? If so what are things you eat for dinner when you are super busy and don't have time to cook a big meal?? That is what I struggle with.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    On the weekend, usually both days for breakfast and/or lunch and dinner. Often it's just the two meals per day.

    Why? Because I spent the weekend with my family, and they want to eat out. I don't find it hard at all, especially if we just do two meals. Easy enough to fit in two 700-ish calorie meals, though I usually do a 7-800 one, a 3-400 one, and reserve the rest for snacking or a small dessert.

    An example of something I'd pick for my smaller meal (had this yesterday at the local diner): About 6oz cornmeal breaded and fried catfish filet, steamed broccoli, a couple of bites of black-eyed peas, and a dinner roll. Usually I wouldn't waste calories on a dinner roll and would eat more veg, but this place's rolls are kick-*kitten* and the veg were marginal.
  • Running_and_Coffee
    Running_and_Coffee Posts: 811 Member
    hesn92 wrote: »
    Those of you who don't eat out much, do you have families to feed? If so what are things you eat for dinner when you are super busy and don't have time to cook a big meal?? That is what I struggle with.

    So I make dinner for my 3 kids and husband and modify the dish for me so that it meets my needs. Example:
    Tonight I am making spaghetti and meatballs with Caesar salad. That's what they are eating. I'm having spaghetti squash (pre-made from another day) with low-sodium/lower calorie marinara, shrimp and spinach sauteed in 1 tsp olive oil, and 1/2 oz. part skim mozz. This doesn't take much time at all and obviously spaghetti and meatballs (Trader Joes, frozen & heated with a jar of sauce), isn't terribly time consuming.

    I always have foods like quinoa, spaghetti squash and lettuce available for me and usually will throw whatever protein I make for the rest of the family (grilled chicken or fish, ground lean turkey or chicken) on to that and eat with them. I'm not strictly low carb but prefer to skip starch at dinner.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    hesn92 wrote: »
    Those of you who don't eat out much, do you have families to feed? If so what are things you eat for dinner when you are super busy and don't have time to cook a big meal?? That is what I struggle with.

    Everyone in the house cooks, whoever feels like it, and if no one feels like it everyone just grabs whatever is in the fridge, in which case I either cook one of my novelty dishes for myself or eat whatever. When I cook, it's often something that isn't too crazy on the calories but is still one of our usual dishes (green bean stew and white rice for example). When someone makes a heavy dish, I modify it for myself if possible (use less rice, for example, or opt out of extra sour cream/butter). If it's not possible I simply eat less of whatever is being served and supplement with vegetables for volume.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    hesn92 wrote: »
    Those of you who don't eat out much, do you have families to feed? If so what are things you eat for dinner when you are super busy and don't have time to cook a big meal?? That is what I struggle with.

    Nope. Just me. But when my son was at home, I cooked on weekends mostly, so that there was plenty to eat during the week.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    hesn92 wrote: »
    Those of you who don't eat out much, do you have families to feed? If so what are things you eat for dinner when you are super busy and don't have time to cook a big meal?? That is what I struggle with.

    We don't eat out because eating out with a family is prohibitively expensive, and the more people you have to feed, the more you can benefit from economies of scale in cooking at home.

    The first thing to do when you're cooking at home for a busy family is: PLAN.
    you need a meal plan and a shopping list. That helps you plan for the busy times and use the less-busy times more efficiently. I make a list of the days of the next week and then add in all our evening committments and then start placing meal ideas. My book group night is a good night for quick tacos or quesadillas. A night when my kid has a band concert, we'll have pasta with meatballs (from frozen) and a side of broccoli or green beans (also from frozen). Or on a night wtih more time, I'll grill burgers for dinner right away and throw some chicken breasts on the grill too. The chicken breasts get sliced thinly and put into a Caesar salad on a busy night.

    Everyone in the house knows to ask before eating something unless it was bought for them specifically. "Mom, can I eat the olives?" "No, they're for the pizza on Wednesday."

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    It's not just restaurants, but most of the food industry has made it harder for people to be healthy. Like the tobacco companies that became our major food brands, many businesses are simply out to exploit us and the more they sell, the better for them, even if it kills us, which it is, with the obesity epidemic out of control the way it is. So, when they find that Americans love and are addicted to huge portions of fatty, sugary and salty food, thats what they serve. While many of you have figured out how to deal with that, many have not, and I'm sure many myfitnesspals who just want to read and and are not ready to comment as successes will be reading this. They will be helped.


    Companies respond to demand. A lot of the demand is for cheap, larger portions, hyperpalatable foods -- foods that are harder to recreate at home or take more time or can be made tasty for cheap, sure. That has to do with what is demanded and to a certain extend US food culture (that the average consumer would respond to fast or huge portion or whatever). It also varies a TON based on where you are, what you want. I have an endless array of restaurants ranging from expensive (many with quite small portions compared to the usual), expensive (but large portions, many steak joints are like this), medium (huge range of types of food, some have lots of vegetables, some are much higher cal, so on), cheap, super cheap. Serving size varies a lot (although it's not that complicated to get a to-go box). Nutrition varies a lot. If you used to choose lots of fast food or the like, that's on you, it's what you liked and chose, it's not because the food companies made you.

    Same with what I get at grocery stores. Even when I was fat, I would go into a grocery store, head for the veg, buy what I wanted, head to the fish and meat (well, I mostly get meat at a farm because I have sourcing issues, but sometimes not), head for dairy and pick up cottage cheese, grab some eggs if I didn't have farm ones at home. Then I might think about whether I wanted more staples (oil, butter, dried pasta, canned/dry beans, etc.) or maybe some diet soda or paper products and get those.

    If I wanted ice cream I'd sometimes get it, more often I'd get it only when I specifically wanted to eat it that night (and I got it more often when losing weight than when I was fat).

    Why I got fat is something I think I understand, but it wasn't a thing to do with it being too hard to handle food sellers. Ugh.
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    hesn92 wrote: »
    Those of you who don't eat out much, do you have families to feed? If so what are things you eat for dinner when you are super busy and don't have time to cook a big meal?? That is what I struggle with.

    Most of the time just me and my boyfriend but every other week I have my kids (split custody with ex) and luckily my bf is into fitness and we both track our macros so I usually slice up a sweet potato, wrap it in foil and bake it for 20ish mins and steam some vegetables while he cooks our chicken etc. We can be through the door and eating in about 30 minutes. When I have the kids they just eat what we eat, they're not fussy :)
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    hesn92 wrote: »
    Those of you who don't eat out much, do you have families to feed? If so what are things you eat for dinner when you are super busy and don't have time to cook a big meal?? That is what I struggle with.

    Cook a quick meal. I was making 30 min meals long before anyone heard of Rachel Ray. Grilled meats, baked/broiled fish, seafood all cook up quickly. Have some vegetable roasting in the oven or steaming on the stove top while the meat is cooking and dinner is ready in no time. Or go even quicker with steam in the bag vegetables. Even long cooking meals rarely have long prep times, so just prepare the meal put it in the oven, set the times and get on with whatever I was doing until it's ready.

    Omelets take about 15 min to prep and cook. Stir fries can take even less if you purchase your vegetables already cut, but even with chopping you can have stir fry in < 30 min. Instant rice is ready in 15 min. Pasta in about 10 min. Brown some ground meat and add to a jarred sauce. Or, add canned chicken or crumbled tofu and cut the time even more.

    Canned beans a HUGE time saver for healthy meals.
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    hesn92 wrote: »
    Those of you who don't eat out much, do you have families to feed? If so what are things you eat for dinner when you are super busy and don't have time to cook a big meal?? That is what I struggle with.

    Yes, I have three kids to cook for and sometimes my husband. Going out takes time, even drive thrus take time, because I'd have to drive there and drive back, and for me where I'm living that's at least 30 minutes.
    I personally don't get enjoyment out of cooking, I like recipes to be as easy and as pain free as possible. When I have time I'll prep a bunch of food ex I barbeque chicken breast and put it in the freezer and this can last me a couple months. I pre boil eggs that last about 3 days, I make use of my crockpot, I make a large quantity of soup and put it in small freezer bags, I'll also by fruit and veg on sale and freeze what I know I wouldn't be able to eat before it goes bad.
    Our meals vary, but yesterday for example I made qunioa (20 min) with taco mix seasoning, prevously frozen bbq chicken, frozen veggies mixed it with the cooked quinoa let it sit on the stove top on low for 10 minutes and put it in a tortilla wrap with cheese. I like doing things like this because while the food is sitting on the stove top I can do whatever I need to do without having to feel strapped to the kitchen.
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    hesn92 wrote: »
    Those of you who don't eat out much, do you have families to feed? If so what are things you eat for dinner when you are super busy and don't have time to cook a big meal?? That is what I struggle with.

    Slow cookers are your friend. Throw everything in in the morning, cook while your out and its ready when you get in.

    Mine has a keep warm function which is handy for times everyone needs to eat seperatley due to clubs/ work commitments etc
  • LotusCass
    LotusCass Posts: 145 Member
    We eat out at least once a week. At first I found it tricky, even picking the meals that would be the lowest calories and making sure to eat less if it was a big portion. What I find tricky is knowing what to log it as, and knowing that my week probably won't be as accurate as I can't be sure what I've logged is correct. I agree with the OP that eating out was a thing that threw me off counting calories earlier on as it was a lifestyle I didn't want to give up.
    Now I just exercise more on the day we're eating out so I have those few extra calories.