How on earth do you eat 1g of protein per pound



  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    Shoot for either one gram per pound of lean body mass (which you can calculate if you know your body fat percentage), or 0.6 - 0.8g per pound of your goal weight.

    This. 240-260 grams of protein is 68-74% of your total caloric intake. That's insane.
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    cmtigger wrote: »
    Won't high protein make it hard to lose weight as excess gets turned into glucose? And is bad for your kidneys...unless you are building muscle by wprking out ALOT!
    mtague7733 wrote: »

    It is hard on your kidneys, but not a huge problem unless you have other kidney issues.

    Even then it's potentially manageable

    If you have kidney issues you are put on a low protein diet. Manageable by NOT eating crazy amounts of protein.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,991 Member
    kwtilbury wrote: »
    This. 240-260 grams of protein is 68-74% of your total caloric intake. That's insane.

    Yeah, those numbers don't add up. On a 1400 cal diet, 240-260g of protein equals 960-1040 cals or 68.6 - 74.3% of that diet. That not a practical or realistic protein macro by any means.

    Even at 40%, which is a common protein macro suggested for weight loss and muscle development when on a deficit diet and doing heavy lifting, you'd only need to ingest 140g of protein a day on a 1400 cal/day diet.

  • ikonnikonn
    ikonnikonn Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2017
    100 gr of chicken breast contains 98 gr of protein, the same thing is in 100 gr of tilapia. This is what I eat every day in addition to vegetables. Also, there is 100 cal in 100 gr of chicken or tilapia.
  • kuranda10
    kuranda10 Posts: 593 Member
    I try to spread it out over three meals and one or two protein snacks.
    For me that's between 20-25g per meal and 5-10 per snack (hard boiled egg only has 6g protein (ish)