Really Hungry Today - See Anything Wrong With My Food?



  • ziggy2006
    ziggy2006 Posts: 255 Member
    I think your increased hunger is most likely a combination of it being the third day of adjusting to a lower calorie consumption combined with eating a few hundred calories under your goal for the previous two days. I would tend to want to stay status quo for a few more days to let it have a chance to work itself out before making any changes. When I am experiencing higher levels of hunger than normal, I tend to fill up on veggies (salads, soups, grilled, roasted, raw, steamed - I love them all).

    If you end up deciding that you want to try more protein at breakfast, you don't necessarily have to eat eggs. If cereal is convenient for you, just find a higher protein cereal that you like. For example, Kashi's Go Lean has 12 grams of protein per serving, equivalent to 2 large eggs.

    Alternatively, if you really do enjoy eggs but don't have time to cook and clean before work, you might look into some of the meal prep breakfast recipes. You can make different egg dishes in advance and store in the freezer, then defrost overnight in the refrigerator so that they just need a bit of microwaving to be ready to eat. I don't know if hot out of the microwave will be the same as right out of the pan for you, but it could be worth a try. You can also find microwavable breakfast sandwiches/bowls in the grocery store, although I think they can be a bit pricey for what you are getting.

    CMNVA Posts: 733 Member
    If I were really ravenous and had to lose weight, I'd sacrifice the sweet tea, the popcorn, the bars. I'd cut out the snacking (or whatever you want to call it, nothing calorific between meals, no matter if it is food or drink), just eat at meals, and make sure all meals had plenty of vegetables, protein and fat. I'd aim to eat as much variety as possible. OK, this is what I'm doing anyway :D

    I *wish* it were "sweet" tea I was drinking. I've got a 20 ounce mug of hot tea with 2 tsp. of sugar in it. It actually does not taste sweet at all. It's doing something because it has taken the bitterness off, but,'s not sweet.

    I did try to ditch the popcorn yesterday. Had it with me and right before I left work I got so hungry I felt dizzy, so I had the popcorn.

    But you are right, I am working on giving up some of this. I wish I could do black tea or coffee. Even though I met my eating/weight loss goals last winter, I could never fully get myself mature with the tea and I think I finally accepted that it was my on vice I couldn't shake.
  • Jriggs46615
    Jriggs46615 Posts: 50 Member
    edited June 2017
    For me, cereal doesn't cut it. I need a good, solid breakfast to start my day, or I will eat everything I see later in the day.
    I would try exchanging that cereal for something more substantial, like eggs. Another one of my favorite breafasts is 2 pieces of a hearty bread with 4 tablespoons of Costco guacamole, and sliced tomatoes. That breakfast keeps me full until 11-ish.

    Bottom line: I would make sure you're eating a good balance of protein, fiber, and fats.

    Do you drink enough water each day? That might help you feel fuller longer, too.

    ETA: I just saw your note about your aversion to cold eggs. What about breakfast tacos or a breakfast skillet that you'd make over the weekend and freeze? I throw in some asparagus, cheese, whatever, and freeze. When I need a quick breakfast to take with me, I grab one of those, toss it in the microwave, and it's wonderful. My co-workers always tell me they're jealous of my breakfasts. It's not difficult, and it doesn't take a lot of time.
    CMNVA Posts: 733 Member
    ziggy2006 wrote: »
    I think your increased hunger is most likely a combination of it being the third day of adjusting to a lower calorie consumption combined with eating a few hundred calories under your goal for the previous two days. I would tend to want to stay status quo for a few more days to let it have a chance to work itself out before making any changes. When I am experiencing higher levels of hunger than normal, I tend to fill up on veggies (salads, soups, grilled, roasted, raw, steamed - I love them all).

    If you end up deciding that you want to try more protein at breakfast, you don't necessarily have to eat eggs. If cereal is convenient for you, just find a higher protein cereal that you like. For example, Kashi's Go Lean has 12 grams of protein per serving, equivalent to 2 large eggs.

    Alternatively, if you really do enjoy eggs but don't have time to cook and clean before work, you might look into some of the meal prep breakfast recipes. You can make different egg dishes in advance and store in the freezer, then defrost overnight in the refrigerator so that they just need a bit of microwaving to be ready to eat. I don't know if hot out of the microwave will be the same as right out of the pan for you, but it could be worth a try. You can also find microwavable breakfast sandwiches/bowls in the grocery store, although I think they can be a bit pricey for what you are getting.

    To your first paragraph, I think this is spot on. I tended not to need as more food on the weekend because I was busy and up doing things. It's harder at work when I'm chained to my desk, I guess I think about it more. But, I probably need to try some different foods.

    I used to eat Kashi all the time and, even though high in protein, for some reason I was starving with it. I think I must be one of those "volume" people you read about. I do think I'll look for some breakfast egg muffin recipes this week and make some over the weekend and see how that goes. I have used the Evol Egg Sandwiches when I'm away from the office on travel or training. They are fine and do the trick but they are sort of like eating a Lean Cuisine--they do the job but they still have that processed taste.

    One really good breakfast I had on Sunday was two hard boiled eggs (XL) and 1 slice of Dave's Killer Raisin Bread with 1 tsp of light canola butter. I don't know what it was about that breakfast--probably the raisin bread since I haven't had it in so long, but I really enjoyed that meal and it stayed with me awhile. Yet when I just eat 2 hard boiled eggs, I don't get the same effect. It was a little bit higher calorie wise than I generally do for breakfast but it was really good. I can't wait for this weekend to have it again.

    Also, someone above mentioned the Kodiak pancakes. I have seen that mix in Target. That's probably something I could make and freeze and bring in that would be a nice change of pace.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    More protein. MFP's goal is too low. Protein from milk doesn't fill me up one bit either (and you're having a bunch of it). More fat.

    Ditch the morning cereal for oatmeal or some eggs (you can microwave an egg for 40 seconds in the microwave), or at least try to have it with Greek yogurt. Even better, if you're not hungry, don't eat breakfast! But honestly, milk and cereal pretty much guarantee that I'll be hungry all day if it's what I have for breakfast...

    Also, tea makes me hungry if I have it out of meals, so you might want to check if it seems related or not.

    The other thing I can think of is that you're female, so it could be PMS.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    CMNVA wrote: »

    Breakfast: So I get up at 4:00am each day and am at my carpool by 5AM. I am not hungry mostly (well, today I am) nor do I have time to cook. I generally enjoy eggs so I try to eat them on the weekend; however, I do NOT enjoy eggs that aren't right out of the pan. For instance, cold hard boiled eggs kind of nauseate me. I have no options for making much to eat at work so cereal as become my mainstay. The shredded wheat or Barbara's Cinnamon Puffins will keep me fairly satisfied until lunch. I know it's low protein, but it's about all I can think about in the morning.

    I find that cereal doesn't really tide me over well when I eat it for breakfast, either--echoing the "more protein" crowd. Have you considered, in lieu of milk, having your cereal with yogurt?
  • youdoyou2016
    youdoyou2016 Posts: 393 Member
    My two cents: try a more protein-focused breakfast and see what that does for you.

    If I eat cereal or toast in the morning, I'm really hungry the rest of the day -- no matter what else I eat. I don't have that experience with an egg.
    CMNVA Posts: 733 Member
    I think you all are correct, and I need to try some new things. I'm pretty set in my ways and I stick with what is easy and seems to work. I'll have to experiment with more protein.
  • FreyasRebirth
    FreyasRebirth Posts: 514 Member
    I'm eating microwave breakfast burritos pretty much every day, lol. One is 270 calories but I think the higher amount of fat really helps me. I had a crazy day yesterday and didn't get to eat from 7:30 until close to 2. No way could I make it that long without cravings if I had cereal. It just doesn't keep me going.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    How about a banana with breakfast? A few nuts with one of your cups of tea might be helpful. I always find I'm starving the day after a big workout, so that might have something to do with it? Did you know you can make omelettes in a ziplock bag in the microwave? I saw this somewhere and its a great idea for a breakfast option, you could put the bag in your lunch box and microwave it at work.
    CMNVA Posts: 733 Member
    mazdauk wrote: »
    How about a banana with breakfast? A few nuts with one of your cups of tea might be helpful. I always find I'm starving the day after a big workout, so that might have something to do with it? Did you know you can make omelettes in a ziplock bag in the microwave? I saw this somewhere and its a great idea for a breakfast option, you could put the bag in your lunch box and microwave it at work.

    Here's my problem: I'm pretty picky. Sorry, I know everyone is being helpful. I had to laugh at this because there's no way I'd eat or cook and omelette in a Ziploc bag. It sounds awful, not to mention, should you really be microwaving those things? I say this with the greatest sense of humor, believe me.

    As for working out, I am only very lightly working out. I walked for 3 miles on Saturday and did another shorter walk on Sunday. That's eat. I don't think I can blame that.

    Honestly, especially how I feel this morning, I think I'm going through sugar and glutton withdraw right now. I had just forgotten how bad that feels.
  • SteadyDoinIt281
    SteadyDoinIt281 Posts: 24 Member
    Drink water, lots of it.

    I'd give this a shot too.
  • gemabbi
    gemabbi Posts: 31 Member
    Up the protein gradually take the refined sugar out. This will cause sugar cravings once you have lowered this start eating more nuts almonds or hand ful of walnuts in your low sugar high protein yogurt.

    fat however fat doesn't make a person fat carbs and sugars that are not burned make a person fat. You don't burn them you wear them unfortunately
  • Poisonedpawn78
    Poisonedpawn78 Posts: 1,145 Member
    I know you said you are picky but stay with me on this.

    You like tea. I also like tea(not as often but still). have you considered switching the style of tea you are having to be less bitter? There are plenty of lemon teas and other types which might help you further reduce the sugar you are adding that you yourself say isnt even making it sweet anymore.

    For me I grew up always having earl grey tea. Turns out after trying some other types/variations that i really dont like it as much as some other options. perhaps give some other teas a shot, see if you can find a less bitter one that you can enjoy without the sugar, then you can put those calories towards another type of snack to help with the hunger.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    CMNVA wrote: »
    mazdauk wrote: »
    How about a banana with breakfast? A few nuts with one of your cups of tea might be helpful. I always find I'm starving the day after a big workout, so that might have something to do with it? Did you know you can make omelettes in a ziplock bag in the microwave? I saw this somewhere and its a great idea for a breakfast option, you could put the bag in your lunch box and microwave it at work.

    Here's my problem: I'm pretty picky. Sorry, I know everyone is being helpful. I had to laugh at this because there's no way I'd eat or cook and omelette in a Ziploc bag. It sounds awful, not to mention, should you really be microwaving those things? I say this with the greatest sense of humor, believe me.

    As for working out, I am only very lightly working out. I walked for 3 miles on Saturday and did another shorter walk on Sunday. That's eat. I don't think I can blame that.

    Honestly, especially how I feel this morning, I think I'm going through sugar and glutton withdraw right now. I had just forgotten how bad that feels.

    You can microwave Ziploc bags:

    Scroll down and you can see the safety section of the page. They meet requirements. If you're curious about the specific bags you have, you can check out the product page and it will tell you specifically if it is microwave safe.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    So you're not really into eggs in the morning - that's no crime! You can easily boost your protein my switching your cereal and milk for Greek yogurt or cottage cheese with fruit. No more time or prep required than a bowl of cereal. I would opt for full fat vs nonfat options if you're looking to increase satiety.

    If the chili felt satisfying to you, you may be someone for whom protein is a highly satiating macro so focus on that for a few days and see how it goes.
  • missh1967
    missh1967 Posts: 661 Member
    edited June 2017
    CMNVA wrote: »
    Honestly, .......I think I'm going through ......glutton withdraw right now. I had just forgotten how bad that feels.

    I think this is a very real possibility. I can tell you that it took A LOT of calories for me to get up to the weight I did, and cutting back too much initially can feel like utter deprivation, making you sad, angry, and downright rebellious (not to mention very hungry!). If you were truly eating about 2500/day previously as you said, perhaps you should not make your deficit so steep.

    Just a thought. :) Hopefully things will smooth out for you.

  • ouryve
    ouryve Posts: 572 Member
    Having so many sugary cups of tea, plus a sweet, fruity curry will be what's leaving you constantly craving more.

    The yogurt you had with your lunch also contains some added sugar.

    Plus you have 12g of sugar in one of those skinny cow bars.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    gemabbi wrote: »
    Up the protein gradually take the refined sugar out. This will cause sugar cravings once you have lowered this start eating more nuts almonds or hand ful of walnuts in your low sugar high protein yogurt.

    fat however fat doesn't make a person fat carbs and sugars that are not burned make a person fat. You don't burn them you wear them unfortunately

    No, any macro will make you fat if you eat it above your TDEE.