Any Vegans on here?



  • N6314P
    N6314P Posts: 28 Member
    When I started this journey oreo's were still made with lard. Happy to see so many people embracing plant based diets. So many vegan choices in restaurants and markets these days. And finally my grocery store has started organizing shelfs with placards so I don't have to read every label. I make a lot of my own food - nut butters, flat breads (I am also gluten and corn free), faux fudge and fruit spreads and leather because I don't want added sugar. Processor or dehydrator used most days. Good luck to everyone and new friends welcome.
  • pbbananacoffeechocolate
    Yes! Would love more vegan inspiration so fellow plant-based eaters, feel free to add me!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    7 year vegan here.
  • singoldsby
    singoldsby Posts: 11 Member
    I have been a pescatarian for the last few years. I am 95% vegan at this point. At home I am 100%, but when I am at a friends or out with friends I try to do as best I can, but I don't ask for special meals or anything so I may occasionally get some small amounts of animal product. I feel so much better and although I still have a lot of weight to lose, this is the first way of eating that I don't feel like I have to track religiously just not to gain weight.
  • TeaAddictedGeek
    TeaAddictedGeek Posts: 11 Member
    Been vegan over 11 years, also feel free to add me :)
  • SABoj
    SABoj Posts: 88 Member
    Vegan for over 30 years. :smiley: I'm working to lose a few extra pounds but mostly build strength & tone. Feel free to add.
  • atxmom330
    atxmom330 Posts: 2 Member
    I've been trying to phase into vegan diet but it's been hard since my husband and kids are not on board. I usually end up cooking 2 meals or I cook one meal and then I eat leftovers. At this point, my diet is probably 80% vegan and 20% pescatarian. I keep an open diary and am looking for friends and inspiration for more vegan meals!
  • teeenabeana
    teeenabeana Posts: 92 Member
    I've been vegetarian for 12 years and I'm leaning more towards a vegan diet. At this point, I eat about 1 non-vegan thing a day, so I'm closer than I was before! If your diary is available, feel free to add me so I can take a peek!