Really, who is the blame??



  • PhatChic1186
    PhatChic1186 Posts: 173
    I like this..Yes, it might seem as though you are yelling at everyone on here..But as you said you are a PT and you help motivate people that are willing/wanting to lose weight...I used to ALWAYS complain and b*tch about being fat and just sitting on my *kitten* the whole time..NOW, I have chose to change that and start doing something about it..Im not going to lie, I still get in my moments were I call myself fat and get down about it, but then I say I am doing something about it, it wont come off over night even tho I wish it could..27pounds down and I am proud of that..And I will keep pushing myself to get to my goal weight..Thanks for this post again..
  • N_BEAST_MODE_24_7
    N_BEAST_MODE_24_7 Posts: 120 Member
    Thanks to all you guys that could see the real purpose of this thread! Another problem is that too many ppl here are too SENSITIVE..On another note, I can help you with your battle with weight loss if you like.. Have a nice day...
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    One thing I'm seeing...

    No one pays beastmode to be tough; they pay him for RESULTS. And whatever it takes to get those results in what a PT needs to do. For some people, that means tough love, getting on their *kitten*.

    The same thing applies on MFP. A lot of us are here to help, and, if in our opinions, you need some 'tough love', then that's what you'll get!

    Sometimes you don't NEED a pat on the back, or a 'there there', sometimes you need someone to tell you to suck it up and get in gear!
  • lissarv68
    lissarv68 Posts: 61
    WHOA. I'm not sure that this is the best way to get people to lose weight. Also, you keep saying that was aimed towards those you train and yet over and over you make comments about people who "come on here."


    Here's the thing, yelling at people isn't going to accomplish anything. It's not until they look in the mirror and really see themselves instead of that false image in their heads that they will make a difference. I know when I was morbidly obese, I got really good at never really looking in the mirror. I would do a quick glance to make sure there wasn't any hairs out of place and then get the heck away from that mirror.

    I didn't like seeing a vivid representation of what I had become.

    However, somebody yelling at me wouldn't have helped. What made the difference is that I finally did take a good long look and 6 months later, I was down 55 lbs. But it was all up to me and my desire to become healthier.

    Shrug - all that being said, I oddly enough can see that your comment is coming from a desire to help people and frustration that they aren't willing to help themselves.
  • runner328
    runner328 Posts: 174
    WHOA. I'm not sure that this is the best way to get people to lose weight. Also, you keep saying that was aimed towards those you train and yet over and over you make comments about people who "come on here."


    Here's the thing, yelling at people isn't going to accomplish anything. It's not until they look in the mirror and really see themselves instead of that false image in their heads that they will make a difference. I know when I was morbidly obese, I got really good at never really looking in the mirror. I would do a quick glance to make sure there wasn't any hairs out of place and then get the heck away from that mirror.

    I didn't like seeing a vivid representation of what I had become.

    However, somebody yelling at me wouldn't have helped. What made the difference is that I finally did take a good long look and 6 months later, I was down 55 lbs. But it was all up to me and my desire to become healthier.

    Shrug - all that being said, I oddly enough can see that your comment is coming from a desire to help people and frustration that they aren't willing to help themselves.

    I don't think the purpose of his post was to motivate anyone here. I think he was trying to vent his frustration.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    You know what bothers ME?

    People who don't know how to use paragraphs.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I, personally, am one of those people that NEEDS to be yelled at and called on their *kitten*. Loving support too and enabling are a fine line that I am a master at crossing.

    Preach on!
  • 1_up
    1_up Posts: 1,414 Member
    Great post. This is really what it's all about. If you want something bad enough... Go get it! I didn't take it as yelling, I believe the post was fueled by passion. It's nice to see someone telling it like it is instead of the typical "yes man" pat on the back. If you want results, go earn them.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Great post. This is really what it's all about. If you want something bad enough... Go get it! I didn't take it as yelling, I believe the post was fueled by passion. It's nice to see someone telling it like it is instead of the typical "yes man" pat on the back. If you want results, go earn them.

    "Yes men" = co-dependent enablers. You could literally flip your point of view and they'd still agree with you. No one needs to be around validation stampers all day. You'd get nothing done.
  • Julijulz
    Julijulz Posts: 119 Member
    Being "yelled" at doesn't really help my motivation, I had to find it in myself...but to each their own :)

    Being yelled at is a huuuuge motivation to most people. How do you think fat people that join up for the military get through basic didn't think they were going to do the work on their own did you? I find that being yelled at gets into your brain. It makes your realize that you are the reason for your own failures. If it takes getting yelled at to get it through to me, then I'm all for it. MAKE ME CRY!!! :D
  • stylelush646
    stylelush646 Posts: 44 Member
    After reading these posts I must respect everyones opinions however, I'm neutral about it. We need nurturing but a lot of us need that dose of reality from time to time. Just to make things clear, weight loss in general is an emotional journey, your going to have a huge breakthrough and/or meltdowns and I think this is why he said this. I'm not speaking for him but this is how i interpeted this post. Most trainers try the "tough guy" approach because they you want to have your breakdown sooner! The quicker you have that moment that faster you will be successul. It is what it is people, now move on from this. We all show love, support, respect differently. I hope that this didnt disrespect you guys in any way but when I read the post I was motivated! (Partly because I did have a discussion with my fiance minutes before reading this post,)

    p.s. i also think he needed to vent. we get frustrated just like when someone cuts in front of you. We are human, therefore we aren't perfect, we aren't going to have this happy attitude about things at all times. Have a blessed night all and i wish you all continued success.