Going insane!

Just wanted to rant a little bit. I'm so tired of counting every calorie and working out constantly to loose a mere lb a month !!!!

I am 5'1 and 130lbs (my original goal weight). I'm still not happy with my appearance but feel like the fight to loose weight almost isn't worth it with such a small margin for error.

I count my calories and am around 1200 net calories a lot however that becomes exhausting and I end up falling off track and overeating which puts me at 1600 calories a day net for the week. Which is my matienenance.

I try to run and work out on my own 3 times a week and work with a personal trainer twice a week for the last 3 months. I feel like I focus so much on my health and weight loss for so little results!!!

3 months ago I was 132 lbs and 29% body fat. Today I am 130 lbs. we will be doing another fitness assessment Saturday and I'm hoping my body fat will be lower however with a 2lb loss i know that's highly unlikely.

I'm not really looking for advice because I know I just need to buckle down and stick to my goals consistently but if anyone has any suggestions outside of that I'm all ears because I am GOING FREAKING INSANE!!!!!!


  • mrssie1223
    mrssie1223 Posts: 146 Member
    edited June 2017
    @Ajocal18 Sounds like you need to mix things up a little. Have you thought about Keto and Intermittent Fasting? I am having great results! 12.4 lbs in 5 days! :smiley: Believe me, it"s worth looking into. :wink: Michelle
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,482 Member
    edited June 2017
    You are ok. You're doing it right.

    But your brain is trying to do you in. Everyone who is overweight has a part of them that wants to stay that way. Everyone, however they live, has a part of them that will resist change.

    As I read your post, you set the bar at 1200 cals but can't live with it. But you are still losing and losing is not gaining, a double win. Add, just a suggestion, 150 cals per day and see if your life gets easier. 1350 is less than your real intake of 1600. The best plan is one you will actually follow.

    If you read diet and fitness boards much, the thing that wrecks nearly everyone is the time factor. Expressed either directly- it's taking too long, or indirectly the losses are to small.

    Just a personal note- my life would have been easier if I had accepted a few more lbs on the scale and trained properly at a good gym.

  • chaney3000
    chaney3000 Posts: 261 Member
    Well, some good news is that you reached your goal weight.

    Now here is the struggle. You hit a plateau so now every pound is hard. When you first started the pounds came off in bunches.

    Here is the real. It's not about pounds anymore. You want to drop BY. That is MUCH harder but possible.

    Now is the time to focus on proper calories not just calories. Foods that are good for your body before and after workouts. And speaking of workouts, time to start pushing yourself differently. Weight training, cross fit, HIIT, Body boot camp, more intensity plus proper calories and you will start seeing the results you want.
  • Derf_Smeggle
    Derf_Smeggle Posts: 610 Member
    Hey OP! Congratulations on your success to date!

    I'll second @malibu927 advice. Keep up the great work.
    malibu927 wrote: »
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    Hey OP! Congratulations on your success to date!

    I'll second @malibu927 advice. Keep up the great work.
    malibu927 wrote: »

    I am thirding @malibu927

    To add to that...
    Take a diet break (food and exercise) for a couple of weeks, good for mental and hormonal health, eating at maintenance. Once you have established your maintenance. Start a recomp with a .5 or lower loss per week.

    An alternate is to start back eating at your weight goal maintenance (including exercise). It will make your loss a little slower but, it may also take the stress out of eating at a deficit.

    Whichever way you do it vanity pounds can take months to lose. It is slowww.

    ( it took me a year to go from 130 to a maintenance of 100-105 at 5'1 and a TDEE of 1400)

    Cheers, h.
  • shreeharshas
    shreeharshas Posts: 2 Member
    Dear Ajocal18,

    I was around 10 pounds heavier than now. I lost so much because I did something like this:

    I had breakfast, lunch, dinner and sometimes a snack in the evening as usual.

    But I did (and still do) this: I exercise. Not just any type of cardio. Not even a heavy workout for that matter! Check this out - I just walked!!

    I don't know for how long have you tried losing weight but you have to start slow buddy​.

    I started walking for a month. My body took it good. Then I jogged a while. Later and only then I ran.

    But I still love to walk. You might think walking is for dummies but believe me, that did work and I still like to walk nowadays.

    Your mind wants to run but your body isn't ready. That is when you start slow.

    But it doesn't mean you need to just walk for half an hour and stop. If you do low intensity stuff, do it longer. I walked like a mad person for hours because I ate a pizza. But it worked! I feel lighter and lighter everyday.

    Give it a try and have patience pal. Just walk. Do anything else you want but walk. Trust me and you will thank me later!
  • shreeharshas
    shreeharshas Posts: 2 Member
    And more importantly, I read somewhere that you lose more weight when you are heavier and as you are already lighter than me, I think you will need to give your body more time. Again, patience is a virtue.
  • Ajocal18
    Ajocal18 Posts: 167 Member
    Thank you for all the advice ! I just did my reassessment with my personal trainer yesterday and while I've only lost 3lbs on my scale I was down 7 on theirs. While I'm sure the difference is due to having eaten, wearing lighter clothes , etc the other changes are what have impressed me. I went from being able to do 28 "girl push-ups" to 21 regular push ups. I also can do 41 sit ups a minute compared to 23. I have cut a minute off my mile down to 9:30. I don't have my numbers for body fat percentage but my trainer did say that my measurements are significantly smaller and I've lost 3 inches off my waist. Once she's ran the measurements through their system I'm hopefully my 29% body fat will be more towards 25-27%.

    Anyway I have been super frustrated lately but I guess I'm too close to see the changes in my body everyone else does. I think I will focus on a recomp for sure since my trainer has implemented more weight training the last few weeks with bench presses , squats, and deadlifts.
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    Perspective has a lot to do with it. I weigh myself every morning, even noticing half a pound loss is great news to me, to someone else that might not be so exciting. I see it as that even small changes on the scale or the measuring tape in the right direction is still progress.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I've lost and regained so many times. This go around I'm concentrating on the very very slow approach, as I want this time to be the last. I lost a pretty quick 10 pounds. Am 5'2" on 1200 plus exercise calories, and weigh 134. I got tired of eating only half my exercise calories so am now eating them all. The result is that I'm only losing a pound every 2 months. But. That will be 6 pounds by Christmas. I've lost 11 pounds with 9 or so to go. But I now know how to "do" maintenance.

    You're doing great and you're still losing AND you're getting a feel for maintenance. I can only exercise 45 min 4 days a week so can't just eat a pizza and take a long walk. What I can do though, is to be patient and know that the extra calories will do no harm, if just an occasional thing. You're in the drivers seat here, and it looks like everything is going as planned.
  • Ajocal18
    Ajocal18 Posts: 167 Member
    fiddletime wrote: »
    I've lost and regained so many times. This go around I'm concentrating on the very very slow approach, as I want this time to be the last. I lost a pretty quick 10 pounds. Am 5'2" on 1200 plus exercise calories, and weigh 134. I got tired of eating only half my exercise calories so am now eating them all. The result is that I'm only losing a pound every 2 months. But. That will be 6 pounds by Christmas. I've lost 11 pounds with 9 or so to go. But I now know how to "do" maintenance.

    You're doing great and you're still losing AND you're getting a feel for maintenance. I can only exercise 45 min 4 days a week so can't just eat a pizza and take a long walk. What I can do though, is to be patient and know that the extra calories will do no harm, if just an occasional thing. You're in the drivers seat here, and it looks like everything is going as planned.

    Thank you. You're right I'm just rushing things because I'm impatient. Some progress is better than nothing and I should be